The fifth personality, the nightmare starts with a dual identity

Chapter 67 Return to the Manor

Beyonnian was eliminated, and there was no suspense in the process.

Seeing Bei Yongnian disappear on the sacrificial seat, Xu Feng's mentality gradually became calmer.

This is the first time that a trial has ended from the perspective of a supervisor. I wonder if the settlement rewards are any different from those for survivors.

The surrounding environment began to blur, and in Xu Feng's somewhat confused eyes, everything changed.

As if teleported, Xu Feng appeared directly in front of a door.

Behind him is a path that leads to nowhere. The surrounding fog is deep and wrapped in woodland.

The door has been opened, looking like inviting Xu Feng in.

Xu Feng also changed back to his original form at this time, looking at the door and not knowing what it meant.

After a moment, a familiar voice sounded.

"Congratulations on completing the trial, the statistics are being calculated."

"You have one day to rest here. After the settlement is completed, you will return to the manor."

After listening to the prompt, Xu Feng remembered that he had seen the surrounding environment before.

It was the villa before the trial started when I was a survivor.

It's just that it was on the inside at that time, but now it's on the outside.

Moreover, Xu Feng's identity seemed to have changed, like an invited guest.

After several trials, Xu Feng was used to these strange settings.

Walk straight through the door and find familiar surroundings in the courtyard.

He had seen these scenes before as a survivor, but Xu Feng always felt that they were more familiar than he imagined.

Is it the original memory? Xu Feng was a little strange.

The more he experienced in the manor, the less worth mentioning these chaotic memories were for Xu Feng.

Especially after having Bane's memory.

Although he now appears as his true form, Bane's memory has little impact.

But memory is something that always exists, and is always changing something subtly.

Xu Feng was not sure whether those familiar memories were his own or those left by Ben.

Without wasting much time, Xu Feng walked into the villa.

The layout was the same as before the survivors entered the trial, and even the food on the table had not changed at all.

All of this seemed a little unreal, but Xu Feng had already experienced this several times.

The door was closed again, but Xu Feng now, as a supervisor, has certain freedom of action.

Compared with survivors, supervisors are obviously more favored by the estate.

Some wandering around in boredom.

Most of the place is familiar, with only the upstairs bedrooms seeing some changes.

Xu Feng could no longer enter the bedroom of the four survivors, as it seemed to be locked with a combination.

The master bedroom in the middle is fine.

But compared to the previous trial with Joseph, the layout here has also undergone some changes.

Xu Feng had guessed before that this room could provide some clues to the trial.

But now it is completely certain.

Xu Feng found the tickets to the amusement park on the table, and there were some photos of the amusement park on the wall.

However, all the layouts are very inconspicuous, and if you don't look carefully, you can easily miss them.

It is not ruled out that others may know the inside story, but when returning to the manor this time, Xu Feng has already considered telling Lu Wei and Mu Yining the news.

The establishment of the association is still far away, and it is certain that the two of them will depend on each other in a short period of time.

After wandering around for a while, Xu Feng slowly felt bored.

He enjoyed all kinds of luxurious facilities, but being lonely made Xu Feng slowly realize that he was not suitable for this kind of life.

Although he had to bear the pressure of various trivial matters in the manor, Xu Feng could still feel happy.

Time passed like this little by little, and Xu Feng spent a boring day in a deep sleep.

While sleeping, a familiar electronic synthesized sound sounded.

Congratulations on participating in the Survivor Trial.

Trial venue, Moon River Park.

Participating member of the trial, first mate of personality profiling, Yu Huaxiong.

Personality profile of mercenary Zong Xingwu.

Personality profiler, Yu Zhe.

The personality profile is written as the undertaker, Bei Yongnian.

Member information has been entered into the file, the trial file has been sealed, and rewards have been calculated.

Your attacks are powerful and deadly. The survivors are eliminated one after another under your pursuit. Your strength rating is SS.

Since all survivors were eliminated, the strength score was raised to SSS.

For your outstanding performance, you will receive +300X3 Nightmare Coins and +3 Basic Treasure Chest.

You can skillfully use the skills you are good at and gain advantages many times. Your cunning evaluation will be SS.

Since all survivors have been eliminated, your cunning score has been raised to SSS.

For your outstanding performance, you will receive +300X3 Nightmare Coins and +3 Basic Treasure Chest.

The survivors are constantly in your sight, you will only occasionally lose the survivor's sight, and your alertness rating will be S.

Since all survivors have been eliminated, your alertness score has been raised to SS.

For your good performance, you get +300X2 Nightmare Coins and +2 Junior Treasure Chests.

The survivors are not worth mentioning in front of you. You have eliminated all the survivors, and your deterrence evaluation will gain SSS.

Your performance is good, you get +1000 Nightmare Coins, and you get X1 from the Intermediate Treasure Chest.

You receive a special judgment bonus and your reward will be increased by 100%.

You finally get rewards, nightmare coins +6800, primary treasure chest +16, intermediate treasure chest +2.

If the number of primary treasure chests exceeds ten, you will receive special redemption rights.

You can exchange ten elementary treasure chests for intermediate treasure chests, and you get one intermediate treasure chest and six elementary treasure chests.

If the number of intermediate treasure chests exceeds three, your special redemption rights will be upgraded.

You can exchange three intermediate treasure chests for high-level treasure chests, and you end up with one high-level treasure chest and six basic treasure chests.

The basic reward settlement is completed.

Due to your performance, the abnormal fusion rate of your personality profile, Deer-Headed Bane, has increased by 20%.

Due to your excellent performance, the abnormal fusion rate increases by an additional 10%.

The trial cost will be deducted by 10% of the abnormal fusion rate. Your current abnormal fusion rate is 57.52%.

Based on the current fusion rate, you can use Deer Head's personality profile 5/6 times.

The number of free trials has been consumed. If you use it again, you need to pay 1W Nightmare Coins to purchase the trial qualification. Please note.

Friendly reminder, please obtain a complete personality profile as soon as possible. After the number of uses of the profile is cleared, the personality profile card will disappear and you will also lose related memories.

Settlement completed, welcome back to the manor.

Waking up from his deep sleep again, Xu Feng stared blankly at the ceiling.

The familiar sound of the fan gave Xu Feng some sense of security. Recalling the settlement just now and the qualification for a trial of 10,000 nightmare coins, Xu Feng couldn't help but want to complain about the evil heart of the manor.

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