The First Vampire of YGGDRASIL

“(K)Night Raid”


??? pov 

She scurried through the field like a shadow, and the tall plants that grew on it provided an excellent cover for prying eyes. Furthermore, it was night, and the few guards who were stationed on the field did not have the skills to recognize her in this darkness. A look ahead confirmed that she was only a few hundred meters from the wooden hut she had spied out in advance, but with her almost inhuman body, it was nothing more than a stone throw. She remembered the discussion she had earlier with her team: the plan was to infiltrate first, look for evidence or other incriminating documents, and then, only afterwards, burn both the field and the hut down.

Her heightened senses picked up a noise right next to her, but she neither moved into an attack position nor prepared to flee. The reason for this was that she had felt the presence next to her the entire time, a presence that she would never forget in her entire life; after all, they were more than just family and only complete together. Two guards in front of her in the field blocked the way to the hut. She raised her small dagger and sneaked up on the two unsuspecting men until she could hear their voices, her sister doing the same.

"Did you hear? An entire caravan of slaves that was on its way to the capital is said to have completely disappeared," says one of the thugs.

"Nahhh, don't believe in everything you hear; it's probably just an exaggerated rumor," claimed the other

"No, really, I know a guy, and he...Aurgh"

"Manuel, what the...Aurgh?"

Before either of them even really understood what was going on, she and her sister had already driven the dagger into their throats. An enchantment on both of their weapons drained the blood from the bodies to leave fewer traces. It was a really wonderful invention, even if it was of little use here because they wanted to burn everything down afterwards anyway. It was actually a bit wasteful; as assassins, she and her sister often worked with drugs and often used them on their many missions. Mostly as a distraction or to kill targets with an overdose, but it was probably necessary to deal a blow to the drug trade in the kingdom.
They quickly moved on so as not to run into more guards. Everything went as planned; they were now so close that they could already see some details of the illuminated hut. Only 20 to 30 meters left...

She was about to take another step when she suddenly felt her sister stop. Immediately, without thinking, she also stopped and ran back the remaining meters as quickly as she could, meanwhile searching her surroundings so that she could cover her sister if she was injured. 

That wasn't the case; her sister was fine, which couldn't be said about the man who had apparently collapsed on the floor.

"Ambush?" she asked in sign language.

"No, that was not me," her sister answered.

"Dead, but not more than 10 minutes," her sister added.

"Mmmm." She mumbled and leaned down to examine the man as well, but not without losing sight of the surroundings.

"Died from blood loss, howeve..." She added

"Completely bloodless, and his wound has been tampered with," her sister continued.

"Probably expertz"

"Children of Ijaniya?" her sister asked, and she mentioned the assasin organization where they had once been trained.

"Possible still doesn't change anything; continue, with more caution," she answered after thinking for a while.

"Understood," signed her sister back.

They approached the hut with increased vigilance; the attackers had probably managed to get in there without raising the alarm. That meant they were very good, but still not as good as them. They had only failed in one assassination attempt, and that was on their devil of a boss. But since Lakyus was anything but a normal person, that couldn't be compared with normal thugs, who were a 'little' different.

"Follow my lead," signed her sister.

Not bothering to answer, she followed and secured her back. Her sister approached the window, peeked through, and checked for traps.

"Clear," her sister signed, and she jumped on the roof to check the window from above to get a better view point.

Since her sister had already checked, she carefully opened the window and looked around. Her sister had already checked the roof, and it also seemed safe.

"IN" signed her sister, and she followed her lead.

The hut was anything but pretty, but as a temporary base for the managers of the drug farmers and the guards, nothing more was needed. The entire hut was devastated; documents and pieces of furniture had been thrown around, and there were a few bodies lying on the floor. One had even been nailed directly to the wall with a short sword. Clearly, someone was here. And in fact, in the light of the oil lamp standing on the desk, she could see two figures. Both turned their backs to her so that she couldn't see their faces. However, that wouldn't have been possible anyway, as both were wearing thick, cloaked coats.

Something was strange; while one of the two people was busy stuffing some documents into a bag, the other, larger of the two people, didn't move a millimeter. Even if she didn't move, her breathing would at least create some movement. 


She looked at her sister, who was standing on top of the rafters, and carefully tried to position herself above the two people in order to attack from above, but that didn't happen.


The bigger of the two figures turned around and jumped without a warning into the rafters. The smaller person turned around too, but seemed to be slitly confused, as if he hadn't spotted them. This theory was confirmed when he didn't attack her and just looked up into the celelling supudely to try and spot where his companion had vanished. 

This was her chance; she rushed out of her hiding place and threw a lightning-fast punch at the intruder's neck. She had to admit that he had just lacked the ability to locate her, but he made up for it with speed of reaction. Since he didn't have a weapon in his hand, he was just able to redirect her stab and deflect it from the neck to the ribs. She drove her knife deep into his torso but noticed that it seemed to get stuck.

An armor?

She improvised, withdrew the knife, and aimed it at his neck once again. Her opponent was able to dodge but was unable to protect his cloak. The clasp of his robe was hit so that the coat began to slip. He jumped back in a flash and quickly kicked her in the diaphragm. She also retreated to protect herself from further attacks. She stood there, panting. The kick had done a lot to her and temporarily paralyzed her. Her attacker took the opportunity to pull his sword out of the corpse that was nailed to the wall.
She kept a close eye on her attacker. His robe had slipped, revealing a well-dressed young man. Raven's black hair adorned his head; it looked like the well-prepared feathers of a crow. His pale white skin gave him an exotic appearance, which was further enhanced by his aristocratic cheekbones. His eyes, however, showed the truth; they were red and slitted like those of a predator.

"A vampire," she thought.


She only felt a rush of air and then a huge crash next to her. Her sister had been thrown against the wall from above with tremendous force. The large figure that had just jumped to the ceiling so quickly landed next to its attacker. His robe had also been destroyed, but while the smaller of the two still looked a little human, the other was definitely a monster. His sharp teeth and claws on his hands made him inhuman.

The oversized monster was about to pounce on her and her sister, who was still lying on the ground, when the other vampire she had just wounded held him back.

"Is it possible to resolve this peacefully, ladies? You are obviously not part of the eight fingers, and since we have the same goal, would it not be easier if we just called it a day?" The black-haired attacker asked with a deep baritone voice. That surprised her, but that wasn't an option. Not only had he seen them and taken some of the documents they needed, he was also a vampire, and he and his companion could take on two Adamant adventures. It was too dangerous; she had to stall for time to wait until the others could get here.

"I think we could discuss..."

"Kill them," ordered the black-haired vampire, and the monster charged at them.

Tina had healed herself with a potion, but it was still a bad matchup. Not only was their attacker much stronger than them, he was also able to ignore all of their poisons. She slashed at her opponent and, surprisingly, drew blood. She had imaggined his resilience a bit more powerfully considering his strength of attack. Still, the enemy just ignored the strike and tried to hit her himself. The claw connected and sent her back through the wall of the small hut. The vampire pursued her, but her sister managed to catch his attention and hold it back a bit.

She wanted to stand up, but suddenly her instincts screamed at her. She spun around and was just able to see her attacker's sword hurtling toward her back.

To quick

way too fast. It was impossible for her to fight it off, let alone avoid it. All hope seemed lost when their attacker suddenly retreated. He stumbled back with a crystal dagger in his chest. 


He fell to the ground, holding his bleeding chest; the wound was severe. 

"Shit" cursed the undead and threw a hateful look at the newly arived masked woman. Then his eyes widened in recognition.

"A vampire? What are you doing here? Why are you trying to help those humans? I am a servant of 'Her'; stand down and let me finish my business. Your intervention is unauthorized." said the vampire with an angry tone.

"I don't know 'Her'," clarified Evileye.

"WHAT?- How can you not? There is no vampire that is stronger than her; she is even more powerful than the legendary Lanfall." The vampire claimed, taken aback.

"I doubt it; I've never heard of 'Her' and I'm sure that in the last few hundred years there hasn't been a vampire who could hold a candle to the legendary 'Ladfall'." claimed Evileye, touting her own horn.

"How dare you disrespect my patron like that? I don't care anymore. Come here, my servant, and use [Self distruct]" commanded the enemy.

His big colleague jumped next to him, and suddenly his skin, which had been cut up by Tina, started to glow red.

"Die, you fools," the raven-haired one said, touched his ring, and vanished in a red light.

"Damned," cried Evileye.

"Take Tina; we have to teleport now," she said in a stressed voice.

She grabbed her sister, who was out cold from her attacker, and rushed towards Evileye to grab her outstraged hand.




Our best boy Felix is back, and he could even stand on even footing with the twins. What is going on here? Find out next chapter.

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