The First Assistant Teased Me and Gave Birth To a Cub

Chapter 1137

Chapter 1137: Head Rolling

Chapter 1137 Heads are rolling

The    Law Field is located outside the Xuanwu Gate.

The sage led the hundred officials to sit here, and Jinwuwei surrounded the human wall to guard the law field.

Outside the   human wall, there are densely packed people waiting to see the beheading.

With the sound of horse hooves in the distance, everyone knew that it was coming!

The Duke of the country rode in the forefront, followed by Lin Shuo, Commander Yuan, and some generals in the army.

seemed to be suppressed by the evil spirits of the generals and soldiers, and the long street was as quiet as if no one was there.

Everyone was watching the figures slowly walking down the street on horses.

The Duke of the State dismounted not far from the Dharma field, and all the soldiers behind him also dismounted.

The Duke of    brought the generals forward and knelt down. He slowly said: “Thanks to His Majesty Hongfu’s blessing, this minister is fortunate enough to not be disgraced, and has destroyed the state of Jin, and the entire territory of Jin has been merged into the territory of Da Chu.”

“Now bring back a bunch of captives, and ask Your Majesty to judge.”

Sheng’s upper body leaned forward slightly, “My lord, please get up, my lord has worked hard all the way.”

“The soldiers have worked hard.”

Then the sage stood up, “My great humiliation in the past must be washed away with blood.”

“Send the order to immediately kill the Jin prisoners in the street to comfort the spirits of the soldiers and the common people who died at the hands of the Jin people in the past.”

The onlookers suddenly cheered, “Chop!” “Chop!” “Chop!”

The nobles of Jin State in the cages, facing this overwhelming public opinion, their hearts have long been dead, and it is inevitable that some fears will arise.

Along the way, they have suffered an unknown amount of torment, and they only feel that life is better than death, but at this moment, they are extremely afraid of the imminent death.

The soldiers freed the prisoners and escorted them to the scene one by one to kneel.

When a tall man was pulled out of the prison car, the soldier kicked him in his knees and made him kneel. Who knew that the man straightened his back and stubbornly straightened his bent knees.

The Duke of    quickly recognized that this was a prince of Jin.

He beckoned to call for his personal soldiers, gave a low command, and the personal soldiers strode over and kicked the prince’s knee, only to hear a crisp “click”, and the prince of Jin screamed and fell forward. .

Then the soldiers pulled him up and knelt down on the ground. A soldier pulled his hair forward, revealing a bare neck.

The Superintendent of Execution saw that all ten people in a row were kneeling, shouted “Open Execution!” and threw the order.

The executioners waved their swords in unison.

The head rolled off, and soon another group of prisoners was brought up to kneel.

The executioners took advantage of the gap between the prisoners to change and sharpen their knives.

It is often difficult to cut a few people, and the knife becomes blunt, and it is more laborious to cut people with a blunt knife.

Row after row of people were pushed up and beheaded. The dharma field was really full of people’s heads, and the bodies of the dead were randomly stacked on the side.

The head that was rolled on the ground was not cleaned up for a while.

It took about an hour to kill all the prisoners.

The soil in the center of the field has long been dyed red.

After killing the last person, the sage got up and drove back to the palace.

The yamen’s yamen officers were busy carrying the corpse into the car, and they were going to focus on burning outside the city in a while.

The crowd of onlookers did not disperse for a long time.

The Grandpa went home and took off his armor, and a emptiness he had never felt swept over him.

For more than ten years, he has lived for the goal of destroying the Jin Kingdom, but now that the goal has been achieved, he suddenly does not know the meaning of his life.

He thought about it for a long time in the study by himself, and then wrote a memorial.

After the    memorial was written, it was already late at night.

(end of this chapter)

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