The First Vampire of YGGDRASIL



Evileye pov

She looked down at the two opponents standing in front of her. Normally something like this wouldn't have been possible because of her small size, but the crystal she stood on gave her the necessary size. She didn't like to admit it, but she was small; not only that, she was also childlike. For several centuries now, ever since she was turned into a vampire by the strange event that destroyed her former hometown. She would forever remain in the form of a 12-year-old child, but she didn't care. Now maybe she did care, but the time she had spent trying to find a way out had turned out to be useless, so she had resigned herself to her fate.

Maybe there was even a solution to her problem, but what would that change? She now had friends, comrades who stood by her side. People who cared about her and who she could trust. Even if she were to become human again, her friends would still be there. This was something she could rely on.

The thought of her friends brought her back to reality. Anger welled up in her when she saw the maid, who had almost killed one of her friends. Assessing, she let her gaze wander to the other of the two opponents; it was the vampire who had fought with Tia and Tina on the plantation and whom she had wounded. Unlike last time, he didn't seem to have any other vampires with him apart from the maid, who looked almost human.

No, maybe she is something else.

The maid didn't look like a vampire, but she could see traces of blood on the maid's uniform on her neck. Since she didn't see these marks anywhere else except on her hands, in her opinion it could only mean one thing.

"A man eating monster in a maid outfit? What a sick joke." She said, staring into the maid's cold, unmoving eyes.

"wATcH yOUr tONe" The maid said in a grating voice without moving her mouth. She touched her troat and cleared it like she had been hoarse.

"Evileye," Tia exclaimed in surprise.

"You guys are such idiots. Getting involved in a fight with two such strong opponents. Recently you couldn't even defeat the vampire alone, and now the maid..." She spoke back, leaving the rest of the sentence hanging in the air.

"Did you already forget about me?" said the maid and launched her wip at her.

[crystal wall] She casted and jumbed back.

A wall sprung up from the ground; it consisted entirely of a crystal-like material and absorbed the blow. Although a big gash could be seen on its frontside, the wall held. She stopped to supply the wall with mana, and the structure crumpled like a kicked sandcastle. Now that she had increased the distance and absorbed the lethal blow, there was no further need for it. 

"Hah cute," she mocked her opponent's attack and positioned herself in front of her still wounded comrades.

"Gargaran, get Tia and yourself healed up; we are going to need the..." 

She stopped herself at the loud buzzing that came from the maid; her sleeve had swollen to over half a meter and was the source of the insect-like sound. So it was no surprise when a swarm of flies flew towards her from the maid's sleeve. It was almost like one of the Demon Gods a view hundred years ago who could also summon and command insects.

If they are similar, then this should work, right?

[Vermin bane] A magic circle flared up, and from it a gas-like substance was ermitted. The moment the flies touched it, they dropped to the ground, but that was not all...

"AHHHHHHHHHHHH" A loud cry sounded through the bright night. It came from the insekt maid that was clutching her head and seemed to be in great pain.

"What was that?" asked Gargaran.

"Nice, isn't it? It's an original of mine. A spell that kills insekts, it is perfectly worthless against humans and other species, but insekts are very weak against it," she answered.

"What the...?" Tia interrupted their chat.

The sound of the maid's voice became muffled and seemed to stop at times, making it sound like it was held by something. The maid clutched her troat, and a little something dropped to the ground, screaming in the maid's obstructed voice. It was small and looked like a worm that had a pair of human lips on its head; it twitched and quivered like a leaf in the wind and sreamed its dying breath.

"A lipp worm," commented Tia. 

"They can eat human vocal cords to imitate their voices." 

"It is disgusting," Gargaran added.


Just as the little worm, the maids face also dropped down, revealing little legs on the bottom of the bug mask.

It was also a bug? What is this maid? She thought

"yOu dAMn HUmaNs" sreamed the maid, her now true voice sounding through. 


As if to answer her previous question, the maid lifted her face that she had previously protected from her gas spell and...

An insect was all she could think about. It was really just like the demon gods decades ago. She could feel the predetory gaze from the insect on her; her carefully combed hair had shot up like little arms or legs; her mouth, which reached down to her troat, was wide open so that she could see her pincer teeth; and her eight eyes were filled with so much hate, she winced.

"I aM gOinG tO eNJoY brEAkiNg yOu aPArT" sreamed the spider and charged at her murderous intent.

While running, her legs and arms grew to an almost abnormal size and steached out. She bounced forward, landing on all of her four legs to go for an even bigger jump. Seeing that, she retreated and cast a [cristal lance], which broke on the spider maid's uniform and didn't even stop her assault one bit. 

That was bad. She specialized in earth element spells, which means that although they caused more damage, she was unable to cast many other spells. In order to further strengthen her damage, she had further specialized herself, which allowed her to cast attacks in the form of crystals, as a result of which her remaining earth spells became weaker. Blunt or pointed crystals were capable of inflicting piercing or bludgeoning damage. A tactic that was very efficient against normal opponents. However, the maid was not a normal opponent and seemed very resistant to this type of damage. 

"IT sTiNGs, It sCrAtcHEs, yOu'Re tHE oNLy oNE WHo's dAnGerOUs. iF yOU're dEAd, tHE oTHer tWO aRE dOnE fOR" shrieked, opening her mouth to breathe out a big swarm of flies.

[vermin bane] 

The flies died before they even hit the ground, but the maid protectively put her hands over her mouth to protect herself from the fumes. Tia rushed towards her, but the spider spat a strand of sticky cobwebs at Tia to paralyze her for the moment. Gargaran took the chance to hit the insect with her huge hammer, hitting it in the torso, which made a loud clunk. She also wanted to attack, but the vampire she had already seen on the plantation stormed towards her, his sword shining and like red glass.

[crystal dagger] 

A dagger made out of blue crystal shot out of her magic circle and flew towards her attacker, who tock a defensive stance and raised his red glasslike sword. A battlecry echoed through the night, followed by a loud breaking sound. Her eyes widen; the man seemed to be in one piece. Sure, his weapon had broken, never to be used again, but he was unharmed. He had managed to deflect a magic spell of the 4th tier, something that should have been impossible given his previous performances. 

[crystal backshot] 

She cast one of her favorite spells, and hundreds of crystals shot out of her summoned magic cyrcle onto her attacker, who now stood defensless without his sword. He raised his arms to protect his head, but the shards of cristal tore through him like a hot knife through butter. The rain of crystals ended, and the torn body fell to the ground.

Now that this opponent was taken care of, she turned around. Tia and Gargaran were in a tight spot; the maid was eassily driving them back, and they only lived because they were retreating on their back food. She cast a crystal wall to obstruct an incoming attack that could have hit Tia and jumbed to their side.

We have to defeat her quickly. I will buy you a few seconds to heal. After that, we have to use everything we have or we will lose. It's obvious that we have the advantage in numbers and strength, but her equipment is top-notch. If this goes any longer, we will lose.

"So we are going all or nothing? can live with that," said Gargaran.

"I am in Tia," agreed

Spell over spell, talisman over talisman, and strike over strike, but in the end the insekt maid dropped to her knees, defeated. She took a deep breath and analyzed the situation. The fight had cost them a lot of items and mana, but now it was over. A twitch from the insect maid brought their attention back.

"I will finish her," replied Tia coldly, but stopped dead in her tracks.

She looked up to see what had shaken her and winced over the cold shiver that went through her. It was man completely clothed in red.

It was a man in an all-red suit, immaculate with no marks whatsoever. Black gloves and patent leather shoes only refined his outfit. On his face was a dark blue mask with a diabolical grin; red painted eyes made the demon face on it even more terible. The only thing that seemed to mar his perfect appearance was his metal tail waving back and forth behind his back. He raised his gloved hand and straightened his perfectly combed black hair.

"Good evening, ladies; isn't it a wonderful evening?" The redclas man asked 

"I hope you don't mind if I interrupt you, but I'm afraid these two are still needed." He added, wispering in an ominous tone.


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