The First Hellhound

Chapter 010: Back To The Lake (18+)

It took me more than a day to arrive at the lake and I had to sleep mid-journey. This time the night – along with the whole trip – was pretty uneventful and I had plenty of time to experiment with my crystals. Turns out that if I am careful and use minuscule amounts of power, they don’t break and can be used multiple times. I also try to mask my heat, but it is much more difficult and I have succeeded only partially so far; while I cannot just sneak up right to my prey, I can creep a little bit closer now. I also confirmed that the behaviour of guinea pigs is a part of their strategy, when I was hunting down one of them. I noticed the moment it noticed me; it moved slightly, so I would be behind it, to trick me into attacking. Since I knew what was coming I was able to avoid getting blinded, as well as to test out my new knife. I managed to land only a shallow cut, but it was enough; unsurprisingly, it seems that its magic enhances bloodshed and my game quickly bled to death. I ate it there and took its skin with me; I may be able to make some sort of permanent sack from it. I also managed to hunt a large, blue and white bird for later; while it doesn’t have any crystals, its feathers feel cool to touch and sparkle, especially the white tips.

As I finally reach the lake, I once again marvel at how picturesque it looks. I take in all the trees by the brook; the moss- and algae-covered stones by the side; the ripening magical fruits; the beach; the cliff and the waterfall; finally, the clear water of the lake itself. I take my time to let all this beauty sink in. I smile, feeling a sense of accomplishment; I haven’t spent many days in this world, and it wasn’t that long since I left this glade, yet I feel like I have come a long way. I was naked, but no more. I had no tools nor weapons – now I have Nyx, crystals and a knife! I was alone and, well, I still am – but I met Boromir at least! Speaking of, I have a quest to fulfil, but… it can wait. I have looked forward to swimming in the lake ever since I saw it. I washed myself in streams earlier, but I still wanted to fully submerge myself in water; not taking a dip in the lake is my biggest regret in this life so far.

I put all of my belongings to the side; my clothes soon follow. I stand there nude and inspect my body. I noticed in previous days that my fur and hair doesn’t seem to get dirty easily; even the bloodstains disappear rather quickly. My more human part, however, is sadly not so convenient. There is only so much one can do with small amounts of water collected in one’s palms from shallow streams.

I make it to the lake and enter it carefully. I put my foot in the water – it’s coldness doesn’t bother me; it seems that my supernatural heat makes any temperature surprisingly accommodating for me, so I go further. I take my time, slowly walking towards the middle of the lake, enjoying the sand between my toes. The closer I get to the waterfall, the deeper it is; I'm not even halfway to the cliff, and the water already covers my belly button. I stop for a moment, just enjoying the feeling of water on my skin – then I lunge forward and dive, emerging shortly after. I try to find ground, but the lake is much deeper than I initially thought. Anyway, I can find it later; for now I swim, enjoying every movement of my muscles.

After I have my fill of water sports, I lay on my back, letting the water keep me afloat – and just relax. The sounds of surrounding nature – the soft roar of the waterfall, the rustle of trees, the distant calls of birds, the whistle of air in the vents leading to the cave inside the cliff; there is a certain harmony to all of this. I go back to the sounds I heard during my first life, which makes me feel melancholic. Back then, most of what I could hear was a city noise, or an artificial and depressing soundscapes of hospitals; even the rare occasions when I was able to go into the nature were always polluted by a distant clamour of civilization. Here on the other hand? The nature ruled supreme. And I felt like a part of it. I am happy.

I let the flow carry me to the shallower parts. I stand up, water reaching my tights, and stretch; it was a lot of fun. I already feel cleaner, most of the dust on my skin already washed off. I cup my hands and take some water up, then splash it on my face and rub it. I continue scrubbing my body in that manner. I take my sweet time with it; it is the first time I can explore my new body freely – with no one watching, I realize – and slow even more, my movements growing sensual, more deliberate. I close my eyes, focusing my full attention on the sense of touch. I caress muscles on my shoulders, stomach, legs; I can feel heat rising within me as I fondle my breasts and my nipples harden. As I gradually move my hands down my torso, I feel an anticipation building up in my groin. The lower I go, the more my legs bend as well, until I reach my crotch and inner thighs; my legs give in, overwhelmed by pleasure. I pause for a moment, breathing heavily. I look at my nether lips and see the tip of my penis sticking out; so far it looks like enlarged clit. That brings back some clarity to my mind. Do I still have all of my lady parts? It felt like I still had them in the lab, but I need to check.

I move to even shallower water, where I can sit and freely look at my genitals. I spread my legs and gently part my lower lips, my every touch sending waves of electricity through my body. I lean close to my nethers, thanks to my amazing flexibility. I can now smell my arousal and see clearly that – as I thought – my dick sprouts from where my clitoral hood should have been; worse, I cannot see urethra anywhere. Then realization strikes me – men pee through their penises! It must mean that I do too now! Ugh, that sounds dirty, however I am too horny to fully process that information. I need the release; only it can bring me needed clarity.

I caress my nether lips, too afraid of my claws to finger myself, nor having anything else to safely put in. On the other hand, I don’t need to worry about scratching my red rocket accidentally, so I start gently stroking it. Despite my inexperienced movements, my pleasure keeps rising, along with my erection. I grab it with my hand and start going up and down; the ecstasy I feel from this is making me moan. Soon my knot pops out and I see my penis in all its glory. I have no idea how it compares to the ordinary thing, but it looks proportional to my frame. The thought soon passes though, and I lose myself in the masturbation; sexual tension builds up with every stroke. I feel something on fingers caressing my pussy; I absent-mindedly bring it up to smell and taste it. It’s weird, but with one sniff I can tell I am not currently pregnant, nor fertile; I guess it will come in handy when I finally find someone. In the meantime, I increase the pace of my strokes.

I have no idea how long do I play with myself, but I can feel the end approaching quickly. My movements are now rapid, pace frantic, head empty – except for pleasure. Finally, the heat and pressure that were slowly building up the entire time, reach the peak – and I with them. I cum, powerfully, from both my masculine and feminine parts; electricity runs throughout my entire body, emanating from my groin. I arch my back and shout with pleasure. Overwhelmed, I just lay there, in bliss, as various liquids leave my body. My mind now crystal clear.

I float on the water, enjoying the afterglow of my exploration. It takes time for me to calm down. Out of curiosity, I glance at my sexual organs – my penis, now shrunk and hidden, looks like a large clit, hidden behind my pussy lips. Which, to be honest, is what I expected. I wonder if I really pee through it. Luckily, it seems I won’t have to wait long to check it, as I feel the need to relieve myself. I leave the lake and crouch under one of the trees. As the golden shower rains, I see it indeed comes out of my dick. I have strong, mixed feelings about this. On one hand it is perfectly normal and natural among billions of men; on the other it still feels gross. Well, I will have to live with it. I want to live with it. Judging by my experiences in the lab and in the lake, it is somehow merged with my whole clitoris; that unique, double pleasure I can now feel must be because of that. I wonder how it would feel if I had partners?

In my past life I was a virgin – and not by choice. I was simply too sick; in my last years – to even touch someone safely. It doesn’t mean I didn’t yearn for intimacy, or had no urges; I just had to satisfy them with my own hands. And while earlier I would manage to find some privacy to pleasure myself, in the hospice I didn’t even really have those cravings for most of the time; my illness progressed too far at that point. But even before that, I knew my days were limited and I couldn’t bear myself to romantically involve myself with other people, only to inevitably break their hearts sooner rather than later. Still, I fantasized. Quite a lot. And here and now – I hope won’t need to soon.

I cannot wait to meet other people. GOD said there are Beastkin here. I wonder, how do they look? Are they similar to me, so basically Humans but with some animal characteristics? Or are they more furry-like? Fuck, I hope that if that's the case, they are at least anthro and not what is basically a talking animal; I'm still attracted to a humanoid shape. Speaking of humanoids – do Humans even exist in this world? And what about other non-human races, like Elves or Dwarves? Well, I guess I will learn in time. I need to meet Beastkin first, before I can look for others. Mhmm… If I am similar to them, as GOD said, does it mean that their senses are also more developed than Human ones? Would smell be more important for their culture? I reminiscent about my own musk. Is it similar in locals?

As I immerse myself in memories and speculation, I start imagining a Wolfman. He looks similar to me – a Human with some fur, ears and tail, tall, muscular and handsome; he smiles with a charming, rouguish confidence. He hugs me to his ripped, hairy chest and I inhale potent mix of sweat and lust. Then, I take his lips, ravenously. My hand caresses his pecs, abs, butt and thighs, mirrored by his hands exploration of my body. I grab his dick, similar to mine and fully erect, and start jerking it; he does the same to me. Suddenly, another pair of hands emerges, gently grabbing me from behind, gradually moving to my pussy. I break my kiss to look back. There is a Foxwoman there, tall, fit and beautiful; she has playful smile of a trickster and smells divine. She is more an the furry side, but still very humanoid; while she has muzzle and is covered in fur, head to toes, her figure is undoubtedly that of an adult Human woman. I release my hand that was caressing my male partner and start exploring her body; from her full, soft breasts to her wet, hungry vagina. We continue our petting session for some time, in various configurations; though I continue to be the centre of the orgy. Finally, when we are all on the ground, we reach the climax simultaneously.

I slowly open my eyes, still riding the high of my last orgasm. That was… a weird fantasy. Where does the other person come from? I do like men and women, so her being woman does not surprise me – but why would I fantasise about having multiple partners? Her being further on the furry spectrum does not bother me – I have a wide set of features I consider attractive, and she cleared most of them. It's the orgy setup that is new. I try recalling any instance of me wanting it – and I can hardly find any; it seems that while I used to be okay with romancing multiple partners in my past life, I always preferred moments of intimacy to be shared between two. I wonder, if it is influence my new body has over me. Is it something that GOD deliberately planted into me, or is it just something that is a byproduct of my creation? Or maybe… it was always in me, something that I buried deep inside me, far even from myself? Whatever the reason may be, it is how I feel now. I wonder if polyamory is accepted here. And what about other… stuff? Am I still a woman? Would I be regarded as an abomination? A freak? Would I need to hide it? Would I even be able to?

As my line of thought is becoming darker and my anxiety rises, my eyes wander towards the berries, just in time to see as one of them starts glowing with cold blue, magical light. It reminds me that my worries are unsubstantiated. After all, there is a whole new world for me to explore; I will surely find a place where I can be accepted – but first, I need to accept myself. It’s crucial to stay positive and optimistic. I smile. My whole past life future was something doomed from the start, morbid and full of sorrows; not anymore. I am a new person and I have a new future – with all possibilities – in front of me.

With newly restored mood, I cleanse myself energetically; I spent too much time in the water. I should leave it soon – there is but one thing left that I feel the urge to do: I want to know how deep the lake is. It shouldn’t take long, so I go to the deeper parts and dive. I open my eyes; my vision adjusts and clears in a moment. What I see surprises me. I swim closer, and – lo and behold – there seems to be a tunnel behind the waterfall! Does it lead somewhere? I have no idea; it's dark there. I don’t know how long it is; will I be able to swim through it with one breath?

I can feel the call of a new adventure!

Finally, some natural horniness from our Kora! And some 'action'! ;P

But seriously, I hope that this chapter does justice to Kora's character – and I'm excited for her to interact (including some fiku-miku fą fą fą) with locals. Will they be up for it? (well, you've seen the tags, it's a rhetorical question ;P)

As always, feel free to comment, whether to ask questions, point out any mistakes, or just say hi. Would also be nice of you to favourite the chapter and rate the story so it can get a better reach – speaking of, TFH broke into the first page on both 'Dragon Slayers' and 'Tribal Society' tags! Yay! Thank you! And see you tomorrow. Bye!

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