The first point guard in basketball

Chapter 68 Teammates CBA

Chapter 68 Teammates CBA
The X factor on the Grizzlies' side is Finley, and on the Bulls' side is Kukoc, but in this game, the Serbian's performance was very average, 7 of 2, and scored 5 points.

Pippen came up, replaced Randy Brown, and matched up with Finley. The Grizzlies still didn't make any substitutions, because Paul Westphal wanted Xiao Tian to continue to rest for a while.

Finley seems to have passed Pippen's hurdle. Facing Pippen's back attack again, Finley stretched out his arm and hit the ball hard. Rodgers on the other end reacted quickly.

The Grizzlies actually led by 10 points, and the Bulls’ super bench group was suppressed by the Grizzlies. Zen Master found that his pre-game plan was completely disrupted. This is the biggest tragedy of being a constructive head coach. When your tactics are disrupted, you need to immediately formulate a new tactic on the spot. Overwhelmed.

Facing Paul Westphal in this game, he actually didn't have much pressure. The Suns led by the former were still easily overthrown by himself. Although they lost the first match against the Grizzlies this season, the Bulls would not lose to the same opponent twice. This is the dignity of the defending champion.

It's a pity that this dignity has been severely trampled by the grizzly bear.The Zen master looked at the bench very sadly, Jordan threw down the towel, did not speak, and came to the sidelines to play, and the other starters did the same.

Seeing that the Bulls made a substitution, the Grizzlies also switched to the starting lineup. With less than 7 minutes left before the end of the game, the Grizzlies led by 10 points.

The kid Harper came up again. Seeing this guy, Xiao Tian knew how he should play. There was no accident, Xiao Tian dribbled the ball to the frontcourt, and directly forced Pippen, and Pippen was still stuck in the position. Suddenly stood up from the commentary seat.

"Oh my god, I didn't expect that besides me, there is another point guard who can pass this kind of ball, and pass the ball accurately to his teammates through two defenders. This guy Heaven is my successor."

It is true that the ball seemed to have some elements of luck, because it brushed against Jordan's arm. If Jordan stretched out his long arm in the middle, it might be a steal, but the old man didn't.

The ball was bold. Finley received the ball, looked at Ron Harper, and chose to shoot. He became more confident as he played halftime after work. Ron Harper didn't dare to defend at all. Although Jordan tried his best to defend and didn't let Finley shoot and score, it also sent the latter to the free throw line. Jordan's current foul count is 2 times, which is not bad.

The Bulls are very passive. Harper is the Bulls' urging sign at this time. If this guy goes down, there is no way for other people on the bench to replace him.Finley made two free throws, and his score came to 14 points, becoming the team's highest scorer.

The Bulls attacked, Harper dribbled the ball, Xiao Tian stuck to the opponent, and kept making physical contact with him, which made Harper very irritated. Originally, 5 fouls were enough to make people uncomfortable, but now Xiao Tian is still kicking his nose and face like this, which makes Harper simply unbearable. Facing Xiao Tian's physical contact, Harper still didn't lose the ball, but chose to shoot by himself. As a result, Xiao Tian jumped high and slapped the ball out of the baseline. The referee indicated that it was a block, not a foul.

Harper was completely blown away, "****, this**** is**, this is obviously a foul, that rookie hit my hand, why didn't you call a foul..." Harper was still cursing and pushing the referee, which made the referee unbearable, and directly punished Harper for a second-level malicious foul.

Zen Master almost spit out a mouthful of old blood on the sidelines, what the hell is Harper doing, does he really think he is a superstar, he can do whatever he wants to the referee.

There is no way but to let Kukoc come to play point guard, the Serbian still has certain organizational skills.

Kukoc's coming up means that the Bulls' defense has dropped to a level. Harper's defense is not as good as Pippen's, but that is not comparable to Kukoc's. Kukoc's strength is offense, and other aspects can only be said to be mediocre.

The time of the game was getting shorter and shorter, and the Bulls began to close the score. In the last minute of the fourth quarter, the Bulls narrowed the gap to one goal. At this time, the old man had scored 1 points, and he scored another 32 points in the fourth quarter.

The person defending Xiao Tian was Pippen, and the sweat on Batman's face kept dripping down, Xiao Tian slowly patted the ball, and suddenly jumped up to shoot, Batman also jumped up, and Jordan also flew up at this time, the core of the two bulls defended Xiao Tian together, Xiao Tian experienced the treatment of a superstar.

But the moment the old lady jumped up, he felt a bad premonition. Sure enough, at the moment Jordan also flew up, Xiao Tian used his decent ability to stay in the air to pass the ball to the hands of the human movie essence. Extended the lead to 2 goals with less than 50 seconds to go.

Jordan was tired, and so was Pippen. Compared to them, Langley and Rodman on the inside were a little better. No one paid attention to the four insiders in this game, and they were obedient, and they didn't come out to grab a show or something. Ben and Rodman were both rebounding idiots. There was really not much difference in the rebounding contest. One of the rebounders, Big Ben still needs to grow.

This game was really exciting. Zen Master called the last timeout. This is a three-point tactic. If the shot fails, the Bulls will not play.

Xiao Tian got the most important assist of the game. The Bulls came back from a timeout, and Cole came on the field. Xiao Tian immediately understood Zen Master's tactics. This is a desperate three-pointer.

It was Pippen who served the ball, and he handed the ball to Jordan. More than ten seconds passed, and there were more than 30 seconds before the end of the game. Xiao Tian clung to the old lady, and the old lady jumped up and leaned back. Is he going to shoot?Xiao Tian also jumped up, but at this time the old lady actually passed the ball, and all the audience stood up at this time.

It's just that they sat down quickly, because Jordan's pass arc was too large and went directly out of bounds, which means that the game is over. The Grizzlies double-killed the Bulls this season, and this awesomeness can be boasted for a year.

(End of this chapter)

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