The Final Desperation

140 – Final Preparations

"How about we start with your plan?" Genji asked. "You must have one since you wanted to overthrow Deep Blue."

"I wanted to create a program to overwrite Deep Blue's control. It'll lay dormant and slowly infect the entire group until I become the only person they accept commands from. At that point, it'll be easy to overthrow Deep Blue's rule," Bennet said casually as if discussing the weather.

"How devious. I like it."

"But there are a lot of uncertainties. All it takes is a single deep scan of an infected robot, and my plan will be discovered. So what about you?" Bennet asked humbly.

"My plan's much simpler. Find Deep Blue's body and assassinate him."

"This... How bold?"

"Unlike you, I can't afford to spend a few decades on this. I have stuff I want to do outside of this world."

"That's true. I keep forgetting you're not from this world. I guess our circumstances have determined our approach. The good thing is I can merge the two plans and make our lives easier. Come, follow me."

Bennet backtracked out of the hidden tunnel and headed for the generator room. Upon entering, he picked up the most advanced version and guided Rosaline into restarting it. Bennet might have obtained the memories of a knowledgeable robot, but he was still human and subject to its limitations.

"You know, I still can't figure out why this weird collection of items exists," Genji said as they finished their work. "Isn't it sufficient to use the best version? Why do you have all the outdated versions before it?"

"One of the ideas we tried when cultivating an inheritor was to subtly guide them to make technological advancements. We would disguise ourselves and play the role of genius inventors ahead of our time. This is our storage room for that," Bennet explained, pointing to the different models.

"And how did that go?"

"The idea had some merit, but they couldn't digest everything once we got to mana tech. At some point, I think they became more confused by how everything was possible than anything else."

"So you didn't get to the hyper cores?"

Genji's question caused Bennet to take a double look at him. "You know the significance of hyper cores? How surprising."

"I explored a Mecalan ruin a few months back."

"You did? What about their owners? Did you know what happened to them?" Bennet asked with an agitated tone. It could be seen that he still had strong feelings about his creators that never returned.

Genji simply shook his head. "No. By the time I took over, the Mecalans had long disappeared."

"I see. They must have been wiped out during their galactic exploration. Shame really. They were such a brilliant civilization."

"I don't know about that."

"What do you mean?" Bennet looked over with surprised eyes.

"I heard they were once the rulers of this galaxy before they suddenly disappeared from existence overnight. It is a strange mystery, but I can't deny the impact they had. Out of the 5 factions that now rule the galaxy, at least 2 of them have some kind of connection to the Mecalans. I'm excluding the Zergs because the supposed connection is a strange one."

"Is that so? That's a relief."

At this moment, Rosaline joined the conversation. "I'm sorry to interrupt, but can you explain the significance of a hyper core?"

"Do you want to explain it, or should I?" Bennet asked Genji.

"You do it. I don't know much about it either."

Bennet nodded in understanding and pieced together his words. "At the height of their development, the Mecalans ran into an issue with energy. Not in quantity, but in quality. No matter how advanced their theoretical creations were, they couldn't bring them into existence because of this restriction. The energy just couldn't support the idea.

To tackle this issue, they gathered the brightest minds of the time and created the hyper cores. These tiny spheres possess a frightening amount of mass, condensed through a massively complicated process. But their main purpose wasn't energy storage, but purification."

"Purification? As in upgrading the energy?"

"Yes. These super engines take in a massive amount of energy and process it using another complicated method before spitting out the result. It was truly a marvel of science. Using this technology, our creators were able to construct some of the most advanced weapons known to robot kind."

"That sounds powerful," Genji commented.

"It is. Didn't you say they conquered an entire galaxy? I'm sure the hyper cores played a big role in it."

"With how you described it, I wouldn't be surprised. So what are you trying to do anyway?" Genji asked as they walked back into the hidden tunnels.

"You said you wanted to assassinate Deep Blue, right?"

"Yeah, what about it?"

"I might be able to create a weapon for that."

"What's special about this particular weapon?"

"If everything works out, it might take out Deep Blue in one hit."


"I can't say for certain since it's been a few hundred years, but it has the potential."

"How long will this take?"

"A few hours, maybe a day. Depends on the condition of the machines."

At this moment, Genji stopped his pacing.

"What's wrong?" Bennet asked, looking back at him.

"I think it's best we split up our preparations. Do me a favor and give me some advanced blueprints."

"I don't mind, but what do you need them for?"

"I plan on paying a visit to the Vultures."

Bennet frowned in response. "Those troublesome robots? Why?"

"If you're going to overthrow Deep Blue, you will need to deal with them eventually. Otherwise, you might not rule for long before they cause problems."

"That's true, but how certain are you?"

"Don't worry about me. I need to do at least this much if I'm going to cooperate with you."

"Then we'll await your good news," Bennet said, handing over a few sheets of newly drawn blueprints.

Genji rolled them up, stashed them away, and headed for the exit.



Mechanic Joe was working in his workshop when he heard a soft click to his right. When he turned to the source of the sound, his face warped with fury, and he gnashed his teeth like a rabid dog.

"The audacity of you! How dare you come back after everything?!?"

A light chuckle came from the shadows before Genji revealed himself from his hiding spot. "Don't look at me like that. I'm here to discuss a deal with you."

"Screw you and your shitty deals. Die!"

Without wasting another moment, Joe pulled out an EMP rifle and fired at Genji. The metal behind Genji twisted strangely, but Joe was less than happy. That was because the shot hit the metal behind Genji, not the intended target. Then the afterimage of Genji faded, replaced by the cold, hard muzzle pressed against his head.

"Don't be so agitated, my friend. I'm being sincere this time. Now, how about you lead me to the leader of this group before my finger slips?"

"Who are you to order me around?" Joe roared back and pointed his rifle at Genji. But before he could pull the trigger again, a sudden force came from the side and pushed it off aim. Then a streak of light swiped down, detaching the metallic arm.

"I don't think you quite understand your situation. You either do as I say, or I find someone else to guide me." To show he wasn't kidding, Genji aimed the rifle above him and fired, punching out a small hole that allowed a glimmer of light to shine through.

Joe calmed down and raised his remaining arm. "I can guide you, but you need to move the muzzle away. It's very hard to walk without triggering you."

Genji took a step back but kept the firearm trained on Joe. "Start walking. Just know, one suspicious move, and I'm pulling the trigger regardless of surroundings."

Joe nodded and slowly walked out from his workshop, leading Genji toward the center of the establishment. The surrounding robots gaped in shock at Genji's boldness, but none of them dared to interfere after a warning shot. Instead, they picked up their arms and followed Genji, curious about what he wanted with their repairman.

Genji ignored all this and entered a broad building that resembled a run-down gymnasium. At the center of this giant room, a table full of robots sat, discussing something. Many of them had bulkier, outdated builds, but a few of them had sleek frames that indicated their advancedness.

At the center of the table, a silver android sat. Compared to the other models, this one gave off a strong sense of danger, testifying to the advanced technologies built into its system. This conjecture was further supported by the blue insignia on its chest.

Genji had seen this insignia before. It was during the encounter with the Exterminating series. Although this android didn't give the same feeling of technology, it was still deadly, especially under the control of a cold-hearted AI. Beneath this insignia was a deep wound, a testament to the battles the owner had fought.

'A traitor of the Exterminating series? A remodeled robot using parts of a defeated opponent? Or something else?' Genji wondered to himself as he sized up the leader on his approach.

"Who are you?" The leader asked, frowning at Genji's audacity. How dare he walk into their base while taking one of their own hostage?

"That doesn't matter. Just know I'm here to make a deal with you."

"You don't look like it. If you don't give me an appropriate explanation, don't even think about getting out of here alive." At his words, the other robots drew their guns and pointed the muzzles at Genji.

"I'll overlook the feasibility of that statement for the sake of our cooperation. But you should still lower your weapons. I don't take kindly to being threatened."

"And you think we do? Cut the crap and say your piece."

Tensions were rising, but Genji remained calm and reached inside his coat. From there, he pulled out a furled scroll, which he tossed onto the table. "Have a look."

The closest robot opened it and beckoned for Joe to appraise it. After a cursory glance, a look of shock replaced his resentment. "It's beyond anything we've researched."

"Good. Your explanation satisfies me. Now scram before I change my mind."

Genji shook his head. "I don't think you heard me correctly. I said this is a cooperation, not an appeasement."

"Don't push your luck. You're not worthy."

"You might be right. This isn't worth my time. If that downpayment is enough to buy out your dissatisfaction, it might be better to find a new partner."

Then Genji turned around and walked away, shaking his head in disappointment.

"Wait. I changed my mind. Hand over the other items if you want to leave."

"No thanks. You can't keep me here."

As Genji reached the door and prepared to walk out, the robots opened fire. They had enough of his arrogance and wanted to make him rue it. Unfortunately for them, Genji was expecting such a counterattack and instantly dived aside.

After several rolls, he returned fire, unleashing several successive shots. When each bullet found its mark, the robots burst into arcs of electricity before their eyes dimmed and collapsed.

"There's the backbone I was looking for," Genji said, getting up from the ground.

"What do you want?" The leader asked, acknowledging that Genji was a dangerous foe. If they wanted to defeat him, it would require far more casualties than they were willing to pay. That was the problem with giving such a skilled marksman a weapon that could disable them in one shot.

"Nothing much. Just attack a building for me."

"What are the details?"

"There are none. You decide the target and the attack intensity. I don't care if you only attack the outskirts of the city or if you retreat after a single attack. All I care about is that you attack a building when I tell you to."

"You want to use us as distractions?"

"Correct. I need to do something, and I need someone to pull Deep Blue's attention during this time."

"And why should we do that?"

"I'm willing to put up two more blueprints of the same level. You should know the value of that."

There are two ways to get someone to do a task. The first is to use force like Genji had done with Joe. The upside is that this method is quick and easy to get results. The person either agrees right away or refuses to budge.

Either way, you would obtain a result and adjust accordingly. The downside is that this method creates a lot of enmity, which might hinder future cooperation. One could tell how happy Joe was to see Genji when he opened fire without warning.

The second method is to entice them with an irresistible reward. That is what Genji is doing right now. This method can open doors to cooperation but will only apply if both parties are on equal footing. Otherwise, these robots would have devoured Genji alive and plundered the reward for themselves.

"Fine, we'll accept."

"That's good. Someone will be in touch about the exact time. Until then, I'll be leaving." Genji waved and approached the door again. This time, everything was calmer, allowing Genji to leave unhindered.

"Do you think it's a trap?" a robot asked the leader once Genji disappeared from their scanners.

"I don't care if it's a trap. Do you think anything can stop us with those conditions? If we feel that something is wrong, we can stop anytime. By that point, we will have fulfilled our side of the agreement and can demand payment. And even if he reneges on the payment, don't we still have this?" The leader pointed to the blueprint.

Seeing this drawing, the others nodded in agreement. "You're right. Just this blueprint is enough for us to give this task a try."



When Genji got back to the lab, a full day had passed. As he walked through the cut grass, he tapped the ground loudly with his sword to alert the people inside. Seconds later, Bennet and Rosaline greeted him at the door.

"You're back," Bennet said. "So, how did it go?"

"As I hoped. We now have some cannon fodder."

"I don't understand why you included such an unstable group. Won't it be much easier if we don't have to worry about them stabbing us in the back?"

"I guess it doesn't hurt to tell you. This is my backup plan in case the assassination fails."

"Care to explain?"

"Think about it. What will happen if an assassination occurs right when the Vultures attack?"

"Deep Blue will associate the attack with them."

"That's right, especially when I'm using their signature weapons," Genji said, waving the EMP rifle. "So can you guess how hard the chase will be on them?"

"A full hunt-down. But how will that help us? They'll be gone before the main forces catch up. Maybe it can give you cover to escape, but I can do that with less hassle."

"Under normal circumstances, that is the case, but what will happen if a clue to their location gets leaked?"

Bennet's eyes widened as he realized what Genji was planning. "You want to force the two groups to fight?"

"That's not all. When the clam and fish fight, the fisherman benefits. If the Vultures attract enough of Deep Blue's forces, I might get another chance at killing him."

"I'm starting to believe you are an assassin. Aren't you too familiar with this?"

"Then you would be correct."

Bennet and Rosaline had no comments on this. It would explain some of Genji's tendencies over the past few days, but wasn't he too casual about revealing this information? Weren't assassins supposed to be secretive about their missions?

"Anyway, come check the weapon I created." Bennet led Genji into a room with a cooling laser machine. Bennet grabbed a gray dagger with yellow circuit patterns on its side and handed it over.

Genji took the weapon and examined its structure. "It's flimsy," he commented.

"It's not designed for combat. That's a nano-virus. The moment you stab that into a machine, it will dissolve into countless nano-bots and attack the system. If the firewall isn't strong enough, the entire program will implode on itself. If you can get close enough to Deep Blue, this should paralyze it and give you time to destroy its main body."

"No instakill?"

"That's another uncertain factor in my information. Deep Blue has grown stronger over the years, and I'm not sure how strong its firewall is. There's a small chance this will do the job, but I wouldn't bet on it. It's safer to ensure the kill."

"Makes sense. Also, can you tell me about this main body? I heard you mention it a few times, so I figured I should ask now."

Hearing this question, Bennet stared at him in disbelief. "No way, right? You don't even know about this, and you wanted to assassinate Deep Blue?"

"That was one of the things I wanted to investigate, but it seems like you know more than me."

*Sigh* "I guess I can't blame you too much. We've been on the move for a while, and you never had time to fully understand your target. Fine, let me elaborate. Past the towering skyscrapers at the center of the city is a forbidden zone that no one can enter. That's where Deep Blue's real body resides, hidden in some underground lab.

Deep Blue is a giant supercomputer that stretches for miles, containing all kinds of information. Unless you destroy the core processors that make up its personality, Deep Blue can rebuild itself through any damage. The hard part is finding where this core system is because Deep Blue has expanded itself over the years and shifted its positions. If you can find that part, the dagger will handle the rest."

"Sounds difficult. Is there a way to determine where the core part is?"

"No, but I can create something that tells you if you're close."

"Thank you. That'll make my life much easier."

"Anything to increase the chances, I guess."

Like this, another day passed before Genji set off with Rosaline. The plan was to sneak back into the city while Bennet stayed behind to facilitate communications. That way, they could synchronize the timings and maximize their chances.

When they reached the Farlands, Genji entered alone and greeted the Vultures. After another tense standoff, they agreed to let Rosaline through without much hassle. Of course, this cost another blueprint, but Genji didn't care.

He had plenty of those to spare, and giving them away wouldn't cause immediate problems. They were so advanced that it would take the Vultures a few months to fully integrate them into their technologies.

A few more days of travel later, they reached the border between the slums and the city. They were quicker on the return because Genji didn't need to rest as much as Bennet, while Rosaline could continue for days without problems. But before they could go any further, Genji stopped Rosaline for a talk.

"You sure you won't regret this? If you want to back out now, I'll allow it. But once we cross that line and you try to betray me, I will kill you."

"No. Bennet is doing all this for me, so it wouldn't make sense to abandon him."

"I'm not talking about what Bennet wants. I'm talking about what you want. Are you going to have second thoughts at the last moment and cause everything to fail? That's what I'm asking."

"No. Let's do this," she replied without pause, steeling her will to the end.

"Good. I'll disable the cameras now and let you sneak through. Go ahead first. I'll catch up once night falls."

Rosaline nodded, and they began their operation. Genji destroyed the surveillance cameras with some pebbles as Rosaline blended back into society with the hacks Bennet prepared beforehand.

Like this, Rosaline easily snuck into her home, where a worried parent was slouched on the couch. Upon hearing the doors creak, the distressed father looked up with bloodshot eyes, still drowning in sorrow.

"Rosaline? Is that you?" He asked, disbelief tainting his tone. "Rosaline! It is you! Where have you been this past week? Do you know how worried I was? I thought you got kidnapped!"

"Father," she whispered with a quivering voice. In all her calculations, this encounter was not on her mind. No, she purposely ignored such possibilities because she didn't know how to deal with them.

"I-I," her eyes reddened with lubricant tears.

"It's okay. Dad's here for you," her father said, rushing over to hug her.

"Father. I'm sorry for worrying you." Rosaline lifted her arm and wrapped it around his back.

"It's fine. As long as you're okay," he comforted her.

They hugged for some time before Rosaline spoke again. "Dad?" This was the first time she called him this instead of her normal cold 'father.'


"Will you forgive me if I make another mistake?"

"Of course. Don't worry about mistakes. I'll be there to help you up if you mess up. That's what I'm here for."

"Thank you. And Dad?"

"Yes, Rosaline?"

"I'm sorry." With those words, streaks of electricity covered her father, paralyzing him. His cold, stiff grasp slipped from her back as his body lost its strength and slid downward. Eyes full of shock stared back at Rosaline as arcs of electricity flashed between the two rods of her taser.

"W-why?" He asked with his last strength.

"I'm sorry, Dad. The only way for change to happen is with a revolution, but I know you would never support that. So please, just lay there and not get in the way," Rosaline answered, tears flowing down her cheeks.

Then she looked into a corner and said, "You can come out now."

Genji manifested and walked out, his eyes tranquil without any murkiness. "So you chose to do it yourself."

"I made up my mind and I can't go back," she replied, knowing if she hadn't done this, Genji would. The only difference was with an EMP pistol, which would cause more damage.

"I'm glad you stayed true to your word," Genji said, sitting down and waiting for the signal to launch. That was the last thing Rosaline remembered before she wallowed in self-pity.

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