The First Strong

Chapter 66 - Pickpocket

Shen Lang’s current cultivation has made him savvy and aware, and his ability to perceive is far better than ordinary people, but he can’t do it, so he can’t be sure what the situation is.

However, this matter does not need to be seen by the eyes, it can be easily analyzed.

Not a thief! The owner has not been at home for a long time, and the thief can’t come when no one is there. When someone rents it, they will steal it.

For the moment, the biggest possibility is Ye Shiguang.

Yue Jia is expressing a win-win attitude, and Yue Zhennan has just left. Ye Jia is hard to say, and after paying five or six Lingshi, they may not be willing. Besides, Ye Fan’s business will still at least make his father unable to bear it.

Before Ye Shiguang did not start, it was attracted by the complete practice of the sinister palm. Now that the exercises have arrived, maybe they will turn their faces.

Shen Lang did not wait in the house, but opened the door directly.

The house is rented. For the time being, he still has to settle here. If he does not say that it is destroyed, he will play the furniture and medicine boxes inside. He has to be cleaned up by himself.

Three people came in through the wall and were thinking about it at the door. Suddenly, the sudden opening of the door made them startled and took a few steps back.

Shen Lang did not speak. In the night, his eyes swept through the three of them.

Just a glance, he saw that this is just a few ordinary gangsters, Ye Family could not send such people. In this county town, the answer is also coming out.

“Get all the cash and valuables out!”

“Or else, the brothers will give you blood!”

“Come on! You have to yell, cut your tongue!”

The three men whispered, then pulled out the folding knives and plotted against the dark waves.

“Do you know that there is no difference in legal law between empty-handed and knives entering the room?” Shen Lang asked a little.

“District your mother! We are all robbed, and the law?” One of them sneered and screamed, and then straightened the knife straight toward Shen Lang. “You are not afraid of us, it seems that my actions are…”

When he had not finished speaking, he found a pain in his hand, and then the knife in his hand was gone.

“Up! Together!” The man was taken aback and saw that the knife was inexplicably in the hands of Shen Lang, and quickly stepped back two steps.

Under his greeting, the other two also rushed up.

In the dark, they didn’t even see the shadows. The two who rushed over were kicked out and fell to the ground and stunned. This one without a knife is lighter and falls on the ground, but there is no coma.

“You, you… don’t come over! Come over to me, I will call the police…”

Looking at the sinking waves, he was so nervous that he cried.

Shen Lang walked up to him. “Who is looking for you?”

“Nobody…we just want to get some money…oh!”

When he said this, he was slammed into his mouth by Shen Lang. Then as he struggled, Shen Lang’s small knife in his hand threw it at the ground!


The man made a painful call, but because his mouth was blocked, there was only a low boring, and his body was struggling to get up.

Shen Lang loosened his foot: “You still have 19 fingers to cut.”

The gang that had been sorely screaming, directly scared the urine!

He didn’t see it. He only felt the pain of his fingers. Hearing this meaning, he cut off a finger. There are also nineteen fingers, that is, even the toes must be cut one by one?

He can’t stand the pain now, let alone come back nineteen times, and quickly said it intermittently.

“It’s the son of the boss of the sand field… He is looking for us, let us make the money as much as possible, and beat you if you don’t give money…”

“How did he know this?” Shen Lang took the knife up.

Looking at the top there is still a trace of blood, the punk feels the blood in his fingers, where he dares to slow down, and quickly said it.

The last time Mr. Wang’s warning has passed, it’s been a while, and Dong Wenbin hasn’t seen any problems. He feels that the limelight has passed. It’s really uncomfortable to see Shen Lang use his money “playing a luxury car” again and again.

Shen Lang now does not go to class more than once, let him wonder, and think this is a great opportunity. Shen Lang had an accident outside, and whether or not he was on leave, he had nothing to do with the school.

Today, Shen Lang did not come, he felt that the opportunity came. After school in the afternoon, I found these few mixes. Take a photo of Shen Lang and find them.

The county town is so big, several people ride motorcycles separately, and they can search for them all at once. Focus on taking care of Internet cafes and the like, as long as there is no clue in the county, there is a chance to find.

I didn’t expect these few gangsters to recognize Shen Lang!

Shen Lang himself did not have any intersection with them. However, when Qiongzhitang was delivered last time, because the driver was unfamiliar, the driver inquired about it and found the house. At that time, a few gangsters playing cards next to it, looking at the field, seemed to have shipped some valuable goods, and arranged for a person to ride a motorcycle.

At that time, the car was parked at the door, and after the sign was collected, the cargo was unloaded in the yard. The man who followed, pretending to be a motorcycle, broke down and took a break. I heard that it was a batch of medicinal materials, and I also saw the surface of Shen Lang.

They didn’t want to start, just to see what it was, not particularly precious, and the bulk of the box was heavy, and the waves and the driver did not pay attention. Going back to the report, I heard that it is a medicinal material. This is not easy to get rid of, and they have not come to steal.

But in the past, I saw the photo now, and the gang that was tracked at that time was recognized. Then they came here with them. At that time, the gate was locked out and the waves went out. They did not wait at the door, but found a shop at the intersection.

If the sinking wave is found nearby, of course, at a far intersection, I certainly did not expect someone to wait for him.

When they found out that Shen Lang was back, they called Dong Wenbin and then rushed over, waiting for Yuezhennan’s car to go for a while, and decided that he would not come back again.

The gangster quickly said this, and he couldn’t take care of it. He quickly grasped the incision of the broken finger.

I am almost dizzy when I say it.

“He is waiting outside?” Shen Lang asked again.

The hesitation hesitated looked at the knife of Shen Lang and took it up again, and quickly said an address, saying that Dong Wenbin did not come to the scene, they wanted to finish the meeting and then merged.

Shen Lang saw that he was so painful that he was shocked and sweated, knowing that there was nothing to hide. Immediately holding the knife, turned and quickly tied two knives to the ground!

The other two coma, struggling to wake up directly, found that they were licked a finger, screaming and screaming!

The awake gangster was afraid of angering the waves, and quickly stopped them. “Let’s let us go! We don’t dare anymore! I don’t go to the hospital again… I really want to shed blood…”

“Take your knife and fingers, wipe the blood clean and roll again! This time you are one, the next twenty will be smashed – including the one below!”

Originally, they still felt that there were only 19 of them left in the toes. When they heard the last sentence, they felt that they were cold…

Apart from anything else, the three people were suffering from the severe pain of shock. They grabbed their fingers and smashed the blood on the ground with their trouser legs. After just breaking the finger, they are incapable of overturning the wall, and they can only tremble and ask for the opening of the door.

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