The First Hellhound

Chapter 027: A Journey Beyond

“Well, well, well! What a nice view, right in the morning!” I blush deeply at the welcoming salute from Pola, accompanied by her laughter. “I wish you woke me up for some action!”

“I’m sincerely sorry – I don’t partake in threesomes” Nugund’s replies with a smirk of his own – all the while I try to hide behind him, self-conscious of my own nudity; just what was I thinking last night!?

“It’s a pity and I can’t say I’m not jealous” the Lisitha comments with a grin, before addressing me directly. “But to think our Kora would be so daring? That’s a pleasant surprise – too bad we have only half-light in this cave.”

“W-wait! Does it mean you cannot see me?!” I exclaim, feeling somewhat better with that knowledge.

“Well… I can see you, but not in detail I would like to” a weight drops off my shoulders – but a smirk, still plastered to her face, makes me uneasy; am I missing something? “I’m not the one with the ability to see in the dark here, am I?” I freeze, as I realise what she’s alluding to. I look to the side and see Olka, frozen as well, with her jaw dropped, her eyes firmly locked onto my chest; then, probably sensing she is watched, she looks up – and our eyes meet. We both squeal and turn away, to bursts of laughter from the other two.

“I-I’m sorry!” shouts the Risitha, clearly disturbed by her own actions. “I d-don’t know why I did it! I-I’ve n-never…!” She has trouble speaking, but it’s clear she feels bad because of it; her apology is genuine.

“I-it’s not your fault!” I assure her; I don’t want her to feel guilty – especially since it was my own recklessness that put us in this situation to begin with. “D-don’t blame yourself – i-it is is I who s-should have known b-better!” I then scurry around, looking for my clothes, accompanied by constant giggling and flirts from our horny Foxwoman; it seems that I have a long day in front of me.

As I predicted, the rest of our morning gets quite hectic, as we are in a hurry to embark on our journey. Pola constantly teases me in a flirtatious manner; I start enjoying it after some time – and I even try to flirt back! On the other hand, Olka behaves more erratic; she is – unusually for her – distracted and absent-minded. Not to mention I caught her unwittingly gawking at my rack a few times; I think I’ll have a talk with her soon, to put some things straight. But it is Nugund who changed the most, becoming more relaxed and even cheerful! He remains quite stoic – especially to the cat-calls by the Lisitha, which allows me to tease her back; things also get quite heated quickly – and since our usual pacemaker is very distracted, it is up to me keep us in check. I have dubious success – we manage to leave only quite long after the noon, so we will have to stop for the night at least twice before Reaching Boromir.

As we travel, my training continues – with greater success than earlier, despite the distractions. Our Volkhlun theorises it might be because I’m more of a practical learner and I need some physical movement – but we will have to see as I progress; one thing is certain, though – with my Aura still leaking into the environment, we won’t have to worry about being attacked by monsters. On the other hand, it means we cannot get fresh meat – which is a bit of a problem, considering how much I eat. I didn’t pay attention to that earlier – there is still a mountain of bear flesh under the mountain of rock, after all – but I can easily eat as much as all three of them combined. I am a bit self-conscious about that – not to mention a little worried I might get fat in the future. Where does all of it go, anyway? Luckily, we took lots of meat with us; it should last us long enough.

I’m honestly – and positively – surprised just how fast our pace is; if we manage to keep it up, we will arrive to Boromir before noon the day after – not in the evening, as I thought. Still, we all need to eventually stop and rest. I am exempted from guard duty on the first night as we are setting a camp; I tried hiding my exhaustion – caused by extensive night activity and lack of sleep – but Pola is too observant. She even gets a little bit angry when I try to protest and tells me to pay more attention to my health and to take care of myself. It reminds me of her motherly side – I tend to forget about that aspect of her; I guess us being of similar age, and her general – horny – demeanour make it difficult for me to see her in that light, but… she is, technically, a MILF.

I find it a bit funny that both my lovers – my first ever lovers – have both parental characteristics; I wander what the cause might be. Do I have some unexplored fetish? Unresolved mommy and/or daddy issues? Or is it just a weird coincidence? They are the very first people I’ve met in Yavea; well… the first humanoids, as I consider Boromir a person as well. And maybe Nyx as well, but that might be just because of my weird bond I feel towards my weapon. I’ll have to learn more about magical artefacts, as she clearly is one and they are apparently way different from usual magic tools.

Still, my lack of sleep finally catches up to me and I quickly fall asleep – with all those and many other thoughts swimming in my head.

I wake up, all alone in darkness. I look around, confused – and I start panicking. Where’s everyone? Why did they leave me?! All this overwhelms little me – and I start crying.

Suddenly, the doors to my room crack open. In them, illuminated by a blindingly bright light shining from behind her, stands an angelic Foxy. She’s huge! And bright silver! And smells familiar and nice! Excitement washes all my worries over, I eagerly stand up and reach my hands towards the figure – but she’s too far for my little self, not to mention that I’m confined, limited by a wooden wall.

-Mama! -I exclaim in glee – and she comes over to me. My tail wags faster and faster with each step she takes; finally, she arrives and I can no longer contain my exhilaration – so I try to jump over to her. I fail, obviously, but her furred hand catches me before I fall over.

-Kora, Darling! -She says, scooping me up into her embrace. -I see you are very energetic, but please – be careful. -She kisses me on the forehead tenderly. -Who will play with Olka and Nyx if you bump your head, you know?

-Pway! Yay! -I wiggle with my whole body, hyped by the prospect of having fun with my sisters; I want to go to them immediately, but my stomach releases a thunderous grumble. -Mama! Milk! -I demand eloquently, to her great amusement.

-Ufufu -she says teasingly; hurry up, mom, I don’t have time for games – I need to grow up! And go play with my sisters! Wait, does that mean I do have time for games? Gah, being a baby is such a hard, heavy intellectual work! Luckily for me, at the same time as I ruminate on the most profound questions any sentient being can ever encounter, Mommy started swelling her breasts with milk; now they are bigger than me! -What flavour would you like, Dearie?

-Choccy! -I answer her question immediately, but soon, doubts settle in – did I make a good decision? Chocolate is a classic choice, but other options are also very tempting; the unparalleled smoothness of banana or the refreshing aspect of strawberry make them strong contenders – but what about the more exotic and unusual options? Moonberry or Golden Acorn milk must taste divine!

Soon my meditation on the conundrum of perfect sustenance are cut short, however, as Mother Dearest – with a beautiful laughter – flips her nipple and it’s hue darkens. -The meal’s ready! -She then carries me towards her now deeply black teat and, without further ado, I start sucking as soon as it is within my reach. A sense of serenity descending upon me as delicious liquid enters my mouth assures me of correctness of my earlier decision. Choccy milk is love. Choccy milk is life.

For unknown time I indulge myself in the nectar Mom gives me in such abundance – but all good things come to an end eventually. The stream runs dry and I am refused any more; I want to throw a tantrum, but realise I’m completely stuffed, so I calm down. I even burp, unprompted.

-Now, you are all ready to go and play with your sisters! -Says my Mom with a beautiful smile, the smile that makes me feel things a child should not feel towards its mother; but they pass quickly as the meaning of her words registers in my brain.

-Pway! Pway! Pway! Lesgo! -My enthusiasm palpable, Mommy takes me to the living room; there I see my sisters, playing with blocks and dolls. It seems really fun, so I quickly run to them. -Hewwo! Wha do? (Greetings, Ladies; what are you doing today?)

-Ho. Uuumh. Bobuba. Ha? (Greetings, sister; we are trying to build the nuclear fusion reactor to power Mr. Squiggly, the Mechatronic Dragon; will you lend us a hand in our endeavour?) -Asks Olka eloquently.

-… (I’m a spear) -Adds Nyx helpfully.

-Pfft! Moar! (This is unfitting to our talents and ambition! We should built multi-dimensional model of the Multiverse!) -I proclaim proudly; with our combined potential we should strive to achieve feats nobody has been able to even imagine before!

-Woo! Yoh! (Amazing! I knew we could depend on your wisdom, sister!) -Olka’s eyes lit up with determination as she raises her clutched fist in the air in excitement.

-… (I’m still a spear) -Adds Nyx, all fired up. We have to stop her from accidentally burning the house.

And without further ado, we begin creating the first ever realistic model of the Multiverse, using only blocks, dolls and our ingenuity. However, soon it turns out that we bit more than we can chew, as we struggle to add dimensions beyond the sixth; still, the non-euclidean geometry of our eldritch abomination causes a soft thumping pressure to appear and accrete in our brains. It’s a sign of a job well done! Well… at least as well done as a bunch of literal babies can do. Anyway, as me and my sisters are brainstorming how to solve the conundrum we are facing, the sounds of a car stopping reach our ears.

-Papa! -I immediately drop everything and rush to the living room. I enter it at the same time as Dad enters from the other side, Mom waiting for him there. He puts down his suitcase and hangs his jacket; his sexy muscles and black fur are clearly visible. Then he embraces Mommy, kissing her at the same time. That – and the unshakeable feeling of attraction I have for both of them – gives me a pause.

The world stops in its tracks, as I delve deep into that sensation. Why do I feel that way? Are Nugund and Pola not my parents? Who if not them?! I love them, after all! I can still remember the taste of their mouths, the pleasure of our…

What the fuck am I even thinking about!? I’m a kid, am I not? AM I NOT?!”

I look down at myself – I am naked and definitely an adult. I feel vulnerable – but there is also a certain confidence I started building up, making me more comfortable with my nudity. Pola and Nugund – my lovers, not parents – are to thank for it. Them and my own successes – like slaying the Bear. Speaking of – I notice Nyx is absent again. I would curse my recklessness, but I have no idea where I am, nor how I ended up here; well, to be honest, I first checked if everything is OK with me physically. When I finally look up, I see somewhat familiar bookshelves; but before I can process this information, a perfectly measured and neutral voice calls out to me.

Our meeting is happening significantly earlier than anticipated. However, there arose matters demanding an urgent discussion; therefore, when the opportunity came, I seized it – and brought you here.

So, what do you think - who is Kora's Daddy? ;-D

Next week: The Dreadful Discussion - what do you think the topic(s) may be? Try to guess in the comments ;-)

More seriously: I've been informed (thanks, @SeriousBlueJewel) that I tend to ommit articles. I cannot deny it - English is not my first language and it is a very typical mistake; still, I should've known better. So, I'll be 'rewriting' (as in: adding literally a single word here and there; is it really a rewrite though? I don't think so) parts of the story in the near future. That being said, I'll still prioritize writing more story, so the tweaks will be slow and gradual. Still, I hope I'll fix everything by the end of the month.

And as always: comment (especially if there are any mistakes you notice (would be really funny if some articles were missing)), leave a favourite, maybe rate and add a review (if you want, of course ;-))

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