The First Assistant Teased Me and Gave Birth To a Cub

Chapter 1025

Chapter 1025: To Be Obedient

Chapter 1025 Be obedient

Qi’er also pushed upwards, the lake didn’t seem to be deep, but it seemed like a long time passed before they finally surfaced.

Both of them were breathing heavily, and You Er and Qi Er struggled to swim forward.

It is very difficult to swim alone in the water.

Youer is only eight years old, Qier has been rushing fast in the past two years, he is a bit taller than him, and his weight is much heavier.

Soon, Yuer felt bored.

It’s not just boring, it’s the feeling that the whole body is softened.

He gritted his teeth, looking at the shore not far ahead, stroking mechanically.

The shore of the lake seemed as far away as the horizon, and Youer knew that it would not go on like this, he had no strength, and soon he and his brother would sink into the water.

Qi’er also realized something was wrong at this time.

“No, if we go on like this, we will all die.” After speaking, he broke free from You’er’s hand, but was held back by You’er.

You’er shouted towards the lake shore: “Help! Someone!”

Qi’er smiled bitterly, “Stop shouting, it’s useless.” It would take almost a quarter of an hour for the patrolling troops to come.

When they came, they just saw the patrolling guards walking away.

The palace is so big, although it is divided into areas, it takes about half an hour to come here.

Qi’er tried to break free from You’er’s hand after speaking. He took a deep breath and paddled hard with his movable hands and feet.

However, an immobile leg affected the balance of the body. No matter how hard he fluttered, the body was still sinking.

At the moment when the lake was below his chin, he shouted, “You’er, leave me alone, you go ashore and call someone!”

Just when the water submerged above his head, Youer’s little hand lifted him by the shoulders again and pulled him up.

Qi’er didn’t struggle, he knew that it would cost You’er more energy.

You’er’s face was already pale.

He gritted his teeth, he knew he couldn’t give up, if he let go of his brother’s hand, his brother would be finished.

This is a remote place, and almost no one will come. When he goes ashore to find someone, my brother must have already…

But he has no strength.

His hands and feet seemed to be numb and he didn’t obey.

He and Chess went down together.

Neither of them panicked, because they knew that panic would only make the situation worse.

Chess face suddenly showed joy.

He split his mouth again and spit out a string of bubbles in the water.

Then, he stepped on the water flexibly with both feet, and in just a split second, he pulled Youer out of the water.

“My feet are healed!” Chess laughed happily.

Yuer laughed too.

He had no strength at all, and let his brother drag him to the shore.

The two came ashore, and both collapsed on the grass.

Youer closed her eyes, “Brother, I just wanted to understand something.”

Qi’er turned to look at him, “What’s the matter?”

“You must listen to your mother’s words. If your mother says you can’t do it, you must not do it.”

Qi’er laughed, and the laughter startled the birds on the nearby trees.

The brothers just lay there.

Soon, the patrolling team of the Imperial Guard passed this way and saw two children lying naked on the grass.

Almost all the soldiers knew these two children.

They don’t know that these two little boys have just experienced a life and death. When they passed by, the commander of the forbidden army laughed and joked: “What’s the matter, you two are basking here?”

You’er and Qi’er turned over and lay down at the same time, watching them walk away amid the laughter of the Imperial Guards.

After the two regained their strength and dried their bodies, they got up and put on their clothes and went back.

(end of this chapter)

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