The First Assistant Teased Me and Gave Birth To a Cub

Chapter 1028

Chapter 1028: Walk Hard

Chapter 1028 Walk hard

The next day, Qi’er and You’er couldn’t wait to apply for a swim.

In the evening, when Jiang Youzhi came back from his office, he got a fishing rod on the shore while fishing while watching the two children.

Dinner was delayed, Gu Yunjiao was also blowing in the shade outside, and when they saw in the distance, Xie Heng and Mrs. Xie walked slowly along the lake.

It has only been two days since Mrs. Xie suffered a stroke. One side of his body was still very stiff, but fortunately he did not completely lose consciousness.

With the support of Xie Heng, he dragged his right body and moved forward step by step.

The yard where Mrs. Xie lives is not too far from here. Gu Yunjiao saw him and Xie Heng as soon as they came out of the house.

She waited for a long time before Mrs. Xie moved to the vicinity step by step.

She got up and asked Mrs. Xie with a smile, “Besides your body being stiff these days, is there any discomfort?”

Mrs. Xie shook his head and said vaguely: “It’s okay, thank you Doctor Gu for saving your life.”

Gu Yunjiao smiled, “Don’t worry, old man, as long as you keep exercising every day, you won’t have much problem walking in a long time.”

Mrs. Xie asked eagerly, “How long will it take?” He was afraid that he would spend the rest of his life like this.

“In less than half a month.” Gu Yunjiao smiled.

When Mrs. Xie heard this, she felt that she was exhausted and could no longer walk, but in an instant, she got stronger and asked Xie Heng to continue walking forward.

Ruru was watching Qi’er and You’er swimming with envy, but then ran over, “Master Taifu, let me support you here.”

Mrs. Xie glanced at her, the little girl was not even his shoulders high, if he put his weight on it, the little girl would not be able to lie down.

He shook his head, “Thank you, I don’t need help here, it’s useless.”

Ruru was a little disappointed, she saw that brother Heng was struggling a little, and wanted to help him.

There was a sudden “crashing” sound behind her, and when she turned her head, she saw that her brother had caught a big fish.

Jiang Youzhi closed the line and called to the two children who were still in the water, “It’s late, it’s time to eat, come up quickly.”

The two children got up from the water obediently. They knew that if they dared not cooperate, such good things would never happen again.

The family went back to the house for dinner.

Since that day, Qi’er and You’er have been cheeky and went into the water every day, and Jiang Youzhi has been fishing every day.

Mrs. Xie walked along the corridor by the lake every day.

Some officials who came out for a walk after dinner liked to stand behind the Master Shoufu to watch him go fishing, which was considered a kind of closeness.

They were amazed to see that Mrs. Xie went from stiff limbs to dragging half of his body. Gradually, his posture was no longer so strange. After a few days, when they met Mrs. Xie again, they suddenly found that his walking was much more normal, but he only looked like he had two feet. Some are high and some are low.

Half a month has passed, although Mrs. Xie still feels numb on one side, but speaking and walking, there is basically no problem, and she looks like a normal person.

He took Xie Heng to Gu Yunjiao’s side, expressed his thanks in person, and returned to the cabinet office the next day.

The sage heard about it, and sent Xiaoxizi over to spread the word, “The sage said, Xie Aiqing, don’t be busy serving the country, it’s important to take care of your body first.”

Mrs. Xie said: “My father-in-law, Xiaoxi, is going back to the sage. The body of this minister is really fine.”

Xiao Xizi said with a smile: “There is another word from the sage, Mrs. Xie rest assured to recuperate, even for the first half of the year and a year, and your position as a patriarch will not be given to others.”

(end of this chapter)

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