The First Dragon of Marble

24) More Eyes

Chapter 24

            [Lucy’s POV]

            I watch Ladon walk away and think to myself, “He is still having a hard time trusting anyone aside from me. Seems he is still not over what has happened to him the past. Though I suppose I am the same when it comes to certain types. Ladon though seems to distrust everyone at first though until he gets to know them.” “Is he really your mate? He seems rather abrasive, no?” I look over to see the nymph sitting on the edge of the crate as she looks up at me. I look away back at the direction that Ladon went and say, “No, I think something is on his mind. Anyway, what is your name?” The nymph clears her throat and says, “My name is Melora of the nature nymphs that used to inhabit this forest.” I raise my eyebrows and say, “Used to?” Melora bows her head in sadness and says, “We were attacked by these monsters and were unable to repel nor eradicate them. So, the elders told everyone to flee. I was…away from my clan for…reasons and when I returned, I found these goblins who captured me with strange magic. I don’t know how long I have been imprisoned but I think it may be around a couple of weeks.”  

            I look at her in confusion and say, “Then how did you know your clan left if you came after they were gone?” “The chief of the horde told me. They had no reason to lie. Certain monsters take great pleasure and pride in harming the races of the Gods.” I kneel down to meet her gaze and she lifts her head. I look into her eyes and see a vague familiarity in them but cannot quite place where I have seen them. I smile at her and say, “Well I am sure they are safe and so are you now. Ladon took care of the chief and we also wiped out the ogres, hobgoblins, and goblins that were in this camp.” Melora’s bottom lip starts to shake as she tries to hold back her tears. I take out my water skin and look for something to put the water in small enough for her to drink. I find some acorn caps on the ground and cast cleanse on them and then pour some water into one and hand it to her. “Thank you.” She says as she slowly gulps down the water. I then take up some bread and tear it into smaller pieces and hand them to her. We sit there in silence as we wait for Ladon to come back.

            [Ladon’s POV]

            I looked into each tent each to see if there were any weapons or tags before setting the tents on fire. I didn’t find much only a sword or axe here or there leaving me in disappointment. “Where the hell would they store their spoils or war?” I say to myself as I finish up with the last tent. I look up to the stars twinkling from above. I stargaze for a few moments before heading back to Lucy. Once they came into view and I was close enough I asked, “Have you checked the chief’s tent yet?” Lucy shakes her head while handing some bread pieces to the nymph. “I see…stay here I’ll check if there is anything else then burn it. Then I’ll carry us to the shelter above the camp to watch for a couple days to see if any scouting parties were still out. If so, we’ll wipe them out and then head back to Melcox.” “You should rest, love.” Lucy says as she stands up and holds my hands. I smile at her and say, “I promise I will, but first I want to hurry with the looting and get out of here. We are both exhausted and low on mana, so I’ll make it quick. Just keep an eye on the nymph.” Lucy grins and says, “Her name is Melora, love.” I look over her shoulder and see the nymph greedily eating the bread. I sigh and look back at Lucy and I nod. I start for the entrance of the tent but then stop and look at the nymph, “If you eat so fast and consume to much bread in your state, your body will reject everything, and you will die even though you survived imprisonment.” I didn’t wait for a reply and enter into the tent hearing Lucy giggle behind me.

            An intense smell hits me when I enter and by reflex, I cover my nose. “Jesus Christ these monsters are so disgusting. I hope I never have to get used to this smell.” I look around and see rotten meat that I have no desire to find out what kind. I spot a pile of junk along the back wall and walk towards it. I move things around and find various weapons and armor along with a wooden box of dog tags. I pick up a few and see that more than at least fifty are inside. “They let over fifty adventurers take this job and the lord of the region never took it into his own hands. I am starting to have a very bad opinion of nobility more so than I already do.” I shake my head at the lack of leadership being displayed. “I need to talk to Jon when I get back. If this settlement had been left alone for any longer, I’m afraid they would have marched onto Melcox.” I say to myself as I store the weapons, armor, and tags in my earring. I keep searching and find multiple leather bags filled with coins. The most valuable being a few silver coins. I store them as well and walk back outside the tent. Lucy looks at me and says, “Find anything?” I nod and tell her what I found. “I see…over fifty people, gods.” I hug her and say, “Yes, but they have been avenged and they can rest now and move on to the next, bunny, so don’t think too much on it. Trust me, it will do you no good dwelling on it. Grab Melora and step back so I can burn it down.” She nods grabbing Melora and moves back.

            I step back as well and take a deep breath and then release my purple flames onto the tent burning it to ashes leaving only a black spot on the ground. “Wow. Beautiful.” I hear Melora say in awe as I close my mouth cutting of the flames. I turn to Lucy and say, “You ready to go?” She nods her head and asks, “What about Melora?” I look at the nymph and say, “We bring her with us of course. She is to weaken to go off by herself. She can decide what she wants to do after we get to Melcox.” We walk towards the cliff and soon arrive at the bottom of it. When we get to the bottom, I pick Lucy up into a princess carry while she holds Melora in her hands. Lucy smiles at me and kisses my cheeks. I smile at her and materialize my wings and fly up to our shelter. Still carrying Lucy, I stomp the ground to open the stone wall and go inside and finally set her down. Suddenly the exhaustion hits me all at once and I slump my shoulders. We should have someone watch the camp, but we are all too tired, so we decide against it. I clean myself with the cleanse spell along with my clothes. Lucy does the same and then we sit down to eat some leftover stew in the pot after heating it back up. Before we sleep Lucy gives Melora some bandages to cover herself. I take my shirt off and lay on the fur bed and Lucy follows me in just a big shirt cuddling up beside me.

            “What are you…um…Sir Ladon?” I look over at Melora where she is sitting on a couple furs that we gave her to lay down and cover up with to sleep. I narrow my eyes and say, “What do you mean what am I? I am a race of the gods if that is what you are asking.” Lucy pokes me slightly making me look at her. She has a disapproving expression, and it makes me sigh before whispering to Lucy, “She is digging where it doesn’t concern her.” She narrows her eyes at me making me look away. “Stop being mean for no reason. She is just curious and means no ill will.” “How would you know? We only met a few hours ago. For all we know she could…” Lucy props herself up looks me in the eye before interrupting me, “Ladon, think rationally here and not from misconceptions from past traumas.” I close my mouth and look into her beautiful eyes before saying, “Lucy I just want to keep you safe. Why are you so trusting of her suddenly?” Lucy comes down to my ear and says, “Because if you look into her eyes, you will see what I mean.” She leans back looking at my confused face and then motions her head towards Melora. I take a deep breath and walk over to the nymph. “I’m sorry but before I answer could I look into your eyes.” Melora looks at Lucy who nods suggesting that it is okay. Melora steps into my waiting hand and I raise her to eye level.

            I look into her eyes intently and then see that her irises are a light green and bright yellow seemingly swirling around each other. My eyes widen and I look at Lucy who nods and look back into Melora’s eyes. Then I feel something similar pulling me towards her like what pulls me to Lucy. I gently put Melora on the ground and back away. I quickly open the wall and go outside. “The fuck is this about! Once is a coincidence but twice!” My mind races and then I shout into the sky, “Mother! Father! What the hell is this! Is this you’re doing or another God’s!?” I continue to shout and receive nothing but silence. “Is someone using me!?” “Ladon.” I turn around and see Lucy with a worried look on her face and I finally snap out of my crazed state. “I’m…um…I’m sorry, Lucy. I need to…think.” I turn around and transform into my dragon form. I was about to start flapping my wings when I feel her touch against my fur. “I’ll be waiting love. Just don’t take to long.” Turning my head I nod to her and jump off the cliff catching the wind with my wings and fly off with no destination in mind.

            [Lucy’s POV]

            Standing in the darkness I watch as Ladon’s figure fades into the night. “What was that?! Where did Sir Ladon go?” Melora voice enters my ear as I turn to see her at the doorway of stone shelter that Ladon created. I think for a moment and then say, “Its best for Ladon to tell you when he is ready. I think he just had a huge shock from a revelation.” Melora tilt her head in confusion. “Nothing to worry about we should get some rest. I don’t know when he will be back.” “But aren’t you worried about him? Isn’t he your mate?” I smile at her and say, “Of course I am, but he can take care of himself, and I am sure where he is going, I cannot follow yet.” We go inside and lay down then Melora speaks up again, “This is because of me, isn’t it?” I look at her and say nothing. “It is similar to how I was exiled from my clan. The elder looked into my eyes and proclaimed me exile for no reason.” I look at the ceiling and say, “I was considered cursed in my clan before it was attacked, and I was sold into slavery. After two years Ladon saved me from slavery. He nursed me back to health from old and fresh wounds and malnourishment. He then broke the bonds of the slavery magic that onto my life and now I am free to do as I wish. You do not have to worry about him judging you Melora. I think, no, I know, that this has to do with something else.” I turn to look at her and say, “Please be patient. You and I have been through a lot, but he has had to gone through a lot as well.” Melora thinks for a moment and then nods, “Okay…and thank you for sharing.” I smile and nod turning back to the ceiling. “Please come back soon love and be safe.”

            [Ladon’s POV]

            I find myself at the crater where I was born turned lake and land on at the edge. I take a deep breath and close me eyes. “Mother. Father. Can you hear me?” “Son? What is it?” “I need advice and answers.” I say after I hear the faint voice of Odin. “Go to the church in Melcox. There we can talk clearly.” “Very well.” I open my eyes and look around. No one was around and I am slightly disappointed not to see Tiamat or Odin. I transform into my human form with the only dragon traits showing are my horns. I lay down on the grass and stare up at the night sky for what seems like hours. I clear my mind of chaotic thoughts and then an image of Lucy smiling pops up into my head. “I should get back. Neither of us sleep well without the other.” I force my aching body up and fly back to the shelter.

            When I arrive, I am sure that dawn will soon be approaching so I lay beside Lucy who has a troubled expression on her face. I carefully bring her into a hug and stroke her hair and soon her body relaxes. I whisper softly saying, “I’m sorry for leaving you tonight. I won’t do that again.” She smiles as her breathing becomes calmer. I smile at her cuteness and close my eyes drifting off to a deep slumber from physical and mental exhaustion.

            Waking from a dream that I cannot remember I feel a weight on top of my chest. I look to my sides and do not see Lucy anywhere. Then I look on my chest and see a nymph sitting cross-legged looking down at me. I narrow my eyes and say, “One, where is Lucy and two, why are you sitting on me?” Melora smiles and points outside and says, “Lucy is looking over the camp like you said we should do, and I have been waiting for you to wake up.” “Why?” Melora puts her hand to her chin and thinks, “Because I wanted too, and Lucy said for me to watch over you since you have nightmares.” Guilt hits me as I look away thinking how I left last night leaving Lucy to her nightmares. “I see…Well I am up so please get off me.” Melora tries to flap her wings but falls back onto my chest. “Sorry, something seems wrong with my wings.” I pick her up and set aside as I sit up. I rub the tiredness from my face and then look at Melora.

            “Melora…I’m sorry about how I acted last night. You have been through a lot, and I was rather rude to you when you have done nothing wrong. This may just be an excuse, but I think the fight affected my overall mood. This whole job has thrown quite a few curveballs at Lucy and I.” Melora smiles and says, “I accept your apology Sir Ladon. Let us move on, shall we.” I nod and smile, “Please drop the sir thing. I am not much for formalities.” I then offer my hand for her to step onto and say, “Let me see your wings. I may be able to help. Do you have any other injuries?” Melora looks at my hand and then steps onto it and says, “I only feel a discomfort from my wings and weakness from starvation. I lift her up to eye level and ask, “Could you turn around and lower you clothing?” With no hesitation she not only lowers her clothing but drops it altogether. “Whoa! I said just to lower not take it off!” Melora peeks over her shoulder and sticks her tongue out teasingly. My eye twitches with annoyance and just ignore her nakedness. I observe her wings and see that her wings are like a hummingbird’s. “I don’t know much about bird wings, only that the bones inside are light and easily broken.” I think to myself as I close my eyes and imagine bones coming back together and then cast Healing Light. I hear Melora squeak from pain as the bones reset and mend back together.

            Once I was done, I put her back down on the furs beside me. She was breathing hard from the spell, but I could tell that her wings were fixed. “You should be fine now. Just rest and eat to recover faster. I am going to talk to Lucy.” “Thank…thank…thank you…Ladon.” Melora pants out as I stand up careful not to step on her. I nod and walk outside and see Lucy looking through a bush overlooking the cliff down into the camp. I sit beside her and ask, “Have you seen any parties come into the camp?” Without looking at me she says, “No, only scavenger birds feeding on the corpses we left.” I nod and look down at the camp. After a few minutes I break the silence. “Lucy…I’m sorry for how I acted towards you and Melora after the battle.” She looks at me with eyes of sympathy and says, “Ladon I know how you are around new people, and it didn’t help with your emotions heightened from the battle. You need not worry so much.” I smile and look down and say, “I saw a lot of bad…situations when I was in the army and the sight of what was inside the tent of prisoners may have brought up some bad memories.” Lucy pulls my head up and hugs me into her chest and says, “I will always be here for you my mighty dragon. I love you so much and I will do anything to help you.” I wrap my arms around her waist and squeeze tight. “Thank you, Lucy. I love you too.” We stay in this position for a few minutes before we break apart.

            Lucy strokes my cheeks and says, “You should go lay down and rest. You didn’t sleep much, did you?” I smile and flip her around and set her in my lap hugging her from behind. “This will heal me better than any amount of rest could. I just want to be with you right now…besides I think we need to talk about the elephant in the room.” Lucy wiggles herself closer into my lap and then looks over her shoulder in confusion. “Are you talking about Cliff? Why?” I blink a couple times and then laugh, “Haha…no I didn’t mean Cliff. I meant we need to talk about what happened with Melora last night.” “Ohh…I guess that was a play on words in the past.” I nod and she smiles, “I may tease Cliff when we get back with it…hehe.” I chuckle and then say, “I’m sure he will be rather confused…So you noticed her eyes before I did…do you have any guesses or theories?” She leans back and looks through the bush to look at the camp. “I have talked to her about how she ended up in the camp and she has a similar story to my own.”

            Lucy then goes on to tell me what Melora had told her, about how she was exiled and how she heard from the chief about her clan abandoning their home to escape the horde. “She said that when the elder looked into her eyes, he exiled her. It sounds similar to how I was considered cursed in my clan. She didn’t give me a timeline, so I am not sure when she was exiled or why exactly she came back to the clan and then captured.” I rub my hand into her hand and feel her fur as I think for a moment. “Same as Lucy huh. I have yet come across anyone hounding me about my eyes so why was it a big deal to the ones supposedly close to Lucy and Melora? I know I didn’t have these eyes until I was born as a dragon. Does it have something to do with the Gods? Is it just a mutation and the fear of not understanding the unknown. I can’t exactly rule out that this is all significant due to magic existing now.” I voice my thoughts to Lucy since she has read more about the stories of this era and to get a second opinion. “To be honest I cannot think of any stories about how the eyes can determine a cursed individual or of any past historical figures having our eyes as well.” “I see…I guess I will have to wait until we get back to Melcox for research. I need to go to the church as well.” Lucy looks away from the camp and asks, “Why do you want to go to the church? Aside from who your parents are you have never mentioned going there.” “When I was flying around last night I ended up at the crater. I…um…I guessed I prayed to mother and father. Father’s voice came through and told me to visit the church in Melcox. He said that we will be able talk more clearly though I won’t be able to see them.” Lucy smiles and thinks for moment.

            Lucy’s smile becomes bigger and asks, “Can I come with you?” “Sure, but why?” “To talk to your parents of course!” I blink in surprise and then smile, “I am not sure if you will be able to, but you are more than welcome to come with me.” She jumps in my lap in excitement and then becomes nervous. “What is with the emotional roller-coaster?” “Well, I just thought about something. What if they don’t like me? What if I am not good enough for you?” I turn her head, and I kiss her passionately and say, “Bunny my parents may be gods, but they want me to be happy. And you my beautiful and adorable moon rabbit mink make me the happiest I have ever been in this life and the last life.” Lucy’s ears blush and looks away shyly. “Besides I am more concerned that my mother may say something along the lines of wanting grandbabies soon.” Lucy’s ears become even redder from my comment and chuckle at her to which she punches me teasingly. She looks away and whispers, “Do you want babies?” I lean into her ear and whisper back and say, “Do you?” Lucy nods quickly and I continue, “I do as well but let’s keep having fun just the two us before we settle down to have kids.” Lucy smiles brightly and kisses me. We make out on the cliff ignoring the devastation below and Melora in the shelter.  

            We stay in our stakeout position for one more week and only see a few parties of goblins and hobgoblins come back to the camp which we wipe out quickly. I let Lucy kill most of them to continue becoming stronger. We decide not to bother looking at our Personal Scrolls again until we are back in Melcox and just gather all of the proofs of kill throughout the week since there are so many monsters’ dead bodies below the cliff. I could tell we have been away for a while when I felt a chill in the air signaling that winter is not to far away. Melora has been recovering quickly from the food we have been giving her. We have been getting along with her, but I have kept a certain amount of distance between myself and her for the moment due to lingering suspicions. After realizing that the feeling between Lucy and I is not unique has made me even more confused about the conditions of how I have met Lucy and now Melora. Today we have decided that we have wiped the majority of the goblins, hobgoblins, and ogres that have belonged to the horde. 

            I look at Lucy and say, “I was really wanting to wait until it was just you and me, but I think it would be better for you to ride on me to get back to Melcox quicker.” Lucy looks at me and then Melora and says, “It’s fine, but are you sure you want to show her?” I nod and say, “She has recovered quite well but I don’t want her to strain herself and I doubt she will be able to keep up.” Melora looks at both me and Lucy with a confused look and says, “What are you two talking about? Come on don’t leave me out! We’re friends now, right?! No secrets between friends!” As she says this, she buzzes around us like a hummingbird. I cannot even understand how her wings can move that fast-considering anatomy but decide to blame magic. My eye twitches in annoyance while Lucy smiles and says, “Yes, yes we are friends.” Melora smiles sweetly at Lucy and then turns to me with puppy dog eyes. I sigh, “Haa…first you have to keep it a secret from everyone.” I narrow my eyes and lean forward into Melora’s face, “If you don’t then there will not be anywhere you can hide little fairy.” Melora is unfazed by my threat and just puts her hands on her hips. “I am a nymph, Ladon, not one of those stuck-up fairies!” Lucy giggles at our exchange and hides her mouth with her hand. I look at her and raise an eyebrow. She notices and looks away whistling. I shake my head and stand straight, “I am a dragon, Melora. First of my kind on Marble.” I then transform into my dragon form that has grown even bigger. I am now the size of an elephant and as I spread my furred wings out, they are twice as long as my body.

            Melora is speechless as she looks at my form and notices that the morning rays reflect off of my purple scales causing purple lights to dance around the area as I breath deep breaths releasing smoke from my nostrils. “Are you a wyvern…” Lucy covers her mouth as I lower my head and growl in low booming voice, “I…am…not…related…to those…disgusting creatures!” Melora just nods in Lucy fingers who slowly removes her hand. “You look magnificent.” I back my head away and puff my chest out in pride, “Of course I am, but I pale in comparison to my mother.” Lowering myself and swinging my head to Lucy I lightly like her cheek and say, “My lady, your mighty dragon awaits to be mounted from his first dragon rider.” Lucy smiles shyly and moves to climb up my body close to my neck where she grabbed a tuft of fur to hold on to. She hugs my neck and strokes my fur saying, “I miss petting you my mighty dragon.” I whip my head around and look at her with one of my eyes and smile showing my razor-sharp teeth.

            Melora just looks up at Lucy with a jealous gaze and when I notice I just grumble and say, “Get on Melora. You are too weak right now and I am sure you would fall behind since I would be faster.” Melora looks at me and says in annoyance, “If I wasn’t still recovering, I would definitely be faster.” I just roll my eyes and shake my massive head. “Be nice, Ladon.” Groaning I just nod at Lucy’s comment and wait for Melora who sits between Lucy and my neck. Feeling them both on my back I start to flap my wings, and I ascend into the sky. I cast a wind barrier spell to keep the cold and wind off of Lucy as I fly towards Melcox. “Amazing Ladon. I can see the mountains from here and even the faint outline of the city.” Lucy yells in excitement to be heard as we watch the forest speed past us below. “Yes, this is the real meaning of the word freedom. Soon we will be able to go anywhere we want bunny.” I yell back with just as much excitement as her.

            After a few hours the city becomes more than an outline in the distance. I lower our altitude to just above the canopy of the forest. I land at the edge of the forest hoping no one was able to see us. I look up at the sun to see that it is just after noon, so we stop to rest and eat lunch. “Why did you land so close, love? Aren’t you concerned about someone seeing you?” I take a bit out of my sandwich and say, “Nah, not really. We are to far away for anyone to make out what I am and just chop it up to as seeing a flying monster.” “But wouldn’t the guard come out to investigate?” “I doubt it. The lord seems to be rather lazy considering that over fifty adventurers were sent to that camp.” “I see…Well if you say so.” We continue to eat and chat before traveling the last few miles to Melcox. Once at the gate we wait in line, and I notice the stares that I have gotten used to by now. I hear someone whisper, “What is he and is that a fae on that mink’s shoulder?" I sigh as we move with the line hearing similar whispers every now and then. We arrive at the gate and the guard sees Lucy, Melora, and me while narrowing his eyes at Lucy. I show my tags and so does Lucy. The guard takes a long time to check the tags of both of us and then moves to Melora. “You are a fae correct?” Melora nods and smiles sweetly, “Yep a nymph.” “I see. If you do not have any ID, then it is one bronze coin to enter.” “What? It was fifty copper a couple years ago.” I say as polity as I can considering how this guard seems to have prejudice against us. The guard looks at me with a cocky grin on his face and just shrugs, “Toll has gone up since then. If you do not like it, then go to another city.” I grind my teeth but control myself and pull out a bronze coin from my earring. “Here.” I hand it over and he frowns saying, “Welcome to Melcox.” He steps aside and lets us through.

            As we walk through, I hear the same guard say to the human behind us in line, “No ID huh. Toll is fifty copper coins.” When I hear this, I clench my fists holding myself back from tearing his throat out. “Ladon, just let it go. No reason to cause a scene.” I look at Lucy who has a similar look of anger on her face. I sigh and nod. “Sorry for the trouble and thank you for paying, Ladon.” Melora says in a defeated voice. “You are no trouble Melora. It just seems that humans seem to never change.” She smiles at my comment and becomes even more cheerful than the walk from the forest to the gate. As we walk away and down some streets to reach the guild, I lay out a plan for the rest of the day. “We’ll report to the guild and then head to the Drunken Elephant for the night. Is that okay?” Lucy nods grabbing my hand and holding it as we walk. “I miss Helen and Cliff. They must be worried that it took us so long.” Lucy says tightening her grip while smiling. “Yeah…haha…prepare for Helen to tackle you when we arrive.” I laugh at the thought and Lucy giggles. We continue to chat about Helen and Cliff when we finally reach the guild.

            We head inside and lingering adventurers look at us and go wide eyed. I look at their faces confused and then I hear a familiar voice say, “Ladon, is that you?” Lauren from the Planters team come running up to me in plate armor. “Lauren good to see you.” She sticks her hand out and I grab it. We shake hands as she says, “Where have you been?” I show her the hand Lucy is holding and say, “We have been on a job. Just got back from destroying the goblin horde in the Whispering Woods.” Lauren looks at Lucy and the smile she was wearing dulled a little. “Ah, I see…are you two mates?” I raise and eyebrow and nod. She sighs, “Well there goes my chance.” “Huh?” I say dumbly. She just smirks and says, “Well I am glad you came back safe. I have heard that job has made a lot of adventurers go missing.” I shake my head to recover and say solemnly, “They are all dead. We recovered over fifty tags from the chiefs…trophy pile.” “I see…” She looks saddened and then says, “Well the guild’s unspoken rule is to look after yourself. They knew the risks and hopefully find a better life in the next.” I nod. “Yes. Anyway, we are very tired and want to report and turn in our proof of kills. If you want, we are going the Drunken Elephant later. You and the Planters are welcome to join us for some drinks.” She smiles again and nods, “Mm…we’ll see you there then.” Lauren walks away and I lead Lucy and Melora to Sherry who I see in her usual spot behind the counter.

            “Hello Sherry.” Lucy speaks up first with a little irritation in her voice. I look at her and she just smiles looking at Sherry. The Vice Guild Head looks up and is startle a little from our presence. “Oh, you two made it back finally and with an addition.” Sherry says speaking in a causal tone that is different from her usual professional tone. Lucy seems to want to take the lead, so I let her and just stand behind her. “Yes, we have destroyed the goblin horde camp and are ready to report.” Sherry nods and says, “Very well follow me. Camlia, I’m going to receive their report in a private room. Fill in for me until I come back.” “Yes ma’am.” Camlia says and becomes wide eyed when she sees me. I am taken aback from her reaction and look at Lucy who leans up to my ear and says, “She is the one who was rude to me and you during my registration assessment.” “Right, I forgot about her.” I reply remembering the woman now and raising my voice enough for Camlia to hear which makes her face turn red with anger. I chuckle as I hear Sherry, “Come with me you two. Is the fae a part of this?” I nod and then we follow Sherry into a private room.

            Inside the room we find our seats and Sherry pulls out some parchment and a quill. “You two were gone longer than I thought it would take you. Did something happen that kept you from coming back?” “Off the record?” I ask before saying anything. Sherry puts down her quill and nods. I then say, “For the most part I was helping Lucy gain some levels before taking on the settlement of goblins. I was also showing her how I use magic which she has impressed me with how fast she has picked it up.” Sherry turns to Lucy and smiles, “I can only imagine what you have gone through with him as your teacher.” “Hey!” They both giggle and even Melora giggles. “Yes, it was rather taxing, but I know he was doing it for his own peace of mind and my betterment.” Lucy finally says and I just lean back cross my arms and grumble. Lucy giggles again and kisses my cheeks. “Oh, stop mopping, love.” “Yeah, yeah.” Sherry giggles again and says, “You two are very cute. Now on the record what all happened?” I look at Lucy and motion her to report.

            Lucy told Sherry of us searching for the camp and our encounters with hunting parties of hobgoblins and goblins as we got closer to the camp. Once her story reached the ogre party I filled in where we were apart from each other. “The leader of the ogres used some kind of magic that I was grazed by leaving me in pain. When Lucy saved me and we killed it, I looked on my Personal Scroll and saw in the Status Effects part where it said, ‘injured from Void magic’.” I say as I mention when I was injured by the mysterious magic. “Void magic?” Sherry repeated making sure she heard correctly. I nod and wince from the memory. “Yes, it was able to scrape the scales from my left side just with a graze.” “Hmm…I have never heard of such magic. Maybe it a monster only magic.” I shrug my shoulders and say, “My father never mentioned anything about this type of magic. Even I do not know about it.” “I see…well please continue.” Lucy then talks about having to recover from our injuries and then coming upon the massive camp and staking it out for a week before destroying it. We both tell of our versions as we split up and came together to fight the drake wyvern. Once finished Melora confirms that the camp really is destroyed and her own story of captivity with the goblins.

            “A drake wyvern was commanding goblins, hobgoblins, and ogres? Are you sure?” I nod and say, “At least that’s what he called his species at least.” Sherry leans back in her chair and says to no one in particular, “So monsters that use an unknown magic, speaking common, and even a drake wyvern commanding the horde. This is all very out of the ordinary.” She then whispers, “What is going with the lord.” I narrow my eyes and ask, “Yes, I would have to agree.” I pull out the box containing the tags of missing adventurers. “I found these in the tent belonging to the drake wyvern. Why would the guild send so many adventurers on this job and why did the lord not do anything about the threat on his doorstep? There were hundreds of them and what I gathered they were building their numbers to attack Melcox.” Sherry’s face darkened and began, “We did tell the lord about the threat, but…” She sighs and continues, “I think someone has been blocking our messages and denying audiences with the lord. The guild could not just ignore the threat, so we bumped the job in rank to hopefully have some powerful people defeat the settlement. Jon and I were going to do it in the spring if no one had completed it by then.” I sigh as well and say, “Fucking nobles.” Sherry’s eyes widen and I just ignore it and say, “The quest was not for ‘C’ ranks if the Planters are the example of a ‘C’ rank team. We have the weapons and armors of at least most of the adventurers that killed by them. Is the guild going to take them?”

            Sherry composes herself, “We will take them and provide a reward for returning them. Before we finish could you show the proof of kills of the drake wyvern, an ogre, a hobgoblin, and goblin.” I take out the ears of an ogre, hobgoblin, and a goblin. Then I pull out a couple of black scales and fangs from the drake wyvern. Sherry picks up each one and observes them intently. “The drake wyvern still has some strange mana residue on it. Okay, thank you, you can take them back. The warehouse will take the proofs and weapons from you. If you wait for a moment, I will gather your reward for the job.” Sherry stands up and leaves the room. “She seems nice.” Melora says when the three of us were alone. “Yes, and very powerful. By the way, Melora, what are you going to do now?” “What?! What do you mean? Can’t I hang with you two for a while?” I look at her and was about to say something when Lucy says, “We brought you to safety, Melora. Isn’t that enough?” I was surprised from what Lucy said. I look at her and raise an eyebrow. “What? She may be a friend, but we still don’t know her well.” I smile at her and chuckle. “True.” I look back at Melora who seems to be panicking. I sigh and say, “I can pay for a room for you at the Drunken Elephant where we are staying tonight.” “Can’t I stay with you two?” Melora smiles and then frowns at having to stay by herself. “Don’t be greedy Melora. Ladon is already offering to pay for your room.” “But I don’t take up much space.” I see Lucy becoming annoyed, so I ask, “Melora please step outside for a moment.” “But…” “Melora.” “Fine!” Melora flutters out of the room, and I turn to Lucy.

            “Why are you being shorter with her than I am?” I ask Lucy with confusion. Her ears turn red and looks away. “Lucy?” “Because I want it to be just us tonight, since we are finally out of the forest and not looking over our shoulder for monsters.” I blink a couple times and then it dawns on me. “OHHH…um…are you sure Lucy?” She looks at me with redder ears but nods with conviction. I clear my throat and ask, “You know that we shouldn’t try to have children yet, yes.” Her ears seem to be steaming now as she says, “I know a spell to not become pregnant. I read a lot of books concerning those specific topics.” I grin at her and lean in whispering, “My, my. My little bunny is rather lewd it seems.” Lucy whimpers and rubs her legs together and whispers back, “Do you not like it when I am le…lew…lewd?” I lean back and look into eyes before saying “Not at all.” I give my best smile to which she just melts under as her eyes cloud over in lust. I chuckle before stroking her long ear and say, “But you will have to wait until we are in the room my little bunny.” She whimpers again leaning in for kiss and closing her eyes. I smile and decide to tease her, “Melora! Come back in, please.” Lucy hurriedly opens her eyes and leans back staring daggers at me while I smile evilly. “About time! Friends shouldn’t hide secrets remember!” I look away from Lucy as she says, “It is not a secret Melora. We just want to be by ourselves tonight so please just stay on your own for the night.” Melora blinks for a couple moments and then does the exact same thing I did, “OHHH, you mean you two want to have sex tonight.” “Melora!” Lucy shoots up from her seat shouting at Melora who laughs a little at her reaction.

            “Hahaha…calm down Lucy it is just sex. No need to be embarrassed. Besides I wouldn’t mind to just watch.” “What the hell?” I think to myself after hearing Melora say this and am surprised before I shake myself out of a possible hormonal daydream coming about. I grab Lucy by the pants and drag her back down on the chair. Then I put my foot down and say, “No Melora you will have your own room, and we can discuss what you will do tomorrow. I know you have no where to go right now so I’ll help you starting tomorrow after we finish some business we need to do.” “Argh fine! Other races are so stingy when it comes to sex.” I shake my head and then Sherry comes into the room with a small leather bag.

            “Here is the reward for taking the job. Five gold coins as payment plus any coins from the monster parts you bring to the warehouse.” We stand up and I say thank you and bid farewell. As we walk through the building and I say, “Let’s get this done quickly shall we.” Lucy smiles and nods. We reach the warehouse and go inside and turn over the weapons, armors, and all of the monster parts we have. In exchange we received five more gold coins, twenty silver, forty-three bronze, and eighty-eight copper coins. I put the coins in my earring, and we quickly make our way to the Drunken Elephant.

            We enter the inn and suddenly hear an excited scream which could only be from Helen. “Lucy! Ladon! You’re back!” I see a brown blur and soon notice that Lucy is on the ground being hugged by Helen. I grin and say, “I told you.” Lucy giggles, nods, and hugs Helen back. “Ladon good to you two safe and sound.” I hear Cliff say from across the pub and waving. I wave back and say, “Good to be back friend.” I leave Helen and Lucy on the floor as they giggle and hug each other to sit at the bar to chat with Cliff. Melora decides to ride on my shoulder which I did not know how to feel about so I just ignored her. “How was the job?” Cliff asks setting down a mug and pouring some ale inside. I grab it and down the whole thing basking in the taste of beer after almost two months without it. “Ahhh…It was rough, but we got the job done and made some good money.” Cliff smiles and then motions to Melora. “And who is this pretty lady.” Melora giggles and stands up on my shoulder putting her hands on her hips. “I am Melora of the Nature Nymph Clan. It’s a pleasure Barkeep.” Melora bows gracefully and I just roll my eyes as I say, “This is Melora. We saved her from the goblins, and I trust I need not say more.” Cliff looks at Melora with pity and just nods. “I want to pay for two nights for Lucy and me, while I will pay for a room for her.” Cliff looks at me and nods before saying, “Uh…we don’t have any rooms for fae since they are very rare around these parts.” I look at Melora in disbelief. “Didn’t you say that your clan resided in the forest.” Melora nods proudly for some reason. “Then did your clan not interact with Melcox?” Melora puts her finger to her chin and says, “Mmm…I’m not sure. It has been a while since I have been gone and only recently came back to check on the clan.”

            Cliff and I just stare at her in disbelief waiting for her to elaborate. She does not. So, I just change the subject, “Just give her any room, she’ll be fine.” They both look at me and Cliff is the first to say, “Um…okay sure.” I give him the coin for two nights and two rooms. Eventually Lucy and Helen come over and we talk about our adventure leaving out the too gruesome parts. Eventually Lauren and the Planters show up and we share stories and drinks with one another.  Soon nightfall came and I decided to call it a night. I stand up and look at Lucy, “Ready for bed?” Lucy blushes and nods her head standing up and taking my hand. “Here. Your room is 303 and Melora’s is 304. I’ll see you for breakfast. Get some rest. Y’all deserve it.” Cliff says handing me the keys and Helen then hugs me and says, “Glad to have you back brother.” “You too sis.” I say with a warm smile. Helen then hugs Lucy, “Same to you sis.” Hearing this Lucy is taken aback and almost cries but holds it in and says, “You too sis.” Helen smiles and then waves at Melora, “It was nice to meet you Melora.” Melora flies over to Helen’s cheek and pecks it and says, “You too adorable little dwarf.” Melora smiles seductively at Helen who is dumfounded. “Ah great another one.” I grab Melora and head up to the room saying, “Stop it Melora she has a fiancé.” “Tsk.” She has the gall to click her tongue. “What is with you?” I ask. “Nothing. Seems everyone gets some relief but me tonight.” I just roll my eyes. We reach the rooms, and I open the door for Melora. “We’ll see each other in the morning. Good night.” “Good night Melora get some rest.” Melora sighs and says, “Good night, you two. Have fun.” Lucy and I move to our room and go inside.

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