The First Assistant Teased Me and Gave Birth To a Cub

Chapter 1116

Chapter 1116: Dowry

Chapter 1116 Dowry

Only the unpromising people don’t want to make money by themselves, but just stare at other people’s pockets.

Gu Yunjiao naturally prepared Ruru’s dowry long ago.

There is a folk saying that five do not marry.

The first of these is that the eldest daughter of a bereaved woman should not marry.

means that a woman without a mother has lacked her mother’s teaching since childhood, so that when she grows up, she will not be able to handle others. Whoever married such a woman cannot bear the responsibility of husband and child.

Gu Yunjiao can’t change this old saying, nor can she change other people’s opinions. She only fears that Ruru will be looked down upon because of it. From a very young age, she not only taught her carefully, but also prepared her dowry.

When I saw something rare and good, I bought it back, thinking that it would be useful for Ruru’s marriage in the future.

Early again, the trustee got the best red sandalwood and placed it there. After the marriage, they made a full set of furniture.

All kinds of antique jewelry have also accumulated a lot.

There are also some rare silk and leather. Gu Yunjiao was afraid that it would turn yellow and become brittle in the warehouse, so she sealed it in a box and put it in her medicine store.

Ruru’s dowry has only been prepared now, and there are already hundreds of thousands of silver. Gu Yunjiao plans to wait for her to get married and give another 100,000 silver to the box.

In short, no matter who Ruru married, Gu Yunjiao didn’t want her husband’s family to say nothing.

Ruru’s wedding date has already been set, this winter.

It’s just the expedition of the grandfather, obviously he can’t come back to attend Ruru’s wedding.

Next, Gu Yunjiao started to work on this big event.

I only see a doctor in the morning, and in the afternoon, I come back to sort out various things and make booklets.

Ruru has been wealthy since childhood, but she was still stunned to see what Gu Yunjiao prepared for her.

She knows what the family conditions are.

Ding’s capital city was destroyed, and it could be said that there was nothing left of the estate of the Duke’s Mansion.

My father and eldest brother are only officials, and they are honest officials, and they don’t care whether the family has money or no money.

Although their salary is enough to support a large family, there is not much left.

The dowry prepared by the sister-in-law for her is about 150,600 to 60,000 taels of silver. This can only be done by the sister-in-law paying her own money and using her own money as a dowry.

Ruru cried hard while holding the dowry booklet.

The best person in the world for her is her sister-in-law.

Even if the mother is alive, she should not be able to do better than her sister-in-law.

Gu Yunjiao hurriedly called the tailor from the satin shop to tailor Ruru’s clothes.

Clothes should not be made too early, and the style will not be fashionable if it is too early.

Some of the jewelry was usable, but when the color of the gold was dull, I took it to the gold shop to fry it. Just like new, Gu Yunjiao also took some gems and pearls that the government had accumulated in the past and brought it out to Ruru to make jewelry.

Ruru was really shocked by her sister-in-law’s generosity, and kept saying no, no, but Gu Yunjiao always felt that something was missing here, something was missing there, and she was still making up for it.

On the eve of Ruru’s marriage, the front line reported that the army on the western front had taken Ruzhou between Dachu and the Hexi Corridor.

Now from Ruzhou, the troops are divided into two groups and attack the city of Jin.

Two other armies have crossed the Yunjiang River and stood on the land of what is now Dajin and what was once Dachu.

The four-way army marched forward steadily in an encircling trend.

And now on Lin Shuo’s side, it’s just the border of Chengbing, and it hasn’t moved yet.

The place where he deployed his troops was not too far from the capital of Dajin, and he planned to give Dajin a fatal blow at a critical moment.

(end of this chapter)

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