The Final Desperation

166 – Daily Life

Among the places in EverRealm, Food Street has always been a place of relaxation, capable of satisfying the cravings of many members. Here, people confident in their culinary skills gathered, establishing a mini haven within the brutal confines of reality. Here, people didn't have to worry about the stress of missions, allowing them to immerse themselves in the joys of the tongue.

At least the customers could since many stall owners had to cope with the fact that their survival depended on earning enough before their next world. After all, the only people who would run such stalls were servants who didn't have any other alternatives. They wouldn't be breaking their backs so much to collect a few coins if they had a stable income.

However, this situation only spurred their talents and pushed the culinary levels to new heights. Over time, all the unique cuisines of different worlds merged in this place, forming an elaborate palette that delighted many.

One of these stalls was particularly popular, attracting many new regulars with its simple but scrumptious meals. Even among all the chefs, Vincent, the owner, was renowned for his exceptional skill in extracting the most out of every ingredient, allowing every flavor to seep into his straightforward dishes.

Vincent didn't like overcomplicating his meals because it wasted the potential of the ingredients and overloaded the tongue. Instead, he preferred to keep it simple since that was how his mother always made their food.

Despite being widowed, his mother worked hard to provide for him, cooking healthy meals with whatever they had on hand. Those moments were some of the most comforting memories of his childhood, which was why Vincent wanted to share that feeling with others. One thing led to another, and he's now here, providing his service to thousands of super-humans.

On this day, his regulars couldn't help but take multiple glances at a certain table, where a red pony with a baby ferret sat, feasting on plates of food. It was certainly an odd sight, but the customers kept to themselves, acknowledging that they might be summons of a certain big shot.

After all, they had never seen someone with an animal companion, let alone two. In their minds, only a powerful person could have such connections, so it was best not to provoke their companions. Plus, the pony gave off a strong sense of danger and blood, further dissuading them from any rude behavior.

However, this didn't stop them from gossiping about the encounter once the duo left the vicinity. As Bruce walked off with a spherical Astros on his back, the customers gathered at the stall and asked, "Hey Vincent. What's with those two? They don't seem like your typical customers."

"Oh, them? They're my biggest customers. While I don't know about the ferret, that pony has been coming here since I cooked some crocodile meat for him."

"Really?" They asked, doubting the first part of Vincent's response. "Since this is the first time we're seeing them, they shouldn't be regulars. How much could they possibly be spending to top your list? 400 coins per meal? Or 500?"

"Try a few thousand."

This response caused them to jump up and point their fingers at Vincent. "No way! Stop messing with us. There's no chance that meal costs that much. They didn't even eat as much as I did last week. If you want us to spend more, then say so. You don't need to make up something so absurd!"

Vincent lightly smiled and said, "Believe it or not, it's true. But instead of food money, it's mostly tips. For some reason, the pony always leaves a big tip after every meal. It's like he's worried I will die in some random world and is taking care of me."

Upon hearing this explanation, the crowd could only sigh in envy. Before this, they would never have imagined that a horse would have more allowance than them. But now, after learning that Bruce could casually spend a few thousand on meals, they realized poverty had truly limited their perspective. Turns out, they can't even live as well as a pet.

*Sigh* Why is this comparison so disheartening?

"Anyway, if you have nothing better to do, please stop crowding around my stall. I still want to sell some more meals before I close for the day," Vincent said, shooing them away as he began washing dishes.



"Phew, that was a lot," Genji said after he used the two parasite inheritances and started the derivation process for the knowledge books. Due to the sheer quantity of knowledge this time, it would take EverRealm a few days before everything could be processed.

During this time, Genji wanted to buy a new pair of boots to replace his previously destroyed footwear. He had fought many intense battles in the past month, so it was no surprise that his rare-ranked boots disintegrated against the reapers.

After strolling through the market for some time, Genji finally found a suitable pair he was happy with.


[Spring Bound Boots]

Rating: Epic

Durability: 140/140

Requirements: 35 Con, 35 Str, 32 Dex


  1. Force Storage(Passive): Every time you move your legs, store some excess force for later. Can store 0/600 units of force.
  2.  Spring Boost (Passive): When moving, release some of the stored force to boost your speed. +2 dex after storing 100 units of force. Consumes 1 unit of force per step.
  3.  Unhindered (Passive): Reduce environmental hindrance by 25%. Consumes 2x-4x units of force, depending on how difficult the terrain is to traverse. 

Description: The Spring Bound Python is a ferocious beast that can unleash a strike beyond its limits after storing enough force. If caught unprepared, one can suffer heavy injuries from the encounter. Having been made from the python's leather, these boots have inherited similar properties and can aid your movements.


"How much for this?" Genji asked the seller.

"2.4 million," the person quoted after glancing at the mentioned item.

"Deal." Genji accepted the offer and initiated a trade request. After paying, Genji equipped the boots and felt his steps deviating from their expected course. The feeling was strange since the boots changed the force distribution, but he adjusted accordingly. Although it would take some time, it wasn't difficult for him.

Once he regained normal control, Genji headed for the strengthening hall.



Health: 7,760/7,760 (Con x 120 + 2,000 from Astros, up 2,600 from last settlement)

Energy: 1,840/1,840 (Int x 20 + 860 from cloak)

Con: 41 -> 46 + (2) = 48

Str: 41 -> 46 + (2) = 48

Dex: 43 -> 47 + (2)= 49

Int: 43 -> 49

Spc: 49


- Dodging (Grandmaster - 87%, +4%)

 - Stealth (Grandmaster - 38%, +24%)

 - Firearms (Grandmaster - 19%, +2%)

 - Total Weapon Mastery (Grandmaster - 13%, +3%)

 - Hand-to-hand Combat (Grandmaster - 25%, +5%)

 - Dagger Mastery (Supreme - 21%, +8%)


The main increase in stealth was due to the creation of the Stealth Dagger, which increased his proficiency considerably. Otherwise, the increases were within expectations as they corresponded with how frequently he used each mastery.

His next destination was the training hall, where he adjusted to his new strength. Bruce joined him in training, leaving Astros on the side. Curious about the occasion, Astros watched with undivided attention, but he eventually grew bored and opted to sleep. It was hard to engage the newborn while training.

Hours later, they picked up the curled-up Astros and returned to their room, where Cake met Astros for the first time. Upon seeing them, a strange look appeared on her face.

"I thought Bruce was a special case. How did you get another friend?"

"This guy's also a special case. Anyway, let's not disturb his sleep." Genji placed Astros down and prepared for a massage.

Cake understood Genji didn't want to linger on this topic and started stretching her fingers. Minutes later, Genji laid down and she began her session.

But as they were midway through, Astros stirred from his sleep. After letting out a light yawn, his gaze fell on the duo, who were bouncing on the bed. Astros's eyes widened with alarm and a shriek filled the room.

Then, before Cake could react, Astros suddenly materialized beside her and fiercely gnawed at her arm, trying to free Genji from her grasp. In his innocent mind, Genji was in danger and needed his help. After all, why else would he be pinned down like a helpless prey?

Fortunately, Astros's teeth were still dull, so Cake was unharmed from the encounter. Nonetheless, the massage had been interrupted, and Cake now had a baby ferret hanging from her forearm like an ornament on a Christmas tree.

Unsure of how to resolve this, Cake gently shook her arm, hoping to convince Astros to let go. However, Astros held on for dear life, afraid that Genji would be instantly devoured by this fearsome demon once he released his bite.

"Now, now, be nice. She's not an enemy," Genji said, stroking Astros's body.

Feeling this familiar touch, Astros loosened his jaws and fell onto Genji's lap. Astros let out a worried yip before snuggling against his chest with squinted eyes, fully enjoying the hug.

"Sorry about that. He's easily triggered," Genji apologized as he passed a towel over.

"Aww, how cute," Cake gushed, wiping the saliva from her skin. "What's his name?"

"It's Astros," Genji replied. "Astros, this is Cake. Remember, she's a friend. That means you can't attack her, okay?"

Astros looked up and scrunched his snout at Cake before burying himself in Genji again. It was obvious that Astros had not taken Genji's words to heart.

Seeing this, Genji scooped Astros up, held him to eye level, and said, "I'm being serious. You can't go around biting people like that."

Astros stared back with pitiful eyes and innocently blinked, hoping to persuade Genji otherwise. However, Genji's gaze remained firm, causing Astros to look down like a wronged child.

*Sigh* "Listen, I'm not blaming you. I just don't want it to happen again. You're too young to be fighting anyone. Instead, let me take care of that part, so you can focus on appreciating life. It's the least I can do when you're born into this hectic lifestyle."

It was unknown if Astros understood his ramble, but he stopped his tantrum and lightly waved at Cake. Genji smiled at this sight and signaled for Cake to continue the session.

This time, Genji sat upright and held Astros, ensuring no other accidents would disrupt them. When Cake finished, and they cleaned up, Genji asked, "Do you want to try holding him?"

Cake's eyes lit up with anticipation as thoughts of cuddling the adorable furball filled her mind. Despite this, she held herself back and asked, "Can I? He doesn't seem to like me that much."

"It should be fine. Right, little guy?"

Astros let out a light yip and buried into Genji, ignoring the outside world.

"I'll take that as a yes," Genji said, slowly extending Astros, watching for any signs of discomfort. When he sensed none, he nodded at Cake, who gently took Astros.

"He's so soft," she said, immersing herself in the feeling. "I could pet him all day."

Watching her content expression, Genji couldn't help but wonder if she had always been this fond of pets. 'Because if she isn't, Friendly Disposition might be stronger than I thought.'

For now, Genji shelved this idea, deeming it unconfirmed until further evidence surfaced. This was the first time he'd encountered such an ability, so it was hard to say for certain.

"Looks like you're getting along fine. Can I leave him with you while I work in my lab?"

"I couldn't ask for anything better." Cake smiled back.

"Okay. If he gets hungry, call Bruce. He'll know where to get food." With these instructions, Genji closed the lab doors and began assimilating the knowledge books derived by EverRealm.

Like this, days passed. Genji spent the following days alternating between training and learning, leaving Astros in the care of Bruce and Cake. Due to this exposure, Astros grew accustomed to their presence and acknowledged them as family.

Although they had their shortcomings, with Bruce still making him uncomfortable and Cake being way too clingy for his liking, he accepted these quirks with an open mind.

On this day, River Stream visited Genji with a request.

"Is your offer for customizable potions still open?" he pensively asked, referencing Genji's business pitch during their time in the Curse Sea.

"Sure. What do you need?" Genji looked up from his station, his interest piqued by the question.

"Do you have any strengthening potions? They don't need to be permanent, but I hope they can save me in a dire situation."

Having served in the Spatial Battlefield, River now understood the dangers of the second step and sought to acquire some trump cards. Over the past few days, he had visited many acquaintances for their specialties, and now, it was Genji's turn.

Hearing this question, Genji fell into thought and tapped his pen against his chin. After a few seconds, he asked, "Does it have to be a potion or can anything work?"

"Anything can work, but I've already stocked up on other items. I'm only missing potions now."

"No, you misunderstood me," Genji clarified, leaning forward and interlocking his fingers. "I'm asking if you want other concoctions."

"Is there a difference?"

"Every potion is a concoction, but not every concoction is a potion."

"I still don't understand," River Stream admitted, his confusion deepening. But he maintained his patience, knowing Genji had a good reason to mention this point. He just didn't know why.

"I'm talking about poison," Genji explained. "They're a pretty good option if you want to narrow a power gap. It's always easier to weaken your opponents than to strengthen yourself."

"Poisons? You know how to make poisons? Since when?" River gave Genji a baffled look, unable to comprehend where this topic came from.

Genji's smile widened as he spun the notebook around for River to read. "Since always. Believe it or not, potions were never my specialty. Here, have a look at my secret catalog. You might be surprised by what I have to offer."

River Stream picked up the miniature notebook and perused it, noting that each page recorded a separate poison. The descriptions were simple but still elicited a sharp hiss from River Stream. 'What the? Why are these so scary? Can they even be called poison at this point? If I didn't know better, I would think these are curses or something. How did he even create these?'

"What do you think? Anything catches your eye?"

"Yes, but what's with the cost? Your potions are expensive enough, but these are on another level."

"You get what you pay for, and these are worth every coin, as long as you don't poison yourself," Genji remarked with a dark chuckle, well aware of the risks involved.

"That's fine, I can just take the antidote afterward."



"You do sell the antidotes, right?" River asked again after a moment of silence.

Suddenly, Genji burst out in laughter as if he had heard the funniest joke in the world. After a few hearty smacks on the counter, he calmed down enough to reply, "That's a good one. It's been a while since I heard such a funny joke."

"Are you messing with me?" River asked, staring blankly.

"Nope, I'm dead serious. I don't have any antidotes."

"Then what happens if I get poisoned? Won't I be screwed?"

"Yeah, pretty much."

River Stream fell silent for a few moments before screaming in frustration, "WHY DO YOU NOT HAVE ANTIDOTES?"

"Because I purposely made it that way. If I can't even cure it, then how will my opponents do so?"

The reasoning was so simple that River Stream was unable to respond. He'd never met someone so extreme and uncaring about their lives. It was almost scary how casual Genji was about the topic. After all, the one thing scarier than a suicidal madman is a suicidal madman with a weapon of mass destruction.

"So are you buying any? If not, I can still make you some strengthening potions. They won't be as effective, but they are safer," Genji offered.

River considered the issue for a few seconds before answering, "I'll take this one and the strengthening potions. It might be dangerous, but it is a good last resort."

"That's the mentality," Genji applauded. "If you're going to die, you might as well make your killers regret it. Who knows, you might even survive because of it. Tell you what, I'll even include a manual for your purchase."

"I don't understand what goes on in your mind sometimes. What kind of vendor encourages his customers to get into life-threatening situations like that?"

"How else am I supposed to earn a fortune?" Genji lightly joked.

"Such a rip-off. I can't believe I'm paying so much for a ticking time bomb," River grumbled.

"At least it'll make you happy when you use it. And they say that money can't buy happiness."

"Great, thanks. That makes me feel so much better." River rolled his eyes in response. "Jokes aside, when should I come back?"

"Give me a few days. I'll have your order and demonstration ready by then."

"Okay. I'll see you then." River nodded and got up from his seat.

However, as he turned, a glimpse of Genji's attire caught his eye, causing a certain description from the Celestials to resurface in his mind. 'Cloak darker than the blackest of nights, riding a bloody beast. Should you encounter such an individual, proceed with caution, for you are in the presence of a madman.'

'Weird. Why does Enigma fit the description of Bloodless Killer so well?'

"Something the matter?" Genji asked, noticing his pause.

"No, it's nothing. I'm probably overthinking it," River responded and continued walking.

'Yeah, that must be it. There's no way Enigma's deranged enough to commit such a genocide. He might be extreme, but that's on another level of cruelty. How bloodthirsty must one be to kill so much and still seek more? There's just no way. Plus, Enigma's saber is green, not silver. It's impossible that they're the same person. Everything must be a big coincidence. Yes, a coincidence...'

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