The First Assistant Teased Me and Gave Birth To a Cub

Chapter 1048

Chapter 1048: Site Excavation

Chapter 1048 Site Excavation

The shopkeeper pointed to the place, and the yamen officers took hoes to dig.

The top soil is still relatively soft, and it should have been buried not long ago.

Not long after, the yamen dug up the first body.

Although the weather is not hot right now, the body is already somewhat decomposed, but it can still be seen that it is a man.

绵 checked and found no trauma. It is estimated that the deceased died of suffocation.

Then Kazukaku found a guide from a bag beside the deceased.

It was clearly written on the road guide that this person was a foreign businessman and was going to Xiangcheng.

The yamen continued to dig, and the scope gradually expanded, and the bodies were dug out one by one.

The more digging the county magistrate, the more frightened he became.

After digging up, some of the corpses have become bones, some have a guide and can know their identities, and some are just a few bones, a skull, and even who they are.

The wasteland is littered with corpses.

This inn is close to the official road, and soon, the movement here attracts passing merchants.

People came over from the official road to watch the fun.

There are more and more corpses, and more and more people are watching the fun.

The nearby residents saw that there were many people here, and they all came to watch the fun.

The sun slanted westward in the afternoon, and the yamen officers had almost finished digging. There were more than 60 skeletons that were basically complete and can be assembled.

Nearly half of them can still know their identities. The county magistrate asked the yamen to take the registration book of the inn over the years, and asked the shopkeepers to recall their previous identities based on the bones that hurt their clothes.

It’s just a long time ago, where can I still remember it.

This inn has been open here for seven or eight years. They usually pick up the kind of single merchants who seem to have a lot of silver taels on them.

They didn’t dare to move when there were so many people, and they didn’t bother to move those guests who didn’t see any oil or water.

For so many years, because of following the principle of being single, they have never overturned. Until this time, they could not resist the temptation of sweaty BMW and decided to violate the principle once and shoot them.

Who knows what happened.

Remorse can no longer describe the mood of several people, they are all numb at this moment.

Seeing the corpses all over the ground, even they were surprised to kill so many people?

The    county magistrate was also numb, and more than 60 lives were lost. Of course, many of them did not happen during his tenure. He has only been here for two years. However, for such a big case, he must report it to the Xiangcheng government as soon as possible.

The crowd of onlookers came wave after wave.

The villagers nearby    seemed to be in a market, and they all rushed over to watch the fun, and they all watched with horror.

Some realizations didn’t know they were bringing their children, so they quickly took the children away.

The people nearby were talking, “I really can’t see how bad their family is.”

“Yeah, the shopkeeper usually looks kind and smiling.”

“I’ve played here a lot. If I knew there were so many corpses buried here, I’d be scared to death.”

The county magistrate looked at the corpses all over the place and didn’t know what to do for a while. Once the corpses were dug up, they couldn’t be buried again. If they weren’t buried, would they have to get the county government?

He was in a hurry, and a yamen came up with an idea: “First, get the bones to the Yizhuang outside the city. Some people who know their identities will send an official letter. It shouldn’t take long for the family to come and collect the corpse.”

The    county magistrate said: “Then hurry up and organize people to drag the corpse over there. It won’t work if you put it like this.”

After giving the order, the county magistrate wiped his sweat and ran to Qi’er and the others, “You two sons, it’s getting late, it’s not very safe for some sons to live in this rural area, why don’t you make a hard trip to Jiu’an county to rest? one night.”

(end of this chapter)

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