The first point guard in basketball

Chapter 14 Meeting Kobe Bryant Again

Chapter 14 Meeting Kobe Bryant Again, Slashing Quadruple Double
18 assists in a single game, this is not only a record for a rookie in the history of the Grizzlies, there is no such data in the history of the NBA's summer league.Xiao Tian dispelled the doubts of the local media in Vancouver in one summer league game, and all kinds of compliments followed.

"This year's best point guard is Marbury?Grizzly Tanhua has something to say"

"The best rookie is already in the pocket of the champion?" "


These two titles are currently the most cited titles. Xiao Tian's hot performance also ignited the Vancouver ball market. Last year's Brian Levi's summer league data was only 20+8. Judging from Xiao Tian's first summer league game, it seems that he still wants to surprise everyone.

Xiao Tian became the hottest rookie in this session. The performance of other rookies in the summer league, except for Iverson's normal performance, the rest of them struggled a bit. Kobe, as the No. 16 player, only scored [-] points in his first game. The Lakers also lost in that game. The media also began to bad-mouth Kobe, because their opponent in the next summer league is the Grizzlies. Kobe and Xiao Tian will continue to have a grievance duel.

And just like the reincarnation of history, O'Neal joined the Zijin Army with a seven-year 7 million contract just after the transaction date opened, and the Sharks also shouted the slogan of winning the championship for two seasons.This makes Lakers fans seem to see hope of revival.

In this summer league, besides Kobe, the Lakers also have an acquaintance - Fisher, the general fisherman. Because Fan Maniac was traded to the Grizzlies, the current Lakers lack a core guard.

The game was held at the Atlantic Forum, the home court of the Lakers. The Grizzlies only had assistant coaches and a group of rookies going, while the Lakers had a larger team. All the famous players from all walks of life came. It was like the finals. After all, Kobe was the highest drafted by the Lakers after James Worthy.Those celebrities have high expectations for him, but in the last summer league, he only scored 16 points, which is obviously far from the expectations of the celebrities.

Daben was like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden. Looking at the Atlantic Forum, he was full of curiosity. After all, this is the home court of the NBA giants, and so were the other soy sauce players. Xiao Tian was very calm, and he came to the court silently to warm up and prepare for the game.

Basically every team watched the video of Xiao Tian's large double-double in the last game, and they all had different understandings of this third-round pick.

At the beginning of the game, Kobe attacked aggressively. Basically, as soon as Fisher dribbled the ball to the frontcourt, he took the initiative to ask for the ball. When he received the ball, he played singles. Kobe never trusted this group of CBA teammates.

Xiao Tian was the opposite of him. He didn’t make many shots in the first quarter. He was completely linking up with his teammates. After all his teammates made shots, he started his own personal attack. The score of the first quarter showed this point, 30:20. The Lakers trailed by 10 points. Kobe scored 20 of the 15 points. In front of this high school student, he still couldn't get any bargain.

Kobe's expression was unusually ferocious, because the process of the game was exactly the same as when he played against Xiao Tian in high school. He scored by himself, and he assisted his CBA teammate there, but the opponent didn't make much effort, and the score was already opened. Kobe couldn't accept this kind of aggrieved way of losing the game.

In the second quarter, Kobe still fell into crazy individual singles. Although he had a performance of dunking the big book, which made people see his explosive physical fitness, but Xiao Tian robbed Fisher three times in a row in this quarter, which made the magician's jaw drop from the sidelines.

"Ohmygod, is this guy a monster? How could he have such a keen sense of smell?" Xiao Tian's vision of passing the ball did not impress the magician, but his few steals really made people kneel, because he moved first, and then Fisher passed the ball. It looked like gambling, but he succeeded three times in a row. If it was luck, then why couldn't Fisher.

Fisher became a little annoyed, he wanted to push Xiao Tian, ​​but Da Ben, who was in the inside line, jumped out immediately, compared with Da Ben, Fisher's small arms and legs were not enough to see.
Xiao Tian pulled Da Ben away and punched Fisher directly. The referee's whistle was about to blow in his mouth, but Xiao Tian's fist stopped when he was close to Fisher's nose, "Don't mess with me, come here if you are not afraid of death."

Fisher was intimidated, he was a bullying guy, Xiao Tian knew this very well, in his previous life he got together with Barnes' ex-wife, and was almost not disabled by Barnes, fortunately he had already retired as the head coach at that time.

Kobe pushed Fisher away, looked at Xiao Tian, ​​"Dare you come to a head-to-head confrontation with me?"

Xiao Tian rubbed his nose, "We seem to have faced each other many times, I don't want to compete anymore, I really don't have any interest anymore. Let's continue to fight." Xiao Tian waved his hand and returned to the half court, because it was the Lakers' offensive round.

The magician was a little curious on the sidelines, "Do these two little guys have a story? It seems that they know each other?"

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar gave this former teammate a blank look, "Don't you read the news? Kobe and that rookie both graduated from Philadelphia High School, and they played against each other three times in a row in the high school league. In the end, that guy won. In the last time, that guy even scored a quadruple-double, eclipsing Kobe's 4 points."

Quadruple double?The magician pouts, even though it is a high school league, it is still very good. The magician can't help but think of it. Before the draft started, Kobe's agent praised Kobe and belittled Xiao Tian in front of West. At that time, he didn't understand the meaning of the other party's actions.

After Fischer provoked Xiao Tian, ​​he left the field. The assistant coach was afraid that he would cause trouble, and the influence in front of so many celebrities would be very bad.So he was replaced.

In this game, Daben is still tossing the inside. Those temporary workers of the Lakers can't suppress him at all. The other three temporary workers on the Grizzlies side, the offensive opportunities in this game are not much more than in the previous game. Basically, Xiao Tian's first choice for passing the ball is Daben.

At the end of the game, the Lakers lost at home, and the point difference between the two sides was only 5 points. Xiao Tian once again scored 37 points, 20 assists, 9 rebounds, and 7 steals in a quasi-quadruple-double report card. Kobe, who was facing him, also played second in the list. He scored 50 points, 4 rebounds, and 2 assists in the game, which is a successful proof for himself.

Big Ben continued to get the double 20 data, and several other soy sauce parties also scored, but there was not a single one in particular. Xiao Tian took care of every teammate on the field.

This summer league matchup also made the headlines, 50 points or 20 assists, which one is better, it's really hard to say, but the Grizzlies won the game, and everything in competitive games is based on results.

With two consecutive summer league highlights, Xiao Tian crushed all the rookies and ranked first. Although Meitu still discriminates against Asians locally, Xiao Tian used two almost cruel performances to tell them that not only whites and blacks can play basketball, Asians can also play basketball.

The Grizzlies benefited the most. Xiao Tian's performance aroused the emotions of all the fans in Vancouver. They all went to the team's theme store to buy Xiao Tian's No. 7 jersey.This jersey was sold out throughout the city in just three days.

(End of this chapter)

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