The First Strong

Chapter 97 - Time is not met

Yue Gang provided a lot of information details, including the situation of these sects. Although it has not been visited and participated for decades, it is generally understood.

Combined with these, plus the words they talk to each other, Shen Lang probably understands the specific camps of the following family sects.

One of them has had an intersection, and that is Ye Shiguang’s Ye Family.

Ye Family is also a comprehension family belonging to the block of Pingxi. There is no big family transformed into a secular like the Yue family. Therefore, Ye Shiguang is now the super-martial warrior of Jiu Duan, and Ye Fan has already reached the seventh stage.

After they came over, under the command of several highly respected old people, young disciples began to move some large stones on the ground.

They brought some simple tools and came over. When they encountered some heavy weights, they tied them with ropes and used wooden sticks to lift them together.

After all, this is sixty years, and many people who participated in the year are gone. The old people estimated that the actual age was at least 70 or 80 years old, and they participated in the previous session.

But even so, they are not all relying on memory. One memory, after sixty years, is very unreliable. They also correspond to a map, repeatedly confirm the size data, and let these large stones be placed in different positions.

Shen Lang’s knowledge can be viewed in a panoramic way, and the placement of these boulder is immediately clear. This is a guardian array method called “Dangyang Array”. If you don’t understand the law of the law, don’t say violent cracking, you can’t find anywhere.

He is very familiar with the sun, but it has a long history. However, its laws are clear, and you can see through it at a glance. If you think about it, you will fully understand the doorway.

After they placed all the boulder in the position of opening the off-spring array, there was nothing else to do, and the rest would have to wait until the evening.

As for why it is a child, why is it sixty years, in fact, because this tomb of the king has a combination of yin and yang! There is a divergence array in the valley, and a divergence array in the dark tomb. The opening time is designed in the tomb.

And this array of methods, it is impossible to open forever. After the energy of the support array is exhausted, the yin and yang intertwined, the true king of the tomb will not be online. Only the purely violent excavation of explosives or large machinery, even if it is broken, is a ruin.

Waiting for the time until eleven o’clock in the evening, everyone below is waiting. Everyone formed a guardian circle around the divorce array, and the few veterans led a few ready young adults to wait for the opening of the tomb of the king.

They are all whispering to their own representatives to make the final embarrassment. There is no doubt that security is the most important thing besides the interests. As for time, it is easy, and wearing an electronic watch can set a time reminder.

After the end of the battle, there were other young disciples in charge of logistics who took out some of the other things they carried. After the Shenlang gods sensed, they could not help but admire them to keep up with the times.

The tomb of the king of the king opened, in fact, similar to the tomb. And the robbery of the tomb throws away the ghosts and spooky, it does have a lot of risks. The most common one is the problem of air. Because it is enclosed in the underground for hundreds of years or even years before, there is no air in circulation, it will be deficient in oxygen, and there may be many other gases.

Therefore, in the ancient tomb thief, after digging the opening, it will stop for a period of time, let the air in the tomb circulate, let the toxic gas blow away and let the fresh air in. But even if an entrance is opened, the whole is still closed, the air entering is limited, and the degree of circulation is limited.

Therefore, there are rules for candles. Once the candle is extinguished, it has to be retreated. Because oxygen is not enough to burn, it reminds people of a dangerous moment.

This time they obviously have a modern preparation. The clothes they wear are all protective clothing. Try to wrap more parts to avoid poisoning. And now they put headlights on their heads, which frees their hands and does not require a flashlight.

In addition, a set of oxygen-absorbing equipment and oxygen cylinders have been added, and the time is limited. When the air is found to be no longer able to return, it will delay the time. So prepare the oxygen cylinder directly enough to support the amount of two hours.

Looking at the time, Shen Lang began to go down the ridge and gradually descended from the hillside, but did not go straight into the valley.

When he got here, he could clearly see the situation below, and time has already reached eleven o’clock!

“How is it still not open?”

“Is there something wrong?”

“Grandpa, was it open on time?”

They are all looking at the watch, and even many people have set alarm clocks, and they will ring in a few minutes before eleven o’clock. Now everyone is sure that when they have arrived, there is no slight change in the Phoenix Valley.

“This… we didn’t rely on watches anytime, it won’t be accurate to the minute.”

“Yes, look at the sky! It shouldn’t be there yet.”

Several veterans began to look at the sky.

Looking at the sky to calculate the hour, of course, can only be a rough, and the deviation is very large, can not be fixed as the clock. But the veterans have said that other people can’t say anything, they can only wait anxiously.

Everyone feels that waiting a few minutes now is a lot longer than waiting a few hours ahead! They are all high-frequency watchers, but every time they look at it, it is not a minute.

“This is a quarter of an hour!”

“Even if there is a deviation, it will not be that big?”

After ten minutes of persistence, everyone talked again. In the 60-year-old event, many of them are expected to see only once. They are younger and have a chance to see you again. The next time is seventy and eighty. So I was very excited, but now I am so annoyed.

A few veterans are not just looking at the They are also gathered together, against other people’s maps, recalling the last detail.

“Noisy noisy? This is not patient!”

One of them snorted and everyone was quiet, but everyone’s heart was a little floating.

Watch time is not too much deviation, then there is no movement, will it be a wrong day?

Or what is the change in the tomb of the King of the King?

Seeing the sinking waves here, I can’t stand it anymore.

“You are wrong! Wait for me to help you open it!”

When he said this, his body had already leaped out of the air. In the valley of the night, like a eagle, the night owl flies past, and directly looks at the middle of the yang array!

“Who?” Suddenly heard the sound of outsiders sounded, everyone was taken aback, all eyes looked at the sound, and then saw a figure flew over, and immediately became an enemy.

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