The First Strong

Chapter 2593 - Critical danger

When I rushed to half, there was a large scorpion demon, and I immediately encountered the protective cover of the sword net. At the same time, the emptiness of the other direction has disappeared.

This allowed them to be the main force of the attack, and then the phantom demon disappeared!

The sword net of the cold autumn is a state of attack as a defense. To break through the sword net is not to break through a wall, but to break through the sword of the king!

With the power of the sword of the king, the speed of the sword net is fast, and the impact of the devils is also a scar.

The illusion of the demon is very simple, is to use the scorpion to break through a mouth, cover the entry of its body!

When its body disappears, it may be transformed into other states, waiting for an opportunity to enter this defensive circle.

The effect is very obvious. Even if there is a sword of the king in the cold autumn, this protective cover is still mainly protective, for the whole, not enough power.

But these scorpions are very powerful, and they have been trapped by a group of people. At that time, there were two barbarians and old dragons.

Everything is now in the cold autumn, and naturally it cannot be completely protected.

In an instant, the cold autumn feels that although the demon gods are blocked, but the phantom demon and the imaginary demon, may come in!

What does the phantom demon become like, there is no time to explore and analyze, and the vain magic is invincible, and the scorpio is opened like a breach, and it naturally comes in.

This situation is severe!

Gao Hanqiu This is the first line of defense. The role played is to delay the enemy and fight for a little more time.

The current situation is that in a very short time, it has been broken in half!

If he gives up the defense of the sword net, all the scorpions will come in madness, and it will be very troublesome.

If you don’t give up, the phantom demon and the imaginary demon have already come in, and the second layer of protection of the dog **** is impossible to stop!

These stingers of dog gods are not small, but they need clear goals. Phantom and nothingness of the two demon kings, it can not find, how to block?

These are the scorpions of the outer circle, and it is not good to block, because no matter whether they penetrate their bodies or inject toxins, these scorpions will not respond, which is tantamount.

This is equal to the strength of a dog god, but it does not have the space to play!

At this moment, there is only one way to Gao Hanqiu, that is to withdraw the defense of the sword net and narrow the defense to a circle around.

It is equal to a large protection circle, which is reduced to a smaller defensive circle.

In theory, the distance is shorter, the power he exerts will be greater, and the same speed can be rotated two more times.

But in reality, there is another problem.

To what extent is the Phantom Devil and the Void?

If you have already entered the defensive circle of the dog god, then the cold autumn will change, it is too late.

Everything is very fast, it is not a race against time, but a microsecond!

Gao Hanqiu also has no time to think about it in detail. It can only be a quick return to the sword, give up defense, and directly attack!

In this way, it is the stinger of the dog god, used to deal with the demon gods, although they can not kill and hurt them, but as long as they can prevent them from advancing, Gao Hanqiu can concentrate on searching and dealing with two demon kings.

With their two almost invisible characteristics, Gao Hanqiu wants to search for it, but he can do it. But it is still difficult to find a pre-judgment in advance and then strike it with precision.

If he is alone, it doesn’t matter, at least he won’t be hurt. If he can attack the extent of hurting him, he will certainly be able to kill it accurately.

Now the dog **** has no problem with self-protection. Even if it is attacked, it is not so easy to die with its vitality.

But what is the state of Shen Lang? He is still unclear. If Shen Lang is affected and hurt, it is life-threatening!

Under such a situation, he has no time to consider and instinctively make the most optimal choice.

But at this time, Gao Hanqiu felt that the surrounding environment suddenly changed!

Originally on the edge of the Shadow Forest, it was surrounded by fog.

Now it is suddenly clear and there is no way around.

This familiar place is where they have been closed for centuries.

Heavenly book space.

Can enter the space of the heavenly book, needless to say, Shen Lang is also natural, and the dog **** is also brought in.

Gao Hanqiu finally can breathe a sigh of relief.

He wants to turn over the emptiness, so that the previous failures can breathe a sigh of relief, but it will not be irritating. In the case of Shen Lang, it is still safe.

It’s really safe to get to the book space this day.

In an instant, the attention of him and the dog **** was placed on Shen Lang.

“I am fine.”

Shen Lang shook his head and then briefly described what happened just now.

It was learned that he was only shocked by the sudden two memories, rather than being seriously attacked, and the two of them were relieved.

What Shen Bo just needs is only a little bit of time. If there is one second or even half a second, this time can be greatly alleviated.

But he was shocked and he was passive.


Has lost the opportunity, the back can only rely on the cold autumn and the dog **** to protect.

By the time he can counterattack the situation is already at risk.

Even if Shen Lang didn’t have time to maneuver, but everything on the spot, he was still at heart.

Therefore, he also knows the concerns of Gao Hanqiu. The phantom demon and the emptiness of the devil are close together. This is not only him, but even three people are very dangerous.

To this end, Shen Lang directly put them both, together with them into the space of heaven.

On the one hand, you can take a break and keep going to fight more calmly.

On the other hand, it is also possible to disrupt the situation in which the other party occupies an active position.

When they go out again, everyone is on a new starting line, and with Shen Lang, it is more likely to have the upper hand.

“You recall and ponder how to deal with them. Let me first understand the memories they have brought.”

There is a hundred times of time here, and Shen Lang can slowly manipulate it without hesitation.

Gao Hanqiu and the dog **** two, do not need him to worry, no one is injured.

Shen Lang himself, just took the two “memory packs”, can only be regarded as the file just unpacked, opened, and did not have time to understand the content.

In the current relationship, the memory content given by the other party is actually quite true!

Because the incident was sudden, it was decided quickly, and it was too late to make up more fake memories.

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