The First Hellhound

Chapter 035: Breed Hunger (18+)



My journey back to the camp is a strange one. I feel that I move through the montane forest quickly, but the trip appears to be excruciatingly long at the same time. It must be my desire to embrace my two waiting lovers that causes it. It rises steadily the closer I get. My mind preoccupied by what I’m going to do with them when I finally arrive, I navigate the land purely on instinct and the sense of smell. I also don’t bother to hide my Aura – maybe they will notice it and meet me halfway? And then we…

I trip on some root and nearly fall, barely avoiding dropping my loot. I shake my head; I need to focus, but the closer to the camp I get, the more my thoughts drift. And it bothers me, nearly as much as the heat radiating from my nethers. For a moment I worry if I will be able to even stand up, but I somehow manage after taking a few deep breaths. Still, my penis is getting bigger – not a surprise considering what’s on my mind. I need to hurry – it’s not very comfortable.

It’s steadily becoming more difficult to think straight the closer to the source of the enticing musk I get. A part of me – the rational one – knows I have be careful and keep track of the dangerous environment; but the other, more primal part, nigh completely silences it, bombarding my mind with the pictures of carnal pleasure that awaits me at my destination and the effects down the line – kids. In my imagination, I can see myself and Pola expecting, as well as holding already born little ones; to my unending surprise, it really turns me on.

And even my logical part cannot logic me out of it! I am aware that I’ve never really interacted with real kids – all I have are hearsay, stories and my own parents’ soul-crushing experience of raising a doomed kid such as me – but I know I want to try it. Maybe it is envy speaking through me – as I remember that feeling from my past life well; I died childless not because of my own volition, but because choice was never on the table for me. But now? In the new life in the New World? I desire it; I want to taste life and all its flavours… maybe beside the soul-crushing part, that is; I’ll do well without it, thank you very much. But all the joys? I want to try. And what is a mere 20 years or so it takes to rear a child, when I have literal centuries, no – millennia?

There’s only one thing that gives me a brief moment of doubt – whether or not I am really mature enough to face the challenges of motherhood and… fatherhood? Would I be a father to Pola’s children or their second mommy? I’ll have to ask her. Regardless – I am dead set on procreating today, my conviction firmer and firmer with every step I take, lead by the familiar – and arousing – musk.

“Is everything alright? You look roughed up” I finally reach the clearing where we had set our camp up earlier and I’m greeted by armed and alarmed Nugund. “Is there something following you?” He continues asking while searching for something behind me. I notice Pola and Olka doing the same further away – but only with a corner of my eye, as all my focus is on the Volkhlun. I see the muscles playing under his skin as he keeps his bow prepared to soot; I see his broad chest expanding with every breath he takes in; I see his beautiful, brown eyes scanning the area meticulously – but it is his scent, his masculine musk, that’s driving me crazy. With every deep sniff I take, I feel my body getting more and more on fire, radiating from my crotch. I can barely contain myself, my rational mind frantically trying to rein in my impulses. And my Darling is not helping.

Finally, he lowers his weapon. “Ach, it seems nothing’s pursuing you in the end. What a relief! But you still need some healing; come, we’ll take care of you” he says with a bright smile – and it is what breaks the last string holding me back. I drop everything where I stood – and I pounce at my lover. There’s a surprise in his eyes, but I don’t care; I devour his lips with abandon, as the momentum of my tackle pushes us to the ground. My hands blindly search for his ones – and when I find out he’s still holding his bow, I rip it from his hand and throw it aside; finally, I can intertwine our fingers.

I break our passionate kiss and sit up on him and start grinding on his hips – but it’s not enough for me. I tear my clothes and throw them away; I moan and nearly cum as my painfully erect penis is liberated. “Ah! I get it now! Come, Olka, we need to be quick!” I hazily recognise the voice in the background and a thought sprouts in my head: why isn’t Pola coming over? But it doesn’t last long, as I lean on my Darling again, sniff his intoxicating musk and kiss him with abandon; I am somehow aware of the hustle and bustle in the background, but my mind is completely overtaken by breeding impulses.

I want it.

I desire it.

I need it.

I don’t understand why my pussy is still vacant and my dick surrounded by air, not flesh; then I realise. “Oooh, right!” I exclaim looking down, at the place where our groins connect. “We can’t make babies if you stay in your pants!” I feel proud as if I have just discovered fire; it’s so obvious! I would slap myself in the forehead, but there are more pressing matters – I stop straddling the father of my future children and undress him; he struggles a bit while whining about something. It’s unimportant right now, so it falls on my deaf ears. I just let him have his fun.

“Uoh! Finally!” I lick my lips as I liberate his respectable manhood; then I bury my face in it – and his balls – and take quite a few good, long whiffs – directly from the main source of his perfect musk. “So great! So manly!” I praise my man’s genitals in-between licks and sniffs; I feel floodgate open in my groin. I want his junk to penetrate me and reach deep, directly into my womb – but I just can’t get enough of the smell and taste of his dick. And his testicles. Let’s not forget about them – I think as I proceed to cup, massage, lick and so on. “So big! So full! So…! So…! So breedable!” I compliment his testes, churning with fresh, virile sperm, waiting to meet my eggs. But it is his fully prepared mast that occupies more and more of my attention.

I cannot stop myself and take the whole thing into my mouth; it tastes divine to me, and more cum drips down my leg; still, it’s not enough to pry me away from the bone I’m sucking and licking with gusto. I get a feeling I might be a bit sloppy, but who cares? Nugund does not complain, I think. I know he’s been saying something, but he stopped when my mouth enveloped his dick to the base. He seems happy, even though I’m not focusing on his pleasure, only on mine; still, I can feel him getting closer to climax. And I let him come into my mouth, thoroughly enjoying every drop of his manly juice. A part of me laments the waste of good, virile sperm, but who cares? There’s much more where it’s coming from. And his baby batter will hit my oven soon enough anyway.

But all good things come to an end – my Wolfman’s ejaculation too, to my unending regret. But my mood rises again, as I remember that he’s still not totally spent. We’ve got plenty of time to get me pregnant, so I shouldn’t worry; it’s even good to give him a small rest, I think. Just not too long – I’m not satisfied – and I won’t be for a long time, I feel. In the meantime, I slowly and affectionately stroke his red rocket, gradually bringing it back to its full size.

As I am about to straddle my Darling, something hits me in the face; it smells familiarly enticing and when I take it off me, I see it’s Pola’s skirt. I look to the side and there she is – on all fours, naked, her hips and tail moving sensually, with her hindquarters plainly displayed too me; my eyes naturally gravitate towards her glistening pussy. I gulp as my cock gets even harder; I am certain I’m cumming as soon as I stick it in. I really want to come and take her – but one detail stops me; however, it seems that the silverfurred Lisitha is aware of that.

“I know what you are worrying about” she addresses me in a seductive manner and I finally pay attention to what anyone is saying. “You can sense I’m not fertile yet – and that stops you from throwing yourself at me” she’s correct I notice absent-mindedly, still unable to move my eyes from her dripping cunt. “But worry not!” Her voice gets deeper and quieter, so I strain my ears – and I finally look her in the eyes; they are full of affection, desire and anticipation, fanning the flames of carnal wants in me. “We are two nights from the next full moon – and my own heat. Which means I can still have your baby if you fill me today” she sways her childbearing hips as she talks to me. “And I want you to give me one. So come and take me!” She smiles, seeing that I still hesitate – and adds one, final push. “And in this position Nugund will have easier time taking you – and you’ve always wanted a threesome, haven’t you?”

Those words are the straw that breaks the camel’s back. I let go of my man’s manly bits – and pounce at the eager Foxwoman, covering the whole distance in a single jump. I can smell and see that it gave her a scare – but it lasts only for a moment, as a lascivious smile and horny look return to her face. That breaks the meagre leftovers of any reservations I had – and I slam my iron-hard cock into her hungry slit; her walls part so easily – or I just push with so much momentum – that I lodge myself fully, up to the and including my knot. It sends me over the edge and I cum – for the first time today. I howl in pleasure as my partner’s moans every time a thick rope of my sperm hits the top wall of her uterus. I lean on her and cuddle, our bodies close together – my breasts on her back, my chin on top of her head, my hands on her ass and breasts, as I’m pinning her in place.

We both enjoy our closeness for a while, until my climax subsides – but I am not finished with my sexy Vixen yet. I pull out of her, which elicits a yelp from her, as a flood of my cum flows out of her slit. She pants and lays down, her arms too weak to support our combined weight for long. I tumble after her, squishing her for a bit – which makes her chuckle. Still, it must be pretty uncomfortable for her, so I prop myself up quickly. She sighs with satisfaction. “That was greeooooaahhh!” She tries to say something, but I lick the inside of her ear – and her entire body tenses in reaction, even her legs giving way now.

Gods, that was so… so…” even she lacks words to describe what she’s just felt – but it is not the end. I feel myself grin stupidly as she turns to the side, to look me in the eyes. She smiles beautifully and honestly. “That was – hmmghhh?!” Pola tries to talk, but I interrupt her by taking her lips in a passionate kiss. My aggressiveness gives me an edge in the beginning, but she regains her composure quickly and reciprocates with all the skills she has; and she’s a way better kisser than I am, so soon I am melting in her embrace, as she turned again in the meantime and now our boobs touch each other. All of that serves to fuel the flames of our carnal desires even more.

When our lips and tongues finally separate, there’s a look of deep affection and lust in her eyes; she throws a quick glance at my nethers and the sensual smile on her face grows wider. “Take me” she whispers and I comply with enthusiasm. I enter her flooded hole at the same time as we return to kissing; she wraps her legs around me, but I take her hands in mine and we lock our fingers together. This position is way more intimate than the previous one. It was like we were wild beasts, completely overtaken by instinct when we fucked – but now it feels like we are properly making love, as it would be expected from a pair of lovers.

My pace is slower this time, as I am not in a hurry, since there are no more willing, adult women nearby – and, sadly, neither are any men; I feel like I’m missing something, but I can’t help it – my own hole helplessly hollow, desperately wanting to be filled. I need a dick to fill me and paint my own uterus white. And impregnate me, as I am eagerly impregnating Pola right now. And she’s doing everything to aid me in this endeavour – so why do I even let my thoughts wander towards another? Isn’t it unfaithful towards her? Then again – she’s the one who proposed a threesome, after all. It’s just Nugund who constantly refuses, but… where is he?

My introspection is interrupted and my questions left unanswered, as the Lisitha kisses me again – and again the two of us disappear into the world of our own, where only us and our passion exist. I bring my legs forward, lifting my partner up. Then I cross my legs as she holds her extremities wrapped around me, putting us in a lotus position. It allows me to truly feel our intimacy. The change also makes it easier and more comfortable for us to kiss. The Foxwoman is way more involved with our intercourse too! While earlier she was just mostly taking it passively – not that she could do much more in the face of my rut – now she actually moves her hips in circles, magnifying the pleasure of our coupling. Her arms and legs, wrapped around me, also contribute to the feeling of closeness. Even our breasts are touching, producing even more sensations for the both of us. My own hands firmly hold her slowly bouncing butt, providing more stimulation for her and me.

All those factors work in unison to separate us from the outside world, allowing us to fully concentrate on each other. And the result is absolutely mind-blowing – probably the best sex I’ve had! And it’s getting better and better with time, as Pola’s flavour and fragrance fill my all senses, her touches stimulate me, our movements quicken, and our orgasms approach. The closer we are to the climax, the more skewed my perception becomes – until my final thrust pushes her over the edge with me. It feels as if the time outside our bubble stopped – and I am sure the same happens to my Moonberry. The pet name I’ve chosen to give her truly fits her right now, as we are in our own, private heaven, connected – nigh exactly like during our first time together.

But even the moments that seem to last for eternity eventually end and reality strikes back. I hug the Lisitha tightly, trying fruitlessly to prolong our bliss. I kiss her on the neck and shoulders, and cheeks, and ears… but the moment passes, the bubble breaks, our heaven collapses – and it is Olka who ruins it.

“Ummm… I-it’s ready” she struggles, her voice clearly shaken. “W… what n-now?”

“Bring it here” answers my Moonberry, panting. I feel a little bit jealous she’s not paying her full attention to me; alas, the fire of my nethers is still unquenched, so the third round is bound to start soon – and I will make her pay full attention to me! “Ah! Kora, Sweetheart” it seems she noticed my soured mood. “I just had Olka prepare something for you; please, drink it!” I look at the young Risitha who has just brought what smells like a herbal tea. I hesitate and the Foxwoman urges me. “It will help, believe me; also – remember to drink half of it… help her with that” the last part is directed at the apprentice Witch; I decide to comply – it’s sweet of my lover to think about me, after all.

The brew tastes bitter – not unlike tea or coffee, but there’s also some sourness to it; it’s not bad, but would be better with some honey. But… there’s another thing that is happening. It… calms me. More importantly – it calms the flames in my crotch. When the Lynxgirl takes it away, the reality of the situation – the reality of what I did – hits me like a bag of bricks. I think back to Nugund and how I basically assaulted him – and tears start welling in my eyes as my mind goes haywire; how am I to fix what I did to him? What about the Lisitha I am still embracing with my filthy…

“It’s all right” her voice, full of compassion and empathetic sadness, cuts through the spiral of my dark thoughts. I look at her and she wipes off a tear that has already formed in my eye. “That’s something every girl has to go through in her youth.”

Every girl?!” Questions Olka, anxiety, shock and fear clear in her voice.

“Yes. Every girl” the silverfurred woman says and looks me straight in the eyes. Hers are filled with sympathy, honesty, and what I can only call a motherly wisdom. “And boys too, but to a lesser extent. That’s why it is encouraged for youths nearing their First Heat to seek guidance from someone more experienced” she sighs, as I stare dumbfounded; then she hugs me. “It takes time for one to learn to hold ones urges when in heat. Months, sometimes years – though very rarely. Usually a year is more than enough” her voice is calm and reassuring. It makes me feel better, knowing that my actions are not something I can have a control over yet. But it still does not erase what I did to…

“She’s right” speak of the devil – Nugund appears. I snap my head at him. “You did nothing wrong” my eyes and mouth open wide and tears start flowing freely. He walks up to me and wipes them out, then smiles warmly – just to sigh heavily soon after. “I wanted to talk to you about your heats and whether or when you desire kids – but it seems I was beaten to it” he finishes a bit bitterly, glaring at Pola who looks quite smug instead. I feel myself blush.

“Is… is all of it true?” I ask, still not believing my sight, nor hearing – to which I get confident nods and warm smiles. I feel a titanic weight lifted off my shoulder. My strength leaves me and I start bawling my eyes out. It is as if a dam broke – and both of my lovers hug me and rub my back sympathetically. It warms me inside – a different warmth than the one I am used to: the warmth of family.

I wish it would last forever as I slowly relax and my cries morph into laughter. But suddenly, I can feel an ominous premonition: something is coming – and it is coming fast! I abruptly separate from my loved ones and recall Nyx, preparing to take a defensive position to defend them – just in time to hear a small tock! followed by a louder thud! behind us.

“Hello there!”

Today's a special treat - the longest chapter EVER! I was considering separating it into two, but decided against it; both of them would be 18+ and we are going to have a lot of them pretty soon. And the balance is important.

Also, I'm really excited - there will be a lot of characters introduced soon, and the one we are about to meet is one I like quite a lot. And it will involve quite a bit of actual action!

Also - I have a Discord now! It's a bit bare bones so far, but... it can only get better, no? ;-P It already has - for example - the full version of the cover art! You can join here -

Anyway, thanks for reading, and as always: feel free to comment (especially if you notice any mistakes), favourite, rate and write a review! Peace!

P.S.I couldn't stop myself from making this poll ;-P Hope you appreciate.

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