The Final Desperation

136 – New Companions

"It feels good to finally eat something," Genji said after recovering from his self-inflicted injuries. "It's true. One never appreciates something until they lose it."

Genji picked himself up from the ground and stretched his stiff muscles, returning to fighting shape, at least for now. Things were always easier when he didn't have to rely on questionable energy sources to maintain his body.

"Now to make sure that doesn't happen again."

With a casual wave, he picked up his weapon and blended into the shadows. That was probably the one upside to the slums compared to the ever-illuminated city of metal that most robots lived in.

Genji snuck past the slum's confinement and merged into the streets. While his haggard appearance was very eye-catching, Genji lowered his presence to a minimum, causing many to disregard him completely.

It wasn't a long-term plan, but it didn't need to be. It only needed to last until Genji reached his destination so he didn't have to deal with interruptions. 

A few keen-eyed androids noticed him, but Genji disappeared before they could do anything, making them believe they were seeing holographic projections.

After traversing a series of twists and turns among the narrow alleyways, Genji found a tiny shop in a corner of this metallic maze. It was a remote location, one that he would never have found without directions. 

Upon walking in, he spotted many small robots bustling to move packages, often zipping around at high speeds. Pairing it with its lack of counters and attendants, the shop resembled a warehouse more than anything.

This wasn't surprising because most customers placed their orders online and had their items delivered as Rosaline had done. As a result, the demand for appearances and space was practically nonexistent, making this location a prime transition point. Best of all, they didn't need to worry about safety regulations since they were using nonsentient robots.

If they had an accident, they could easily replace the workforce and continue their business. It was very efficient, but it contributed greatly to the landfill that was the slums. It was also this trait that allowed Genji to just waltz in and take a box.

Without care for the surrounding robots, Genji cracked open the futuristic box and started his feast. The food was bland, but it more than made up for it with its nutrition. In just a few bites, he was fully satisfied and returned to peak condition.

The alarms blared, but he ignored them, opting to snatch another box. Why would he care about being sneaky when he was already caught by the city's surveillance?

With his weapon in one hand and the box in the other, Genji confidently strolled out and came face to face with the nearby patrol.

"I don't know if I should praise you for your audacity or criticize your stupidity for breaking into the city like this," a robot said to him.

"Neither actually. I'm confident in myself, which is why I did it." Genji was in a good mood after securing the supplies so he didn't mind the talk.

"You're a fool. That attitude is going to get you killed one day."

"Maybe, but that's only true if it kills me. Turns out, I'm pretty good at getting the right timing, so I don't think that will happen."

"You say that, but have you considered your situation?" As if supporting his words, the surrounding robots raised their weapons.

"What do you think? Would I be this calm otherwise?"

"Enough bragging. Fire!" The leader commanded. He had recognized Genji as the escaped human clone that the higher-ups were hunting and knew he didn't need to worry about capturing him. The orders were to kill on sight, and that was what he planned to do.

The air was filled with energy shots, all heading for Genji. Genji effortlessly avoided all this with a casual head tilt and spin. Since these robots had perfect aim, it was easy to predict where the shots would land from their muzzle direction. That was the one flaw with these robots.

"Diversify!" The leader shouted, understanding that optimized shots were useless against this foe. In a way, Genji was more mechanical than the robots themselves, so using streamlined methods would only backfire. That was the difference in combat experience.

To defeat such a foe, they needed to abandon their patterns and embrace randomness. Luckily, robots were very proficient with pseudo-randomness. While it wasn't true randomness, it was near it since no one could fully analyze the patterns in a short time, especially when there were thirty of them.

But Genji didn't need to analyze it. All he needed was his instincts, which would warn him of any incoming danger. After enduring the barrage for some time, a brief moment when multiple robots had to stop to reload appeared. Seizing this opening, Genji manifested [Curse Bearer] and returned fire.

In two quick bursts, the head of a robot flew off and its arm snapped. With his last shot, the arm slammed into the ground, causing it to bounce weirdly. Suddenly, the curse bullet exploded, sending the arm straight at him. Genji caught it and pried the weapon from the hand. Everything had gone exactly as planned.

In the next moment, he overloaded the weapon and unleashed a storm of plasma bullets, flicking his wrist wildly to rapidly change his aim. The opposing side's processing units heated up as they tried to register everything. After a short analysis, they realized this was a mistake and dumped the core function.

That was when they realized Genji had gotten two more guns during the chaos. But before they could react, a fusillade of laser sounds overwhelmed their system, causing their systems to lag again.

When everything calmed down, two-thirds of their numbers had fallen.

"Shit! This guy knows how to overwhelm our processors. Enter full isolation mode. Focus everything on hitting him."

At this command, all the robot's eyes dimmed and suppressed their intelligence. Now, they were no different than the ancient computers from years prior, acting on a predefined command rather than thinking for themselves.

Sensing this change, Genji knew it was time to get serious and threw aside his guns. While these were fun to use, it was time for cutting intent to end the battle. Genji ducked under the wave of searing plasma and reached for his weapon. Then with a swift, quick-draw motion, he unleashed a wave of light that devoured all incoming attacks.

Gripping the handle with his other hand, Genji swiftly brought the blade backward for another swing. When he stood up, all the opposing robots had fallen, sliding apart into four pieces.

"Not bad," he commented before heading back into the warehouse to steal another box. His previous one had been destroyed during the skirmish when Genji had tossed it aside. 

Food was important, but he wasn't going to hinder himself when it came to survival, especially when there was a whole bank of it behind him. Many of the machines were also damaged during the scuffle, leaving pea-sized holes in the establishment.

"I wonder how they repair all this. They must be getting all that metal from somewhere, right? That's a lot of holes every time they miss."

Then Genji blended into the shadows, avoiding most surveillance. He had fulfilled his side of the bargain, and he wasn't going to attract any more trouble.

But sometimes, trouble appears when one least desires it. Coming in the form of a speeding fighter jet, an eye-catching robot descended, transforming into a liquid metalloid before reassembling itself into a humanoid form.

It had a shiny shell devoid of scratches or wear common among older models. Next, there was its most eye-catching feature, a skull-like head that flashed with glowing red eyes. It was an intimidating hunk of metal, possessing some of the most advanced machinery known to Deep Blue.

This was the Exterminating Series, a collection of powerful elites that had removed many troublesome targets for Deep Blue. They were what Deep Blue had relied on to solidify its rule over the years. Numerous rebellions and threatening technologies had been quelled under these ruthless machines.

Since then, Deep Blue constantly kept these fearsome executioners up to date, arming them with the most recent discoveries. This one, in particular, could shapeshift into any form it desired, making it the most flexible model of them all.

"Target detected. Come out," it echoed as it landed.

Genji knew the machine wasn't bluffing. It was looking directly at him, and its eyes followed him whenever Genji shifted his position.

"What are you supposed to be?" Genji asked, walking out from the shadows.

"I am model Ex-902-T, type S. Prepare to be terminated."

Although it wasn't the exact line from the movie, Dragon Herbert was ecstatic to say those words. It felt cool to role-play this character again.

It had been 9 months since he swapped to this RPG, and he enjoyed it immensely. Here, he could live out the life of a cyberpunk robot, experience the beauty of an optimized assembly line, and occasionally hunt down certain targets as a terminator.

It was a fulfilling game where he could entertain himself with novel experiences whenever he wanted. He didn't have to wait for challengers to show up or endure the one-sided beatings of a certain hooded figure (Genji).

That was the whole reason he quit playing that game. It was simply not fair how overpowered some people could become. But in this game, he didn't need to worry about any of that. There was no level-up system or opposing factions that could ruin his experience. It was pure roleplay and fun.

That was why Dragon Herbert didn't take this target seriously. To him, Genji was only a 1st step enemy that he could easily defeat.

'So this is how it feels to bully someone with levels. No wonder my brothers are so addicted to this genre.'

Dragon Herbert absent-mindedly morphed his hand into a sleek gun and aimed it at Genji. Milliseconds later, a highly concentrated laser beam pierced Genji's afterimage.

'Oh? You're pretty good. No wonder Deep Blue assigned such a mission.'

Yet this only excited Dragon Herbert. The stronger the opponent, the more he could play with them. It wasn't every day that he could unleash all his arsenal to his heart's content.

Next, his arm morphed into a steel pike and aimed the tip at Genji.

"Ikorose, Shinso."

Suddenly, his arm extended rapidly outward, breaking the sound barrier.

'What a weird name. It sounds intimidating, but he's just swinging it around like a toy,' Genji thought, jumping over a second sweeping cut.

Subsequently, Genji kicked off the ground and materialized beside the android. With his arm curved backward, he unleashed a ferocious attack that embodied all his cutting intent.

Herbert was dumbfounded when he saw this scene. 'How can he unleash weapon intent? Isn't that something only the most experienced fighters can comprehend? Why does he have one?'

That was his last thought before the light covered him, destroying his vessel and kicking him out of his game. The following moment, Herbert stared blankly at his rocky cave walls, still registering the course of events.

Seconds later, he shouted, "What the hell? Isn't this game supposed to be easy? Why is there someone like that in it? I demand a refund. The game lied to me!"

Genji had a peculiar expression when he saw how easily the battle ended. 'It's over just like that? Was he bragging about his importance? And why did it feel like he didn't know how to fight? Whatever, at least I can avoid some trouble.'

Genji put the strange encounter behind him and continued his escape. Luckily, there were no further interruptions.



Rosaline and Bennet were walking through the alleyways when a sudden sonar wave swept over them. Receiving this transmission, Rosaline fell into a trance for a few moments before letting out a soft gasp.

"Darn! That guy really did it."

"Did what? What are you talking about?"

"See for yourself," she replied, projecting the announcement.

Terrorist runs rampant. Destruction of architecture and killing of law enforcers. Bounty of 7 million. Kill on sight.

Below those headlines, a picture of Genji walking away from the warehouse was attached. It took a few moments for Bennet to recognize him, but it was hard to mistake that peculiar weapon.

"What the? How did he?"

"I don't know, but let's quickly make some distance. This is some valuable time we got."

Bennet nodded in agreement, and they picked up their pace. Yet before they could get far, an unexpected voice interrupted them.

"How rude. After everything I did for you two, you're just going to leave without thanks?"

Hearing this, Rosaline quickly drew her pistol and pointed it at the corner. "Who's there?"

"Sheesh. I know we're strangers and all, but do you need to point your weapon at me every time we meet?" Genji asked, stepping out into the open.

"It's you! How did you find us?" Rosaline asked, recognizing the haggard appearance that gave her so much trouble.

In response, Genji waved his hand, and the corner of Bennet's sleeves shone with a black light. Then the crystallized energy scattered and gathered back in Genji's palm.

'A tracking device? When?' The next moment, Rosaline recalled the weird gesture Genji made when he reached out to catch the thrown food.

"That's right. It was then," Genji stated, unconcerned whether Rosaline understood him.

"What do you want?" She snarled in response. "We gave you some food so we have nothing to do with each other."

"That's true, but my instincts tell me you two are hiding something important, something that might be useful to me."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

As insistent as Rosaline was, Bennet's facial twitch couldn't escape Genji's senses. "Fine then, let me put it this way. Since you can hack the city surveillance, you must be someone important. There's no way a normal robot can do that, or there would be way more chaos in the city. So what could make someone of your standing take such a risk, especially for a human?"

"If that's all you have, then I'll have to disappoint you. We're just taking a stroll to explore the slums."

"Lies. If that's the case, you wouldn't need to sneak around so much. The only reason for that is if this secret gets leaked, it would have devastating consequences. So care to let me in on it?"

As Rosaline struggled with this choice, Bennet blurted out, "How do you know so much? Clones shouldn't possess such knowledge."

Upon hearing this question, Genji's mind raced with possibilities. 'Why is he speaking as if he's not a clone? Could it be...'

After considering various options, he settled on the most plausible answer. Though uncertain about the guess, Genji responded confidently, "You're not the only person who got transported to this world, you know?"

His response left both of them in shock, unable to believe such a possibility. Since Bennet's realization about time travel, he had believed he was the only one. Then excitement surged through his veins, and he spoke in his native language.


"Stop. I don't understand a single thing you just said. We're not from the same world," interrupted Genji.

Genji's words confused Bennet. 'Does he not realize he traveled through time? Or maybe he is from a different world, and I'm the only time traveler? That is possible. It's not every day that something like that happens.'

"Your answer?" Genji asked after a few seconds.

Rosaline exchanged a glance with Bennet before making a vague statement. "We're trying to find a way for him to return."

"Oh. Can I join then?" Genji knew they were hiding something from him, but he didn't press for details.

All he cared about was the possible weapons he could obtain. Since they were looking for a way back, there was a good chance he might find some items to help him. Even if he didn't, it wasn't like he could find Sinclair anyway.

The annoying foe was hiding somewhere, and Genji wasn't going to storm the city searching for him. It simply wasn't an efficient use of energy, let alone the risk of potential injuries. Since that was the case, he might as well explore the reason behind his sudden intuition.

"Why should we?" Rosaline asked, still worried about letting such an unstable person join them. For God's sake, this was the person who dared to attack the city! Who knows what crazy things he might do?

"Simple, really. You need my help if you want to continue your journey safely."

"Is that a threat?"

"No. You just suck at covering your tracks. I might have distracted them for today, but how long can this last? Eventually, they will find your traces again and catch up. I'll give them a few days. Do you think you can find what you're looking for in that time?"

"What if we can?"

"Sure, but what about unexpected delays? Could you still be sure accidents won't happen along the way?"

"That's none of your business."

Seeing how adamant Rosaline was against his proposal, Genji turned to Bennet instead. "What about you? Even if you return to your world, can you be sure of your friend's safety?"

"Don't worry about that," Rosaline interrupted before Bennet could speak.

"Yeah, listen to her, the person who hid that part from you. What a caring friend you have," Genji said with a mocking chuckle. "How about this? I'll also escort her back after you leave."

"That's not necess-"

But before Rosaline could finish her words, Bennet interrupted her and directed a piercing gaze at Genji. "Don't you also want to return to your world?"

"No thanks. I still have something I have to do before then." Genji was being truthful here. He didn't want to risk any more weird interactions with crossing worlds after his last experience. What would happen if the mission continued after entering that world? Wouldn't he have no way back then? The risks were just too high for no rewards.

"How confident are you?"

"I broke out of that lab and attacked a warehouse in the middle of the city. Do you think that's good enough?"

When Genji mentioned this fact, Bennet recalled how secure the city was. To sneak out, Rosaline had prepared months of hacking code to ensure they wouldn't be discovered. Yet this person easily left after causing such a large commotion? Once might be lucky, but twice? By that point, it was hard to doubt his capabilities.

"Then I have no objections," Bennet stated.

"But I do. What do you gain from joining us?" Rosaline asked. Genji didn't give the impression that he would do something out of the goodness of his heart, so he must have an ulterior motive. Until she could understand that, she didn't feel at ease traveling with him.

"You should have access to a diverse information network, right?"

"Yeah, what about it?"

"I need you to help me locate someone after I sneak you back into the city."

Hearing his response, Rosaline inwardly let out a sigh of relief. As long as there were vested interests, Genji wouldn't do anything detrimental to them. Instead, it would motivate him to assist their cause if needed.

"Fine. You can come along, but be warned. The moment I sense anything suspicious from you, I will shoot you."

Genji simply smiled in response, refraining from any further remarks that might provoke his travel companions.

Dragon Herbert showed up briefly in ch 64 in the psychic world.


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