The Final Desperation

191 – Coronation

"What's wrong?" Zarasu asked as they returned. "Why so gloomy?"

"Dad..." Ij'gne began, pausing as he reflected on the events of that night. "Are we really better than the barbarians?"

"Of course," Zarasu answered confidently. "Where did this suddenly come from?"

"It's cruel," Ij'gne said, frowning.

Zarasu sighed and gently patted Ij'gne's back. "Son, it’s difficult for me to say this, but sometimes we must take up the butcher's knife. It's better for us to bear this burden than to let those we cherish suffer. We take on these sins so they don't have to."

"But can we maintain peace with these methods? What happens if we get discovered? Won't we become shunned because of it?"

"If that's the price I have to pay, then I’ll willingly bear it," Zarasu answered, his face as firm as Ij'gne's when he sought revenge.

"I see," Ij'gne said quietly, looking down in deep thought.

Zarasu gave him a few moments to himself before pressing his hand on Ij'gne's shoulder. "You must have a lot on your mind. Don't dwell on it anymore. Let me take you somewhere you can relax. I won't force you to continue if you don't want to. Just leave it to me."

Zarasu led Ij'gne toward the World Tree, where they traversed a series of interconnected tunnels formed by the tree's roots. Strangely, these tunnels didn’t appear to be carved out; instead, the roots had grown around air pockets, creating a natural layout.

When they emerged, Ij'gne found himself in a botanical garden tended to by a middle-aged woman. She was plucking herbal leaves into a pestle and mortar before grinding them into a green paste. Sensing their presence, she paused and looked up.

"Zarasu, what brings you here?" she asked, not bothering with formalities.

"Marlo, my son needs a getaway," Zarasu answered, unfazed by her manner.

"Very well. Leave him here." Marlo returned to her activities without another glance.

Once she fully turned her back, Ij'gne whispered, "Dad, who's she?"

"High Priestess Marlo. She tends to the Lord and ensures it doesn't succumb to its injuries. I believe staying with her will help with your recent stress."

Although Ij'gne didn’t fully agree with Zarasu, he accepted the arrangement. The old man had shown him kindness and selfless love throughout their time together. If Zarasu believed this was the right path, Ij'gne would follow, even if he had reservations.

Thus, Ij'gne began studying the rituals of worship and the applications of medicine. Marlo was an expert in botany and healing due to her long years in the field, and she held nothing back from Ij'gne. Every day, they would walk through her garden, collecting the necessary herbs before concocting medicine for the World Tree.

She explained every step along the way, regardless of whether Ij'gne was paying attention or not. This was her duty, and nothing could distract her from it.

It was a significant change of pace, one unfamiliar to Ij'gne but enjoyable nevertheless. For the first time since he could remember, he wasn’t preoccupied with getting stronger or fighting on the verge of death. He had time to reflect on his life and decide his future course.

And eventually, Ij'gne found his answer. So what if their actions were cruel? His father had put it perfectly: it was better for him to bear the burden than for someone he loved to suffer. While Ij'gne didn’t have anyone else, just the thought of alleviating Zarasu's burdens was reason enough. His old man had endured enough by himself. Now, it was time for Ij'gne to step up.

With his decision made, Ij'gne approached Zarasu and stated his intentions. Zarasu smiled wider than Ij'gne had ever seen and handed him the same token as before. Ij'gne then set off again with D'wei, undertaking whatever dirty missions Zarasu required of him.

They raided many villages, took innocent lives, and burned everything to the ground. Ij'gne had become what he hated most, yet he did it all without hesitation. He was willing to become a devil for his father's ideals, even if it meant taking the fall for everything. Ij'gne had prepared himself for that outcome and embraced it with open arms.

In the process, Ij'gne and D'wei gained notoriety for their cruelty, and hatred against them surged to new heights. Yet, before this hostility could fester, they suppressed it with iron force, butchering anyone they could find. It was a bloody era when tensions between the two ethnic groups soared like a rocket.

However, their reign of terror was short-lived as the consequences finally caught up with them. "Walk by the river, get your shoes wet," "Play with fire, get burned," and "Play stupid games, win stupid prizes." These are just a few sayings that describe their situation.

In an unlucky turn of events, they attacked a village where a powerful fighter happened to be visiting. They stood no chance, even with their entire team working together. In the end, D'wei grabbed Ij'gne's arm and told him to run while they delayed the enemy.

Ij'gne couldn’t comprehend D'wei's decision. If anything, he felt he should be the one to stay behind. With his greater experience and proficiency in these operations, D'wei would provide more value if he survived. So why was Ij'gne chosen? When Ij'gne asked him, D'wei simply smiled and said, "You're the master's son. He would be sadder if you died."

At that moment, Ij'gne realized that D'wei shared his ideals, placing Zarasu at the center of all their decisions. Everything they did was for him, and they were prepared to sacrifice their lives for his cause. Yet, above all, they never forgot that Zarasu was human and capable of feeling pain. That was why they did what they did.

"Now go," D'wei said, shoving him backward.

Comprehending all of this, Ij'gne ran for his life, using every survival skill he had learned to cover his tracks. He discarded all sense of dignity, rolling in feces and mud to remain hidden. After seven grueling days, he finally returned to the mountains and reported to Zarasu.

When his father heard of his disciple's death, his eyes widened slightly, and his fist clenched involuntarily. But these signs of grief vanished as quickly as they appeared, as Zarasu regained control over his body shortly after. Then, with a forced smile, he asked, "Are you okay?"

This scene broke Ij'gne's heart. Zarasu was clearly the one who had lost a loved one, yet here he was, putting up a facade and asking about Ij'gne's well-being. Ij'gne understood that Zarasu was trying to alleviate his guilt, but this attempt had the opposite effect. There was only so much a grieving man could fake, and Zarasu was beyond that point.

'I need to get stronger,' Ij'gne thought, clenching his fist so hard that his fingernails drew blood. 'Strong enough so that he never has to feel this sense of loss again.'

From that day onward, Ij'gne stopped all other activities and devoted himself entirely to training once more. This time, with even greater fervor, he focused intensely on mastering the barbarian's arts.

He didn’t care that this power belonged to the enemy or that everyone despised it, branding anyone who used it as a traitor. For Ij'gne, it was enough if it could grant him more strength. He had already embarked on the path of infamy, so being perceived as a traitor hardly fazed him.

However, this didn’t mean he practiced the art openly. Instead, he waited until the dead of night, when everyone was asleep before he started. Due to this, progress was slow, and his sleep was severely impacted, but he persisted with relentless determination. Until one day, Zarasu walked in on him practicing it. Zarasu had noticed the change in his son and came to check on him, only to witness this shocking scene.

Ij'gne averted his gaze in guilt and was about to apologize when Zarasu also demonstrated the art. This time, it was Ij'gne's turn to be shocked. How could he not be when the leader of the settlement displayed the arts of their enemies with a proficiency that rivaled the powerhouse who had annihilated their team?

"Father, what's going on? Why do you know it as well?" Ij'gne asked, his voice filled with disbelief.

"I was planning to take this secret to the grave with me," Zarasu began, "but I see you've developed an interest in this power. Let me teach you then. You don’t have to fumble around in the dark by yourself," Zarasu said with a warm smile.

Pairing this with a soft moonlight in the background, Zarasu gave off a mysterious feeling, as if Ij'gne was meeting him for the first time. Ij'gne honestly didn't know how many other secrets the old man had, but he didn't care. Zarasu was his father, and he supported him with utmost loyalty.

Hence, Ij'gne began learning from Zarasu again, away from any prying eyes. Zarasu taught him everything he needed to know about this new art, from its name, Nature's Harmony, to its progression path. After reaching a mediocre level, Ij'gne couldn't help but notice the similarities between it and Elemental Emulation.

"I created the Inspirations using Harmony as the basis," Zarasu explained. "Harmony is more flexible than Emulation because it channels the world's energy to one's will. That's why the barbarians can exert such immense strength and stamina. They're not using their own power but borrowing it from the world. This is the same energy used by our lord, I might add.

"We banned this art because its use actively hinders our lord's growth. While it is undeniably powerful, it is also difficult to master. Whereas it takes us merely years to reach perfection in a single Inspiration, it takes the barbarians decades to achieve the same strength.

"However, this extended timeframe hardly affects them because practicing this art also extends their lifespan. The real impact is only felt during war, like now, when they lose fighters faster than they can replace them."

Hearing this explanation, Ij'gne had a moment of epiphany. "Is that why you had us attack their villages? To cut off their line of reinforcements?"

"Yes. The people who wish for our lord's demise are stronger than you think. We must do whatever we can to win."

"I understand," Ij'gne said and returned to training.

Time continued to pass, and Ij'gne soon reached the upper levels of Nature's Harmony. This single progress multiplied his combat powers again, putting him just below Zarasu in strength. He still had some distance until he reached the peak of the technique, but he was now among the strongest in the settlement.

On this day, Zarasu led him through another series of secret tunnels to a small room inside the world tree. At the center of this room was a golden robe that seemingly called out to him. It was as if he instinctively desired to wear it.

"This is our lord's holy armament," Zarasu explained. "It will multiply your combat strength several times over. With it, you will have the strength to avenge D'wei. I need to protect the settlement from invaders, so you have to make the trip. My subordinates have already tracked down the person whom you encountered."

"I won't disappoint," Ij'gne said, taking the robe from Zarasu's hands.

"Make sure to return it after you're finished. It doesn't have much of our lord's power and needs to be recharged between uses. And remember: you only have five minutes. After that, the power will fade and leave you in a weakened state."

"Five minutes is more than enough," Ij'gne confidently declared and set off for his target.

"Yes, I believe you," Zarasu said with a knowing smile as he watched Ij'gne's back fade into the distance.



Large grey clouds loomed overhead, blotting out the sun and foretelling an incoming storm. On this day, Ij'gne approached a prosperous village alone in his golden robes, interrupting the lively chatter of the guards.

"Halt! Who goes there?" One of them called out, demanding him to stop.

However, Ij'gne paid them no heed and continued advancing, eliciting another warning.

"Stop right there or we'll attack!" They warned, assuming fighting stances.

"So much bark, but not enough bite," Ij'gne muttered before looking up at them.


Ij'gne suddenly accelerated, smashing the speaker into a bloody pulp and swiftly striking down the other guards. They attempted to defend themselves but met the same fate before they could react. Ij'gne shook off the blood on his knuckles and proceeded inward, cutting down everyone in his path.

Screams of panic and fear accompanied futile resistance, but nothing halted the escalating death toll. Ij'gne is starting a rampage today and he refused to stop. 

After several minutes of chaos, the fighter in question finally confronted him. "It's you!" The man recognized Ij'gne as the one who had escaped that day.

"Yes, and I've returned for revenge." Ij'gne pushed himself off the ground and exchanged a flurry of strikes with his opponent. Loud collisions reverberated throughout the area, accompanied by fierce gusts and sonic booms.

Devastating aftershocks shattered the nearby structures and leveled the battlefield. Craters and fractured rocks materialized with each passing moment, contributing to the village's devastation. Suddenly, Ij'gne was hurled backward into the debris, unable to match his opponent's strength.

"If this is all you have, then it's time to end this," the man declared, advancing towards him menacingly.

Ij'gne stood up and nonchalantly brushed off the debris clinging to his clothes. "I guess it's still too much to fight you like this. Fine, grant me your blessings, O holy tree."

With these words, his robes emitted a golden glow, and Ij'gne's aura surpassed that of his opponent's. The man's face twisted in horror, but Ij'gne gave him no respite. In a single, swift motion, Ij'gne descended upon him and delivered a crushing right hook, breaking the silence and initiating a grisly battle.



The dark skies above rumbled harshly, declaring the presence of thunder. The silence of the village lasted a few more moments before the pattering of rain replaced the calm. Ij'gne stood within the ruins of the village, basking in the downpour. Beside him, lying face down, was a corpse with a destroyed head, accompanied by several children with broken necks.

This wasn't the warrior's body, as Ij'gne had finished that fight long ago. No, these were the villagers he had hunted down after the battle, adding to the death toll. More precisely, these were the last of the villagers and signified the complete end of this community.

As the rain washed away the heavy blood, Ij'gne dragged his tired body toward a nearby canyon and sat down. His face tilted upward, immersing himself in the tickling warmth of the water, much like one loses themselves in a long shower. The clouds didn't appear to be dispersing anytime soon, so he was content to enjoy this moment.

His worries and stress flowed away with the water, emptying his mind and putting him in a trance-like state. It felt so relieving to have this time to himself and not have to think.

The storm only intensified, and the booming of thunder shook the earth. Suddenly, the skies flashed purple, and a bolt of lightning struck a tree on the other side of the canyon. A heavy charred smell wafted up Ij'gne's nose as the trunk collapsed into black ash. Seeing this, a sudden sense of enlightenment surged through his mind, generating a myriad of inspirations.

"The flow of Water, the force of Earth, the destruction of Fire, and the movement of Wind. Draw upon the force of nature to erupt once more. Set my body ablaze and channel the ambient strength. Guide everything into one point and strike like lightning. Kill in one shot, leave nothing behind, for a lion hunts with all its strength, even against a rabbit. I am not a lion, but my opponents are faster than rabbits. I need to match their speed while gathering my strength. Then let me merge the two for the ultimate strike."

Yet when Ij'gne reached this train of thought, he encountered a dead end. If he were to execute such a technique, his body would break down upon impact, killing both himself and his opponent. His body simply wasn't durable enough to endure such an impact.

It would function well as a suicidal attack, but what good is killing a single opponent and leaving his father alone? The whole point of getting stronger was so he could accompany Zarasu for his entire life and ensure the elder wouldn't experience the grief of loss ever again.

Suddenly, something within his travel bag emitted a burning sensation, beckoning him to open it. Upon doing so and tracing the source, he found the pair of daggers that had accompanied him for so long. This gave him an idea and prompted him to grab them once more.

'Since my body can't endure the impact, what about these daggers?'

Ij'gne's mind raced with possibilities and he rapidly modified his concepts around this idea. After a few minutes, he jumped down into the canyon and pushed off the ground. In the next moment, he appeared on the other side with the right dagger shooting outward. A canonical stream of air wrapped around Ij'gne, using the dagger as the tip.

This strike collided with the walls, forming a large, but shallow, crater on the surface. Then the air vortex around him shattered, echoing countless sonic booms.

"Is that it?" he wondered, disappointed that the commotion didn't match the damage. If this was all the attack did, then it was more underwhelming than he had expected.

Yet before that thought could develop any further, the section behind the crater shattered, causing a large collapse of rocks. Ij'gne's eyes widened with shock as he scrambled to evade the landslide. When he reached a safe distance, he looked back at the scene in awe, still in disbelief at what he had caused.

"Did I do that?" he asked inadvertently.

When Ij'gne finally regained his composure, he decided on a fitting name before returning to the settlement. 'My father referenced the four elements to create his techniques. I followed in his footsteps with a fifth element, so let this technique be called Lightning Inspiration: Obliteration Lance.'

With the addition of a fifth inspiration, Ij'gne's combat strength skyrocketed once more, placing him even above Zarasu. The elder was very surprised when Ij'gne demonstrated the technique and the damage it was capable of. Ij'gne wanted to teach Zarasu the inspiration, but he didn't have a suitable weapon to practice with. Hence, this became Ij'gne's signature technique.

With this achievement, Ij'gne fulfilled the conditions to become a High Priest, and Zarasu began preparing for the coronation ceremony. After several days of hard work, it was finally ready, and the settlement crowned its third protector, replacing the one lost many years ago.

However, Ij'gne didn't stay to enjoy his status for long, as he started a crusade against the barbarians shortly after. Leading an army of martial artists, he swept through the enemies' territory, conquering the world with remarkable speed. No one could stop him, as his new inspiration rendered everyone helpless against him.

Most of them were left half-dead after the first strike, ending the battle before it began. The worst part for his opponents was that they couldn't even dodge the attack, as it lived up to its name, being as fast as lightning.

Over the next two months, they pushed the barbarians to their wit's end and cornered them in their final location. This was their last stand and final hideout. After this, there would be no more barbarians in this world. Peace was in sight.

Out of caution, Ij'gne returned to the settlement and borrowed the holy armament once more. And he was glad he did because the barbarians' leader was on another level. Even with Lightning Inspiration, Ij'gne could barely fight him to a standstill. However, with the addition of the holy robes, he eventually overwhelmed his opponent and carried out the final purge.

Once the last barbarian fell, Ij'gne was overcome with emotions and his knees gave out. Tears flowed for the first time in his life, washing away the layer of dirt gathered on his face.

He had never expressed so much emotion before. They had been frozen within him since that night when his village burned to the ground and he personally buried everyone. But now that he had achieved his goal, this dam finally broke apart, allowing the intense wave suppressed behind it to freely surge forward.

"Stella... Everyone... I've avenged you. Father, I've fulfilled your dreams," he muttered with a carefree smile.

And thus, he united the lands, becoming the High Priest of War: Conqueror of Barbarians, Usherer of the New Era, and Butcher of the World Tree.

Yet what Ij'gne failed to notice was that, while he celebrated, a red horse in the distance gave him a complicated look, reminiscing of past times.

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