The First Strong

Chapter 2578 - Pinched

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“Don’t be nervous, tension is useless. Just because of you, I haven’t got the ability to find me.”

The other party really was watching their excitement, a little sarcasm.

“Who are you? What do you want?”

Shen Lang asked what he said.

Since you can’t find the other person, what you can do now is a high degree of defense, and then look for opportunities!

When he was just retracting, he thought about preparing the doors of the Three Realms and sending them away when necessary.

But in the end it was dismissed from such a decision.

Because if the other party is at least doubled in strength, then when the door of the Three Realms starts, the slight fluctuations in space will be noticed.

The consequence is probably that it has not yet had time to send it away, and it has been won the door of the Three Realms!

For this unknown enemy, Shen Langning can be estimated to be high, and he does not dare to underestimate the enemy.

But he still has a means of reservation, that is the space of heaven!

This is also the reason why the people have just regained their chances. As long as everyone is together, when they are in danger, he can bring them both to hide in the space of heaven.

The space of Tianshu is not the same as the door of the Three Realms. This is his manipulation of ideas. It is completely equal to blending with him. There will be no fluctuations, or there will be, and when he is aware, he has disappeared.

To some extent, Shen Lang is still very adventurous, or else it will not come to the “magic domain” with the gold suit because of the legend of the zombie.

After harvesting in Shaguo, Hanze and Shibuya, they still have to come to Tianmolin.

After the demon dragon got the dragon and the fountain of eternal life, the mirror, and will go to the shadow forest.

All of this proves his adventurous spirit.

He will have a certain amount of greed, but it will not be greedy!

When he feels that he should close his hand, he will promptly leave, or even go back directly.

However, there are now such unknown enemies. In the current situation of self-protection, he also wants to see what kind of existence is there and what kind of situation it will bring.

“Who am I, you won’t know, you don’t need to know. Now, leave all your harvest in Tianmo Lin, I can let you leave.”

Then added another sentence: “Of course, if there is any left, then don’t blame me for leaving you.”

Shen Lang listened to this and felt a little familiar.

The style of the other party is very similar to him. What is needed is the benefit. As long as the benefits are offered, everything else is easy to say.

This seems to be reasonable, but it is ambiguous!

What is the harvest in the Tianmo Forest?

Like the old dragon, the barbarian, this is together in the Tianmo Lin, you can know which ones have been harvested.

This unknown enemy is not, so what is obtained by Tianmo Lin, they are determined by Shen Lang.

But after saying it, whether the other party approves it is another matter.

When I don’t believe it, I have to take all of them out and check them out. What is valuable is the harvest of Tianmo Lin. What should I do?

After all have been defamed, even if they can leave them and leave without anything, how can they accept?

If you don’t approve it, then hit it. In the end, it is the big fist that has the final say. If you want to resist, you will be beaten, or even give the other party an excuse to eliminate it!

From the perspective of the speaker, it can be said that this is your problem. I originally wanted to let go of it. You are blacker than me.

“Why? Why don’t you dare to appear in front of us?”

Shen Lang’s lips are opposite, although it can be inferred that the enemy’s strength will be much stronger, but before he officially fights, the deer’s death is still unknown.

Anyway, he is sure that he can escape, that is, let the other party show up before saying something.

“I don’t show up, it’s for you. If you see my true face, it’s not to leave all the harvest, but to leave your life!”

The voice did not feel offended by the waves, but the words were still a lot cold.

“Sorry, we will come here to take risks. It is a bunch of desperate desperados. If we want to take all our harvests away, it will be even worse than our lives.”

“If you want to move our things, then come out to face the battle, let us see if you leave our lives, or we will leave your life!”

This is a further initiation of the gauntlet. Although Shen Lang does not perceive the specific direction of the enemy, it is also fully divulged and ready to fight.

Gao Hanqiu and the dog **** are also ready to shoot at any time.

“As long as you are also worthy of a battle with me? Look carefully!”

When the voice was finished, Shen Lang, Gao Hanqiu and the dog **** all found out that there seemed to be something about 100 meters that they could see.

They are nervous, this is the moment of the war!

But soon, they were surprised!

Just looking at one direction, it seems that there are huge trees, pillars and the like moving around, but through the knowledge of the overall situation, but found a horrible situation.

There seems to be a palm or a paw, and it is slowly catching!

The huge pillars that are seen are the fingers of one root, and they are at the center of this palm.

They have seen the Phantom Devil, is this also a kind of illusion?

But at the same time, they felt that the earth under their feet was slowly rising, and it was raised along with the palm range.

The place where they settled was in a big palm with a two hundred meters closed!

How big is the body of this unknown enemy? A few kilometers, more than 10,000 meters high?

They had a similar situation before, and it was between the claws of the dragon, because it was too long, it was like a stone.

Is this the same now

I just couldn’t perceive each other, not because I was too far away, but too big, and integrated with the whole earth. The light palms exceed the range they can sense, so they will be ignorant?

“I want to kill you, it is no different from pinching a few bugs. In this way, what qualifications do you have for me?”

After revealing one hand, the unknown enemy laughed again.

The three Shen Lang are waiting for it.

When the giant palm appeared, their bodies had been lifted, and their fingers were slowly gripping, seemingly intended to put pressure on them, not afraid that they ran.

When Shen Lang was just in defense, he had already secretly controlled the range of 100 meters around him in the realm of God.

Just this change has already let him experience it directly. Within the scope of the palm, whether it is a finger, or the ground below, and the air, there is an invisible enchantment, like a copper wall, a comprehensive pressure!

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