The First Hellhound

Chapter 008: Oak Boromir













































I wake up feeling disoriented. I had the weirdest dream ever, either in this or my previous life. It felt like I was inside a tree – the tree I was still on. I realize. Somehow, I could feel in a way it feels, perceive in a way it perceives, think in a way it thinks. It takes me a few moments to collect my thoughts after this bizarre experience. I know that it wasn’t just a dream. I can still feel the connection, although it is very thin right now. I now understand much, much more too. Not only about myself and my new form, but also about the world I am in.

To begin with, I now fully understand just how different this world is from my previous one. I have finally internalized its magical nature. I should rein in my preconceptions in a way, as I am now in an alien world, where laws of physics are different from the ones I know… or rather they are expanded, since many things work as I expect them. And while most aspects are so far working as I believe they should work – for example gravity – I have to stay open-minded. It may turn out that, for exmple, time works differently – a month may be longer, a year shorter, hours counted differently, seasons may work weirdly and irregularly. I think that at least the last part would be covered by GOD in knowledge they implanted – but I feel I can safely expect seasons to be more or less normal.

I smile at my thoughts. This world is miraculous, and now I can see it clearly. There are way more experiences that await me – and I should enjoy every minute of them. I will enjoy every minute of them! What does it matter that my attempts at leatherworking or ambushing weren’t successful? Those are new experiences and – to be honest – I had fun in the process. And – at least in one case – I finally know what my problem was, thanks to Boromir: my stealth failed because of my internal fire.

When I experienced how I was perceived by the tree, I could clearly see that it was my internal heat that was giving away my position. I had no idea that it was constantly leaking to the environment! That’s how my prey could prevent my attacks. It is clear to me that the deer I fought yesterday wanted to confront me. It’s opening attack was fired pretty early on, differently from guinea pigs. They waited till the last moment, to blind me and escape; the deer was more aggressive. It dawns on me that it might have been intelligent – if not outright sapient, which I, in all honesty, doubt but cannot rule out – which makes me regret killing it a bit. It also feels like I did not give it proper respect in the end; although to be honest I do not think it would bury me either if I was the one to lose. Anyway, I need to be more careful from now on. And I need to learn how to control my power. Specifically – how to supress it.

Then there is the end of the dream, the most shocking part: I was given a quest from Boromir – as well as an advance payment for it. I look to the ground and see three golden acorns and a branch – quite thin and long – lying there. I jump down and pick it up – its length is a bit greater than my height, but it is surprisingly light and fits in my hands perfectly. I know it was given to me to serve as a weapon. While I think it is not heavy enough to make for a good mace, it may make a good staff – or a spear. I think the latter is a better choice; I only need to add a tip.

Then there are the acorns. If I understood correctly, I am to plant one acorn near the waterfall, bring the second outside the valley and the third… is for me. While the branch is a forward payment for doing that, the seed is a gift of gratitude. For giving a name to Boromir. And if I am not mistaking the will of the tree, I am to eat it. Curious, I pick it up; it looks beautiful and smells at the same time mysterious and earthy. I look towards the first – except GOD – clearly sentient being I interacted in this world and ask.

"Am I really allowed to eat it? I am not misunderstanding your intentions, am I?"

Alas, there is no answer. Of course there isn’t. The mind of a tree – or maybe this one magical oak in particular – moves on a completely different scale than that of someone like me. And it does not go back when it decides on something, its decisions having the aura of finality and inevitability.

I look at the acorn and reluctantly bring it closer to my face. I don’t know how I should eat it – so I just put the entire thing into my mouth and bite. Immediately, I get an overwhelming awareness of my surroundings and myself. I can feel my internal heat better, as well as sense other magic throughout the surrounding area. As I chew on the seed, certain feelings start forming in me. I look at the branch I was given and horns that I brought with me – and in a flash of inspiration I know what to do.

It feels like a new dimension opened before me. I put my claw on the wood and start carving. Soon it is covered in subtle, barely visible gossamer lines, filled with red sap. I then take one of the horns and carefully shape it. I remove the excess crystal, slowly sharpening it, while simultaneously feeding it my heat. I work in this trance-like state for who knows how long. It is a tedious, exhausting work, but my focus never wavers. I feel the strain on my body and mind… and even on my soul. At last I finish and the head of my spear is finished; it is long, thin and looks fragile, but I can feel the energies of wind and fire within, not only coexisting, but feeding and strengthening each other. I know it is way, way tougher than it appears to be and that it will withstand any trial I am going to subject it to.

Now comes the hardest part. I put the spearhead and other crystal shards on the shaft – and cut my palm with them. The feeling of pain appears distant, overshadowed by the sense of wonder and the connection I feel with the world around me – especially Boromir, whose  approvement I can feel and who, along with me, feeds some energy to the spear. I experience the harmony of the Universe that I tapped into. I feel at peace, as my black blood slowly mixes with red sap, white bark and green crystal.

Finally, it is finished. As abruptly as it started, my transcendental experience ends and I am assaulted with exhaustion so overwhelming that I slump over the tree trunk, and – feeling serene and accomplished – I let the darkness overtake me.

I come to my senses a few hours later. Probably. I don’t know exactly how long was I unconscious, or how long did it take me to create my weapon, but I know dusk will soon fall. My limbs, eyelids and tail feel as if they are made of lead, my throat is parched and my energy depleted – and yet, a sense of attainment compels me to get up. I use my spear as a crutch until I feel I can safely stand on my own legs, then I take a look at it at last – and I am stunned at the sight.

The shaft of my spear is now of dark gray, near black colour, a tone or two deeper than my skin. Its entire length is covered by a mesh of delicate, subtle lines of deep black with evanescent crimson shine to it; they are near-invisible and reminiscent of blood vessels of a living organism. Then I look up to see the spearhead. It, along with the shards, appears to be fused with the rest of the weapon, as if it has grown out of the wood. They are pitch black, with slight green and very discreet orange shine with a visible colour gradient – getting slightly redder, gradually, the closer they are to the shaft; in the end I cannot determine where one part ends, and the other begins, since green slowly disappears and orange turns crimson. All in all, it looks beautiful and absolutely mesmerizing.

There are also other aspects, that I somehow know about the creation that I am holding; there is a certain peculiar connection between the two of us. I can tell it will travel way faster and be much, much more accurate than it should be if thrown – and I know it will return if I will it. I know it is much sharper if I use it – and that my reach will also be longer than it should be. I also feel a minuscule, barely noticeable trace of heat, pulsing gently deep inside of it. I understand its magical nature completely – I formed it, after all, even if I still cannot fully grasp how. It also somehow feels like a living being – so much that I decide to give a name to my creation. And I think I have a good one.

"Nyx. You shall be known as Nyx, The Dark Spear!" I proclaim, raising her to the sky. I immediately feel embarrassed by the second part and decide to drop it. Nonetheless, I really like the name Nyx; it evokes vague feelings of awe and ispiration in me. I know the name is mythological in nature – some goddess had it – but I cannot remember the details. All I can recall is that it has something to do with the concept of darkness, in the sense of a natural phenomenon. I try remembering further details, but it only causes me a headache; I can only vaguely conceptualize some sort of attraction and personal positive association with the name… and I have a hunch I used it in some games I used to play, or other creative pursuits – like naming a cool character in a fanfic. It seems I found another tidbit of information missing from my memory. Well, at least what connotations remain are positive.

While my sense of wonder helps me overcome signals from my body, it cannot last long. At last, all the pain, soreness, exhaustion, hunger and thirst strike back. I check my palm and see it healed; there is just some blood on my fur and phantom pain where I cut myself remain. I wonder over the speed of my recovery and check my shoulder – only to find no trace of a wound I got from a deer; not even a scar left. I’m glad for that trait I got from – if what GOD said is true – primordial influence.

Speaking of, my vision gave me one more insight – I finally know why my ambushes fail. My internal heat also has primordial origin – but it can influence not only my own body, but outside world too. Turns out that local fauna can discern that – and it is the most probable reason I haven’t seen many animals in the forest, despite hearing them; they actively avoid me. Now that I think about it, it makes a lot of sense. It seems that the deer wanted to confront me and guinea pigs have a very specific defence strategy. And it seems I don’t need to worry about night attacks –my heat serves as a deterrent. While I still cannot really control it yet, I do not need to hurry, nor do I need to worry about my hunt. Nor my safety at night. It will be a good training and a good challenge. And I will start it pretty fast. As I pick up the acorns and the last horn, I look at Boromir for the last time.

"Thank you!" I say with the smile, my eyes lingering on the mighty, magical oak. Then I turn back and locate my next meal by scent. I will begin the hunt as soon as I quench my thirst. Still smiling, I leave.

And so, we are halfway through the special release schedule - it is a good time for a short summary.

First: I am overjoyed and surprized by how much interest 'The First Hellhound' have got so far. It is, after all, an original work written by a debutant - so there is no interest generated by previous fans. Still, reaching over 5000 views (and over half on chapters, with over 340 views per chapter!), nearly 100 readers (76 being marked as active!) and over 50 favs is huge! I was honestly expecting maybe half of these numbers by next week - so I feel like singing and dancing. And I NEVER do that! So thank you for your support - especially to those who took part in the poll and those who leave comments (not that those groups are very separate) and those who rated the story: you guys are fantastic! ^_^ And a special thank you for Saine, author of Lilith: Origin of Succubi for recommending my story! Go check it, it's good!

Second: I decided to replace tag 'honest protagonist' with 'survival', because I think it better suits my story; I still want Kora to be an honest person - and she will be - but I feel it gives me more room to develop her character. She will still keep her word and speak her mind, as I planned for her, but I believe this angle to her character is less important that the others; I also feel that keeping her in this sort of 'paragon' place would be detrimental to my writing, as it is, in a way, limiting. And from experience I know that it would influence my writing (as in my will to write) negatively. On the other hand, I feel that the tag 'survival' fits the story very well, considering not only where we are now, but also what I am planning for the future. To be honest, I've already tried doing this - replacing 'religions' with 'survival' - but chose to swap back, because the topic of religion is going to be relevant to the story; we are just not there yet. But I felt worse and worse ignoring the survival aspect - which has been relevant to me the whole time writing 'The First Hellhound' - so I put the tag back in. I think that my initial reluctance to include it was an artifact of earlier versions of the story, where the world was less dangerous and much more technologically advanced.

Third: The last chapter of special schedule - chapter 015 - will contain a poll about which day I will be releasing 'The First Hellhound" new chapters. I already have a few insights on which days would work out for me - and which not (Thursday and Friday certainly, and Sunday more reluctantly, are out). I would love to be able to continue releasing a chapter a day, but it is impossible for me. At least now ;P But who knows - your support gives me so much energy, I might be able to write enough to release 2 or even 3 chapters a week in the future!

Once again: thank you! And as always: feel free to comment, point out any mistakes, favourite and rate. Peace!

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