The First Hellhound

Chapter 048: The Big News

I wake up to the Moon high in the sky and shining brightly; it must be around midnight. I feel pressure, so I look around; I’m in the middle of a pile of sleeping women, cuddled together on and around me. I feel some tingling in my nethers when I look at them, but… I feel a bit sore down there in a weird way, too. Is it because I’ve had too much sex in too short time? I have no idea. There’s also a particular itch that is making me restless; a need I couldn’t satisfy with them – and I feel it grow the longer I breathe in the clear aroma of sex lingering in the air.

Mmmhm… Kora? You awake?” It seems my stirring woke Pola up; not surprising, considering she was using me as a pillow and a mattress. “The night is still fresh” she says after looking at the sky and back at me. She looks to be still sleepy… but that changes soon when she realises something. “How are you feeling? You fell asleep so suddenly… I think we pushed you too much, especially so soon after you were knocked out by the Chief and then by his brother” she shakes her head; her expression turns apologetic. “I’m sorry for that; looks like the heat fever got to mmmm…?!”

I cut her apology short by kissing her; it quickly becomes more passionate. I feel my excitement growing and briefly contemplate having another round with her… but decide to abstain so I separate our lips. “It was my decision in the end – I could stop at any moment, but chose not to. And don’t get me wrong” I say with a wide smile. “It was the best night of my life; well… one of the best” I correct myself when I recall my first times with her and Nugund, my first moments with my new body, meeting Boromir… “I hope we can repeat it in the future” I say and wink at my Moonberry; she chuckles in response but I continue before she can say anything. “It’s just that… I don’t know, something has been bothering me, in a way when you crave something, you know? It’s like… something’s missing.”

Not some-thing, really, but some-one” she says sagely after measuring me with a mysterious smile. I get who she means immediately and blush deeply. I indeed cannot stop thinking about Nugund. And seeing my reaction makes Pola smile warmly. “I see you do know who I mean; now, go and have some fun!” I bite my lip and hesitate.

Are you sure? Aren’t you at least a little… upset, that I…?!” I’m cut off when the Lisitha puts her hand on my mouth; then she sighs, deeply.

You know, Kora – if you were someone who goes only after women, then maybe I would feel inadequate. Maybe. But I know you are like me in that way – and that you have similar needs” she pauses. “Maybe I should’ve invited a man or blessed woman… eh, it’s too late for that. More importantly, though” she leans in and kisses, briefly but passionately. “I know you love me as I love you – and that your heart is vast and holds many Kin; I’m pretty sure a bit of it is occupied now by some of the Kin you met tonight, isn’t it?” I look away, too embarrassed by her words, confirming them that way. “Besides and more importantly – we are now connected in the most beautiful way!” She says calmly, with the brightest of smiles, while caressing her stomach.

You can…?! You can already tell?!” I nearly shout out loud in shock and disbelief. “How?!”

Hmmm… it does feels different indeed” Pola says thoughtfully. “There’s this lingering heat emanating from my insides; and I can feel it moved slightly since I’ve first felt it, right before we all fell asleep” she shows it on her stomach, a distance shorter than half the phalange of her index finger. “It’s… very similar to how your body feels – and I think that means, this child will be just like you: a Helhund” she looks me deep in the eyes as I’m too flabbergasted to respond. “A second Helhund” surprisingly, it’s the peculiar way she pronounces the English name of my species that brings me out of my stupor.

A… a child? My child?”

Our child” Pola corrects me affectionately… and giggles. “Do you want to feel it yourself?” I put my hand on her stomach where she pointed; indeed, there’s a Flame I can sense underneath, extremely tiny and fragile. I’m in absolute awe and I pinch myself. “Why did you do that?” The Foxwoman asks with a tilted head and a chuckle.

I had to make sure it’s not a dream. I just cannot believe it!” My enthusiasm raises with every moment – and my voice with it. I quickly stand up and pick up my Moonberry, spinning her around as I laugh loudly; she seems a little disturbed by it, so I quickly hug her to calm her nerves. “I’m so happy!”

That’s good for you” a sleepy, mature voice calls us – and I separate myself from my lover immediately, embarrassed. “But do you really need to be so noisy so late at night?” Nadia asks while stretching and yawning.

We’re going to have a baby!” I shout in excitement; the Mousekin frowns.

That’s all?” She sounds partially surprised, partially pissed, and partially sleepy. “Wasn’t it the point of tonight’s orgy? To get all of us pregnant?” She pauses – something must have occurred to her. “How the Zhmey’s ass can you already tell you’re expecting?!” She looks up. “It’s just barely past midnight! We’ve finished just two or so hours ago!” The short woman gets increasingly more agitated… while Pola’s and mine smiles keep getting wider.

I was surprised myself at first, but I’m pretty sure of it now” the Lisitha begins. “You all know of Kora’s flame and the heat her body generates, right?” Nods. “So, you see I can feel a similar sensation in my stomach – and I’ve noticed it moving in my womb, I think!”

The reactions of the three women are interesting. Rhress’Ozghasaa tilts her head, as if not she doesn’t fully understand what was said; which may be true, considering I don’t know how well she knows Kolokolan. The Myshka’s mouth is open and she’s frowning, which makes gives her a look of confused disbelief. But it’s Tosia’s reaction that is the most surprising one: she was absent-mindedly caressing the stomach of her lower body – but as soon as my Moonberry finished, her face lit up with understanding.

I… I can feel it too” says the Goatwoman, shocking everyone. “Ever since I’ve woken up, I’ve been feeling this… warmth inside of me” she looks at me with a smile and tears welling in her eyes. “Am I… am I finally…”

Yes” says Pola with sheer confidence. “And if I’m not mistaken, your – well, our kids – will be of Kora’s species: they will be Helhunds!”

Hah!” Finally scoffs Nadia. “That’s sounds like a tall tale! Are you really telling me you feel your kid here” she points her finger to the spot the Lisitha has been caressing. “While your womb should be here?” She points to a different spot, located more centrally and a little lower. “And everybody knows that kids are conceived when opposite types of cum mix in the womb of the woman!” The other two appear to be shaken and saddened by her tirade, seemingly agreeing with her – but not me.

That’s not exactly true, actually” I say and everyone looks at me; Nadia crosses her arms on her chest and throws me a challenging glance while I strain my brain, trying to remember basic information about reproduction. “The conception doesn’t happen in the womb, but in… ovary, I think. Or in the fallopian tube? Anyway – it happens somewhere before the egg cell reaches womb, and then the growing… err… fetus? Well, it implants itself into the wall and grows into a kid” the silence is deafening. “Err… should I draw it?”

It might be better” the Kozhunka says. “I think I get what you want to say, but” she hesitates. “You use so many strange words…”

I nod; there aren’t any sticks nearby that I can see, so I use just my finger. “So… this is a womb” I draw a big circle. “And those are ovaries” I draw two smaller ones to the side and connect them to the big ones. “And those are fallopian tubes. So; the egg cell is released from here and travels to here through here” I point at my drawings in order. “It takes about three days and if it meets sperm cell before it enters womb – it will get fertilized, as Pola's did and now she can feel it move slowly through the tube. Then, when it finally reaches the womb, it will… stick to the wall here. Or here. Or here. Wherever – that’s unimportant, I think; it will grow into a kid aventually. Any questions?” I finish my short sex ed class, hoping it all works the same as on Earth – and I have no reason to suspect otherwise.

Hrmpf” Nadia doesn’t seem to be convinced by my explanation. “It does sound plausible – but it still leaves one thing out: why are they” she points at Pola and Tosia. “Why are they so sure about carrying your child already? And why are they so sure it’s going to take after you and not them, ha?”

Well… they can….” I do not finish because my Moonberry takes the short woman’s hand and puts it on her stomach. The Mouskin’s face turns from doubtful and annoyed into flabbergasted and disbelieving. She then quickly does the same to the Taurkin.

How…?” She looks at me, clearly not comprehending what she feels. “Children nearly always take after mother – I can count situations in our tribe in the past ten years where it wasn’t true with a single hand, with room to spare. Just… How?”

It’s probably because I drank a potion given to me by the Alchemist – my creator and probably the closest person I have to a parent in this world” I explain after ruminating on this question for a bit.

And a new chapter! Yay!

...I know I promised three naughty chapters in a row, but it just happens that parts in-between the scenes kept growing - and, for example, this chapter includes a key detail for an important later development (maybe you can guess what it is?); still, the next chapter will be a smutty one - of that you can be absolutely sure!

Finally, here's the link to the Discord (So far pretty slow):

Anyway, thanks for reading, and as always: feel free to comment (especially if you notice any mistakes!), leave a favourite, rate - and maybe even write a review? Peace!

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