The First Hellhound

Chapter 018: Under The New Moon (18+)

Fixed the articles and some other small mistakes left; please notify if you see any I missed!



I lie on the fur, unable to sleep; the first meeting with locals was quite exciting, and I am still awake because of it. So much have happened! Unfortunately, adrenaline in my veins makes me unable to fall asleep. I roll around, alone on the vast carpet of bear skin; the rest have got some sort of bedrolls, so it’s not that I’m hogging the space for myself – the issue is, I’m the only one who can use the pelt in that way. It is, after all, magical and releases a slight chill. I can ignore that; others – not so much. So, with nothing else better to do, I recall past few hours.

It was quite difficult to refuse their call for help; not that I wanted to do that at any point. Still, my agreement improved the mood quite a bit; subsequent meal made it even better, despite being a bit overcooked. My reaction to it – I cried literal tears of joy – made everyone laugh. Later, we talked about the prospective dragon hunt; I was relieved I’m not expected to be the only one to fight it. Nugund – the most experienced hunter out of all of us – explained that a small group would be the best, as the monster stays high in the mountains for most of the time. Not to mention, it apparently shouldn’t even be here – they are native to the Far North, the lands beyond the mountains and the sea; no one has seen an Ice Dragon so far South in decades, if not centuries. Especially considering we are about to reach the hottest months (or, as they are called here – Moons) and they require freezing temperatures. That’s why my Aura being so fiery and powerful is such a perfect match; no wonder they saw that as a divine intervention. Still, I need to be able to control and hide it – and the Volkhlun promised to train me tomorrow!

We spent the rest of the evening talking about our families and friends. It was quite bitter-sweet, considering we all lost someone; surprisingly, it made bonding much easier. I think I grew closer especially to Olka; we had quite similar, stormy relationships with our parents, mothers in particular; the last time both of us spoke with them we argued – and now we both regret it, since we won’t be able to mend it. She feels like a sister I never had.

Nugund was originally more reserved, but even he slowly opened up. He was very interested in my reincarnation, as well as the world I used to live in. That’s because his close ones also remembered bits and pieces of their past lives. He mentioned the impressions of vast savannas and jungles of Kutembe from his mother, and his late partner’s longing for the lands beyond the Ocean; he wanted to go there with her, but such journeys are long and dangerous. His memories were fascinating, and sparked curiosity in me. I proposed we could go there after slaying the dragon; he laughed and said I remind him of his late lover. But he didn’t say no.

Finally, I learned a lot from Pola – not only about her, but in large part about Beastkin in general. What shocked me the most, was that they don’t really practice marriage – or even monogamy; such a long and committed relationship that Nugund had is extremely rare among them. She also spoke quite openly about some of her previous partners – I get a feeling she did this to tease Olka a bit, at least partially. Other than that, she spoke about her younger brother and sister; her complains about the latter not being as horny as her were, frankly, quite hilarious. But it was her son, Rad, who she gushed about the most… and his father, a Lionkin merchant, hunter and adventure seeker from the Far South. He’s the one who gave her her matching anklets and bracelets. He also told her many fascinating stories from all around the world – and they made my curiosity and eagerness to explore skyrocket even more. I want to go and see those places.

As I recall some of the more exciting anecdotes, I notice someone – Pola, according to the scent – getting up and quietly coming towards me. I think she noticed I'm awake, as she lies down, caressing my body sensually; I can smell our mutual arousal. She hugs me from behind and I grab her hand, locking fingers together; her hand is smaller than mine. I feel her breasts on my back and her breath on my neck – then she leans in and kisses it; it sends shivers down my spine. I want to turn to her, to return a favour, but it feels so good as she smooches me, moving up.

“I don’t want to wake the others up” she whispers seductively into my ear. “Would you like to… take a walk outside with me?”

It is too much for me and I turn, grab her head and kiss her. She’s surprised for a second, then reciprocates. And while I’m clumsy and inexperienced – she is not, and soon I am melting in her arms. Our tongues intertwine – and my mind goes blank for the moment, as I am lost in the feeling. I barely notice her free hand on my cheek, too preoccupied with the taste of her lips and masterful movements of her tongue.

She breaks our kiss after what feels like eternity and sits up, leaving me yearning for more. She smiles and it nearly makes me jump for more – nearly, as she puts her hand on my shoulder, stopping me in my tracks.

“I’m glad you are so enthusiastic – but slow down a bit, will you” she says with a chuckle. “We are not alone – and they are trying to sleep. That’s why I propose we go outside – unless there is some other, hidden cave we can go to?”

It takes me a moment to register her words with my thoughts clouded by my arousal and the memories of the taste of her lips. I finally come to my senses and look towards the other two; it seems like they are still sleeping. I blush – but truth be told, I know I have been blushing since earlier.

“U-umm… there is a secret tunnel there” I hastily point towards the water. “We would just need to break the ice and dive in for a few… erm… moments?” I fumble at the end, as I realise I don’t know the exact measure of time used in this world.

Pola’s smile, however, widens and she gets up. She walks to her bags and starts undressing. She knows I can see her – so she puts on a bit of a show for me. She starts with her jewellery, putting most of it away – leaving only her anklets and bracelets, as well as a ring with a yellow crystal, located on her thumb. She puts all of the rest into a small bag. Then, she takes her bra off. I cannot pull my eyes away from her shapely, bouncing breasts; I can see her hardened, erect nipples, as Lisitha moves seductively. She then slowly and sensually pulls her skirt down, presenting her hindquarters to me; I have a perfect view of her pussy, dripping wet with arousal I can smell.

When she finishes, she fishes out something from her bag and comes closer. Her wide hips and large breasts sway coquettishly – the movement no doubt intentionally embellished by her. And it works – I cannot look away, incapacitated by my carnal desire. Only when she puts her hand on my shoulder does the spell break and I’m able to meet her eyes – as filled with lust as mine. And yet… she’s clearly in the control; it’s clear it's not her first rodeo. She smiles and asks me to melt the ice. I’m at a loss for a moment, but get it in the end. I rise my hand, point it towards the water and melt the ice from a distance.

“I didn’t know you could do something like this” she comments with a raised brow and a smidge of amusement in her voice. Then she shrugs and walks towards the water. Her tail brushes my face and I take a whiff of her scent; all my neurons activated, I leer at her figure. I observe her, paralysed by my own thirst, as she slowly gets into the water, her body gradually submerging; finally only her shoulders and head are visible. Pola then turns back towards me – and smiles lasciviously at me.

“Don’t let me wait for long” she says quietly and dives. Her disappearance finally wakes me up from a trance-like state I've been in. I swallow some of my saliva and wipe the drool I only just noticed was trickling from my open mouth. I then practically tear off my clothes, freeing my painfully erect nipples and even more erect dick. I then quickly follow after the Foxwoman – but stop just as I’m about to dive into the tunnel; I feel like I’m missing something. I look back and notice Nyx, leaning on the wall. I call my spear to my hand and she immediately flies to me; I instantly feel more secure and dive.

I swim, with a haste, and soon emerge on the other side. The Moon is a barely visible, waxing crescent in the sky. I look around, frantically, my desire unfulfilled for too long. I notice Pola near the Moonberries; their ephemeral light gives her contours somewhat mystical and romantic appearance, a great substitute for the Full Moon. She throws a glance at me and quirks her eyebrow at the sight of my spear; I stick Nyx in the wall. Lisitha chuckles at that and beckons me with her finger; I comply with enthusiasm and soon I am in front of her, attempting to take her lips – but she stops me, putting her slender finger on my mouth.

“Impatient, aren’t we?” She asks, with a coquettish smile.

“I… I desire you; I've desired you since the first sight” I confess.

“Me too” she admits and it makes me feel joy. “But, since we are here with them” she gestures towards the berry patch. “We should make full use of what we have” she then turns back and plucks two fruits. She eats one and feeds me the other; familiar chill pleasure spreads throughout my body. “Can you feel it?”

“The chill? Yes” she raises her brow slightly and gets me another berry. This time I can feel the magical energy, permeating everything in this world – including me and her; I can see her Aura now and how it interacts with mine. There is a strange pleasure I can feel in the connection. It’s… erotic. Pola smiles, certainly feeling the same sensation – and kisses me.

As soon as our lips meet, I know it’s different than earlier – more energizing, more intense, more intimate; it’s like we share parts of our consciousness as one. I melt in her arms – and I can feel her melting in mine. We sit in the shallow water, sharing our lips and her arms start wandering over my back, each touch sending shivers down my spine. Likewise, I start exploring her body: the hips, the sides, the back; finally cupping her soft breasts. I squeeze them, clumsily – but it still elicits a moan from her. She reciprocates and cups mine – it’s my turn to moan. And I moan harder, as the Foxwoman handles my knockers with expertise I lack; I arch back in ecstasy as she massages my nipples. And since our lips parted, my partner moves her mouth to my teat and begins with licking it – before sucking; I hug Pola, unable to do much else – but she doesn’t stop there. Her hand – the one not on my boob – travels down, towards my groin, each touch electrifying.

Finally, after sensually caressing my thighs, she reaches my nethers and her finger brushes my sprouting dick; my mind nearly goes blank from the sensation. It is, however, only the prelude, as she brushes over my cock, from the bulbous base to the sharp top – and in reverse. Then she grabs it and I nearly come, my toes curling from the pleasure.

“Oooh!” I moan loudly, as my partner begins slowly jerking my shlong. “Yeshhh… don’t shthop!” My speech is slurred and breath laboured. I feel warmth spreading from my groin, as the Lisitha gradually increases the pace of her handjob. “Ah! Yeeash! Fashtaaah!” I shout as Foxwoman’s second hand takes mine and moves it to her vagina; she puts my finger over her clit and I start massaging it absent-mindedly. It makes her moan and it distracts me a bit from a pleasure I feel – so I can focus on a pleasure I give. I use my free hand to grab her breast – and I try coping my partner, focusing on her nipple. I am still clumsy, but I have already improved. I no longer satisfy only my own desires – I now make sure to pleasure her as well. Sex is a mutual act, after all.

I can feel our impending climaxes – both mine and my Pola’s; she does too. So we increase the pace, synchronised. The influence of Moonberries makes the experience even more intimite, as we can feel both our Auras – and it is amazing. Still, as we continue our caressing, the Foxwoman stops stimulating my nipple and kises me. It is the straw that breaks the proverbial's camel's back and we both cum, powerfully, at the same time. Our orgasms are enhancing each other, as our Auras mix together – a surreal experience, one unlike anything I've ever fantasized about.

But even the best things come – nomen omen – to an end. And so is our joy ride. We bask in the afterglow, panting and hugging each other. I look at her and she looks at me; our eyes meet. Pola smiles lasciviously, clearly not fully satisfied yet.

"That was great and I really needed it" she says. "But... are you ready for the main course?"

Another day, another chapter! And finally – we have some proper intercourse (I know it's technically a heavy petting, but still)! In this smut! Well, they don't even go all the way... so expect continuation next week! It will be fun.

As always, don't shy away from commenting – especially if you have any questions or notice a mistake – favouriting the chapter, and rating the series. If you want, obviously. Peace!

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