The First Strong

Chapter 36 - Black car

The largest medicinal material in Pingxi is called Qiongzhitang Pharmaceutical. It has its own website and has online customer service from 8 to 24 o’clock.

Shen Lang and customer service exchanges, the intention to place an order, shocked the customer service, and quickly contacted the above supervisor. When Shen Lang was having dinner, the supervisor contacted him to confirm that he was not joking, saying that he could go to the inspection transaction at any time.

If you are a familiar customer, and there is not much demand for the color of the medicine, you can also go online directly, they will be delivered. But Shen Lang wants a lot, it is the first transaction, of course, it is better to check the goods on site.

There is nothing to do with Shen Lang, and I hope to solve it earlier. I will agree to check the goods this evening.

He wants a large amount, and the other party is willing to work overtime for him. He is expected to meet at the warehouse of Qiongzhitang at eight o’clock.

The bodyguard was still waiting at the hotel, but Shen Lang didn’t want to be looked at, and sent him back directly. He didn’t dare not listen.

After eating out of the hotel, someone immediately surrounded them.

“Does the boss want to take a taxi? Absolutely don’t collect more money, don’t take your money around! I don’t want to run a professional rental, I will make a little extra night.”

This is obviously a black car driver, generally more expensive than a taxi, or a network car. But now there are two million in the sinking card, and don’t care about it.

After getting on the bus and talking about the address of the Qiongzhitang warehouse, the driver asked him enthusiastically.

“Boss, you still look like a student. Is this going to meet a friend?”

Shen Lang frowned and didn’t return to him. He is too enthusiastic to cook. He doesn’t like it, but he also realizes that he should buy a suit and change it. Wearing a school uniform is still a bit more conspicuous.

The driver did not say anything more, and drove intently.

Shen Lang didn’t know much about the city. When I went back and forth in the afternoon, I observed it. Now I am taking different routes, and I can also look at the night scene.

After a while, the driver asked him which school he was, and why he didn’t go to school.

Shen Lang ignored him, he could only say nothing.

When the car passed by a river, the driver stopped. Sorry to say that he was in a hurry. He went to the bottom of the tree and squatted for a minute.

Shen Lang did not say anything, this is to talk about the price, the driver will not use the detour, delay time to increase the cost.

Watching the driver trotting to the green grove of the river bank below the roadbed, Shen Lang also looked at the river from the window.

This river is flowing over the county of C. In the section of the XS area, it is very well repaired. The embankments on both sides are green belts. It is estimated to be a park.

At this moment, a large truck that came from behind, as if it was out of control, crashed directly into the car parked by the roadside!

Shen Lang heard the sound is wrong, quickly turned his head and looked at it, this time the car has hit the rear of the car!

This is no wonder that he is not alert enough. There were no cars in the past life. Now it is in a small place. It is not common for crashes. I didn’t even think about stopping at the side of the road. Just happened to have a car crashing.

But this time there is no time to think about whether it is an accidental coincidence or another flaw. His reaction ability is reflected!

Just at the moment when the rear of the car was hit, Shen Lang opened the door. Fortunately, he was sitting in the back seat of the car. If he was sitting in the co-pilot, tied with a seat belt, and the airbag popped, it restricted him. .

When it was said that it was too late, Shen Lang’s body collided on the roof of the car because of the violent impact, but it was still outside the door.

The big truck seems to be out of brakes. It doesn’t stop when it hits, but it continues to push. The extent of the impact is directly rolled in the air. It crosses the grove on the embankment below and falls into the river!

When the car turned over, it was also when Shen Lang went out, and immediately fell into the green belt, and did not fall into the river with the car.

The green belt is about one or two meters. The cypress is planted, and the height is slightly higher than the road surface. However, because of the drop of the roadbed, people stand in the cypress and must approach to see the head. The sinking waves fell, and it was invisible from above.

After the car fell into the river, the big truck stopped at the roadside.

“how about it?”

The sinking waves that fell in the cypress trees heard a low-pitched voice coming close, the driver who had peeed before!

Needless to say, it is not an ordinary black car driver, it is intended to wait for him, and intends to pull to this section to stop!

If you really want to pee, you can stand on the roadside and scatter and sneak into the trees below, not because of shame, but by taking the opportunity to run away, giving the opportunity to crash above, not even getting tired of him.

Now he is running from the embankment, pressing the sound at this moment, is asking the truck driver!

In the afternoon, Shen Langqing cultivated the “King Kong is not bad body power”, although it is only slightly small, but it is enough for him to protect himself, or else the collision, even if it will not be seriously injured, it must not be so smooth, this will The child fell to the bottom of the river.

The impact and the fall were nothing to him, but at the moment he found this and let him not rush out. Instead, stay still and listen to what they say.

The truck driver quickly got off the bus and took a flashlight to shine on the falling river.

“Go and see! Don’t let him climb up! After you are sure you can drown, you will call the police again!”

One of them is on the road above, one is on the river bank below, and the sinking waves are under the cypress trees. You can see him as long as you carefully observe it or take a few flashlights. Just they just didn’t see it, thinking he was in the car.

“The car won’t float, the water pressure is very strong, no one can help from outside, he can’t push the door inside.” The black car driver’s rational analysis.

In fact, when pouring water into the car, the pressure relationship is difficult to drive the door. But the inside is filled with water, the pressure is balanced, and it is not so difficult to open the door. Only the average person will be nervous, and will not take a deep breath to wait for the water to fill up.

“Hold it!” The truck driver snorted and threw the flashlight to the driver below so that he could clearly observe the water Just when he was about to turn and drive, a hand was extended below , grabbed his ankle!

At the time of his exclamation, the man had been pulled down by the ankle.

“Who!” The driver who just followed the flashlight was also shocked and took a photo.

The sinking waves in the cypress bush, clutching the ankles of the truck driver, directly used human weapons, and squatted on the driver!

Two people fell to the ground and looked at the sullen waves coming out of the cypress trees in horror.

“You, you…” The driver was too nervous to speak.

Shen Lang looked at them coldly. The driver asked Dong to ask the West before. It was not a passionate self-satisfaction. It was to divide his heart!

And looking at the two of them so calm, it should not be the first time to cooperate with this harmful person!

“Who sent you here?” A very simple sentence, but they felt a strong kill!

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