The Final Desperation

193 – Side Mission

The next scene started with Genji inside a house at night. After a full day of traveling, they arrived at the next village and started rallying the fighters. Although his travel companions did most of the work, it still took another day. During this time, Genji was free to explore the culture and enjoy the food. This was the night before they set off again, and Genji was conducting some experiments with his mask.

What exactly does it mean to change one's appearance? That was the question he wanted to answer. Does it only affect the physical body, like skin and bones, or does it extend further? And how does the disguise work? Is it an illusion or does it physically distort the body?

The answer? All of the above. Genji had complete control over how others perceived him. For example, he could transform into a stranger on a whim, becoming utterly unrecognizable even to his closest acquaintances. However, this wasn’t particularly useful since his body was already fully covered.

Instead, it was more practical to change the appearance of his equipment, like a skin in a game. From colors and shapes to special effects, he could modify it all as long as he had a clear image in mind. He could even change his gender or species if he wanted, though it wasn’t practical, nor did he have any reason to do so.

However, the disguise had its limitations. For one, he couldn’t turn himself or his equipment invisible. There needed to be a physical presence. This was only a disguise, not a stealth ability. Additionally, these disguises couldn’t exceed the mass of the original form by more than 50%.

If the disguise exceeded this limit, it wouldn’t form. This meant Genji couldn’t transform himself into a giant or his weapons into something completely different, like a house. He could make his saber look like an axe or a bazooka to catch opponents off guard, but he couldn’t go beyond that.

This specification was crucial because the disguise had two forms. This detail didn’t affect the illusion disguise, which only altered appearance without changing the essence. Examples included the previously mentioned visual effects and mind games Genji could play.

However, the physical disguise was a different story. This form had characteristics of a transformation ability because it molded the object into a new shape along with its function.

For instance, if Genji changed his face using this ability and someone touched it, both would feel the altered facial structure rather than the original face. It was like putting on a second layer of clothing. He could still feel the contact, only to a lesser degree.

This restriction was relevant because the transformed form maintained the same mass. The laws of physics still apply. If he expanded the size, the object would become lighter than expected, and vice versa for shrinking. It was a niche ability meant for reconnaissance and espionage, but Genji could think of some uses for combat, especially with a saber that only cared for a single cut.

Thinking of this, Genji grabbed [Jaguar] and retracted its barbed spikes, shifting the material into its length. “There, much more comfortable,” he chuckled to himself.

After a few more experiments, Genji discovered additional details about the ability. Firstly, the more objects under the ability’s influence, the weaker the effects. The mask could only affect so much mass before reaching its limit. Luckily, this limitation only applied to the physical disguise. The illusionary version could be sustained almost indefinitely without trouble.

Secondly, once the disguise was lifted, the shifted material would immediately return to its original position. Although untested, Genji speculated this would still be the case if someone saw through the disguise using their own methods.

Finally, the mask itself was less affected by these restrictions. Genji could make it invisible or expand it to its original size when he first excavated it. He assumed this was because the mask was the source of the ability and didn’t have any difficulties influencing itself.

With a wave of his hand, the mask disappeared, revealing an unfamiliar face to Bruce. The nightbane rubbed his eyes in confusion before circling Genji with a puzzled neigh. “Naaar?”

Genji dispelled the disguise and explained his discoveries. Bruce’s eyes widened as he realized what this meant. 'He can bypass the purchasing limits of rare foods! That means as much dry-aged meat as I want!'

Bruce began drooling, causing Genji to shake his head in amusement. 'Gluttonous horse, always thinking about food.'



As they continued on their route, their group grew larger and encountered more ambushes. One would think it would be the opposite, but the lunatics lived up to their name, attacking like rabid dogs. There were a few instances when they would dive in like suicidal bombers, aiming to claim as many lives as possible before perishing themselves.

There was little the group could do other than raise their guards and become more vigilant, as their size made it difficult to remain hidden. Thus, they traveled for another week before arriving at a major chokepoint. This area was one of the critical obstacles the lunatics had to cross to enter their lands. If they wanted to avoid it, they would have to take a significantly longer route.

As they approached, they felt the ground rumble, followed by the sound of trees falling. Genji and a few others went ahead to check out the commotion while the rest of the group followed.

Moments later, they came upon a shirtless barbarian delivering a mighty punch to the head of a large, elephant-like creature. A dull reverberation echoed like a hollow drum before the creature froze and collapsed.

'It's him,' Ij'gne thought, recognizing the man. This was Jaj'madi, the guardian of the chokepoint. He had given Ij'gne lots of trouble in the past and was one of the main reasons why they were so passive against the barbarians' invasions. With him holding the line, it became very difficult for anyone under a peak master to enter barbarian lands.

Jaj'madi shook his wrist to ease the discomfort and began dragging the giant creature back to his post.

"Why not kill it?" Genji asked, noticing the creature was only unconscious.

Jaj'madi stopped and looked over, prompting the companions to thump their chests respectfully. "Greetings, guardian. This is Enigma, an otherworlder. We're heading for the front lines right now."

Jaj'madi nodded in understanding and explained, "She’s a companion, not an enemy. Stone Tusk Behemoths are typically quite docile, but they tend to lose control when they’re about to give birth. It’s their way of removing any nearby threats before they become vulnerable."

However, what Jaj'madi didn't say was that the creatures' tameness only extended to those they trusted. Against any strangers, they would display the full brunt of their ferocity. Ij'gne had experienced firsthand what they were capable of and why Jaj'madi had given him so much trouble.

These elephants boasted impressive defense, capable of tanking hits that would kill most fighters, and possessed strength surpassing the strongest Harmony practitioners. Paired with their large frame, they deserved their titles as walking fortresses.

Back then, it had taken Ij'gne multiple strikes of Lightning Inspiration in the same spot to kill one. Fortunately, the population of these titans has been on the decline, hovering on the verge of extinction. Otherwise, Ij'gne wouldn't have conquered the barbarians so easily.

Jaj'madi led them through the mountain pass and into the garrison, where many other barbarians resided. Jaj'madi delegated the welcoming to a subordinate before dragging the elephant back to her den.

After everyone settled into their accommodations, they gathered for a humble dinner and discussed their plans.

"Unfortunately, I can't go with you since I need to defend this point. But I won't stop you from recruiting people. They're free to leave if they want to join the upcoming battle," Jaj'madi said.

"Thank you, guardian." With permission given, the group scattered to explain their purpose, leaving Genji alone with Jaj'madi.

"Everything must feel so sudden to you," Jaj'madi said. "I hope you aren't overwhelmed."

"It's not a problem, but can you tell me why everyone is following me? I still don't understand the reasoning that well," Genji asked.

"As you might know, the world is dying." Genji nodded, and Jaj'madi continued. "It's on its last legs. If we don't do something soon, we'll all die with it. So we're preparing for a final battle. You were just the trigger for these emotions. We would still be doing this even if you hadn't shown up."

"Okay, but why me?"

"Because we know how powerful you otherworlders can be. Going with you gives us better chances than anything we can prepare in the upcoming month. We're that desperate."



The next scene began with Genji leading an army of barbarians into a large village near the boundary mountain separating the two sides. In the distance, a blurry image of a dark crimson tree loomed ominously over the clouds. The tree’s appearance seemed creepier than Ij'gne remembered, but he attributed the difference to the mountain scattering certain colors.

The most powerful combatants gathered at the commander's quarters and reported their presence. Ij'gne recognized this person as the barbarian leader, the last surviving master during his conquest. It made sense why he was so powerful, having fought against the believers of the world tree for most of its existence.

After discussing their plans, they agreed to launch a decisive battle in a week. During this time, everyone was to adjust their conditions and make their final preparations.

Genji mingled with these fighters, gaining a better understanding of their martial arts. They sparred and exchanged combat ideas, eventually learning each other's characteristics.

Like this, time passed, and the fateful day arrived. The barbarian leader gathered all his troops and marched toward the mountains. For kilometers, the army stretched, trampling everything in their path. The lunatics noticed the commotion and began their preparations. After a short delay, the two sides met in the middle, unleashing a bloodstorm.

Genji and Bruce rampaged throughout this period, cutting down anyone in their path as they beelined for the peak. This display of valor boosted the barbarians' morale, causing them to follow and open a path like a nail through wood.

They were nearing the top when a man leaped down. His body was curled upward, and his sword was arched back. It was a mid-air quickdraw stance.

"Die, filthy heavens!" The moment he uttered those words, the man drew his sword and disappeared from his descent. Suddenly, Genji heard a sharp whistle from the middle of the army, followed by a heavy scent of blood and the plopping of dropping bodies. Genji turned around and saw crescents of light cubing the fighters.

'A teleportation ability and weapon intent!?!'

Finishing his barrage, the man sheathed his sword, jumped into the air, and entered a quick-draw stance again. Then he disappeared again, reaching a new location before the army could react. Another slaughter ensued before he teleported away.

'He teleports forward every time he draws his sword,' Genji determined. 'Based on this pattern, he'll appear there!'

Genji made an educated guess and flash-stepped over, intercepting the attack before it could decimate the area. He pivoted on his foot and swung upward, knocking the sword away from the sheath. The man couldn't teleport if he couldn't draw his sword.

[Curse Bearer] manifested and delivered three quick shots. The man grabbed his sheath, manifesting a barrier to detonate the bullets ahead of time. Using this cover, the man adjusted his grip and phased beside Genji for a downward slash.

'I see. It's not that he teleports with each quickdraw but with each swing. The bigger the arc, the further he goes.'

Genji twisted his body, canceled the material shift on the saber, and hooked the sword with the barbs that extended out. He yanked the saber to the side, creating an opening for him to dive forward with a dagger.

The man flicked his wrist back, creating some distance to swing his sword. Gripping the handle with both arms, he swung like one would with a baseball bat. Upon collision, sparks flew, and he disappeared again.

'At the side,' Genji determined and manifested his own barrier, blocking a backward stab. Genji kicked out with a coating of cutting intent, forcing the man into another awkward teleport.

Suddenly, Genji received an eye-widening prompt from EverRealm.

[Detected conflict between fellow champions. Please avoid internal conflict if possible.]

"Oye! What the fuck are you doing?!?" Genji yelled at the man, still registering the turn of events.

"Killing you," the man responded, abruptly manifesting beside Genji for a dangerous stab.

Genji clicked his tongue in annoyance and accelerated with Untraceable Movement, sidestepping the attack. He then kicked the sword upward, giving Bruce an opening to attack. Wings of blood opened behind Genji, launching a storm of spikes. The man created some distance and weaved between the barrage with insane speed. After flashing around a few times, Genji appeared beside him with both daggers.

A flurry of dagger swipes tore apart the man’s defense, opening small cuts around his body. In the end, the man used another barrier to create a large distance. He exchanged a stare with Genji before bringing his sheath out in a backhand grip. A sudden sense of danger overwhelmed Genji before the man disappeared again.

This time, the attack came faster than Genji could react, triggering his hyper-dodge. His body arched back in an awkward position as streaks of lines filled his vision, surrounding him and threatening to shred him upon contact. Yet due to the dodging trigger, Genji was in the one spot safe from danger.

Genji's eyes widened to their maximum, and the surrounding world began to slow. He pushed all his senses to their peak as he searched for the next pocket of safety within this web of death. Little by little, the surroundings changed until he found his target. However, the path to it was rapidly fading. He needed to move fast.

In a split-second judgment, Genji decisively used Dance of Death, letting two silhouettes get shredded as he teleported to safety. This spot happened to be next to his opponent, allowing Genji to counterattack.

Whickers of flames and cutting intent fused into his daggers, giving off enough danger to disrupt the man.

Stealth Dagger: Double Barrage

Genji's own discharge of attacks launched, matching the man blow for blow. Their weapon intents canceled each other out, causing the forbidden zone around them to shrink. Eventually, everything fizzled out, leaving only physical attacks between them.

With the cutting intent gone, Genji's shadow flames flared into an inferno, creating small defenses against the man's teleportation. This, paired with Genji's hyper dodge, allowed him to keep pace with his opponent's erratic teleportations.

Ever since the man picked up his sheath, the requirement for teleporting had changed from every swing to every step. Additionally, his movements had become more versatile, making predictions significantly harder for Genji.

Wounds opened on both of them like drops in the rain, filling the air with hovering blood. They were moving so fast that their blood hadn't even fallen to the ground. At this moment, Bruce controlled these droplets to attack, tearing small chunks off the man. Pairing this with Genji's superior health, it wasn't long before the man was forced to retreat.

"Hmph, you win this time," he said, sheathing his sword and turning around. Using the last of his legacy liberation, he leaped into the air, performed one final quickdraw, and disappeared.

Genji let this happen, his mind filled with questions. Questions he wanted answers to. And until he got them, he wouldn't be participating in this war. Giving the mountain peak one final look, Genji turned around and leaped off, spreading his cloak to glide down.

The barbarians realized his departure and struggled against the defenders for some time before the leader called for a retreat. After everything settled down, Genji barged into the leader's quarters with an unfriendly glint in his eyes.

"You have some explaining to do. Otherwise, I'm out," Genji said, daggers drawn.

*Sigh* "I was hoping it wouldn't come to this," the leader said, massaging his forehead with a pinching motion and closing his eyes.

"You going to talk or what?" Genji's tone became aggressive, indicating his dwindling patience.

"I'll explain," he said, taking a deep breath. "It all started 18 years ago when one of our most talented geniuses decided to investigate the tree lunatics. He entered their territory behind those mountains but never returned. We thought he had died, but some of my men claimed to have seen his figure among those mountain peaks. We couldn't be sure due to the distance, but there was a high chance it was only someone who resembled him. Still, I held onto the hope that he's still alive and-"

"And what? Stop stalling and get to the point," Genji interrupted. "Why does this matter?"

"Because-" *Sigh* "Because he's my son!"

A moment of silence ensued before the leader continued. "I held onto these hopes, but I couldn't do anything about it. Until one day, an otherworlder arrived at this border. She heard my story and took it upon herself to verify the truth. But she didn't return either. Fast forward another few years and I met a powerful swordsman, the same one you fought. In an unexpected turn of events, they had joined the enemy's side and turned against us. It was very vexing to me. I didn't want to tell you this because I was afraid you'd follow in their footsteps."

"That's because they saw the truth," Ij'gne commented. "All your lies and deceit."

Genji didn't dwell on this explanation for long, as EverRealm prompted him again.

[You have discovered some unexpected information.]

[A side mission has been issued.]

[Side mission: The Missing Champions]

Description: Two of EverRealm's champions have stopped responding to calls. They have gone silent and overstayed their promotion trial.

Requirements: Investigate the cause / motivate them to complete their trials.

Reward: Rewards will depend on your results. The maximum reward is a full letter upgrade in your final rating (e.g., a final score of A+ will upgrade to S+).

Note: This mission is completely optional and won't have any detriments if you ignore it.


That was all Genji needed to know to make up his mind. "That does change things. I'll be doing some investigation on my own before I make my decision. Goodbye." Then Genji turned around and walked out, ignoring the concerned protests from the leader.

"Shouldn't have lied to them so much," Ij'gne gloated before the scene turned black.

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