The First Strong

Chapter 2454 - Invited to be a guest

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Meng Hao, they rushed back all the way, finally arrived in Shibuya, seeing their home is in front, they are relieved.

Homeland means safety. If you come back, even if you have a strong enemy, you can call for rescue, and you can have a geographical advantage.

But just at the entrance to this Shibuya, I saw Shen Lang and the dog **** coming out from inside!

All the barbarians unconsciously accepted the momentum of the forward, but only slowed down, and there was no complete pause.

This gives them a little time to buffer considerations.

On the road to the blocking of the waves, do not need to summon the army of insects, do not need the beast to shoot, is so understatement, they turned them out, is just a drink order, they let their headaches burst.

Just that scene, they shocked them!

If you think about it afterwards, you will feel that it is a bit exaggerated. It may be a trick, and it is impossible to be so much stronger than them.

But the combination of Meng Xi’s arms before the combination is a stark contrast. It can be confirmed that the owner of the sand country is not what they can compare. Perhaps only the patriarch of the heyday can fight.

At the moment, when I saw Shen Lang, the instinct slowed down, but I didn’t know what to do.

The thing that has been done directly, the last time it has been done, has no effect, and it will no longer continue to be shameful.

So silent for a second, even if the speed is slowed down, everyone’s distance is getting closer, and then someone can’t hold back.

“The Lord of Sand Kingdom! You are not passing by! How come to our valley!”

Originally, everyone didn’t know how to do it well. Normally, it was decided by Meng Hao, but when someone spoke, the herd effect immediately appeared.

“You are deliberately coming to our valley!”

“You are clearly trying to misbehave!”

“What have you done to our Shibuya?”

“How can you be so shameless about the Lord of the Kingdom of Sand?”

After the other people followed, the atmosphere at the scene was noisy.

Some did not call, did not know what to say, but also shouted cheers.

However, regardless of their emotions, when the distance is getting closer and closer, the speed is reduced, but it is natural to stop, and everyone has formed a confrontation.

After stopping, the barbarians naturally separated and let a road come to let Meng Hao be listed.

Meng Hao is the second person in Shibuya. He is a great elder. Even if he is broken, prestige is still there. Everyone still wants to listen to him.

“Stop! Everyone is not rude, the Lord of the Kingdom of the Sea is a guest, and it is a benefactor who has helped us!”

Meng Hao shouted and reprimanded the barbarians to express his attitude.

For this performance, Shen Lang secretly sneered.

“The lord of the honorable country of sand, you come from afar, is our VIP in Shibuya. In your capacity, will not be for no reason, there must be something to come over? Can you be lucky enough to invite you to Shibuya?”

Meng Hao has just been scorned, and everyone can still accept it. After all, in front of him, no one else can represent the barbarian group. It is rude to talk about it.

But now that this sentence is spoken, it has made the barbarians talk about it.

This is obviously hostile. Even if everyone’s strength is not enough to drive him away, he should stop him and run on him. How can he invite him to take the initiative?

Shen Lang is able to understand once, Meng Meng is retreating.

I have already seen him from the inside, no matter what he is doing, he should not go in again, and he is invited to enter the guest, which is a good show, but does not need to pay anything.

In other words, these people now have already played a few times, and they are not opponents at all. It is invited to Shibuya. There are more barbarians together, and other kinds of things, it’s really necessary to do it. Grasp.

It can be said that Meng Xi’s words are words with a little wrist and strategy.

“I want to say that I am passing by here, or come here to do something, you will certainly not believe it. But I can clearly say that I just went in for a while and did not go deep into your valley.”

Shen Lang said to Meng Hao, his eyes also glanced at all the barbarians.

These barbarian bodies are more than ten meters long, and the eyes have large bowls, but they are not dare to look at him when they look over the waves.

Although it was just a look, Shen Lang did not attack them any more, but they still had the shadow of being stabbed by the mental power.

Meng Hao could not help but secretly smile. When he spoke, it caused the noisy discussion of the tribes. However, when the waves were swept away, everyone was afraid to show up. This is majesty!

“Of course, we believe in you completely. I am in the capacity of the elders of Shibuya and sincerely invite you to be a guest.”

He can only make further statements.

Shen Lang just discovered that when they came over, they had placed the stones on the ground outside the entrance to Shibuya.

It was just a stone, and under the attraction of both of them, the barbarian did not pay attention.

Now Shen Lang can leave, go to a few places, can find the cold autumn as early as possible, so as to avoid danger.

“I really want to promise you to be a guest, will you be happy?”

Shen Lang’s playful deliberately asked.

Meng Hao stopped.

This is not a guest! The more enthusiastic the guest, the more it shows no hostility.

“Of course, of course, happy, very happy.”

He can only have a stiff smile and be happy.

“Okay, I am serious. I don’t have any thoughts about you in Shibuya. I will come here and there is something wrong.”

Speaking of this, Shen Lang directly spread the image of Gao Hanqiu to the consciousness of all of them.

“I am looking for this person. If he comes here, don’t conflict with him. You can refer to the road and let them go to the sand country to find me. I am here to leave this mark!”

Shen Lang pointed to the stones he left.

Reach out and not smile.

Like when they met them on the road, they rushed over and they would be rude. If they come again, it is not impossible to destroy them.

But now Meng Meng has been smiling with sincerity and pretentiously pretending that he has not seen him out of Shibuya. This attitude is not easy even if it is installed.

After all, Shen Lang read his memory know that he has always been second, knowing that he wants to prove his wish, how much is intimate.

Therefore, under the attitude of Meng Yu, he is willing to continue the cause and leave the image of Gao Hanqiu.

This actually went back to the original point.

When I found them on the edge of Hanze, I wanted them to help spread and look for the cold autumn, but before I couldn’t convince, I wouldn’t listen to him calmly.

Now he said this, especially the one that was just sent over, and it was really a stone that made the barbarians grow a sigh of relief.

“Sure, sure! Then we will go back first.”

Meng Hao also did not want to stay with Shen Lang, lest he have any changes, said to take the barbarian, from the side to go to the valley.

Shen Lang knows that they will still doubt him, and he sits on top of the dog god, ready to look for a recent settlement.

At this time, Meng Hao called back again!

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