The Final Desperation

129 – Beyond Grandmaster

When Genji reached the training hall, he found Bruce waiting for him. He wondered how Bruce had discovered this place but didn't dwell on it.

Bruce had wandered around EverReam more than he had so it wouldn't surprise him if Bruce knew some unknown places. This wasn't hard considering Genji was often holed up in the training hall or his room to brew potions. 

"What brings you here? Shouldn't you be enjoying yourself at the food street?" Genji asked, prompting Bruce to look up.

At the sight of Genji, Bruce neighed happily and motioned toward the building behind him. From the gestures, Genji gathered that Bruce wanted to enter the training hall but couldn't figure out how.

The training hall lacked the automatic doors common in the other establishments and only allowed certain people through. This meant the only way in was to possess a card with the given permission or have a member hold the door. However, no one would allow such a strange hose inside these halls.

Moreover, this place lacked visitors because most people preferred to directly upgrade their proficiencies rather than train themselves. Why would they spend precious tokens and time training when EverRealm provided an easier option? 

This was especially true when they considered the cost. While the initial level wasn't too pricey, the medium level was beyond most people. After all 20 tokens were equivalent to 20 enforcers or 2 champions. If they traded in the scarlet cards, the numbers would be halved, but people rarely chose that option. 

Each card represented an opportunity to obtain good equipment, which was quite likely because their previous owners were strong. On average, they would draw a piece of rare equipment, giving them a decent sum. If they were luckier, they might even acquire an epic item and become a millionaire. Why would they give up such an opportunity for a training room?

Due to these factors, Bruce could only wait here and pray his good looks were enough to attract someone's attention. When Genji understood all this, he shot the nightbane a strange look. 

"Since when did this glutton become so hardworking?" Genji pondered, observing Bruce with a hint of skepticism. Bruce caught Genji's doubtful gaze and expressed his feelings through a wronged look.

"Master, why do you look down on me so much? I'm trying to change, you know?" Bruce communicated through his expression.

"Suit yourself. Come on in," Genji replied, leading Bruce to his usual spot. 'As long as he's happy,' Genji thought to himself.

Upon entering, Bruce's eyes lit up in surprise, sensing the room's bonus. This is a good place. Why don't people come here more often?

"If others heard your thoughts, they'd want to give you a beating. It's not that easy to enter this room."

Bruce raised his head, seemingly unfazed by Genji's words. Let them try. We'll see who gives the beating. At worst, I'll just hide behind you.

"Yeah, yeah. Just don't cause too many problems." Genji chuckled before they focused on their activities, splitting the room between them. 

After Genji adjusted to his improved strength, he contemplated the last battle. What was that streak of light about? How did it form, and why was it so deadly? Could he recreate it, or was that a fluke?

These thoughts flooded his mind and prompted him to simulate the desperation and obsession at the time. A brutal aura formed around him, engulfing the surroundings with an imaginary scent of iron. It was like a sea of blood had suddenly manifested around him, displaying the lives he had reaped.

As Genji lost himself in his emotions, he drew a dagger and swung with all his might, unleashing his negativity like a raging tsunami.

Suddenly, a sharp flash of light manifested and flew at the walls, leaving a sharp hiss of ripped air. However, upon collision, the attack collapsed into motes of light, unable to damage EverRealm's facilities.

Despite the lack of destruction, Genji felt an immense threat from the attack. By his estimation, this ability was deadlier than even his Legacy Liberation, Terror Unleashed. It was so powerful that he couldn't comprehend how he unleashed such an attack without cooldown or repercussions.  It simply defied logic!

However, before he could consider further, an overwhelming wave of exhaustion hit him. Genji wobbled for some time before he caught himself on a nearby wall. Whatever that light was, it had drastically drained his stamina, but this was only in comparison to this room that multiplied all consumption by 27 times. 

If this was anywhere else, Genji could easily unleash multiple of these before he needed to recover. It was so outrageously powerful that he had to ask where it was coming from. It clearly wasn't stamina or shadow energy so what was the real reason?

Could it be his lifespan or potential? Genji could still vividly recall the mind-melting fatigue that he experienced during his last battle. Yet when he assessed his body's condition, he quickly denied that possibility. 

Other than some sore muscles, there was nothing, not even weakness. Rather, his heart felt better than ever, having gotten some exercise. This wasn't what a burnt lifespan felt like. 

"Just what is the reason behind it?" Genji wondered aloud. To his surprise, EverRealm responded with a prompt.

[You have unleashed Cutting Intent, an ability derived from Supreme level Dagger Mastery.]

"Cutting Intent? Supreme?"

Curious about these unfamiliar terms, Genji checked his proficiencies:

 - Dodging (Grandmaster - 78%, up 52%): You have become more elusive, capable of dodging the most overwhelming of attacks

 - Stealth (Grandmaster - 8%, up 8%): You know the best ways to hide yourself, but you should still be careful about magical means.

 - Firearms (Grandmaster - 9%, up 3%): As long as it is a firearm, you have absolute understanding in operating it. 

 - Total Weapon Mastery (Grandmaster - 7%, up 7%): Is there anything you can't kill with? You are a deadly foe, no matter what melee weapon you use.

As for Dagger Mastery, it had disappeared from this tab and moved to a separate page of its own.


[Dagger Mastery]

Level: Supreme - 2% (previously Grandmaster, 99.9%)

Supreme Level Bonus: Cutting Intent

Description: The weapon moves with the mind. If you want to cut, this will become the sharpest edge. If you don't, then not even water will be disturbed. All it takes is a single thought change between the two. That's what it means to cut with intent. 

Note: Depending on the power of your attack, a corresponding amount of mental power and stamina will be consumed.


Genji fell silent upon reading the updated description. It felt unbelievably powerful, even after he understood the cause, broken even. And that's because it was. There was a good reason EverRealm didn't allow upgrades past Grandmaster before entering the third step.

Upon reaching the supreme rank, all proficiencies obtained an inherent ability that completely changed how people fought. Just possessing a single mastery at this level was enough to make them elite among their peers.

Of course, all of this came at a high price point, which further distinguished certain members from the others. The price was so high that Genji would go broke trying to cover it.

Despite this, masteries had an upside that talents and other systems didn't possess: their availability. As long as they could cover the price, they would instantly obtain this power. There was no dependence on obtaining a rare power system or awakening a powerful talent.

All it depended on was good results or a strong backer. As long as they met those conditions, they could even make up for a faulty talent molding from the previous benchmark.

This power was offered because anyone who could reach this point had already proven themselves worthy of further nurturing. It would be a shame to bury capable members solely on prior results.

That was not to say talents suddenly became worthless at this level. Quite the opposite because a powerful talent would only augment the owner's abilities, allowing the masteries to display powers above their norm.

So where does Genji fit in? Beyond abnormal. He managed to reach this level based on pure training alone, giving him power beyond his stats.  This was a prime example that luck doesn't simply come from nowhere but seized by the capable. Take Genji's breakthrough, for example.

If he hadn't pushed his dagger skills to such a high level, he would never have broken through at the cusp of life or death. If he was off by even a single percentage, he would have perished before he found his inspiration.

Next, there was his return. While he did get lucky, the main cause was in him massacring his foes. Due to their rapid deaths, the world went below its required World Essence and collapsed. That then allowed EverRealm to forcibly teleport him out. Everything was interconnected.

"Hold on. Doesn't that mean I can adjust the output and use it as normal attacks?"

The moment he had that thought, a thin steak of cutting intent manifested around his dagger and waved in the still atmosphere. The intensity was weaker than before, but its deadliness was undeniable.

With a light swing, the coating left the bounds of his weapon and slashed forward for some distance before dissipating. This demonstration confirmed Genji's theory and gave him another element to incorporate into combat. 

Enthralled by the possibility of further improvements, Genji immersed himself in training, acquainting himself with the upgraded mastery. By the time he ran out of stamina, he had gained a basic understanding of the skill.

Firstly, the power of cutting intent exceeded that of his shadow flames without any competition. Not only was it less energy-intensive, but it also functioned as a projectile, a feature his flames lacked.

A suitable comparison would be the legacy liberation of a certain werewolf in the vampire world—yes, it was that powerful. The difference was that his attack was stronger and had no drawbacks.

The attack's range also fluctuated based on the output's strength. When swung with maximum power, the intent could travel for hundreds of meters before dissipating.

However, this was the maximum range, not the optimal one. Once the attack surpassed fifty meters in distance, its power would decrease over time. Additionally, the measurement was based on unhindered travel; if obstacles were in the way, the power would dissipate faster.

Despite these factors, his shadow flames still retained their usefulness, primarily in further enhancing the cutting powers of his melee attacks. Genji doubted he would use this combination soon, but it remained an available option.

Just imagine encountering someone who arrogantly declared invincibility against the cutting intent, only to face even higher sharpness. By the time they realized what had hit them, they would have perished multiple times over.

In essence, Genji now had another method to boost his defense-piercing capabilities, bringing the total to three: his shadow flames, legacy liberation, and cutting intent. It was a wide assortment of tools, but it guaranteed that he was prepared for any situation, no matter what.

Finally, Genji discovered that cutting intent wasn't limited to his daggers. Though it was termed Dagger Mastery, any bladed weapon would suffice, albeit with decreased power. The primary focus wasn't the weapon, but rather what his mind deemed as "cutting."

As long as he could convince himself that the action constituted a cut, the intent would manifest. This flexibility was advantageous because it allowed him to deceive his enemies into believing his primary weapon was something else, like his saber. 

Ideally, Genji preferred not to reveal that he possessed a second legacy. One legacy was already astounding, so having a second one could serve as a potent trump card.

Regarding positioning, Genji wanted his cloak to be in the open while his daggers lurked in the dark. That was because his dagger liberation was silent and went unnoticed, whereas his cloak had a conspicuous hovering effect. Even an idiot could deduce something wasn't normal if he revealed his daggers first.

In case of a reveal, he had to ensure the witness was silenced. After all, a trump card was only effective if others were unaware of it. Whether this caution was excessive or not, it cost him nothing to set up. Who knows, maybe it could catch some annoying enemies off guard and spare him some trouble.

"Alright, I'm going to head out," Genji announced, receiving a message from a friend.

Bruce, amid his tornado of blood, nodded and tapped his hoof in farewell before returning to practicing his blood arts. Bruce had finally made some progress and he wasn't going to stop now.

Moments later, Genji utilized his teleportation privilege and appeared inside his room.

[7156 and River Stream request to enter.]

"Accept," Genji replied, walking downstairs to welcome his two customers.

Yet, upon seeing 7156, his smile faded, and his brows furrowed with seriousness. 7156's presence felt chaotic as if multiple powers were vying for dominance inside his body.

This scenario was bizarre because this would have killed most people. Typically, a body was only capable of hosting one type of power at a time; otherwise, they would clash until one prevailed. That was why his shadow energy always aggressively attacked foreign energies, preventing any from habiting his body for too long. 

This was the body's defensive mechanism and a way for the body to maintain its power system. How could one develop their powers if their energy became a chaotic mixture of different traits, all interfering with each other?

However, 7156's situation was unique because all the forces were barely balanced like a keg of gunpowder. One wrong move and everything would explode, turning his interiors into a fierce battleground. 

Genji couldn't comprehend how this was possible, as he sensed four, maybe five distinct powers within him. By theory, they should have broken down long ago and killed their host.

Out of courtesy, Genji averted his gaze and focused on River Stream. Unlike their first meeting, Genji sensed a newfound confidence in the teenager's eyes. Something had changed about him, making him more determined and less timid.

Genji also detected a faint trace of water in his presence, indicating the attribute of his power. Genji wasn't the only one who had grown stronger.

"You're back early," Genji greeted them, noticing the time discrepancy before most people returned.

"It's my month," 7156 replied, referring to the spare time allotted by EverRealm before entering the Spatial Battlefield. There was a mandatory cooldown of three worlds between returns to the battlefield, an unalterable condition.

Once someone completed these worlds, they would be tested again. If they were lacking, they'd become cannon fodder on the main battlefield. It was a deadly trial, but it weeded out the unsuitable. In the end, only the capable members were left to confront greater dangers.

This condition was why 7156 would enter before Genji, despite Genji initially being ahead. This situation was unavoidable since Genji's two previous worlds had lasted longer than usual.

"Are you sure you can reveal that in front of River?"

"Don't worry. I just entered the second step and will be entering the battlefield after one more world," River interjected confidently.

"Servants have to enter as well? Isn't that just sending them to their deaths?" Genji asked, worried that he would lose such a capable massager and helpful store manager.

"No, they don't, but I'm not a servant anymore," River replied proudly. After a challenging process, River had finally been promoted to Enforcer with the support of his parents.

"Oh, that's good. I better prepare some potions then. The same as usual?" Genji inquired, directing the last question at 7156, who responded with a small nod. "Give me a few days. I need to gather some funds before I can buy the materials."

"No problem. Just inform us when you have it done," River said, still basking in his recent promotion.

"Hey 7156," Genji called out as they turned around. "Give me some blood."

7156 gave him a peculiar look but returned nonetheless. Genji held up a beaker and some bandages.

"I might be able to brew something to help your situation."

Upon hearing his words, 7156's emotions fluctuated momentarily before he regained his composure. In a low voice, he asked, "How much do you know?"

"About 4 or 5," Genji responded plainly, aiming to remain as cryptic as possible since River was present. Genji was certain that River wasn't aware of his friend's problems, so he wanted to respect 7156's privacy.

"How certain are you?"

"I don't know, but I did survive conflicting forces before."

Almost immediately, a trace of hope flashed across 7156's heart. How could he not be aware of his body's condition? No, he knew, but he couldn't do anything about it. In his last world, an accident occurred, and his body was contaminated by multiple energy sources.

It was only by a stroke of luck that he survived, but the cost of removal was beyond his capabilities. Therefore, he settled for the second-best option and had EverRealm forcibly balance everything. Now, he had a ticking time bomb inside him, and one wrong move could result in his death.

Fortunately, his talent, [A Balanced Build - Constitution Molding], provided some assistance in stabilizing his situation, but this was only temporary. The moment he lost focus was the moment he left his survival to chance.

"How much?" 7156 asked, determined to obtain the speculated potion. If it could provide the effect Genji claimed, it would be a lifeline in dire situations.

"We'll talk when I finish it. For now, let me analyze the blood."

Without hesitation, 7156 drew his weapon, slashed his palm, and held it over the beaker, filling it to the brim. Genji passed over a coagulating powder and allowed 7156 to bandage himself.

"What was that about?" River asked as they walked out.

"Just another transaction," 7156 responded in his normal tone, not wanting to worry his friend.

"You don't have to be like this you know? If it's something troublesome, I can ask my parents to see if they have a way."

"No need," 7156 declined, knowing that his situation wasn't something anyone could resolve.

"If you say so," River shrugged and headed for the market, eager to browse for some new equipment.

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