The Final Desperation

159 – Sentinels

Minutes after the Beasts left, the Sentinels appeared and surrounded them with a mechanical wall of robots. Genji was completely drained from these consecutive battles, but the factions wouldn't stop for him. If he wanted any chance of survival now, he would need to fend off these assailants.

"One problem solved, another one appears. If I didn't know better, I would think we're public enemies or something," Genji said, struggling to push himself up. At this point, his entire body had gone numb and was only moving due to his intense willpower. 

Bruce rolled his eyes at Genji's statement, wondering if his friend was being sarcastic. 'You think? We are! Why else would we be attacked so much?'

Genji ignored the nightbane's thoughts and called for Igani again. "How many more troops can you produce?"

"Not much. We're running low on energy," she responded, beckoning a weary sigh from Genji.

"I guess it's time to make a last stand," Genji responded, disregarding all thoughts of fleeing. 

It wasn't that he didn't want to, but that he couldn't. The Sentinels had the best detection systems on the battlefield, so it was nearly impossible to sneak past them. Since they were here to attack the nest, Genji doubted they would let them tunnel away so easily.

"Is there no hope?" Igani asked with a downcast tone, understanding their grave situation. 

"Cheer up. It's only death," Genji chuckled and headed toward the army, spinning a dagger with one hand and sipping a potion with the other. "If you're scared, just drag as many enemies down with you as possible.  At least that way, you won't have time to think about your fears."

This was not a philosophy Igani could resonate with, but what choice did she have? Was she supposed to just sit there and twiddle her legs, praying that everything would resolve itself if she ignored it enough? She might be naive, but she wasn't helpless. 

Igani let out a resigned sigh and commanded her troops to follow Genji. As they marched, the Sentinels mowed down the units from the previous battle, forming an empty perimeter around them. 

Genji stopped across from them, staring down the main force as the Zergs surged forward. The tide of bugs crashed into the metal wall of Sentinels, fighting intensely before receding like a fading wave. 

Among the main factions, the Sentinels were the least favored by the Zergs since they had advanced machinery and didn't provide any bi-energy when slain. Plus, they possessed stellar commanding capabilities, allowing their robot armies to rival the Zergs in battle. Due to these formidable traits, the Zergs were easily repelled in the clash, with the Sentinels preserving all their troops. 

This was a daunting realization since it only confirmed Genji's predictions - this was going to be his last stand. 

'Then I better make this count.' His grin grew wider as his cloak fluttered in the air, releasing a threatening feeling.

But as he was about to unleash his Legacy Liberation, he observed a surprising fact: the Sentinels remained in their positions, not even taking a single step forward. This was unusual since nothing was stopping them.

As long as they took this step and maintained their defenses, they could slowly choke the Zergs down, winning the battle effortlessly. The tactic was so simple that even a toddler could understand it, yet the Sentinels were relinquishing it for some reason.

Genji couldn't understand their motives since there was no need for elaborate battle formations. This was the result brought by their difference in strength. 

Before Genji could consider the issue any further, the Zergs rushed forward again, filling this gap for another fierce melee. However, the result didn't change, repeating the previous outcome. This time, Genji called for a pause, confusing both Igani and Bruce.

"Why are we stopping? Aren't we making our last stand?" Igani asked, unable to follow his thought process. 

Bruce's eyes also held a similar emotion, but Genji didn't answer them and walked into the open. The opposing side stared at him for some time before they shuffled around slightly, revealing a familiar sentinel. Genji didn't know where this feeling came from, but he was certain they'd met before. It was only a question of where.

For now, Genji couldn't put a finger on that answer, but it didn't stop him from analyzing his counterpart. For two whole minutes, they stood in silence, each brewing their thoughts. The Sentinel's eyes glimmered and raised its square fist, shaking it before returning to the army. The gesture fell on blind eyes, but it did remind Genji about their encounter. 

Recalling this memory, he burst out laughing, startling his companions. "So that's how it is. I get it now. Very well, I can't complain."

In contrast to his elation, Igani and Bruce shared a worried sentiment. Igani couldn't comprehend what was happening and was anxious about her life. If they were going to fight, why were they having a staring contest?

But if they weren't, why were the Sentinels surrounding them, locking them in? The suspense ate away at her, diminishing her resolve. Now that she had time to think, she was starting to doubt if this was the correct move.

Would they fare better if they tried to escape while their opponents were preoccupied? These thoughts formed in her mind and threw her thoughts into chaos, fueling her anxiousness.

If it wasn't for Genji's remarkable track record, she would have already lost her patience and done something stupid. His presence was the only thing supporting her courage right now. 

Bruce, on the other hand, had a different reason for his concern. Genji had recently been pushing himself past his limits without rest, so it was possible for him to suddenly snap.

Bruce had been startled once before on this topic, so his thoughts couldn't help but wonder in that direction. Apprehensive about this likelihood, Bruce nudged Genji's arm as he walked back, conveying his emotions. 

"You should know me better by now," Genji said, stroking the nightbane's lush mane. "I won't do anything I'm not confident in unless I'm forced. And this time, I clearly have a choice."

This comforted both of them, but Genji's next words instantly made them redouble their doubts. "So come on. Let's go get some rest."

'Rest? Rest! IN THE MIDDLE OF THIS WAR?!?! Is he out of his mind? Can't he see how close the enemies are? How is he still in the mood to rest?!?!' These thoughts flashed through both of their minds, causing them to inwardly scream in bewilderment. 

Then their worries reached a new level, and they started questioning if Genji had really gone insane.

'Now that I think about it, he does tend to do some crazy things. Maybe that's just the initial manifestations of his madness?' Igani wondered.

'Master nooooooooo. I know you've been really stressed lately, but please don't give up like this. You were so cool when you fought to the end. Why do you want to go out in such a lackluster way? Isn't your motto to always make everyone regret antagonizing you?'

Finally, Igani couldn't bear these deliberations and tentatively voiced her notions. "Ummmmm, are you okay? If you need to talk, just know we're here for you. You don't need to bear these burdens by yourself."

Bruce nodded vigorously at the statement and gave Genji his best puppy eyes. However, Genji was more weirded out by their responses than their offers. 

How did they arrive at this conclusion? Didn't he just say he's fine? Why did they interpret it as 'No, everything is wrong?' Is there something wrong with their brains or did he misguide them?

If it was the former, then he would need to talk with them sometime. Otherwise, who knows what strange thoughts they may have in the future.

"I think you two need help more than I do," Genji responded, not slowing his gait. "And are you sure you want to be my psychiatrist? There are some demented things in my head. If you hear them, you might start questioning your life."

"But...But...You're acting so strangely when we're about to die. How can we not be worried?" Igani said euphemistically, trying not to trigger his 'condition.' The thought process is like not asking someone if they're drunk because they will always reply with 'no.' Then, they will continue drinking, worsening their problem.

"Oh, that's your worry? Well, I have some good news. They're not here to attack us but to help us."

"Help? Why would they do that? And how are you so certain? What if everything's an act to make us lower our guards?"

"I'm glad you're learning to be cautious, but there's a fine line between that and being paranoid. And you're on the wrong side right now."

"I don't understand?"

"Let's just say that disk is more important than I thought."

Hearing this, Bruce's face had a moment of enlightenment, finally understanding the reason behind Genji's decision. Still, that only added to his amazement since the whole exchange occurred in silence.

It was unbelievable how they could convey such complex thoughts with only a gesture. It was so impressive that Bruce now strove to reach such a level with his communication skills.

"Disk? What disk?" In contrast, Igani had no idea what Genji was talking about, further adding to her confusion.  

At the same time, on the other side of the battlefield, a female mage clicked her tongue in disappointment. "What a shame. That was the perfect chance to kill him."

"Give up, Stella. Our faction mission comes first," a companion said.

"I know, but I can't help but think about it. It's not often we come across such an injured champion." 

Suddenly, as if sensing her malicious thoughts, Genji's head whipped around to meet her gaze. The woman was a stunning beauty, with flawless skin, long silver hair, and a curvaceous figure. Yet what drew Genji's attention wasn't her physical features, but her large, glimmering earrings. 

They were an eye-catching pair, glimmering with a faint starlight among the dark backdrop. A large amount of mana also gathered around her, radiating four different sensations. There was the fiery inferno of flames, the sharp gale of wind, the cooling flow of water, and the sturdy defense of the earth - the complete collection of basic elements.

'Starlit Mage? How lucky of me to meet two rising champions on the same day.'

Genji returned the impolite gaze with a gentle smile and a short nod, acknowledging her existence before swiping his thumb over his throat, somehow appearing both easygoing and threatening at the same time. Then he walked into the nest, leaving a bewildered Stella to stare at his previous position.

'What the fuck? Did he just smile at me? He can still be relaxed in this situation? Isn't he the slightest bit nervous about his weakness? What a wacko. I might have to rank him with those mental patients from SanguineRealm.'

Like this, two days passed without problems, peaceful and relaxed. Well, as peaceful as it could get with the constant massacres of Zerg workers.

Although the Sentinels were helping them, they still needed to put on a show for the other factions. If they realized that the Sentinels had betrayed their unspoken agreement, then they would immediately send the next wave of attackers to pester the nest.

As such, Igani cooperated with them, sending countless workers to their deaths to simulate the scene of an intense battle. They used workers because they were the cheapest units in terms of numbers. They were already running low on bio-energy, so sending powerful units would only be the pinnacle of foolishness.

It was not like the other factions could tell the difference since the creep carpet recycled the bodies anyway. They only needed the blood and insect shells to embellish the scene. That was the typical measurement of how many Zergs had perished in the area.

The Sentinels also cooperated with the act by gradually dismantling their units over this period. Of course, they carefully stored the parts away, allowing them to reassemble the robots at any time afterward. This was how they simulated the casualties of battle.

As if that wasn't enough, they even smeared copious amounts of blood on themselves, appearing more haggard than a beggar. The longer a unit stayed on the battlefield, the more blood they painted on. Eventually, the layers became so thick that it could be argued that the dismantled units got the better outcome.

During this time, Stella also demonstrated her abilities by bombarding certain areas with intense magic, giving the group quite a show. The only way the fireworks could have gotten better was if Bruce roasted some meat and provided a scrumptious meal with the display.

But this was impossible since they were supposed to be besieged. What kind of attack would it be if the defenders were leisurely enough to hunt for food? Hence, they could only settle for candy and dried food during these shows, much to Stella's discontent.

In contrast, Genji forewent all these subsidies and opted for food pills, all to give himself more time to deal with his injuries. By the end, he had recovered about 80% of his peak state.

This was the best he could do in this timeframe since the remaining 20% consisted of the parasite's energy and physical trauma from the beast king's attack.

These factors weren't something that could be healed in the short term, but they had a minimal effect on his strength. By his estimation, he could unleash about 93% of his physical strength, which was almost negligible since cutting intent was his main form of damage.

The only catch would be Berserk, which couldn't be used since it would aggravate his injuries. Still, this was only a small price for tranquility.

At the end of the second day, the Sentinels retreated because they didn't want to be involved anymore. They had repaid his favor so they had no reason to attract further troubles.

If they stayed any longer, the other factions would become suspicious. After all, none of them would altruistically contribute so much when they have nothing to gain from it. A prisoner's dilemma, basically.

The only reason this 'battle' lasted so long was that the Sentinels seemed to have a grudge against this nest. Since the Sentinels wanted to attack so harshly, why would they stop them?

But this 'leniency' only applied if they were on the same side. Otherwise, they would team up against the Sentinels and inflict their losses on them, seeking to balance the power structure again.

In turn, this would drag the Sentinels into a prolonged war, which was the last thing they wanted. They had more important matters to attend to, specifically the disk that started this whole mess.

Their research had reached a crucial point, so they couldn't wait to grind away at it. That was why they took protective measures against this investigation. Nonetheless, Genji appreciated this break since the other possibility was much worse.

The next to attack were the misfits of the Zergs, a collection of the weakest queens. Because of Silver Empress's domination, the low-ranked queens had suffered countless hardships in the past months.

Whether it was being attacked for their bio-crystals or paying tributes, their already sparse resources were further reduced under Silver Empress's supremacy. And all of this was caused by the agreement Genji made back then. Since Silver Empress couldn't attack the other factions, the Zergs had become her only source of bio-energy.

This caused lots of resentment to brew within the species, all directed at Silver Empress. To the misfits, Silver Empress had purposely specified that exception so she could have a stable source of bio-energy. Essentially, she screwed all of them over because she couldn't afford to offend the balancers.

This was also the reason why the majority of the species had a favorable impression of Genji, in turn allowing him to enter the world in their territory. Since Silver Empress took the blame for everything negative, the only impressions left were of his astounding leadership.

In their opinion, Silver Empress had only reached her position with Genji's help. If they had been the lucky one, then the one standing at the top would have been them, instead of the tyrant. Hence, they actually couldn't wait for Genji to return and lead them to a better future.

Still, these thoughts did little to change their choice, not to mention that they didn't even know Genji was the one behind Igani's rise. All they considered were the resources a new empress would take up and how there would be nothing left for them afterward, in turn becoming a death sentence.

Hence, the only way to survive would be to stifle Igani before she assumes that dominant position. Hence, they launched a massive campaign against the nest, filling the area with more troops than the eye could see.

Everywhere they looked, Zergs of different species greeted them, marching forward with the grim resolve that only one party would remain. It was a daunting scene, with the sky being blotted out and the ground caving beneath their march, but Genji thought differently.

"How nice of them to deliver energy to us as we are running low."

Hearing his casual tone, Igani gave him an absurd look. "You're joking, right?"

"Dead serious," he replied in the same tone, all while tossing a piece of jerky into his mouth.

"That's a whole biome of Zergs! How are we supposed to fight that?"

"Why not? This wave honestly seems easier than the previous ones."

"I'll be crushed," Igani emphasizes, weaving a tiny ball of webs and squishing it nonstop. "And it won't even be close."

"Yeah yeah, stop playing with your stress ball and come back to reality. All you need to do is hold the line and we'll take care of the rest. Then you can sit back and watch your nest overflow with crystals."

Then Genji beckoned to Bruce, who stood up with an equally excited grin. After two days of rest, it was finally time to unleash everything.

"You and me both, my friend. Now let's grind some stats."

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