The first point guard in basketball

Chapter 138 Another city, 1:2

Chapter 138 The next step, 20
The Jazz are too difficult to deal with, and Hornacek's state is too perverted. The Grizzlies never thought that he would explode. If the lore is not scored, then the hero of this game will definitely be Hornacek.

"Congratulations, heaven." Hornacek and Xiao Tian hugged after the game. As for the other Jazz players, it would be good if they didn't come up to make Xiao Tian a meal. The person Karl Malone hated the most before was Derek Coleman. Now Coleman's position has been completely replaced by Xiao Tian. Compared with Coleman, Xiao Tianla's level of hatred is much higher. The Jazz only won one of the four games against the Jazz this season. Is the guy really his nightmare?If it wasn't for this guy, the mvp of the regular season would definitely be his own.

Ma Long decided to calm down. After all, this is a BO7 game, and the outcome of a game doesn't mean anything.

The Jazz played very exciting, and it was the same in the other matchups. Except for the Heat who killed the Hornets, in the other matchups, the winner was decided at the last moment.

This made the viewership ratings of the playoffs soaring, and Godfather Si was very happy. If the ratings were high, his income from broadcasting would also increase.

The rounds of the playoffs are very tight, and there is no time to adjust. The second matchup will start a day later.

It is still in Vancouver, but the script is completely different. The Jazz has entered the state quickly. Karl Malone did not spend too much energy defending the Grizzlies' inside line in this game, but put all his energy on the offensive end.

In this way, the Grizzlies played in a mess throughout the first half. The combination of Ben and Ratliff, or the combination of Ben and Horry, or the combination of Ben and Finley, could not help the postman at all. This made Paul Westphal really helpless. The only consolation was that in half the game, Xiao Tian still suppressed Stockton. Let the Jazz widen the point difference, but the Jazz in this game is really not easy to play.

The dead light gun did not continue to explode in this game, which is good news for the Grizzlies, but he scored 8 points quietly.In this game for the Jazz, because Malone opened up the interior, they had more defensive opportunities on the outside, and Big Ben and Ratliff were uncomfortable enough to defend Malone, and they had no extra energy to go to the outside to defend.

In the second half of the game, the Grizzlies still didn't allow the Jazz to open the score, and they were still biting. The Grizzlies came up again and bit Malone in various ways, but Malone actually knew to pass the ball at this time, but today their substitute is destined to let him down.Malone and the starters played so well, but they still didn't open the score. A very important reason is that the performance of the Jazz's substitute was too rubbish.

The current shooting percentage of the entire bench is 12 of 2. Only Shandon Anderson scored 4 points. The other benches are all 000. This is a headache for Sloan, because the dead light gun is no longer explosive in this game. Once Malone goes down, the Grizzlies' momentum will rise.

In the fourth quarter, the Grizzlies finally caught up with the score. Malone had just gone down for 1 minute. Stockton's only degenerate in this series was passing, and there was really nothing else.This is a very embarrassing thing.Xiao Tian's score at this time has reached 20 points, and he also has 12 assists.It can be said that Stockton has been crushed in all aspects.

The degradation of the No. [-] position was something that Sloan did not expect, because Stockton did not have a qualified substitute at all, but it was useless for Stockton to hold on.

But the Jazz's substitutes really became the Grizzlies' undercover agents. Thinking about how they made shots or not, Sloan felt overwhelmed. In the end, he didn't bother to scold them, because the players didn't play nonsense. They played according to their own tactics. If the ball didn't score, it wasn't their problem at all.

In the end, the Jazz ushered in another loss in the away game, and the total score has reached 2:0. No one knows whether they can reverse it, but the topic of the Grizzlies is already raging.

Before the start of this round of the series, no one would have thought that the Grizzlies would have a 2:0 advantage, because on paper they are not as strong as the Jazz, but the charm of competitive games lies in this. The performance of players cannot be measured by statistics, especially the game between Xiao Tian and Stockton. After two games, Xiao Tian crushed Stockton in every way. It became 18 points and 10 assists. Although the assists have not decreased, the scoring has decreased so much, which is very telling.

As a point guard, although your primary task is organization, if your scoring ability is mediocre, then your upper limit will not be high at all. Isn't Stockton an example, he is really a man who can pass the ball to the extreme, but so what.

In the two games, Xiao Tian averaged 25 points and 12 assists per game, which really blows him away.And a few days ago, the Grizzlies won the No. [-] lottery again. It's hard to say, who else can beat the Grizzlies next season.

At present, in the four matchups in the second round, they are all 2:0, and none of them is 1:1. However, the Grizzlies can overthrow the Jazz in two home games, which many people did not expect.

Xiao Tian's performance seems to have evolved from the regular season. Doesn't this damn guy have a rookie wall? Other teams in the league are wailing.

In the midst of joy, John Lucas, the general manager of Philadelphia, knocked on the door of the logo man's office again.

"John, you are really a rare visitor." The logo man seemed to be dealing with some documents, and glanced at John Lucas.Both of them are general managers, but the situation is completely different. Philadelphia did not get the No. [-] lottery with the help of Godfather Si. They can only rely on themselves to win the No. [-] lottery again. Godfather Si will not help themselves anymore, so John Lucas was sent by the boss to Vancouver.

Lucas sat down, the sad look on his face still unchanged, "Jerry, I still want to make a deal with you and use the second pick in my hand plus Jerry Stackhouse for your No. [-] pick. What do you think?"

Jerry Stackhouse? The logo man finally stopped flipping through the files. "Oh, the price tag has increased again, but John, I have no interest in a cancerous player, you should know my offer."

What a joke, three draft picks for one No. [-] pick. If it is really changed, it doesn’t matter if Philadelphia’s record is good in the future, but if the record in the next few seasons is equally bad, it will not be an assist for the Grizzlies. With only Xiao Tian alone, they have already half-stepped on the floor of the Western Conference Finals. If there are more monsters, then this team will definitely be more terrifying than the Bulls.

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