The First Dragon of Marble

34) Ruining a Good Time with Killing (R-18)

Chapter 34

            I find Lucy and Melora again, this time with Cliff who has an older petite cat mink hugging his arm. There is also Helen and the ripped Vincent with him holding her hand. Lucy comes up to me and kisses my cheek and drags me over to the group with Jon and Sherry following. We all greet each other and chat waiting for the entertainment to start. Suddenly there is a bang, and fireworks start to go off into the sky making different patterns some not even possible without the help of magic.

            Soon after initial fireworks, dancers and various exotic animals appear. The fireworks started changing forms of different animals and running through the crowd gaining applause and awes from them. Myself included for I have never seen anything like this before in my life. Lucy grabs my hand making me look over at her. She has a face of amazement and excitement that I had never seen before and reminding me that I still have a lot to learn about her. I let go of her hand and she looks at me confused but I just move her in front of me and hug her soft body from behind and whisper, “I love you, bunny.” She looks up at me and smiles lovingly and says, “I love you too, my mighty dragon.” I kiss the top of her head and resume watching a different use of magic besides violence. For the first time since arriving back on Earth I feel at peace.

            The show goes on for around an hour when the performers leave the yard after bowing to the lord. Oliver comes to the center of the yard for everyone to see him and says, “Ladies and Gentlemen, Nobles and Commoners, the second event I have planned for tonight is a little special.” Murmurs and whispers in excitement at his mention of a special event can be heard as he pauses to let his works sink into the crowd. I am intrigued because the show before was special for me and some of the other commoners as well since we had never seen a display like that unlike the nobles who have to attend parties like this all the time. “The second event is a trial by combat. The whole reason for this party is to show my gratitude for bringing down the ones responsible for the misery my citizens have endured since my sudden illness. So as the right for every person sentenced to death in this country to have a trail by combat to spare their lives and be exiled instead. I have decided to hold the trial tonight for all to see the criminals responsible for the crimes of murder, torture, illegal trafficking of persons, illegal smuggling of magic items, illegal distribution of drugs, and many more crimes.” He pauses and waits for the confusion and chatter to die down.

            He then waves his hand signaling the guards to bring in the prisoners. Soon the shapes of Noah, Abel, and Mathais enter the yard and brought before the lord. He gives one disappointed look at his son and turns back to the crowd. Mathais tries to get his father’s attention by speaking but he is bound in chains and gagged with a rag. Oliver begins to speak again, “The right for trial by combat comes with rules. One, I have the right to choose who their opponent will be. Two, the prisoners cannot kill their opponent but only disable them. Three, since they are sentenced to death, their opponent can kill them or show mercy if said person is a victim of their crimes. Finally, if they are shown mercy the criminals will be exiled onto the island of The Unwanted and Shunned.” People shift and fidget at the mention of the island. I am guessing it is like a dumping ground for criminals. Then we wait in tense anticipation of who the lord will choose to bring judgement upon the criminals in front of them.

            Oliver says aloud in a louder voice and says, “For this trial by combat I choose Ladon. An adventurer who has personally endured these three’s crimes and even became a victim to them. Sir Ladon, if you would please.” He beckoned me with his hand, and I narrow my eyes at him. I did not expect to fight tonight nor play more into his political play. Before I move though, I turn to Melora and whisper, “Melora, keep close to Cliff, Helen, and Vincent. Make sure if this is just a ploy for something worse than just me cutting their heads off then escape with them and head to the lake in the forest.” Melora looked into my eyes and seemed to want to say something but just nods and moves closer to our friends. I turn to Lucy who is still in my arms and ask, “Would you come with me and watch my back love?” Lucy just smiles and kisses me saying, “Do you really need to ask?” I smile and grab her hand as we walk towards Oliver and company.

            When we reach them, I come in close to Oliver and in low whispering tone I ask, “Why are you doing this now? This could have been more private.” Oliver shakes his head and says in the same low whisper, “It needed to be tonight Ladon. My position is being questioned because of my health and the people who put those ideas into my son’s head are looking to take me down because of my weaken position.” I search his eyes for any falsehood and see none but can tell he is hiding more reasons for doing this. I narrow my eyes and say, “I only had beef with those two and I don’t see Loka. So, why are you bringing your son into this?” Oliver’s face softens into a sad expression and says, “As far as Loka goes, it seems he had left the city soon after we took the others into custody. We are still searching for him, but he is most likely in another city or country for all we know. And as for my son well, the only mercy I can show him for failing in his duties is either putting him on the island I mentioned which is a literal hell or a quick death from you. Though he has done terrible things and should not be shown mercy, he is still my son, and this is the only show of love left I can show him.”

            I look at his wife and daughter a little ways away and see them both keeping their practiced noble faces on but notice tears are threatening to spill. I sigh and say, “Fine, I wanted to be done with this anyway. I have better things to do than loiter in the city waiting for them to be put out of my misery. And as for Loka, well, I’m sure I will meet him again and he won’t escape at that time.” Oliver nods and says, “The floor is yours then.” I nod and he leaves returning to his wife’s side. I turn to Lucy ignoring the idiots about to die at my hands and ask her opinion on something I have thinking about for a while.

            “Bunny, do you think I should just show that I am a dragon?” Lucy looks at me confused and says, “I thought you wanted to keep it a secret until we are stronger?” I nod and say, “I did but after our talk with my parents, I think the best option is to just let things play out. If people become threatened by me then I will just destroy them and gain their soul essence essentially becoming stronger or people just back off and we still become stronger. So, either way the goal and end situation are the same.” Lucy goes into thought for a moment and says, “I will follow your lead Ladon. We are partners and your enemies are mine and mine are yours.” I smile and kiss her deeply hearing some whoops, hollers, and boos from the crowd around us.

            When we separate, then I say, “Then let’s show the world the first dragon in existence and the first dragon rider who is my mate and love of my life.” Lucy blushes and smiles at me. I turn to the crowd and say, “People of Melcox and the Kingdom of Akan. The criminals you see in front of you decided to bring hate, murder, and misery into your city. Tonight, not only will you see the demise of these criminals but also the birth of a new race made by the Goddess Tiamat and the God Odin.” Surprise and shouts of blasphemy are sent my way, but I just ignored them and started to strip in front of everyone. I take off my jacket and Lucy comes up to me and asks in a flustered voice, “What are you doing Ladon? Why are you stripping in front of everyone?” I chuckle and answer her, “Well I don’t want to rip my clothes apart when I transform. I only have one set of clothes that allow me to transform without ripping them to shreds bunny.” Lucy blinks a couple time and then just says, “Oh, right. I forgot.” And she steps aside to let me finish.

            As I undress, down to just my boxers I hear some women cheer me on along with some men in the crowd. I would have been embarrassed of this in my last life, but now I am fully confident in my body as I show the tattoos of my scales, wings, and tail. I look at Lucy and she is practically drooling while looking at me. She shakes out of her trance when I say, “Lucy you may want to step back a little more. I become rather big when I transform, remember.” Her ears become red as she steps back. Then my body begins to transform.

            People stare wide eyed at me as I transform. My body becomes furry with white fur tinged with red and purple. Then the tattoos of my scales, wings, and tail come to life and separate forming them into reality. Next, my body becomes bigger around the size of a large elephant. I am no where as big as my mother, but the effect of my size has the crowd staring awestruck. I am now on fours as stretch and then with my long neck whip around to Lucy. I smile showing my razor-sharp teeth and say, “Your chariot awaits my lady.” Lucy smiles cutely and jumps with her rabbit legs onto my back close to where my neck joins the rest of body. She hugs and pets my fur as she snuggles into my fur. I turn back to the crowd and announce my race. “My race is known as dragons and our creators are of Goddess Tiamat and her husband God Odin. I am the first of my kind and Lucy, my mate, is the first Dragon Rider.” I smile at the mix of emotions in the crowd.

            I look directly into the eyes of Oliver and walk over to him and his family. “Oliver, you have shown me respect and so far, have kept your words.” I narrow my eyes at him and say, “But know that I will not be your pawn in any games you nobles play. We dragons can be merciful but cruel, humble but egoistic, gracious to those we call friends but nightmares for our enemies. Oliver of Melcox, we are prideful beings. Do. Not. Step. On. Our. Pride.” I blow out smoke at the end of my warning for him and the rest of the people present today to punctuate my threat. I shift my head to Sophia and look at her with gentle yet stern eyes. “Sophia, though I know he is your son, he committed plenty of heinous crimes.” Sophia looks at my one eye that I am looking at her with and she just nods with tears rolling down her cheeks. “Let this be a lesson on closely watching how your offspring are raised.” I look at Amelia next and say, “Be there for your parents and console one another, for after this, things will never be the same, at least for some time. Time is the only medicine for most mental traumas.” Amelia nods keeping her stoic face since she first saw her brother being brought out.

            I turn around and begin to walk towards the criminals and say, “No one would blame you, the family, to look away.” Lucy turns back and only sees Sophia putting her head down with her hand covering her eyes. “Ladon.” I shake my head and say, “Lucy, our enemies need to be eliminated so that they can never bother us again. I’m sorry.” She pets my fur and says, “I know I just feel sorry for his mother. She seems to really love him even now after everything he has done.” I nod and say, “Most mothers can never truly stop loving their children no matter what they do. At least that is what I have heard.” Lucy nods and seems to go off into her own world as she ponders my words.

            I finally arrive in front of the criminals and look at the guard. “Take off Noah’s gag, please.” The guard looks at Oliver who just nods in affirmative. Once the gag was off, I ask Noah, “So, any last words Noah?” He just looks at me with a defeated face and says, “How? How did you make it out that dungeon? How did you come out as something entirely different?” I raise my eyebrow and shake my large head. “Your last words are questions towards me? The one who you used as monster. Like I have any obligation to tell you a thing about what happened to me.” I shake my head in disappointment and just say, “So be it.” I move over to Abel, ignoring Noah’s questions, and have the guard remove his gag as well. Abel, even though a massive bear mink, barely comes up to the middle of my neck. I look down at him and say, “Abel, your last words?” He just sneers at me and keeps quiet. “None? So be it.” I move over to Mathais and ask him the same as the other two. He starts to plead with his father and mother only to be met with silence. “Instead of making amends or pleading for forgiveness you beg for your life like the cockroach you are. Pathetic.” I snarl and just move back to make space for what I was about to do.

            The guard who sees me ready to do the trail by combat asks, “Which one would you like to fight first, Sir Ladon?” I look at the dwarf guard and hum. “Hmm, just unchain them at once, let’s get this over with. I am tired and just want to go home.” The guard looks at me in confusion and then looks at Oliver who just shrugs and waves his hand to carry out my demand. As he is unchaining the criminals I start sucking in air. Once the last chain falls to the ground Noah shouts and says, “Even if you survived that dungeon and changed into a new race, don’t you think you are being too arrogant to face us all at once.” I just roll my eyes and puff my cheeks out. The crowds look at me in curiously until it is replaced with utter horror.

            “ROOOOAAAARRRRRRRR!!!” Not wanting to waste anymore of my life or time on these pissants and utter trash of society. I decided to just end their existences in one blow leaving their ashes for the natural wind to scatter them into nothingness. My purple fire streams into a cone covering most of the backyard and walls covering the backside of the estate. I didn’t want to destroy anything but couldn’t really control my flames as well as my mother yet. I let the fire inside me continue for a good five minutes until I eventually closed my jaws cutting off the supply of flames covering the now destroyed backyard. I see that the back wall had melted and turned into nothing but lava that has already started to cool in the night air. Small purple flames dot the yard and burning the hedges. I nod in satisfaction until Lucy bops me on the head and says, “Did you really have to burn down the lord’s backyard?”

            I bend my head down and rub my head with my clawed paw as if she really hurt me and say, “Sorry, bunny, but I did this as a warning, besides it was cool wasn’t it?” Lucy looks at me dumbfounded but then giggles and says, “It was very cool, my mighty dragon.” I smile and raise my head in pride earning a petting and cute giggles from her. I turn around back to the crowd and the Melcox family. I look them over and then say, “Oliver thank you for the hospitality and the party. I had a decent time besides the unsuspecting killing I just had to do. I believe my mate and friends are tired and are going to return home now.” I turn to Melora and the others and say, “Would y’all like a ride home or would you rather walk home?” Cliff stare at me stupefied for a moment before shaking his head and therefore his trunk and looks at the others, “I’ll just walk Ladon, thank you for the offer though.” I nod and Melora comes up to me says, “I want to ride if that is, okay?” I smile at her and nod. She jumps up gets behind Lucy who has already shifted back to sitting behind my neck.

            I unfurl my wings which extend the width of the yard to be able to lift my massive form even with the help of magic. “Have a good night, everyone.” Just as I was about to flap my wings, I remember something and look back at the Melcox family. “Oh, one last thing. Resume the aid to the orphanage or the next thing I burn won’t be your yard.” I could hear them gulp before I jumped and flapped my wings taking off from the ground and into the night sky.

            I decide not to head home just yet and cruise around the area while chatting with Lucy and Melora. After a while, Melora asks, “So, are what are we doing tomorrow?" I think for a minute and notice they keep asking my opinion what to do so I ask them. “What do y’all want to do tomorrow?" Lucy looks at me and then Melora and thinks for a moment before saying, “Well we need to get Melora registered at the guild before taking any jobs with. And if you are as stir crazy as I am, I think we should take a job soon.” I smile at her as we drift through the sparse clouds in the sky. “Yes, I agree as long as that is what you want to do Melora.” Melora looks between us and then smiles gently.

            “To be honest I just want to stay around you two. If that means going on adventurers and seeing the mysteries of the world then I am more than happy to join the guild.” Lucy and I smile at her and then mention the job about the bandits and ruin expedition in a few months. Melora didn’t really seem that excited about the ruins, but Lucy jumped up and down in excitement at exploring them. We talk a little more about what we are going to do and then decide to turn in for the night. I land in our backyard, and it is quite a tight fit but I still manage to land without breaking anything.

            The two girls jump off my back and I transform back into my humanoid form. When I finish, I am completely naked because my boxers ripped when I transformed at the lord’s mansion. I hurriedly brought out some shorts from my earring and slip them on. I look over at the two and see them drooling. I chuckle and push them along inside the house.

            We get inside and Melora bids us goodnight and while I go into the kitchen to grab some water, Lucy goes upstairs to change into some night wear. As I drink the glass of water, I think about what happened at the party. “Noah, Abel, and Musir are dead now. No longer able to fuck me over anymore. All that is left is Loka. But do I really give a damn? He has already run away from the city supposedly and I have no leads of where he could have gone. Well, not entirely I suppose. The papers I have mention their partners in other cities and countries. He could have ran to them for protection or just decided to wise up and go to another continent.” I sigh and feel a little empty but relieved that the people who used me as monster bait are now mostly dead. I decide that if I ever see Loka again then I will kill him, but I won’t go out of my way to hunt him down, at least not yet. I have more important things to do and worry about than some pissant that is nothing to me now.

            As I am lost in thought in the kitchen drinking the water I feel soft fur wrap around me. I snap out of my thoughts turning around and hug Lucy. We stay there in each other’s embrace for a moment then I pick her up and carry her to the living room and sit on the comfy chair and wrap a blanket around us. I flick a flame at the fireplace to warm us up even more. Lucy buries her face into the crook of my neck while I just hold her close. “I love you so much, Ladon.” Lucy murmurs into my neck. I smile and whisper, “I love you too, Lucy.” She snuggles even more into my embrace making her look rather cute in my eyes.

            Minutes go by and then Lucy says, “Do you want to talk about it?” I sigh and shake my head, “No, my love, compared to what I did to Musir they had a more merciful death and Loka is in the wind. That’s all there is to it at the moment. For now, I just want to be with you.” She nods and we go silent for a few moments when I ask, “How about you? Do you want to talk about what happened at the church a few days ago? I have been waiting for you to say something, but you still have not said anything.” At this Lucy lifts her face from its resting place and I finally notice that she is just in her panties. “I do want to talk about it, but not now, love, now I just want us to be together. No one else, just us.” She moves closer to my face with hers and says in a seductive tone, “Tonight, I want us to just bask in each other’s presence.” I smile looking into her eyes and move the last centimeter between us and dive into a deep passionate kiss.

            We shift in the chair so that she is straddling me as we dance with each other using our tongues in a spicy and seductive tango. Using our hands we explore each other’s bodies with sensual and light caresses, both wanting the moment to last. All things must come to an end though as we have to separate for air. We look into each other’s eyes with both overbearing love and desire for one another and as if like a dam breaking from the pressure, we lose ourselves in each other. I rip off her panties as she does the same to my shorts. I have no patience to carry her up the stairs to our room, so I just bring the furs in my ring we use for camping and lay them in front of the fireplace.

            I lift her up hugging her close still devouring her lips with my own as she wraps her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist. I move to the furs and bend down to my knees and lightly bend over laying her softly down on the furs. By this point my dragon cock is already at attention and seeking its cave. I check to make sure she is wet enough for it with my hand and notice that she is totally drenched. I wanted to tease her a little, but she would not let me separate from her lips, so I wrap my arms under her upper back and slowly insert myself into her finally becoming one once again.

            “Mmmm.” Lucy moans and gasps into my mouth. I stop kissing and separate from her. Her breathe is hot and comes in heavy gasps as I slowly piston in and out of her. “Look into my eyes, love.” Lucy opens her beautiful eyes and stare into mine as I stare into hers as I rock back and forth dragging the intense and intimate moment out. “Ladon, ah, I love you, ahh, so much.” Lucy moans still looking into my eyes. I unwrap my arms from around her back and around her head enveloping her small and delicate body with my taller and masculine body. I stare into her eyes as I move into her and say, “I love you too. More than you will ever know, Lucy.” This seems to have done something to her as she has a small climax, and I feel her juices flowing onto my cock and dripping down my full balls onto the furs below us. “Gods, ah, Ladon, I love you, I love you, I love you, ahhhhhh!” She climaxes again but this time a bigger one as she clenches hard around my cock and wraps her legs around my lower back.

            It takes everything that I had not to cum right there for I do not want this to end yet. Not this moment of us connected like this. Not as we are slowly making love in the purest of forms. I want to get lost in her and she with me. She slowly comes down from the climax and huffs and puffs. I smile at her and ask, “Do want to stop?” Lucy shakes her head from left to right quickly wanting to continue. I smile and continue moving slowly but using long agonizing thrusts keeping her pleasure light but intimate. We kiss as I move, and I stroke her face and ears as she wraps her arms around my neck.

            I separate from her lips and say, “This is rather romantic, is it not? Making love by the fire. Leaving all our worries with our clothes thrown aside and just indulging in each other’s bodies.” Lucy smiles and caresses my face and nods, “Yes this is nice. I think we should do this more often.” I smile at her and then chuckle. “What?” She asks and I just shake my head and say, “I think I know why Melora wanted a fireplace now.” Lucy blinks and then chuckles as well. Then I hit a pleasure spot, and she moans in bliss. “Gods, the things you do to me, love, ah, mmm.” I grin and speed up my tempo a little as I feel myself close.

            “Oh, gods, Ladon, ahhhh, I’m, I’m, I’m cumming!!!” Lucy moans loudly but not to loudly as we are going slow and not as intense. I lean down to her ear and whisper in a husky voice, “I am too, love. Take my essence, my passion, my love.” This sets her off even more and begins to quiver and shake as she orgasms. She manages to grab my head and looks into my eyes and says with overwhelming desire, “Give, ah, give it to me, Ladon. Give me your everything.” I ram one last time and my knot invades into her with a pop, and I unload rope after rope of cum into her awaiting womb. “Ugh! Grrrr!” I growl as we stare into each other’s eyes as we orgasm together.

            We breathe hard from the orgasms still electrifying both our brains in pleasure and bliss, until finally we both start to come down from the high. I bury my head into her chest, and she just pets my hair as she looks up at the ceiling enjoying the afterglow. We stay like this until my knot inside her deflates and pops out of her. I lay to her side and bring her into an embrace. She wiggles herself closer to me and I use magic to bring the blanket from the chair to cover ourselves.

            I bury my face into her hair and inhale deeply before saying, “I love you.” Lucy brings my hand that is wrapped around her waist, up to her chest near her heart. “I love you too, my mighty dragon.” We lay there not saying anything else enjoying the warmth of each other and the fireplace. Eventually I hear her rhythmic breathing indicating that she is asleep. I smile and brush a strand of hair out of her face and close my eyes. I felt a sense of peace and bliss as I closed my eyes to sleep. Little did I know that my dreams would be anything else but peaceful.

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