The First Vampire of YGGDRASIL

“Hot tempers”


Ainz pov

I apeared in front of the throne room, due to certain settings it was not possible for me to teleport directly inside. Before I received the message, I was very busy and was therefore unable to respond. A thing I now regreted. If every NPC was able to betray Oriana or me like Shalltear did, Nazarik was in a dangerous situation. The worst enemy ultimately came from within.

I gathered my courage, slipped into my ruler personality, and opened the door. Every Guardian was already present and kneeling in front of the throne, as was Oriana, who nervously paced back and forth in front of the throne. Her face looked as beautiful as ever, but I could see the rage behind her calm facade. My arrival seemed to have caught her attention. She lifted her head and a hint of relief appeared on her face.

"There you are, finally. I was wondering where you were?", she said.

"Sorry for making you wait. I know that in a situation like this it is very important that I am present, but I came as fast as I could.", I answered but my friend did not reply. Ignoring her strange behavior I shifted my attention to Albedo.

"Albedo.", I said. "Since you have discovered Shalltears betrail you should start and tell us what we know."

"At once my Lord." she answered me.

"I was checking Nazarik's administration like I do every day when I noticed that Shalltear's name had turned red. After I checked for errors, I immediately tried to contact you and Lady Oriana. Because you two did not reply I ordered my sister Nigredo to find this treacherous vampire. She was able to locate her in the forest of tob but because of no further orders I did not engage in any way with her.", reported Albedo.

"And where is she now?" I asked.

"At the same location where she was before. She does not seem to have moved in any way.", Albedo answered.

Shalltear has not moved? Why? Is she maybe not able to? But what could make her, a level 100 guardian unable to move?

"Mind control maybe?", I thought outload and regret it immediately.

"As much I regret to contradict you my Lord, Shalltear is an Undead and as such unable to be mined controlled.", Albedo objected.

That is correct...except...

"World items" Oriana interrupted my train of thoughts.


I threw a glance at her, but she was still looking at the ground not meeting my eyes.

"Do you know something? Everything could help", I asked cautiously, she seemed to know more then I did.

"I was a fool. A fool to not notice anything, I was in the theocracy and despite everything, I didn't notice it.", she said showing her anger in her voice.

"What do you mean? What has the theocracy to do with that?", I asked confused.

"Hahahahahah ahhh" she laughed." It makes me happy that you forgot it, too. At least that makes me look less stupid." 

"Forgot? What do you mean? Oriana, now is not the time for games."

"Haaah, the 'Black scripture' you remember? I contacted you and talked to you about their mission, that I had found out about. That they had been ordered to use the 'divine artifact' to control some dragon lord."




"DAMIT ALL!", I cried out letting my anger flow freely. We had been played. How could I have been so blind.

My mind was in overdrive. Why hadn't I noticed it sooner? A divine artifact? A theocracy? The bloodline of the gods? Clear indications of the intervention of "players" like Oriana had said. Why wasn't it also reasonable to assume that a "world item" had somehow found its way into this world? but as soon as I felt the anger it was already gone, and my mind was clear enough to think of our next move.

"It's too late to cry over spilled milk. We need to take countermeasures immediately.", I said.

"Oriana, Albedo, Shizu and Yuri lets go to the treasury."


Oriana pov 

We followed Ainz to the treasury. I was curious about what the treasury looked like, as I had little interest in it before and had never been there. I was too busy playing around with my new building back then. Of course, it was clear why we went to the treasury. Because the enemy used world items we also had to equip our most important NPCs with them. Luckily, me and Ainz each, already owned one. He had his red orb and I...

I had my black scythe "Deaths Favor".

After we had entered, and I had memorized the password of the treasury (for personal uses) we came into a kind of reception hall/waiting room and then I saw... me? 

No, that person, whoever that was, wasn't me. The person was perhaps able to copy my figure, but not my status. I was the ancestor of all vampires, that wasn't something you couldn't just copy. As such I felt that this 'me' wasn't even a vampire.

It must be...

"Lady Oriana?". called Albedo out.

"No, perhaps you can copy her appearance but I know it is not her. Who are you? SPEAK!", Albedo demanded but she got no response from the 'mysterious me'.

"You don't want to talk? That's fine Yuri, kill her." 

"Stop!" Ainz's voice echoed through the halls

"May I introduce, Pandora's actor. Pandoras actor change into your real form.", said Ainz.

The face of my fake melted like wax, the dress disappeared, and a military uniform appeared in its place. The face became round and instead of the eyes and mouth it melted into three holes. 

"I see, you're doing well Pandoras actor.", said Ainz.

"Jawohl, Lord Momonga, ich melde gehorsamst, erfreue mich bester Gesundheit.", the actor shouted in a foreign language and saluted.

"Ehhh, yes.", Ainz muttered sheepishly. 

"Hihihi.", I giggled and tried to hide it behind my hand. Although I wasn't particularly interested in the treasury at the time, I still remembered Ainz experiment with creating an NPC. Ainz gave me an accusing look and turned back to Pandora's Actor.

"I am here to retrieve some of our World Class Items."

"WOOOOORLD ITEMS, has the time finally come to unleash their power.", said Pandoras actor in a in a mysterious tone while making a dramatic gesture.

"Ohhhhh.", winced Ainz quietly.

"That's right, I intend to take Greed and Generosity, Hygieia's Chalice, Billion Blades and Depiction of Mountains and Rivers.", he said after he had caught himself.

"And what of the other two Items my Lord?". his creation asked.

"Leave them, since they are part of the big 20 it would be unwise to use them."

"WENN ES MEINES GOTTES WILLE IST!" shouted Pandoras actor, again in a foreign language.

"That's enough!", said Ainz and slammed his hand against the wall right next to Pandora Actor's face.

"No more German and leave out the stupid salute also I've adopted the name Ainz Ooal Gown so please call me that, too." 

"As you command my Lord you could not have chosen a more befitting name for yourself." said pandoras and tried to salute but his hand got stopped by Ainz.

"That should be enough, we will go the rest trough the mausoleum alone.", said Ainz and tried to hide his embarrassment.

After we had left Shizu and Yuri behind we made our way through the treasury but... I stopped. 
"Ainz, is that..."

"So, you noticed, too Oriana. Albedo? Yes, these statues represent our former comrades. They look a bit ugly, but I wanted to preserve their images.", he said.

"I know what you mean I miss them, too.", I said as I remembered my former friends.

"My Lord, My Lady, does this mean the rest of the supreme beings have died?"

"Yes." "No." Ainz and my voice said at the same moment. He looked at me, but I just shook my head.

"Yes, in a way they died.", Ainz finally admitted.

It was true, yes maybe somewhere they were still alive but there was no way we would be able to see them again. We lived in different worlds now.

"You see, those four empty spaces Albedo?" After we die there is still enough place for both of us." Ainz joked.

"Hah, there is no way I am going to die, before it comes to that you are goanna get laid.", I said with a smirk.

"Haha, very funny.", Ainz replied. 

"You can't..." Albedo sniffed.


"Please, you can't leave us... we need you... wh-what should we even do without you?", Albedo blurted out in tears.

"You misunderstand me, Albedo. We are not preparing to die, but to protect us from the use of world items we need to use world items as well.", Ainz said.

"I-I understand now, we are here to get these world items.", said Albedo and wiped away her tears.

"That is correct and... I will get myself ready to face Shalltear to..."

"NO" I interrupted Ainz.

"What?", said Ainz.

"You understand me.", I said.

"If it was every other Guardian, I would not argue with you, but Shalltear is a vampire who has disobeyed me, that means it is my responsibility to punish her.", I said in a firm voice.

"Oriana I am the guild master it is my responsibility..." 

"My point stands. Shalltear has not only defied you or Nazarik but also ME her mistress directly. This is an insult for which she will pay. And even if she is under the influence of a World Item, she shouldn't have come into contact with it in the first place - her orders were clear. Let me go, Ainz, I won't argue with you about that.", I said.

If it was any another guardian, I wouldn't have been so angry it was just that Shalltear was ... I felt my anger flaring up again.

"Fine, if you really want to do it. I won't stop you.", Ainz said. 

"Thank you for understanding me.", I said with a soft smile on my face.

I will make that disobedient bitch pay.


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