The First Strong

Chapter 2512 - Spirit of the Mirror

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For this guy, Shen Lang is completely distrustful, and this is not controlled by surrender.

Just in that situation, if he does not own the door of the Three Realms, the world in this mirror may not be able to come out again, it is really a ship in the gutter.

After this contact, it was the second wave that almost killed him, that is, he was experienced and changed other people, perhaps he was confused.

So the strategy at this time is to press it first and press it to surrender completely.

But the follow-up is two-fold. On the one hand, it is used after receiving it. On the other hand, it is now.

If you have the opportunity, kill it directly!

This existence is forced to have no way. If it persists, it will only be annihilated by the waves. Therefore, it can only release sincerity and allow Shen Lang to control.

This time it should not be a trap, but a choice.

But Shen Lang chose the safest decision!

The surrender of the other party is a last resort. Like Meng Jin and Fu Wei, this is not a true return, nor is it a relationship of interest like the old dragon.

Two barbarians, anyway, are temporary partners, so there is no need to consider such a long-term. But if this thing is conquered, Shen Lang will take it away, and he will have to be careful.

From the current situation, no matter what it is, you already know that you are hunting, knowing how to pretend, strategy, etc., and now it may be a matter of expediency.

Once there is a chance, it may still be the Lord.

Now that there is this opportunity, Shen Lang will fall in one fell swoop!

This is also a temptation. If the other party is further deliberately showing weakness and wants to kill him when he wants to control it, there will be no problem.

When this power smashed the past, Shen Lang immediately encountered the strongest wave of counterattacks!

Sure enough, as he was wary, this thing just left in the final submission, still left a hand. If he closes his hand and gently controls the other party, he will encounter a shipwreck.

Although the strength of Shen Lang will not necessarily be attacked by this sneak attack, it is extremely uncomfortable to have a traumatic mentality.

Especially now in this day, in the magic forest, everything is still unknown, there may be various dangers, and must always be in the best state.

Now this blow is equal to the fact that the other party really yields and waits for a sneak attack.

The decision made by Shen Lang was right!

When both sides are fully attacked, it is a hard battle. Of course, the one who is stronger and the more powerful is will eventually win the final victory.

But there is another problem that has to be played. The key to winning is not exactly equal to 100% strength, but depends on how much strength can be exerted.

Both sides are prepared, but Shen Lang is a direct attack and also takes the lead.

The other party is because of the concealment of the sneak attack, and when it is to be promoted to full strength, if it loses its chance, it will not reach the best.

So this process is faster than the previous confrontation. It lost the resilience of confrontation, and the way of dodging and other evasive, the frontal hard hit, the force is not directly caught, it is suppressed!

“I have surrendered to you! Why are you killing me! I am not convinced, you are too treacherous!”

Shen Lang sensed an idea, probably such a consciousness, that the other party expressed its dissatisfaction.

This is the final complaint, but Shen Lang did not pay attention.

Again, in the movie, the villains often die from words.

Under the state of life and death, there is no need to force it, you don’t need to let the other person pay attention, just kill it!


His lack of response has angered the existence.

Unfortunately, it can only express its angerful thoughts. Shen Lang does not care about it at all, and directly flattens it completely!

When the whole consciousness was wiped out by the waves, the whole feeling of Shen Lang was completely different.

Still, as before, he can feel all about the mirror world, but now it is not being pulled by others, but he is completely in control.

He also naturally mastered this thing, as he suspected, this is an artifact that can create a mirrored world.

Before hunting them and wanting to swallow him, it is the spirit of this artifact.

But because the spirit has been wiped out, so a lot of information has also been cut off, and what is specific, it is not known.

Can only be sure that this is an extremely ancient thing, but also master the method of application.

Now it is equal to the formatted computer. Shen Lang is its master. He has mastered it completely and mirrored everything in the world. He can “see” or manipulate it.

This is the harvest of Shen Lang, of course, it is also a little lost, or less harvested.

There is the spirit of the past, if it is really accepted and controlled, then it can control this artifact very well!

This is an excellent helper when used to ambush an enemy or fight.

This is also the value of its “surrender”. If it is not of great value, yielding is meaningless, and it will not be such a thing. From the very beginning, it is stubborn.

Just like Meng Jin and Fu Xi, if they are very weak, and they are dragging their feet, what should Shen Lang leave them?

The current eradication will naturally destroy the value of the layer of the spirit. But because it is itself the spirituality of the energy body, it now erases its spirituality, and its own energy is still in itself.

There is nothing to lose in this regard.

Shen Lang is waiting for it, confirming that it has completely erased the consciousness of the instrument, then this is relieved, and carefully examined the world in the mirror.

This thing does not know what it is called, and Shen Lang is casually called a magic mirror, because it is like a mirror, and it is also acquired in this day.

The method of using the mirror is to turn on the illumination, you can turn everything in the projection range into a world.

This world is between real and illusory.

If it is purely illusory, like it just closed the “mirror” general “entry”, does it mean that the world has disappeared directly?

But in fact, there is no, but instead they are inside, they can’t see the mirror, and the place where the transparent dividing line is, just like the searched boundary, becomes blurred.

So everything in it is still real.

But this is true, and it is not equal to complete truth. In short, you can feel the same outside the mirror, but in fact everything in it will not change.

For example, those trees will not grow taller after a hundred years; rivers are like loops, and there will be no living water coming and no flow.

Those who enter the inside will be completely trapped in it. No matter whether you look outside or can’t see the outside, you can’t leave, torture to death!

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