The First Evolution

Chapter 567: Boarding

Chapter 567: Boarding

Goat said with an ugly look,

“Then Planet Moston is probably the current main field of the colony hunters who enter this world.”

Fang Linyan said thoughtfully,

“Actually, this is not necessarily a bad thing.”

Goat said in surprise,

“It isn’t a bad thing?”

Fang Linyan smiled slightly,

“You’ll know by then.”

Half an hour later, Fang Linyan used his own connections and asked Receptionist KD018 to send him the general situation of Planet Moston.

Probably because the receptionist had limited authority and access. Currently, he only knew that Moston was a small planet. Because it was in the meteorite belt, it was difficult for large starships to approach.

Assuming that the moon’s volume was 1, Moston’s volume was probably around 1.2. Based on the information sent back by the initial explorers, after spending a huge cost in conducting preliminary exploration there, the final conclusion was to give up.

There used to be some resources on it, but the environment was very harsh. The difficulty of development was evaluated as 5 stars. No one would mine it unless there was no other choice, so there had been few human traces for a long time.

The terrain of this damn planet was complex. The interference from the planet’s surface was extremely serious. There was thick fog everywhere. Since the beginning of the expedition, 11 eleven transport aircraft of various types had crashed!

Moreover, more than 2/3 of the planet’s surface was covered with hills and swamps, rendering the military’s tanks and other large combat units useless most of the time, so the search and rescue work progressed slowly.

Not to mention that Moston had been operated by Red Barracuda Star Pirates and Capsule Technology for several years, not only were there many ferocious beasts on the planet, some of them had even been augmented, which had also caused great trouble to the people who went on the expedition.

From this limited information, Star Consortium had already launched an assault on the Red Barracuda Star Pirates headquarters for some time. It should be when Fang Linyan and the others arrive at Tutuga Starport or maybe even sooner!

Therefore, it was not difficult for Fang Linyan to surmise that the main mission of those colony hunters might be to intervene in the battle between Star Consortium and Capsule Technology, and then profit from it. This was exactly what Fang Linyan wanted.



About 2 hours later, Fang Linyan and the others suddenly received a notice that they would board the ship in 15 minutes.

So they immediately gathered together urgently. After being led by the receptionist to the dock, they saw 8 damaged shuttles slowly landing.

Take the one closest to Fang Linyan and the others as an example. There were obvious dents on the spacecraft.

Not only that, there was a damaged propeller that was emitting thick black smoke, so the spacecraft shook quite a bit when landing. Obviously, they encountered some troubles on the way here.

At this time, Goat had already inquired about these shuttles. They were modified models of Rhinoceros Beetle II-Alter. They could perform complex actions such as vertical takeoff and landing, volleying and hovering. During combat, they could also do some high difficulty maneuvering and evasive actions to paralyze the enemy.

The fundamental reason was that it had as many as 6 variable-direction thrusters, the landing site of the Rhinoceros Beetle II-Alter only required an open space of 60 square meters at most.

Not only that, the intention of developing the Rhinoceros Beetle II was to serve as a multi-functional mobile platform.

If it was used to perform transportation tasks, it could transport a reinforced platoon (40 people) while carrying an electromagnetic rail machine gun that followed the pilot’s neck as suppressive firepower and 4 “Hellfire” missiles.

Once enemies outnumbered, it could remove the carrying compartment within 30 minutes, install a fire suppression plug-in device, and perform fire suppression tasks.

In this case, it could carry up to 24 “Amazon” laser-guided glide bombs, six rounds of 70mm covered incendiary bombs, and four rounds of “Dragonfly 2” air-to-air missiles.

The survivability of the Rhinoceros Beetle II-Alter was also remarkable because it was equipped with depleted uranium alloy armor with a thickness of 17 mm.

That was the equipment of Rhinoceros Beetle II-Alter that appeared in front of Fang Linyan and the others. They completely gave up combat ability and put on two layers of armor.

The protection provided by this armor was amazing. It could even withstand the main cannon of most self-propelled mechas, although this would cost 20% of the speed and maximum voyage distance.

Because of this, even if the Rhinoceros Beetle II-Alter had been retired from the military for so many years, its production company has been able to receive a steady stream of orders.

It is like the AK47 of the Earth Age. Even though it has been surpassed by similar products for many generations, it is still popular for its simplicity, durability, solid leather, few faults, easy maintenance, and low price.

After the Rhinoceros II-Alter landed, the ground crews swarmed over and sprayed a large amount of foam to extinguish the fire. After dealing with the potential safety hazards, they issued the docking command.

After the docking was completed, the hatch was opened. Several seriously injured people were carried out on stretchers.

Some of these seriously injured people’s skin was scorched, and some with broken hands and feet. They were struggling and wailing in pain on stretchers. Several stretchers were covered with white cloths. Needless to say, there should be corpses under the white cloths…

Seeing this scene, Fang Linyan and Goat looked at each other, knowing that the battle over there was equally fierce. The Red Barracuda Star Pirates also had Capsule Technology as its support.

Moreover, the Red Barracuda Star Pirates were fighting in their lair, so they would definitely have a geographical advantage. In addition, there were also variables such as the colony hunters, so such a result was really not surprising.

However, Vulture’s mood was a little ups and downs. He felt that what they were doing was too dangerous.

But after he slowly breathed in and out, he finally thought it through. As the saying goes, no risk, no reward!

However, despite witnessing the tragic situation of these vanguards, the morale of the remaining aborigines mercenaries was still quite good.

The mercenaries ultimately worked for money. Everything else was up to fate.

Fang Linyan realized from the conversations of the people next to him that the guarantee of this mission was considered pretty decent.

The mothership was equipped with top-notch military doctors and medical equipment. Most of the injured people who were sent back could be cured as long as they could still breathe.

In the oval-shaped biological healing tank on the mothership, whether it was missing arm or leg, it could be reattached. The specially formulated healing solution could accelerate the healing of the wound.

Of course, more importantly, this treatment was free. In the outside world, it would cost a lot of money.

After some maintenance and armor replacement, Fang Linyan and others boarded the shuttle one after another.

Just as they were about to take off, a guy in camouflage uniforms suddenly rushed up while yelling. His pockets were bulging with stuff, and he was carrying a big bag.

This man was short and had a peculiar long pink mark on his face.

Vulture told Fang Linyan in the team channel that this was a scar left after emergency treatment using the biotechnology on the mothership. The wound on the man’s face must have been deep and long, which was why the scar was so obvious.

Moreover, he had an indescribable sense of capability. He must be a veteran at war.

He was the last one to board the shuttle. Soon, the shuttle took off. After it stabilized and turned on autopilot, a pilot in front left the cockpit and came directly to greet this man.

“Hey, Mir, didn’t your Porcupine Combat Team just finish and disband? Why are you still going to that damn place?”

Mir threw a cigarette and sighed,

“House is missing. I have to rescue him.”

The pilot said,

“I had to be real with you. Going to that damn place is almost equal to death. Listen to me, you can still return now.”

Mir shook his head and said,

“I won’t go back. Turret, if House hadn’t pushed me, the wound on my face would have been at least 10cm deeper! So I won’t give up until I see his corpse.”

Turret gave a thumbs up,


Mir took a puff on the cigarette and said,

“How is the situation ahead now?”

Turret said depressedly,

“What else can we do? Although we were the first to successfully raid and destroy the enemy’s take-off and landing base, the Capsule Technology isn’t easy to deal with.”

“They immediately took advantage of their familiarity with the terrain and started a guerrilla war with us. Our casualty numbers are currently on the rise.”

“The internal report I saw this morning showed that of the 67 reconnaissance teams that have set off so far, only 13 were able to escape unscathed and received bonus rewards. The rest are either still trekking hard, waiting for rescue, or… they are all dead.”

Mir glanced at the other people in the cabin and smiled,

“Hey, don’t scare these rookies. It’s not that serious.”

“Because the rare Pandora mine was also discovered on Moston, the previous strategic goal has changed from annihilating the star pirates to building 20 permanent military bases.”

“In this way, we can not only eliminate the star pirates scattered on the planet step by step but also those damn native creatures. When peace comes, 5 to 10 military bases will be converted into mining towns as soon as possible to conduct in-depth exploration of the surrounding geology.”

“These rookies are all logistics personnel. They should be responsible for the task of building a military base, so they don’t have to participate in war. There is nothing to be afraid of.”

TL: Just building bases? Will it be so easy?

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