The Final Desperation

218 – Agreement

Under Astros's withered gaze, the group, led by Cainance Jack—the man with the Mythril sword—entered the cathedral. They walked past the colored pictures cast by the tinted glass and approached the feast hall.

A long table stretching 15 meters took up the majority of the space. Fancy chairs flanked the sides, and pleasant-scented candles filled their senses. A girthy priest sat at the other end, reading a book amidst this atmosphere.

"Hmmm? It's you again," he said, spotting Cainance. "Are you here to rechallenge me?"

"Yes and no," Cainance replied. "I'm here as a guide this time. Your opponent is someone else."

"That's fine. I assume you've heard the rules?"

"Kind of, but I don't mind having another review," Genji said.

"It's an eating contest. You win by eating more than your opponent. The reward is my magical bag of holding. The rules are pretty straightforward, except for a few modifications due to a certain someone," he said, glaring at Cainance, who pretended not to notice. "First, there's a deposit requirement for the challenge. Win, and you get it back. Otherwise, it's my compensation."

Cainance said nothing and handed over a fossilized bird claw from his loot bag. The priest snorted at him and continued his blurb. "Second, no messing with the table or using any tricks to divert the food! I don't want anything to be wasted, you hear me? Failure to obey will result in an automatic loss! If those terms are acceptable, sit down, and we'll begin the challenge."

"Before that, can I help the contestant bring the food closer?" Genji asked, patting Astros on the head. "As you can see, he's quite small and will have trouble reaching everything. I believe it would go against the spirit of the challenge if he loses because of his size."

"Very well, I'll allow it. In return, I'll also have my own helper." The priest clapped his hands, and a puppet without any features entered the hall. It robotically walked to the side of the table and prepared to work.

Genji nodded and plopped Astros down on the challenger’s seat. "Eat to your stomach's content. This is a great opportunity."

"Squeak," Astros weakly answered, half-heartedly raising his paw. It was quite comical since his nose was still plugged, making his voice high-pitched.

Genji stepped back, and a flash of light covered the table, filling it with massive plates of food. By his estimate, this was enough to feed a dozen people. Genji grabbed a few nearby dishes, consolidated everything into one platter, and placed it in front of Astros, who dug in with frenzy. It was like he had been starved for days on end.

No, a more accurate description was that he was venting all his grievances on the food with how ferociously he was tearing away at it. Genji paid no heed to Astros's mental state and prepared the next mound. Right as Astros finished, Genji swapped the plate and added it to the growing stack of dirty dishes.

Astros ate without pause, stuffing as much food down his throat as physically possible. There were times when he didn't even stop to chew, opting to wash everything down with soup or other available liquids.

The team watched with amazement as mounds of food several times Astros's size disappeared into nothingness. They couldn't help but wonder how this was possible, considering Astros's stomach remained as flat as when he first started.

On the other side, the priest ate with equal gusto, pouring plates of solid food into his mouth. He would only stop to chew when he reached for another plate. Afterward, it was back to swallowing his meal like an ocean whale.

Due to his bigger size, the priest finished first, but Astros wasn't far behind. Seven minutes after the priest put his hands down, Astros slammed the plate on the table and defiantly stared at him. The priest wiped his mouth with a napkin, rubbed his round stomach, and grinningly said, "Ah, the appetizer's done. Let's start the main course then."

The spectators' eyes twitched at his pretentiousness. An appetizer? That was enough to be a full-course meal several times over!

"Sounds good. I was worried there might not be enough food," Genji said, unwilling to be outdone.

The table flashed again, and more food replaced the empty dishes. The two contestants immediately got to work and demolished the incoming food. Neither of them was willing to relent their pace, transforming the lavish cuisine into a sloppy mouth-shoving fest. Genji supported Astros to the best of his abilities and reached a similar result as the last round.

The priest waved his hand, and the table restocked with a new variety. This back-and-forth continued for several more rounds, but neither party showed much of a change in their physiques. By the 13th round, the onlookers had gone numb from how much food was being devoured.

'They must be black holes,' thought the spectators. 'That's the only explanation!'

Astros finished the last plate and smugly met the priest's gaze, challenging him to produce more food. Genji chuckled at this display and cleaned the sauces stuck to Astros's fur. The priest grinned back at Astros and loudly announced, "Then let's start the second main course!"

As another round started, Cainance gestured to grab Genji's attention. 'Hey, when do we do our thing?'

'Just wait. Let's see if we can win legitimately first,' Genji gestured back.

So the competition continued. They reached milestone after milestone, breaking records and redefining what it meant to eat competitively. 50 rounds, 60, 70, 80, 90, 99, 100!

At this point, it wasn't the contestants who struggled but the magic responsible for replenishing the food. They had literally eaten the zone principles to exhaustion.

"Huff huff, I have never faced such a capable foe," the priest panted. "You deserve my admiration. Huff huff."

"Gi yi yi... Yi," Astros responded with droopy eyelids and a round stomach.

"But how much longer can you hold on? I can still go for another two rounds."

Astros waved to Genji, asking him to start the plan. Why would he continue this futile competition when he was destined to lose?

Genji nodded back and subtly gestured to Cainance, who was dozing off. Noticing that he wasn't paying attention, Genji tossed a black "pellet" over, and Cainance instantly reacted with great "enthusiasm." This couldn't be helped since this "pellet" had way too much lethality.

With a disgust-filled face and pinching his nose, Cainance slipped the disaster concoction into the priest's bowl and inwardly retched. Meanwhile, Lynn and hoodie guy "accidentally" bumped into the puppet, knocking the tray out of its hands. They apologized profusely and scrambled to help the puppet pick up the food.

The priest shot a dirty look their way but was otherwise unresponsive. The contest resumed, but Astros had slowed significantly compared to before. The priest ate without any trouble until he reached the tampered soup. Everything was fine at first, but his face immediately scrunched up when his tongue registered the dissolved pellet. But by then, he'd already chugged half of the contents.

His eyes widened with shock, and a violent jerk toppled several plates. The priest coughed heavily, losing his voice and almost regurgitating his stomach contents. After a struggling recovery, he glared at Genji, demanding an explanation.

However, only a sarcastic response welcomed him. "Oh my god! Are you okay? You seem really sick. Should we pause this competition for another day? Maybe call it a draw?"

"Cut the crap! What did you put in my food?" the priest yelled, slamming the table. The cutlery jumped from the impact, and the tablecloth twisted slightly.

Genji's gaze grew dangerous, and his "worried" tone disappeared. "What are you implying? You can eat whatever you want, but be careful of what you say. I'll give you a moment to reconsider your words carefully. Now, let me ask again. What are you implying?"

"What do you think? I'm not stupid. I've held countless competitions, and the only times something goes wrong are when you challengers try something underhanded. If you don't admit it, then I'll disqualify you right this moment!"

Genji's stern face broke out into a grin, changing his expression faster than the blink of an eye. "Is that so?" he asked in a playful tone. "Then, I want to call your bluff. If you could do that, you would have already done so. You don't seem like someone who would play by the rules unless it's to your advantage."

"How dare you! I give you a chance to explain yourself, and this is how you treat me?"

"Alright, cut the chatter. I'll admit it, but so what? It's not like you can do anything to me. There's nothing in the rules about what the spectators can or can't do. You fell for the loophole, and you need to deal with the consequences. Next time, don't try to scam the contestants, and maybe we'll also play fairly. Also, your 15 minutes start now."

At this moment, Astros loudly burped and rolled onto his back to digest everything. In the time Genji had distracted the priest, Astros had finished his food and took the lead for the first time in this competition.

"Also, according to your rules, you have to finish this plate, or it'll be your loss," Genji's grating voice echoed in the hall. "Good luck." He pulled out a chair, sat down, put one leg over the other, and leaned back like a total villain.

The priest fumed at his behavior but eventually redirected his attention back to the soup. His shaky hands reached for the edge, but he couldn't bring himself to drink it again. Just that small sip had destroyed his taste buds and induced a new fear within him.

After a few moments, he recalled the stakes of this battle, and his resolve solidified. He could not afford to lose his treasured bag, so he would endure this temporary disgust. It was not like Genji had more of these pellets, right? Right?

However, this thought soon turned into despair when the next round started and Genji openly tossed a whole pouch to Cainance.

"Congratulations. You survived the first test," Genji said, flashing a thumbs-up. "Now let's see how you deal with multiple of these. Don't worry, we have plenty to go around. I made sure to prepare lots of flavor pellets for this competition."

The priest's face underwent several color changes before he eventually unclenched his fist and surrendered. He could endure the disgusting taste once, but he could not bring himself to persist a second time, let alone dozens. With an unresigned sigh, he unwillingly tossed a leather purse on the table.

[You have obtained: Magical Bag of Holding]


[Magical Bag of Holding]

Rating: Legendary

Type: Consumable

Requirements: 70 Int, 50 Spc

Durability: 46/50


  1. Storage (Active): You can store items with magical properties inside this bag. Items stored can not be taken out.
  2. Power Bank (Active): You can withdraw power from the items in this bag. For every stored item destroyed, this bag loses 1 durability (Non-repairable).
  3. Collective Outburst (Active): Destroy all stored items and this bag for a massive increase in power.

Description: A magical bag said to grant the user immense magical power. Using it is very expensive, but worthwhile.


Essentially, it is a glorified power bank, one capable of rivaling the legacy liberations.

"What do you need this for?" Genji couldn't help but ask.

"To fight an enemy," Cainance responded.

"I know that. I'm asking why. Just how strong is your target exactly?"

"I could tell you, but are you sure you want to know?"

"Why not? Satisfy my curiosity."

"If you insist. It's the giants in the clouds. I want to kill their leader."




"YOU WHAT!" Lynn blurted out.

"Is that surprising? What else would I need so much power for?" Cainance asked.

A sharp hiss sounded, and the realm members' impression of him changed from a strange powerhouse to a whole new nutcase. Although Cainance's stats were high, in the mid-70s, he was a far distance away from the world's limit of 80 points. After all, the leader of the giants was bound to have more comprehensive stats than the giant Genji initially encountered.

"This is why I said not to get involved," Cainance said. "You're not ready for this power level yet. Anyway, you did me a huge favor. Is there anything you want in exchange?"

Lynn and hoodie guy exchanged looks for a few moments before mentioning some loot from his bag. These items were derived from powerful bosses, contained large quantities of mana, and were ideal materials for crafting equipment. They decided to cash out their rewards now rather than take any more risks. After receiving their rewards, they left the room and searched for the main group.

Genji, however, made a different choice. "You need some helpers, right? How about I gather some for you?"

"What exactly are you trying to do?" Cainance asked with a confused look.

"Just keeping my options open. I don't know if you will succeed, but I don't mind giving it a try. I know plenty of people who are willing to take risks as long as you offer enough rewards. They might not be as strong as you, but their teamwork will bolster your chances. You interested?"

"What's in it for you?"

"If you win, I want the giant's blood and maybe its body. If you die, I'll take your sword and whatever other stuff you have on hand at that moment."

The proposal was very candid, but Cainance didn't mind. A deal is only trustworthy if both parties have vested interests in it. He would take this scavenger's offer any day over empty promises and potential backstabs at a crucial moment.

"How trustworthy are these helpers?"

"Not really," Genji casually admitted. "They'll help you to the extent that it doesn't endanger their own lives. You'll lose their support once things get sketchy, but I can ensure they won't hinder you until then. You also don't have to worry about their lives. I'll tell them of the dangers when they sign up."

"You have a deal," Cainance said, offering a handshake.

Genji took it before presenting Bruce's communication device.

"What's this?"

Genji explained, "We'll stay in touch using this. I assume you aren't done gathering fuel for the bag. You do your thing, I'll do mine. Then we'll gather back at the oversized beanstalk and fight the giant. Let's aim for 5-6 days from now?"

Cainance played with the phone for a few seconds before looking up at Genji. "You are an interesting person, you know that? And not in a normal way. Most people wouldn't get involved in so much crap."

"Thank you. I like taking calculated risks. That's how I obtain the resources I need to get stronger. If I simply take the easy route, I'll regret it in the future, and I don't ever leave any regrets. Plus, you seem like a decent person to work with. At least I'm confident you won't rob me."

They both chuckled at the joke and left the cathedral. The priest followed them with a listless look and slammed the door on their exit. From now on, they were permanently banned from his competitions.

[You have completed the story of Priest of the Feast]

[Priest of the Feast]

Description: Although the priest didn't cut open his stomach in the end, you still accomplished the impossible with your own tricks. Now you have cemented yourself amongst the legends who won through wit instead of might. Congratulations on becoming a schemer?

Mission Progress: 7/3


Genji glanced at the locked doors and parted ways with Cainance. After climbing the hill with a near-spherical Astros, he spotted the main group gathered around a bonfire. It had been a long day, and they'd decided to rest for the night before continuing.

Genji talked to a few soldiers and had a tent pitched for him. He laid Astros down and helped himself to some dried rations before meditating the evening away.

Everyone was reenergized the following morning and ready to continue their investigations. The troops had adjusted their mentalities and fortified their caution against possible dangers.

Genji met up with the main team, and Edwin led them into the next zone. A gentle grassland came into view, surrounded by sporadic savanna trees and roaming wildlife. But no matter how chaotic the outer areas were, it didn't affect the opening in the middle.

At the dead center of this place was a crystal coffin adorned with shiny jewels and gold ledges. Between the gleams of sunlight reflecting off the surface, Genji spotted a ravishing beauty within its confines. Genji rubbed his eyes and took a second look before confirming this girl matched the illustration on the wanted notice.

'What are the chances? I'm starting to think the queen's a prophet. Every target she names happens to show up on the journey.'

"Is there any danger?" Kathleen asked, noticing Genji's gaze lingered on the coffin longer than usual.

"I wouldn't say danger, but the queen did ask me to remove this anomaly if I find it. I'm debating if we should take this risk right now. Every request she makes of me is either really tricky or destructive. This one shouldn't be an exception. We might suffer heavy losses in this battle."

"Then we shouldn't confront her, right?" Edwin asked.

"But here's the thing. I suspect all the targets are potential calamities, and I'm nipping them in the bud before they mature. If we let this go, who knows what damage it might cause."

"Makes sense. The queen has a reputation for being farsighted."

'Wait, they believe me?' Genji thought, somewhat amazed. 'I was just making things up.'

At this moment, the tracker spoke up, "Not to interrupt or anything, but I have some alarming findings. All the tracks end here, right by the coffin. Nothing is leaving this area, only approaching. Then they mysteriously disappear."




"I guess we have another valid reason to attack this coffin," Genji said, half-grinning.

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