The Final Desperation

198 – New Changes

Genji's energy underwent countless changes to make this elusive frenzy a permanent trait. His energy expanded like a balloon, contracted like a heart, zipped around like snakes, and flowed in reverse, along with many more erratic shifts. If you can name it, it probably happened during this time. The experience was extremely uncomfortable for Genji, but it only extended his grin.

'Ah yes, it isn't a power-up if I don't feel miserable,' he crackled to himself and began dancing to the energy transformations.

His joints jerked back and forth at strange angles, emitting loud popping sounds as he treated the platform as a dance floor. He was in a world of his own, and nothing could ruin his fun.

"La la la la la," he sang to himself, incorporating exaggerated swaying movements into his dance. His alterations grew more pronounced, and his motions began resembling a broken puppet. And in a way, Genji was a marionette, one controlled by his energy strings.

The pain of his dislocating sockets hardly affected him since he was used to much worse. His muscles twisted, his bones curved, his organs compressed, and his skin stretched, bringing about a painful mangling, yet he maintained a soft smile. And most importantly, he danced like there was no tomorrow.

His arms twirled through the air regardless of his convulsive movements, and his legs took extended steps to preserve his balance. Sometimes, he spun like an out-of-control top, threatening to crash into an obstacle.

Other times, he glided through the air like a soaring eagle, unaffected by his mortal constraints. He also played around with his expressions, practicing different smiles like a psychopath, and exploring what it meant to be an actor.

"To act is to play; to play is to pretend; but why pretend when I can do it for real? A true psycho knows how to switch his expressions on demand, becoming deranged in the eyes of many. Only that way can I maintain my facade and remain unpredictable," he soliloquized. "To play a crazy jester, I must keep a clear mind because I can only surpass logic when I am lucid. And I bet I look like a nutcase right now."

Genji stopped his dance and twisted everything in reverse, undoing all the dislocations throughout his body. A series of harsh cracks sounded before Genji returned to normal. He put a hand to his neck, made one final readjustment, and looked at the prompts EverRealm sent.

[You have selected the Trailblazer's Path. Commencing talent promotion.]

[Calculating ideal traits based on personal expression...]

[Designing upgrade procedures...]

[Initialing molding process...]

[Inducing high energy fluctuations...]

[Controlling excess variables...]

[Refining the details...]

[Applying finishing steps...]

[Upgrade complete.]


[Talent Upgrade - Trailblazer's Path]

Synopsis: Despite the pre-established options, you were not content and decided to forge your own path. For this, EverRealm applauds you. However, your future is murky, and EverRealm cannot help you beyond this point. Everything will now depend on your efforts. Whether you surpass the previous paths or lose yourself in the brambles, only time will tell.

Developed Ability: Shadow Devour

Effect: Use at least 1,000 energy points to construct a vortex that shreds anything it touches. Deals 20x the consumed energy amount as damage. If this hits a weak point, multiply the damage by 3x and inflict 1% of the total damage on the soul. If this hits a fatal spot, instantly execute the target by destroying their soul.

Note: Your starting point is lower than the pre-developed paths, but your growth potential is higher. EverRealm has taken the first step for you, but you will need to continue developing your abilities. Otherwise, this opportunity will become your greatest shackle.


Essentially, it was another situation where Genji had to figure out the nuances by himself through experience and training. However, he wasn't daunted by the challenge. He had been doing this the entire time with all his self-created techniques, so what difference did it make if he added another agenda?

Plus, Genji didn't mind giving up his short-term prospects since he was already among the upper echelons within the same stat range. The gap between him and the other realm members might decrease, but he was confident in staying ahead with his newly created technique.

At worst, he would go from fighting multiple champions at once to being on par with a single one. Genji didn't mind this trade-off since the outcome was worth it.

This is Shadow Devour we're talking about—the same technique that won him several battles against opponents considerably stronger than him. Imagine how deadly Genji would be now that this last-resort trump card became a normal energy-intensive attack.

It was like adding wings to a tiger. Moreover, this was an upgraded version that damaged the soul. This was a huge change! After all, injuries to the soul are much more troublesome than their physical counterparts. Just reference the memory loss Genji struggled with for context.

'I might only have the combat power of a champion in a frontal battle, but my killing power is unrivaled. Maybe I should become an assassin again,' Genji chuckled at the irony but soon realized his mask was already pushing him in that direction.

'Oh well. A knife that cuts is a good knife. I'm not picky with my methods if it gets the job done,' Genji shrugged and checked the next prompts.

[Welcome to the third step, Nightmare Enigma. Please review the following changes before returning to your room.]

1. The danger cap has been removed: You are no longer guaranteed a world that matches your strength. You may encounter existences at the step's limit (80 points) in any world.

2. World Restrictions have been lifted: Items of all genres can now be used in any world.

3. World Principles have been applied: Depending on the world, certain power systems may receive a buff or debuff while in the world.

4. World variety has increased: The worlds you enter may be drastically different from what you're used to. Day and night cycles, gravity, the number of nearby stars, terrain, and even laws of reality are subject to change. Adjust accordingly or face the consequences.

5. Auto-pickup has been disabled: All items will drop on the ground after you kill a target. Equipment will no longer return to the member's storage space on death. You can now pillage these bodies for extra loot.

6. Kill-drop rule has been modified: If you kill a member within 1 hour of them obtaining an item, the item is guaranteed to drop.

7. The Slayer rule has been applied: From now on, a native can join EverRealm by killing a realm member. They will replace the slain member's position. This only applies to enforcers and below. For Champions, the fight needs to be an agreed-upon duel where the champion bets his legacy. If the champion loses, the legacy will be rebound to the slayer. Otherwise, the slayer will only receive the Enforcer rank. If the slayer rejects the proposition after killing a champion, a bounty will be issued against them.

8. Invitation privilege has been unlocked: Champions can now invite a person of their choice into EverRealm. The champions will be judged according to the invitee's performance after 6 months. If the invitee fails to meet performance requirements, 5 privilege tokens will be deducted from the champion. Otherwise, a reward of up to 25 tokens can be given.

9. A new currency has been unlocked. The conversion ratio from Ever coins to Realm coins is 1000:1.

10. A new mastery level has been unlocked: Supreme masteries will fundamentally change your fighting abilities. From now on, every level beyond Grandmaster will provide a corresponding bonus when upgraded. This upgrade will cost Realm coins.

11. Inter-realm communication and trade are now available. Please buy the corresponding support items to learn more. All trades between realms will use the new currency.

12. The Void Shop has been unlocked. This is a shop authorized by {Eternal Void}. It sells items that facilitate actions between realms, like the inter-realm contract.

13. EverRealm's official shop has been updated. You can now buy more skills through it.

14. Vacation permission has been unlocked: For every 3 months you spend in a mission world, you can opt for a 1-month break. At your current step, this permission does not accumulate. You currently have 1 use available.

[Please confirm once you've finished reading.]

To summarize everything, the upcoming worlds would be more dangerous, more features have been unlocked, and EverRealm has become more lenient about people's actions. It's like becoming an adult: there are more responsibilities, difficulties, and freedom. Not everyone can adapt to these changes, but those who do will become capable explorers, regardless of rank.

Genji clicked confirm, and EverRealm teleported him back to his room. The following moment, he felt a furry tail brush up against his neck as Astros curled around him. Genji smiled at this familiar sensation and browsed the updated shops. The first thing he found was a compact technological device in the shape of a phone.


[Interdimensional Communication Device, Basic Model]

Cost: 100 realm coins

Description: A highly advanced, all-purpose communication device developed by Universal Inc. Co. It can take on many forms and contains all the necessary functions to satisfy your online desires. From video browsing to online communities, this place has it all if you can find the right people.

Note: This is created by fusing mana-tech with unique signal detection materials. Please avoid submerging this in mana disruption environments. Universal Inc. Co. bears no responsibility for damages caused by this reason.

Note 2: This device is also rigged to explode if you attempt to take it apart without permission. You have been warned.

Note 3: For any other unexpected damages, please reach out to customer service and report your problem. We'll try to get back to you within 7 business cycles.

Note 4: Your Realm will automatically install the corresponding applications upon purchase. Consider buying the Luminal Tech Hologram Machine for 500 realm coins if you want to maximize the experience.


Genji converted some coins and purchased the item. A few seconds later, the device appeared in his storage and Genji began playing with it. Bruce and Astros watched with fascination over his shoulders as Genji went through the user introduction.

The device deserved its title as futuristic tech because its performance surpassed anything Genji had seen. For example, he could adjust the screen size with a button click or swap to a holographic display to project a 3-D movie. Its size ranged from a triple-screen monitor that covered 180˚ of his vision to a small chip that fits between his fingernails.

The holographic display could also be customized to accept inputs from the user, ditching the limited input constraints of modern technology. Its sound and video qualities were also mind-blowing, displaying details one might not even register in person.

The battery life was beyond amazing since it could last up to a week with merely a few hours of charging in the sun. Most impressively, all of this was accomplished with 50 grams of mass, making it lighter than a medium-sized chicken egg.

The screen was impossibly thin like paper, but it was durable enough to endure 20 points of strength. Anything beyond that would bend the material, but the device would gradually restore itself with time. This process could be sped up by using some of its battery power, but Genji doesn't know the full extent of its repair features.

Genji didn't want to find out either since it cost a decent sum. He finished playing around with its parameters and began to explore the apps. The programs designated by EverRealm were still being installed, so he checked out the everyday features first.

He found games, movies, videos, music, and various other forms of content made by different species. Some of them weren't even humanoids, resembling small blobs or other animals. Genji even found a user claiming to be a mythical dragon from an upper world during this session.

His name is Dragon Herbert and he has a reputation for complaining about games, enjoying delicious foods, and consuming way too much media. According to some users, this Dragon is either sleeping or online. There's nothing in between. It was the classical NEET lifestyle.

"Isn't this just the internet?" he asked after a while.



Bruce and Astros tired their head in confusion, unaware of the comparison.

"Oh, never mind then," Genji said, buying two more devices. "Here, you two can play with it. Just make sure you don't agree to anything shady like downloading RAM or an extended car warranty. Also, don't give away your personal information if a site asks for it. Just fill in random stuff until you can access what you want."

The two of them eagerly nodded their heads like baby chicks pecking rice and took the devices. Genji gave both of them some coins to play with before checking the recommended accessory.

[Luminal Tech Hologram Machine requires a whole room. Modify the current room?]

Genji declined and headed next door before proceeding.

[500,000 Ever coins have been deducted.]

[The modification will take 18 hours. Please ensure no one uses this room within this time.]

Genji closed the door behind him and locked it through the user interface. He then opened the apps that had finished downloading. There were four main features that EverRealm added.

The first was Communicate, which allowed him to text and call people on his friends list. This feature might seem redundant at first since EverRealm already facilitates communication, but the truth was far from it.

Unlike EverRealm's messaging system, Genji could bring this device into the mission worlds. This meant he could coordinate with his acquaintances if he ever needed to. This fact was only amplified by the removal of world restrictions, guaranteeing its effectiveness. Of course, this only applies to those in the same world since communication between worlds is too excessive.

The second feature is the Forums, a platform only accessible to realm members. Here, people from different worlds can share their experiences and promote their businesses. Anything goes on this network, though it's unknown how secure it is.

Thirdly is the Marketplace, which consists of trade between the realm members and all the previously mentioned official shops. Both EverRealm's catalog and Eternal Void are included in this section, making purchases more convenient. The caveat, however, is that all transactions between different realms are subject to a 10% tax.

That's 5% for each realm, the standard fee for using the auction house. It's not a high fee considering they're literally teleporting items between realms, but it is enough to deter most mediocre products. It's simply not worth buying something at an inflated price when one can get the same product for a reduced price.

Hence, most transactions here involve high-value items that yield a decent profit. Items such as legendary equipment, unique consumables, and rare inheritances are commonplace because they benefit from having a wider audience.

Other products may include personal skills a member has developed over time. For example, ManaRealm specializes in enchanting equipment, so they could reasonably sell their services here.

Others like blacksmiths and alchemists can follow the same path, but most people already have a go-to person. Thus they would need to be renowned across the realms if they want to transition here. Everything boils down to supply and demand.

The rarer and more unique a skill is, the more likely one can make a profit here. Because in the Marketplace, there are plenty of rich buyers, but not enough services. The 10% fee really emphasized that point.

Of course, the fee only applies if the transaction is between two realms. If it's between members from the same realm, it will only be 5%. But why pay through the Marketplace when they could meet in person and avoid that? Albeit some people might just accept the fee because they don't want to waste the time. Everyone has different standards for how much is worthwhile.

Finally, there is the management function. This basically encompasses everything else that could be done through the realm. It's like a remote control for different features.

Examples include access to special buildings, setting up stalls, changing permissions on who can enter one's room, and deciding when to return to one's original world. Genji could do all of this remotely and even preset them if he wanted to.

With this, he could let Bruce into the training hall without being physically present. Or he could transfer money to Astros and Bruce's card when they run low. The possibilities are endless. If someone can think of a way to make their lives more convenient, this feature has it. If not, they can always request EverRealm to add it. These apps are constantly being updated.

Once Genji understood all of this, he went to the strengthening hall and used his points from last time.



Health: 29,990/29,990 (Con x 250 x 1.2 + 14,240. Increase of 750 from the last settlement.)

Energy: 4,653/4,653 (Int x 50 + 1,953 from cloak. Increase of 1,173 from the last settlement.)

Con: 50 → 52 (+1) = 53

Str: 50 → 52 (+1) = 53

Dex: 50 → 52 (+1) = 53

Int: 50 → 54

Spc: 50 → 55

Mastery Levels:

- Dodging Supreme (5.8%, +5.6)

- Stealth (Grandmaster - 45%, +3%)

- Firearms (Grandmaster - 24.2%, +1.2%)

- Total Weapon Mastery (Grandmaster - 27%, +11%)

- Hand-to-Hand Combat (Grandmaster - 71%, +42%)

- Dagger Mastery (Supreme - 41%, +12%)


Out of everything, Hand-to-Hand Combat, Total Weapon Mastery, and Dagger Mastery experienced a major increase because Genji gained a better understanding of force application. This was especially prevalent in Hand-to-Hand Combat because he learned several new martial arts during his time as Ij'gne. So much so that Hand-to-Hand Combat became his third most proficient mastery despite its late start.

Genji checked the upgrade price from Grandmaster to Supreme and nearly choked on his spit. '100 thousand realm coins?!? That's 100 million normal coins! It's a tenfold increase! How many legendaries is that?'

Genji did the calculations and realized it was 1 million Ever coins or 1,000 realm coins for each percentage. It was an astronomical amount if Genji excluded the inherent values of his legacies. Genji doubted that he would have enough even if he sold all his other equipment.

Fortunately, he had other sources of income and wasn't too reliant on this option. Nonetheless, it would still take a few worlds to level up a single mastery. Well, for three of them at least. Hand-to-Hand Combat is the exception because he still has Zarasu's Legacy, which would give another boost in percentage. Pairing this with this month's income meant he could upgrade it with room to spare.

But before that, he needed to fuse his martial arts with his other techniques. The Elemental Inspirations were such profound techniques, and it would be a waste to not do anything with them.

'Time to start training again,' Genji thought, lightly punching his palm and heading for the training hall.

I need some mastery suggestions. 4 upgradable options won't last long enough for how many worlds I have planned in the 3rd step, especially when Hand-to-Hand combat is going to Supreme next chapter. I'm thinking of 1 or 2 more.

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