The first point guard in basketball

Chapter 62 The hard special who refuses to admit defeat, Gugliotta who strives to protect the KDA

Chapter 62 The hard special who refuses to admit defeat, Gugliotta who strives to protect the KDA
Garnett was very upset with Xiao Tian. Originally, he had improved so much this season and would become the target of the league. Unexpectedly, because of Xiao Tian, ​​no one paid attention to him at all. Except for the local fans in Minnesota, the fans in the United States did not have such a high awareness of Garnett, because he hadn't played the kind of game that everyone would remember.

The head coach of the Timberwolves is Philip Sanders. This guy is a typical regular-season coach. There is nothing special about it. The only thing that people remember is that he keeps calling timeouts. These three guys are the most overrated head coaches in Xiao Tian's opinion.

Paul Westphal shook hands with Sanders friendly before the game, and Sanders looked at each other enviously. Compared with Westphal in the Grizzlies, his life in the Timberwolves was really difficult.
If the Timberwolves lose this game, they are likely to fall out of the playoffs, which is definitely intolerable for Glenn Taylor.The native Minnesota tycoon wanted to turn the Timberwolves into the Los Angeles Lakers of Minnesota.

At the beginning of the game, the game was not very intense. Although they were all teams from the Northwest District, compared to the other three teams, the Timberwolves were not enough to watch.

Because this lineup is very strange, a bunch of veterans, plus a bunch of green melon eggs, and many of these veterans are mixed, and they have no effect on the court.It is really difficult for ordinary people to understand the general manager of Refrigerator's team building ideas.

Garnett’s brazen words before the game turned out to be true in front of Daben. Daben’s favorite thing now is to bully Garnett’s nonsensical existence. Now Garnett’s offensive methods are gradually developed, but his physical fitness and confrontation have not changed much. He only listens to his agent.

As a result, as soon as the first quarter came up, he was educated by Big Ben, but fortunately, the current boss of the Timberwolves, Tom Gugliotta, stood up and faced Ratliff.

But what Ratliff did was pester Gugliotta, and leave the rest to his teammates. Gugliotta scored 10 points in the first quarter, but the Timberwolves trailed by 7 points in the away game. Garnett didn't score a point in the first quarter.

The intensity of this game is not that great. There are only a few players in the Timberwolves. It would be better if Marbury played, but unfortunately, this is a game where Marbury did not participate because of the flu, which directly led to one less scoring point on the court.

Those veterans were all veterans and couldn't catch up with the Grizzlies at all, but Finley seized this opportunity and scored a lot. Just 2 minutes into the second quarter, Finley led the Grizzlies to a 6-0 game, and the score was stretched to double digits.

Philip Sanders quickly called a timeout.His strategy for calling a timeout is simple, "Tom, Kevin, you go, don't let the score expand."

Garnett didn't speak at this time. He threw the towel on the bench and prepared to go into battle. Tom Gugliotta didn't say anything either. He played well in the first quarter. Why is the team still behind? This is a question that has always troubled him.His own data is not bad in the western interior, but why the team's record has not improved much.

Seeing the main players come up, Xiao Tian and the others naturally also came up. Terry Porter, this guy, in the Timberwolves is just a pensioner. His peak is dedicated to Portland. Facing Xiao Tian, ​​he is not limited to the opponent at all.

Garnett's trash talk before the game turned into complete nonsense, and Xiao Tian didn't take it seriously at all. At the end of the third quarter, the Timberwolves were still within 15 points behind. This score was a controllable critical point, because it meant that the game still had something to do.

But is this really the case? In the fourth quarter, it was Finley again, leading the substitutes to bombard them wildly. Sam Mitchell and other veterans couldn't help the young Grizzlies at all, and the game lost its suspense.

The game lost its suspense, and Philip Sanders actually asked Garnett to check the statistics, because Garnett's score hadn't reached double figures in this game. As a result, Garnett just covered his head with a towel and didn't look at the coach at all. The loss of this game is completely indifferent to the rest of the Timberwolves, especially their boss - Gugliotta, as long as he keeps his KDA.

Garnett is not. Garnett has many flaws, but one thing you can’t deny is that he is very paranoid about winning, but the current Timberwolves are not completely his team. Compared with him, Tom Gugliotta is a typical muddle along.

Garnett scored 5 points in this game, which is indeed not enough compared to Xiao Tian's 15 points and 13 assists.Of course, the Timberwolves fans also have an excuse for the loss of this game, because Marbury is not there. If Marbury is there, it is really hard to say who will win and who will lose. The score between the two sides is 100:85.

With 32 wins and 11 losses, the Grizzlies are still constantly refreshing their team's historical results. The Timberwolves lost this time and their record came to 18 wins and 25 losses. There is still hope of entering the playoffs. After all, the current West is not the future West.

The best player on the Grizzlies side in this game is Finley. He scored 30 points and made three three-pointers. Facing a team with a weak defense like the Timberwolves, Finley can often explode.

The loss of this game also made the Timberwolves lose the opportunity to compete with the three teams in the Northwest Division, although there is still a Nuggets under them, and they are not the bottom one.However, the current record still makes the boss Glenn Taylor dissatisfied. This guy has great ambitions.

 Regarding the question about the star card mentioned in the book review area, this card will definitely be used, but it will not be used by the protagonist. The protagonist’s upgrade will definitely not use the star card. This card is for others. Guess who will use it. Please collect it and recommend it.

(End of this chapter)

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