The First Vampire of YGGDRASIL

“Bloody Valkyrie”


Third person pov

An explosion of gigantic proportions shook the forest. Earth and dust were kicked up, blocking the vision and hiding the destruction from the bare eye. Even with her enhanced vampire vision, that was able to see in the darkest night was not able to see through the cloud of dust. She tapped her foot up and down impatiently.Even though she wanted to teach that bitch a lesson, she had to be careful. Close combat was one of Shalltear's specialties because her spuit Lance allowed her to heal as long as she was hitting her opponent, which made her even more dangerous in close quarters.

~Hihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha~ A high pitch giggle which soon changed into a laughter boomed through the dust cloud

The dust slowly cleared and settled on the floor again. A creature like Oriana was already able to recognize the outlines of a person. She cleaned her weapon tightly, and excitement flooded through her body. The last bit of dust cleared up and finally revealed Shalltears in all her glory, standing directly in the middle of the huge krater. She was almost completely unharmed and also seemed to be in high spirits.

~Ahhhh, Lady Oriana, that really hurt. Did you try to kill me?~ said Shaltear and showed a fake pout.

"Silence Traitor, I have no more patience for your games. I will make you suffer for your disloyalty," replied Oriana, angry.

~You really think you can kill me. Your nothing but an outdated fossil, and I will destroy you...~

[Hemomancy] Oriana opened with a basic blood spell that dealt physical damage based on your character's HP.

Shalltear tanked the spell with her armor and imeadiatly tried to close the distance between them to attack in melee, but of course Oriana was not going to let her do that. She stretched out her hand and...

[Blood spear] A thick red spear shot out of her hand and towards Shalltear.

[Greater Teleportation] Shalltear yelled and disappeared, only to instantly reappear behind Oriana.

"Ahrg, whats that? I can't move," Shalltear uttered from between her teeth.

"Neat, isn't it? I have sealed the area around here with my blood seal art. That means no more teleportation for you, I believe." Oriana said, and she extended her hand just to slowly caress Shalltear's cheek.

[Accursed Touch] Oriana shamelessly took advantage of Shalltear's helplessness to cast a close contact spell in order to curse Shalltear. This spell did not do damage, but most of her other blood spells did more damage to cursed targets. Because of that, it was always a good move to begin a fight. Unfortunately, this spell required touching the enemy, which made it sometimes impossible to execute. Hit by the curse, Shalltear was freed from her paralysis and jumped back. 

"You are way too hasty, child; come let me teach you how you are supposed to do it," taunted Oriana.

"Shut up." Shalltears calm, collected, almost playful demenor vanished, and she stormed towards Oriana...

As predicted, she is very easy to anger, but I have to be careful too. If I get angry, this will end very badly.

[Blood mist] Oriana turned into a red mist to evade Shalltear's attack and revormed a few meters away from Shalltear. She wanted to use another spell, but...

"I have enough of you running away [Vermillion Nova]." Shalltear said, and a giant pillar of flame appeared exactly where Oriana was standing.

"Hagn." Even though Oriana was more resistant to fire than a normal vampire, it still hurt. 

"Serves you right, now it's my turn." [Holy spear of purification]. A skill that allowed Shalltear to create a weapon out of her holy energy and that could be enhanced to hit with a chance of 100%
"Dammit" the speer riped through Orianas defense

and caused an incredible amount of damage and pain.

"Hahahaha!" laughed Shalltear.

"Hnng" [blood slash] Oriana took advantage of Shalltear's inattention to throw another spell at her, but Shalltear had the appropriate answer.

[Negative Impact Shield] Oriana's spell hit the barrier, and as if it had never existed, the blood spell disappeared.

"Tchh, anoying meta build," muttered Oriana, and she prepared another spell.

She poured more of her blood into the spell and used her HP to further increase the damage. Blood Sacrifice: [Blood Projectile] 

A hole was ripped into Shalltear's body, but after a second, the wound closed as if it had never been there.

~Hahahahaha~ cackled Shalltear, I have gotten this skill from my creator personally, and with it, I can make any damage I receive nonexistent. You should give up, ~my queen~.

[Flowing Veins] Oriana shouted. It was a spell to deal damage over time, a good way to counter Shalltears Negative Impact Shield and damage erase skill, but unfortunately not her regeneration.

"Pfff, we're getting desperate, aren't we?" Shalltear scoffed and extended her hand. [Holy spear of purification] 

"Ahhh" [Red Evening], the world turned red, and it seemed as if it wanted to paint Shalltear red as well, but that was of course not possible through her resistance; still, she suffered damage.

[Holy spear of purification] Again, the white holy lance appeared in her hand. She aimed at Oriana's body and sent it flying.

The target, which was Oriana, exploded like a water balloon. Blood soiled the ground and painted it red.

"Häh!" Shalltear exclaimed. 


"Urgg," a red, blood tentecal looked out of her torso.

"Damn, I wasn't expecting a melee attack," said Shalltear.

"To bad, you should have expected that I use a blood clone as decoy, and now...

[Blood drain] Shalltears blood, and with it, her HP was sucked out. Of course, it was impossible to take all of her vitality since she was level 100, but Oriana's HP was full again.

"Rahh!" Shalltear swung behind her, and Oriana jumped back just to instantly cast a spell.

[Blood Spear] 

[Earth Wall] Shalltear tried to counter and expected to feel the hit on her wall, but the impact did not come. Instead, she felt the familiar feeling of a blood spear stabbing through her torso from behind. 

What? How did she create a spell behind me? Was it the remaining blood from her destroyed clone?

She used her skill to undo the damage and flew over her earth wall.


Oriana was still behind the wall, but she had used Shalltears Confusion to charge another blood sphere; this time she sacrificed even more HP to power her spell.


Shalltear was too late to defend herself and was hit point blank. She was thrown back and fell to the ground. After rolling over a few times, she stood up and looked at Oriana angrily.

[Call Familiar] 

Here it comes.

[Anticipation] [Ravenous] [Resilience] [Blood Bath] Oriana knew what would come, and because of that, she started to increase her resistance and melee capabilities.

[Einherjar] "This is the end for you," announced Shalltear.

Come and get me.


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