The First Hellhound

Chapter 015: The First Contact

Fixed the articles and some other small mistakes left; please notify if you see any I missed!

H-hello!” I exclaim and cringe at my stutter. “Ummm… I-I am friendly! D-don’t be afraid!” I keep on stuttering in Kolokolan, feeling more and more embarrassed – my heart beats frantically and I can feel myself blush! I also drop the meat and other stuff I was carrying. I cannot help it, as a flurry of emotions overwhelms me; I think even my tail wags, uncontrollably.

Then, the bush opposite of me moves. Suddenly, I feel like the wind changes, as if something was released; I can now smell, as well as hear some voices. I start sniffing, to analyse the smell, while three figures emerge from the cover and start approaching me. They are Beastkin: a Wolfkin man – or a Volkhlun – a Foxkin woman – a Lisitha – and a Lynxkin girl – a Risitha, definitely not confusing. What I notice instantly – beside the fact that they are shorter than me – is that they are visibly different to me, more similar to the woman from my fantasy.

The first, most excited one – judging by her wagging tail – is the Lisitha in the middle. She is of medium height among the group and her face reaches about my breasts. Her apparel is quite similar to mine, but much better crafted – she even has what can be called a proper skirt! Her bra is clearly better fitted to hold her quite large breasts too. Her fur is silvery-grey, with white countershading on her face, belly, tail and limbs. She has longer hair on top of her head, more silvery than the rest of her fur, braided and decorated with beads. She has other jewellery too, the most impressive pieces are her silver anklets and bracelets, adorned with what seems to be blue sapphires, matching her blue eyes sparkling with excitement, awe, and… lust?! I know that I look impressive, but to that extent? She seems and smells relatively young – around her middle twenties, I guess. And I can clearly sense her desire, which starts getting me horny too, so I focus on the others.

The girl on the left appears to be in her teens, probably late. I have no idea how Beastkin age, but her smell tells me she’s underage. There is also something in it that I sense but cannot pinpoint; oh well, it’s not my business. And she seems as someone who would be offended by others meddling with her business: everything about her – from her cocky posture, through trimmed and violet hair, striking on her brown-grey fur with violet accents, to defiant and sceptical look in her golden eyes – screams ‘teen rebel’. She is – obviously – the shortest of the three, tough not by much; I have a feeling she might overtake both of them. Her clothes seem similar to the other woman, but they cover more skin and, somehow, look more ‘edgy’: they are black and she fitted sharp teeth of beasts in them. She also wears what looks like ankle and wrist warmers. She holds a spear tipped with spiralling horn in her right hand, while stopping the other woman from advancing towards me with her left hand.

The last one is the male Volkhlun, the tallest and the oldest of the group. He is about a head shorter than me, appears to be in his forties and is an absolute DILF. Especially his smell is very enticing: his natural musk is mixed deeply with scents of forest, earth and old blood. His brown eyes are filled with suspicion and grim determination. He holds a bow with an arrow nocked on it – fortunately relaxed and not aimed directly at me. His pitch black fur and longer, slightly wild hair on his head, carefully confident gait, in addition to what seems to be bone trophies and jewellery – especially the asymmetric piece on his left ear – give him a roguish charm. He seemingly wears only fox pelt around his waist, leather straps adorned with many of the aforementioned trophies and fur boots. He also has what appears to be a piece of familiar antlers, cut, polished and made centrepiece in a contraption of some sort – no doubt a magical tool to control the wind, probably what masked their smell and sound. A part of me wishes for him to continue if that is true – the mix of his musk and the Foxkin fragrance make it hard for me to keep it in my pants.

“You claim to be friendly, why then are you intimidating us with your Aura?” The man calls out to me, while I am gawking at the trio, stunned and overwhelmed. His words bring me back to reality.

“I… I d-don’t know h-how to do t-that” I answer, hanging my head in shame. “I’ve been t-trying to control it for d-days, b-but…” I trail off and his eyes narrow. He still keeps his bow ready to shoot – and not only him; the younger girl keeps her spear ready too. Only the Lisitha seems carefree.

“So you say” answers the Volkhlun, low on his legs, prepared to fight. “Yet, I can’t see it. If what you say is true, show us all of your power” he demands, with the tacit approval of the Lynxgirl and enthusiastic one from the Foxwoman. I scratch my head, worried and afraid I will scare them off; but the tiger is out of the cage and they are – generally – already suspicious of me.

So I comply, and call forth the Primordial Flame within me. It manifests splendidly and overwhelms the surroundings. I can feel the fire, ignited around me. I feel their spirit – much weaker than mine. I can see their reactions sharply: the Risitha swears, backs and slips – it looks pretty comedic; the Lisitha, on the other hand, gets even hornier – her face looks ecstatic, her legs give away and I cannot ignore the smell of her arousal anymore, despite the distance; my loincloth starts getting uncomfortable.

Only the Wolfman keeps his cool. Even more – he seems to relax, as if some weight left his shoulders. His eyes change the most – suspicion gives way to respect and brooding to hope; there is even a spark of playfulness in them for a moment, soon swept by pain and sorrow. He puts down his bow, puts his hand on the shoulder of the kneeling woman and tells her to calm down, before addressing me.

“That is indeed, a power befitting the Champion send by Gods” he says, with him nodding approvingly and horny woman – enthusiastically. “Will you come to our aid?”

I am utterly taken aback by his statement. A champion? Gods? Aid? How? What the fuck is he talking about?! I feel like he jumped many very important steps and I cannot follow his line of thought. I am so confused I freeze, unable to form a coherent question to ask.

“Oh, come on!” I am saved by the Lynxkin girl, who, in the meantime, got up and now seems annoyed by her elders reaction. “Are you serious?! A Champion of the Gods?! She is clearly a woman of flesh and bone like us, despite evident power of her Aura; just look how embarrassed she is by you!” She admonishes them harshly.

“But the Elders sent us for salvation here; and there she is, where we were told to go” the Foxwoman protests, but is quickly shut down.

“Oh, yeah! Uhm… right” the girl answers, with mockingly. “Mind if I remind you then, that we were supposed to find The Great Oak – and we still haven’t even reached The Valley of The Wild Beasts! For fuck’s sake, we have yet to even enter The Fucking Halls of The Fucking Tyrant Under The Fucking Mountains!” She gets quite passionate during her speech. The names she lists, though… I think I start connecting some of the dots. I also calm my Aura, which turns younger Beastkin’s attention towards me

“Besides, we started everything in a wrong order” she says and finally addresses me. “Greetings, huntress! I’m Olka of clan Karas, this is Nugund of clan Lesin and this is Pola of clan Linar. We hail from the Nine Sisters Tribe” she said, pointing to herself, the man and the woman at the end. “We were given a task by the Elders, to find The Great Oak and save our Tribe from the dreadful dragon” she shakes her head. “But those are our problems and we can talk about them later. How are you called and what Tribe are you from?”

“M-me?! I… ummm… I-I am…” her introduction and crazy backstory finally woke me up from my stupor. They are looking for Boromir? To fight a fricking dragon?! I shake my head; there is a more pressing issue now; how do I introduce myself? They use first names + clan name, so should I say my full name? Or just my first name?! Why didn’t I think of that earlier, ugh! Quick! Say something!

I swallow some saliva “M-my name is Kora” I utter finally.

“Kora? Just Kora? No clan?” asks the girl – Olka, I remind myself, after a moment of silence.

“I was never a part of any clan, nor t-tribe” I say, nodding. I close my eyes and take a deep breath. “It’s a long story – b-but probably no shorter than yours…” as I am about to invite them to the caves, I am hugged. I look down to see that the Lisitha – Pola – got up and ran up to me.

“You poor thing! It must have been so difficult for you, to be all alone!” She says with clear compassion in her voice, trying to comfort me. I am initially surprised, but soon relax. Her body is pleasantly warm, but there is a small problem, caused by the smell of her earlier excitement. A growing problem in my nethers; and it doesn’t go unnoticed for long.

“Oh my!” The Foxwoman exclaims and chuckles. “I’m sorry; it seems that my attraction to you made my attempt at consoling you uncomfortable” she breaks the hug and steps back; still, she keeps her hand on my arm. “You probably have had very little contact with other Kin and didn’t learn to control it. But!” She caresses my abs and muscular arm. “You are totally my type! Strong, tall, beautiful… and you bear the mark of Alarana!” She says and licks her lips, lustfully, looking me in the eyes; I cannot look anywhere else. “And to top it off, you seem like a good person to me! It’s really hard to come by the better combination!” She smiles at me – to my shock not exactly lasciviously, but rather genuinely joyfully… with a pinch of lust. She moves closer, and purrs in a low voice “if you want to have some fun later…” but her proposition is brutally interrupted when a dull end of the spear strikes her head with a loud thud.

“Argh, just stop it!” shouts Olka, who stopped her Tribekin; she looks quite embarrassed and genuinely angry. “If you want to fuck do it later – after we get to know each other!”

Her outburst makes me wake up from a trance-like state I was in and only now I notice muffled chuckles of the man – Nugund – in the background. I blush, deeply, and look to the side, not wanting to meet his eye; it finally cracks his shell and makes him burst into loud laughter.

“She is right” he says, still laughing. “O, the joys of youth! But Olka of clan Karas is correct; we need to know each other first” he says, with a playful spark returning to his eye. “You said you are clanless and tribeless, right? No wonder you have trouble controlling your urges; you probably don’t meet with a lot of Kin” he breaths in to calm his laughter a bit. “But seriously; have you been alone since your First Heat?”

“Umm..” I am not sure what he is talking about. What is ‘First Heat’?

“It’s when you felt the fire in your loins for the first time, your pussy leaked for the first time and, in your case, your cock woke up for the first time” Pola helps, noticing my confusion. Then she narrows her eyes, worryingly “wait a moment. If you don’t know such a basic information… how long have it been since you met another Kin? And how many Moons have it been since your First Heat?”

“Errr… Yyyy… Y-you are the f-first Beastkin I have ever m-met in my life” I finally confess, answering the first question; then I blush even stronger and look away in embarrassment. “And m-my F-first H-heat” I struggle saying that. It’s so awkward! “Umm… i-it was b-before t-the last F-full M-moon.”

“What?!” They say in unison. I look back and the first thing I see is the shocked face of the Risitha, soon joined by the equally shocked Lisitha and Volkhlun when I notice them.

“You aren’t that much older than me, then!” exclaims Olka of clan Karas. “How have you survived so long on your own?!”

“You poor thing; that must have been scary” says Pola of clan Linar with concern, no trace of lust left in her voice, as she holds my hand and caresses my back, reassuringly.

“Why?” Nugund of clan Lesin asks simply.

I sigh with relief “W-well… we have a lot to talk about” I look at them, already feeling better. “All of us. You mentioned a d-dragon, right?” The mention of the beast makes mood sink a bit. “I’ve been living in a cave, further inside the mountain; there’s still plenty of bear meat there, we can talk and eat.”

“Bear meat?” asks the Lynxkin girl. “Does that mean that you’ve slain the fucking Tyrant Under The Mountains?!”

“As expected from the Champion of Gods” says the Foxwoman smugly, making younger girl cringe, which makes the Wolfman smile in turn; he assesses me again, with a deep respect in his eyes, before breaking his silence.

“Very well. Let us gather our belongings and lead the way.”

And so, the special period of release has ended - just as we meet our first Beastkin characters! From now on, as was my intention since the beginning, The First Hellhound will be released weekly. And it depends on you, the reader, which day exactly - so remember to vote in the poll! One of the reasons I chose to release a chapter daily was to test which day(s) work the best for me - and, funnily enough, my initial bet (Friday) is not even on the list XD

So, it's a time for some summary. It was a lot of fun - but also quite a lot of work. I would love to be able to release more chapters weekly, but it is impossible in the current situation; maybe in the future ;P

What surprised me the most, however, was the warm welcome and the success The First Hellhound received. Over 12000 views, 160+ favourites and 180 readers is honestly way, way beyond my wildest expectations. As I explained in chapter 13 - vast majority of the series on this site never reaches so far. Here are statistics, if you are interested: ; I don't know how accurate they are, but they seem to generally match what I see on this site.

So once again - thank you, so, so very much! Especially to those who were leaving comments - you are the best!

As always - feel free to leave the comments, it's cool to know what you think; mention any mistakes you see - I'll try to fix them as fast as possible; finally, don't be afraid to favourite and rate, so this story can reach even more people! Peace!

P.S.The poll lasts 5 days; when it ends I'll update this chapter to acknowledge the results and modify the descryption. I will post the next chapter on the first available day that wins.

And so, the poll is closed! Nearly 30 votes were cast, thank you very much! The results are interesting: we have a draw! Both Saturday and Tuesday received 11 votes each (Wednesday lost, despite leading in the beginning). In the end it is up to me to be a tie-breaker: and thus, after consulting with the comments - specifically the Plantje's comment (the only person who wrote to justify their choice) - I hereby proclaim Saturday as the winner - so from now on The First Hellhound will get updated on every Saturday at GMT!

What about Tuesday, then? Well, if there are extra chapters, or I achieve my dream of publishing 2 chapters a week... Tuesday is the Treatday!

So... See you tomorrow ^_^

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.