The Final Desperation

182 – Primordial Spirit

Genji waited until nighttime, when his presence was at its thinnest, before consuming the recently obtained root. Leaving it aside was not an option, as it had already lost 3% of its effectiveness in this time. If he waited any longer, he would lose a lot of benefits from the item.

As he gulped down the plant slurry, Genji felt a burning sensation swelling inside him. It was light at first, akin to a tickle, but it quickly transformed into burning charcoal. Then, beyond that. EverRealm wasn't lying when it said this process was painful. It was beyond painful.

And it was only getting worse with each passing moment. It felt like he'd swallowed a sun. Every fiber of his being screamed harder than ever, as his cells figuratively melted. His blood boiled, and his bones softened. His very body was being reforged from the inside out, becoming stronger and more resilient.

Amidst this pain, Genji forced himself to remain focused and circulate the energy through his body. He only had so much time and needed to finish this fast. The pain grew stronger with his guidance, but he gritted his teeth through the process. He'd been through worse and refused to lose consciousness.

After enduring this for an unknown length of time, the burning feeling began dwindling. From a roaring inferno to a mild flicker, eventually replaced by a minty tingle, his nerves gradually calmed down from their overload. Genji breathed out heavily and opened his eyes.

Dawn had barely broken through the horizon and cast its soft rays upon the land. Genji's location was still dark since the jungle leaves scattered the incoming light. Yet this would not be for long, as the world would soon finish this transitioning phase.

"Right on time," Genji said, wiping the sweat from his body and stretching his stiff muscles.

They continued traveling, and after another five hours, found the main team comprising the awakened warriors. The team was bigger than he expected, consisting of hundreds of warriors and realm members.

Everyone was arranged in an organized formation, with each member ready to respond at a moment's notice. It was an impressive display of leadership compared to the jumbled groups Genji had met prior.

The group was gathered around, having a team meeting when Genji found them. From what he could gather, they were about to reach the suspected holding place of the Primordial Echo.

"There might be traps, powerful guardians, or other unknown dangers, but hold strong. We're on the last stretch and about to succeed. Don't falter now after we've come so far," one of the awakened warriors rallied the crowd. "After this, you'll be known as heroes for generations to come!"

The audience burst into cheers, and their morale reached its peak. After that, the awakened warriors led the team toward their final destination. Genji followed from a distance, intending to freeload off their efforts.

They soon arrived at a cliff overlooking a large ruin site. Genji stayed on this cliff while the group headed down to explore. From the size of the site, Genji speculated a civilization once prospered here. As for where they are now, the heavily weathered buildings served as a good indication. Chances are, they'd disappeared under the sands of time, becoming a mere relic of the past.

A pair of binoculars followed the group, loosely monitoring their every action.

'Now the waiting game,' Genji thought, making himself comfortable with a blanket and snacks.



Faizen "Accident" DestinyHand is a capable enforcer of SanguineRealm, known for his exceptional orchestration abilities. Many of his victims never saw him coming, and even fewer suspected him before it was too late. Yet when coincidences pile up, people are bound to notice. Hence, they gave him this moniker despite never seeing him in person.

They just know when things seem too accidental, DestinyHand is acting up. 

There’s a good reason why prophets and other fate scryers rank among the most troublesome opponents. Not only are they hard to kill, but they can also devise a nasty counterattack, given enough time.

The setup might not activate quickly, but it will always take effect. History has proven that statement enough times when people lowered their guards. Nothing good ever comes from getting on a fate scryer's bad side.

The only proven methods to disrupt a fate scryer's setup are enlisting the help of another scryer, being so powerful that the scryer can't scheme against you in a reasonable time, or killing the scryer before they can execute their plans. But these conditions are hard to fulfill, so most people tend to avoid fate scryers altogether. 

With his abilities, Faizen managed to track down the legendary Primordial Echo. Now, he is leading the team as one of its consultants, second only to the awakened ones. 

As they passed through the ruins, they uncovered several stone tablets depicting human figures and the civilization's development. They were unlike anything the tribes had seen, as they used pictures to record information instead of traditional knots. This also solidified the idea that this was a long-lost society, merely one of many in the world's history.

The oldest tablets recorded the caveman days when the people hunted with primitive tools and lived in small groups. The next tablet depicted a mob of people besieging a giant saber-tooth tiger. A lot of attention was dedicated to etching the crown on top of the tiger's head.

Then there was a crudely made hill of corpses, with a dead tiger on top. One man stood on the carcass, holding up the crown cut from the tiger's head. They had triumphed against their foe and taken their first step toward prosperity.

Next was the man wearing the same crown, backed by many supporters and six main retainers, sporting similar crown accessories on their arms. They had all killed a beast king and possessed power rivaling an awakened warrior, if not more. This was the power system the current people wanted to master. 

A few more tablets recorded other major events, like plague, wars, and natural disasters, but one stood out to Faizen. It was of the old king returning from a long journey, having lost an arm. In his remaining arm, he cuddled a cub with six arms.

The king passed away shortly after, leaving the cub under his retainers' care. Under the loyal subjects' nurturing, the cub grew up healthily, developing the tusks of a boar, the claws of a tiger, and the hardened skin of an armored elephant. At its maturity, the beast was a force to be reckoned with, capable of rivaling all of the retainers at once. 

People worshiped it as their guardian, a totem to ward off disasters. The beast didn't disappoint their expectations and defended their kingdom for centuries. It was a long-lived beast, so it witnessed many generations prospering under its protection.

Yet that was where the records ended. Everything after that was a blur since the tablets were in shambles and utterly indecipherable. The only exception was a tablet missing half of its content, which portrayed the creature's death after sustaining grievous injuries. Nothing about the context could be found, but the beast had a prominent cross-shaped wound going through its left eye.

"This is interesting, but it doesn't help us," Faizen commented.

"Made any progress yet?" an awakened warrior asked.

"I have some clues, but I need more time," Faizen replied.

The awakened warrior nodded and gave him some space to work his magic. They had made incredible progress since Faizen began helping them and knew better than to rush him.

They continued deeper into the ruins and discovered other remnants of the civilization. From broken statues of the guardian beast to brittle bones of animals, they trudged past without a second glance. 

Occasionally, Faizen would stop and pinch his fingers, utilizing his divination abilities to guide their way. He was looking for a strand of fate that connected him to their goal. As long as he could do this, he could trace the strand back to its origin. This was similar to how Genji's compass worked, which was why Faizen could sever the connection back then.

After searching for a while and closing the distance to the item, Faizen finally found the connection and reported the direction. This immediately spurred the leaders to action, followed by many eager faces. 

The natives were genuinely happy about this progress, but the realm members had begun planning their theft. Faizen could only scoff at their naivety. Did they really think they could steal this from under him after all the effort he'd put in? He'd be a fool if he hadn't prepared follow-up plans for this exact situation, especially given all this time.

'To each their own. We just have to see who's more capable.'

They soon arrived at their destination, a large ruin assumed to be the former palace, and began digging. That was the only thing they could do, given how dilapidated everything was. Rubble and other debris were moved out of the way, revealing the dirt layer beneath. The ground had hardened over the years, making it rather tedious to clean up.

Nonetheless, they persisted with unrelenting fervor, seeking a new beginning. They were getting close, but Faizen had an unexplained sense of foreboding. Something in the back of his mind was nagging him, but he couldn't pinpoint why. 

'What's going on? Why am I feeling this way?'

But before he could consider the situation any further, a world-rending earthquake hit the area, throwing everyone off balance. Then Faizen's pupils dilated in disbelief as a massive shadow towered over them.



"What the fuck is that?" Genji inadvertently cursed, equally astounded.

In the distance, a colossal behemoth rose out of the ground and released a bellowing roar. The creature had six legs, boar tusks, tiger claws, and hardened grey skin. It looked very similar to the guardian beast depicted in the murals, suggesting it was the same species. The only difference was that it was transparent like an astral projection and had a cross-shaped scar over its left eye, blinding it.

No, on further examination, this wasn't simply the same species, but rather the same beast! That scar was so similar that it was more likely to win the lottery than it being a different creature. After all, how often does one encounter such a unique species, let alone two with identical scars?

So as unbelievable as it may be, it was undeniable the guardian had returned, revived in spirit form. And with it came memories of the past, of when it stood at the civilization's peak. You could even say it's an echo of a bygone era, one of primordial times!

[Primordial Echo - Kaj Mali Sgen Qwub]

Health: 61,750/61,750

Spirit Energy: 4,326/4,500

Con: 57

Str: 56

Dex: 52

Int: 50

Spc: 43


 - High Lord (Passive): +35,000 health

 - Titanic (Passive): +12,500 health, +150% strength

 - Astral Spirit (Passive): Energy is converted to Spirit Energy, +2,000 max energy

 - Particle Existence (Passive): Your lifespan is grounded in your energy. As long as you have Spirit Energy, you won't die of age.

Note: No other skills can be read at this time.

"Filthy humans! Darest thou desecrate mine sanctuarie once more?! (You dare desecrate my sanctuary again?!)" the spirit angrily roared, threatening to rupture everyone's eardrums.

The sentence structure was a little awkward like an old, outdated version, but Genji was more occupied by its implications. It was a complete sentence, without any pauses or readjustment time. This required unimaginable levels of control, beyond what any of them were capable of, and solidified the spirit's threat. 

"Paye for thy synnes! (Pay for your sins!)" it bellowed, stomping down with its titanic weight.

Amidst this strike, Genji noticed a hooded figure scampering to use an item before the impact wave drowned him. Moments later, the air 400 meters away from Genji twisted and spat out a bloodied man. He had barely survived by the skin of his teeth. 

'Isn't he the person who led them here?' Genji wondered, manifesting his flintlock to deliver three rapid shots.

A hastily formed barrier intercepted these attacks, but the explosion afterward rattled his damaged organs and induced a mouthful of blood. 'It's him!' Faizen thought, recognizing Genji as the troublesome foe who almost locked onto him.

But regardless of past grievances, Faizen decisively used another teleportation item. He was in no condition to fight, and it was only a matter of time before the rampaging Primordial Echo reached this point. Unless one could rival such an outrageous foe, it would be suicidal to stay any longer.

"He sure runs fast," Genji remarked, unconcerned about the escapee. His focus was on the guardian spirit that relentlessly attacked the team. It was an utter massacre, devoid of resistance. Only the awakened warriors stood any chance, but even they were taking a severe beating.

The others were lucky to survive a single strike, as they were like fragile paper against this natural disaster. Panic and horror filled the air as everyone fled for their lives, but many didn't make it. At this rate, it was only a 

'Welp, this is a wasted trip. I wonder if I can recoup some rewards by killing it. It is a High Lord after all, and they tend to drop legendaries.'

At this moment, the crunching of leaves and snapping of branches sounded, as a newcomer made his presence known. Genji turned around and came face-to-face with Xue Fe, who had his katana drawn.

"Are you going to get involved as well?" he asked with cold eyes. It was clear that one wrong answer would cause the man to attack once more, this time for real and with all trump cards.

Genji alternated looks between Xue Fe and the Primordial Echo behind him and shrugged. "Nope, it's all yours."

Xue Fe held his stare, expressing that Genji's empty words wouldn't satisfy him. He wasn't stupid enough to knowingly enter a life-and-death battle when there was a scavenger aside. 

Genji understood his meaning and walked around him. There was no benefit in contesting this opponent when Xue Fe was so insistent on it. If they fought, neither of them would earn anything once the spirit finished off the awakened warriors, as they would be too weak by then. 

"Good luck then. You were an interesting opponent." Genji waved, jumping onto a tree and departing.

Xue Fe waited until Genji was truly out of sight before resuming his pace.

"Corrode everything, my lifebound blade," he murmured, reaching the cliff's edge. Following that, his signature katana turned a dark crimson and filled the air with a heavy smell of iron and blood. The smell was very metallic, but there was a faint trace of sourness often associated with acids. His burgundy red energy flooded the katana and transformed into boiling swirls of gas, giving it a sinister polish.

Then he stepped off, letting gravity pull him down to confront the approaching titan. It was now or never, and he refused to falter.



Genji zipped through the jungle at high speed, swinging with all his strength. Now that Xue Fe had claimed the Primordial Echo for himself, Genji had no reason to stay much longer. While he could backtrack and observe the battle, he preferred not to, as it would offend both sides.

If they discovered him, they would immediately focus their fire on him before continuing their battle. After all, no one likes a meddlesome fly when they're conducting important business. Genji might be strong, but he is not confident in surviving against the two of them, even with his legacy liberations.

Furthermore, he would need to ensure Xue Fe's death if he chose this path. Otherwise, he would make a terrifying enemy with a permanent grudge, one that would immediately resort to violence upon meeting him.

It's simply not worth the risk. In contrast, leaving would foster some goodwill, which could become a basis for cooperation if Xue Fe survived the encounter.

With so many downsides and little upsides, Genji had no reason to pick this option. Plus, he would rather spend this time with the little guy since the world was nearing its end.

'I wonder if he's doing okay with their terribly cooked food. I really need to find him a gadget for this.'

As Genji stepped out of the valley, he noticed the guards were knocked unconscious and came to a stop. And sitting on the side was the culprit, a familiar acquaintance.

"What are you doing here?" Genji asked. "Shouldn't you be with your grandson right now?"

"Trust me, I would if I could, but I need to check this place. You people stirred up a lot of trouble by awakening the spirit guardian," Bechel replied helplessly.

Genji's eyes narrowed with suspicion. "You know the truth about the Primordial Echo?"

"Of course I do. The same event happened 161 years ago when I was 26. Seven awakened warriors led their tribes here and never returned. I was among the lucky survivors back then. The other survivors warned everyone about this forbidden zone, but the new generation eventually forgot the advice. They were too infatuated with finding the legendary treasure that surpassed the times and paid the price. Tell me, how many do you think died on this expedition?"

'That explains why the spirit said "again,"' Genji noted before answering, "Too many to keep track of. At least thousands, perhaps more. It's one thing to survive the attacks but another to make it out alive. The jungle is not exactly friendly. Anyway, what's the spirit body about? I thought ghosts can't form in this world."

"And you're correct. They normally don't. But the beast's dedication moved the world's will, granting it a second chance as its last defender. The guardian normally sleeps in its former home, but it will awaken when the world faces a major threat. That and desecrating its remaining home."

"I guess that's one way of solving the issue."

At this moment, a burly man rushed out, each hand dragging an unconscious person. The three of them were heavily injured and bleeding profusely from body-wide wounds. If left untreated, there was a good chance of bleeding out.

Genji was familiar with these wounds, as Faizen bore similar injuries on his escape. These people were from the main team and were among the few that survived the massacre.

But that wasn't the only thing Genji recognized; he also found the faces familiar. It was none other than the group of four he'd provoked before leaving the plains. Among them, the female archer was missing, whom Genji assumed had died in the initial attack due to a lack of constitution stats. The tank was the one dragging them, as he had the greatest survivability and maintained the most strength.

However, their fates were sealed when they unfortunately encountered Genji once more. In a flash of light, Genji ended their lives, just as the tank's eyes widened in despair, realizing the fatal mistake made in his haste to escape the jungle.

[You have obtained: Scarlet Card (Enforcer) x3]

"That was ruthless. Did you have to kill them after they struggled so hard to survive?" Bechel asked.

"They were enemies, and I had the perfect opportunity to finish them. Why wouldn't I?"

*Sigh* "I can't understand you realm members."



Hours after the battle began, a battered Xue Fe could be seen on top of a giant carcass. His leg dangled off the edge as he lit a bloody cigarette. After taking a deep puff, he jumped off and walked away from the scene.

A wind suddenly drifted by, bringing some leaves from above and twigs from the ground. These items coincidentally landed in front of Xue Fe and spelled out "You lied to me," expressing the writer's resentment. Then these items shifted to spell "The Primordial Echo wasn't the treasure at all."

A derisive smirk appeared on Xue Fe's face as he chuckled to himself. 'I never said it was. You’re the one who assumed my mission was the treasure and that the treasure was the Primordial Echo.'

His gloating smile only widened when he saw confirmation of his completed mission. He took another puff and injected some energy into the cigarette, spurring a massive kindle of flames.

'Thanks for the help. I couldn't have done this without you.'

He then threw the stick at the message, igniting it and the surrounding area, giving his previous foe a fiery funeral.

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