The First World Sphere

Chapter 22 The Wind Splitter

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Chapter 22 The Wind Splitter

While Gareth and I gawked at the beautiful shiny ship the ramp closed. Callem had entered the house with the newly arrived guests. We walked around the parked ship, getting an up-close view. The landing struts were relatively short and looked like they could retract. The copper plating had seams but no rivets and the plates were smooth with graceful curves. We could not find any thrusters, windows, weapon mounts, or other entrances besides the outline for the ramp that had lowered. If we hadn’t known it was the ramp’s entrance we wouldn’t have been able to find it. Gareth spoke first.

“This is the finest skyship I have ever seen. It looks like it is really fast.” Gareth’s observation was spot on in my opinion. It looked like a racing ship with its sleek curves. Most skyships had an open deck on top like a sailing ship. My best guess was this was not a combat ship. Maybe it was a scout or messenger ship.

Callem yelled from the doorway for us to come in. As we walked toward the door I used my cleanliness spell to remove the dirt, grime, and sweat of today’s training. When the vanilla scent hit Gareth’s nose he smelled his own pits and groaned but entered the house with his chin held high.

We entered the farmhouse and we found a large spread of food being put out by Wynna. The Wolfguard woman was seated, sipping on some of the red juice. Callem introduced the guests, “Boys this is Sebastian, a very old friend, and an admiral in the fleet. This woman is Nisil, a skilled mage who protects him and makes sure he does not get into too much trouble.”

Sebastian guffawed, “Protects me? Well, I suppose that I am her charge. I am not a full admiral anymore Callem so stop introducing me as such,” Sebastian’s stiff and proper demeanor suddenly relaxed. “I just build ships for the navy. I mostly do paperwork and work with the engineers on schematics. The only ship I command is the Wind Splitter outside and that has a massive crew of two!” He gestured to Nisil indicating the extent of the crew.

I asked the burning question Gareth and I had, “Can we go inside the Wind Splitter and possibly go for a ride?” I looked hopeful and locked eyes with Sebastian…I hope I wasn’t making pathetic puppy dog eyes.

“Well, Storme you are looking much better!” Sebastian eased into one of the couches. “I suppose I can do a favor for the boys who will be helping train my granddaughter.” Gareth had a confused look and that kicked my memory into gear. Callem and Sebastian had negotiated to have his granddaughter come here to learn defensive skills. She was assaulted by someone if I recalled. “Callem has bartered to have my granddaughter, Cilia, come here and train for a bit.” His follow-up had eased Gareth’s confused look.

“After some food boys I am sure Sebastian will show you his ship,” Wynna joined the conversation. We all took up seats on the large couches and the food was spread across the large table in the center. We all started eating.

Callem was the next to speak, “So what news in the capital?” Sebastian put down his drink.

“No good news I am afraid. The Sadians have attacked three times in the last month. Only one serious attack but they are obvious probing attacks for a larger assault. We are rushing out three new Harbinger class warships in the next two weeks. Putting damn green crews fresh out of the academy on them though, waste of good ships.”

Harbinger? I entered the conversation. “Isn’t the Harbinger an old class of warship? Don’t we have anything newer?” I thought my input was insightful and I wanted to be seen as intelligent in front of Sebastian.

The well-groomed mage answered me, “Yes the Harbinger has been around for a while,” he paused, “We have updated the design seven times over the centuries. It is a solid ship for the cost and size. I tried to switch the construction to the Wasp-class a few years ago. The Wasp is a better ship. It is smaller, faster, just as well-armed, and cheaper to build. That was shot down by the families that control the supply chain for the materials to build the Harbinger though. I did get six Wasps built in my time controlling the yards but the admiralty has incorporated them as scout ships instead of core warships." He sipped his drink and focused on me, "So to answer your question we still focus on building the Harbinger.” Sebastian’s tone was a little bitter. Ok, it was very bitter.

“Yes, boys and their toys.” Wynna quipped, “Well any other news from the capital? That is one thing about having moved out here. It just takes so long for news to reach us unless we use a communication stone.” Callem sipped his juice with vodka and smiled.

“Three things you may be interested in. The Triumvirate has reinstated the Inherited Indenture Law, the dungeon tax has increased by 25% for the next year and The Blackguard has been assigned to a few Harbinger warships, the Firestorm, and the Dark Howler. The Blackguard hasn’t been assigned to warships in about 50 years,” Sebastian supplied. “On the second point, that means your next load of dirt Callem will cost 8 gold instead of 6.”

Callem explained Sebastian’s last statement as Gareth and I were confused, “Sebastian is here to revitalize the soil. I contract a dungeon delver company to haul out soil from a dungeon. It is extremely fertile and has some residual aether properties that help the tobacco grow and maintain its aether effects.” Callem face erupted into a grin, “You boys will be unloading four tons of dirt this afternoon for your training!” (3600 kg). Gareth was unfazed but I was already trying to figure out how many wheelbarrow trips that would take.

“I could dump it like usual…” Sebastian had started to speak but Callem waved him off maintaining his grin.

“Why did they reinstate Inherited Indenture Law?” Wynna asked, turning the conversation.

Sebastian answered, “It was Triumvirate Bricio who rallied to get it reinstated. He even reset the limits from one platinum to fifty platinum on damages to be repaid.” Wynna gasped. “And the work rates have not increased, actually for skilled or magical indentures the rate has been equalized for ‘fairness’.”

Wynna got her teaching lecture façade on. We were about to get a lesson, “Boys, slavery is illegal in Skyholme. Well, it is illegal to have humans as slaves,” she added and looked sadly at Nisil. “However, if you commit a crime or owe a large debt you can be put into indentured service to the offended party. You are tattooed by a mage so they can track you and can't hide or escape. The family that holds the indentured contract must supply food, housing, and fair treatment. In addition, the person’s debt is reduced by 50 silver per week. So, at most a person was going to be indentured for 200 weeks. I think mages had also been at the rate of up to 2 gold per week depending on their arsenal of spells?” Callem and Sebastian nodded in affirmation. “Which has now been rescinded to make everyone just earn 50 silver per week toward their debt. Now it also appears a very old law allows a family member to take someone's place for a crime or debt. So a father can put a child in his place. Also if a person hasn’t paid their debt completely it passes to the eldest born.” Wynna was not at all happy from her tone.

I asked a question, “Can more than one family member take on the debt at once?”

Sebastian’s eyebrows rose, “Yes. I think that is why the Bricio’s increased the debt limit. It allows their indentured enterprises to enlist more family members at once. The Bricio’s are the ONLY family in the city allowed to buy and sell indenture contracts and they always sell them at higher rates than they are worth.” A thought drifted to me. Bricio…that was the last name of the cadet that raped his granddaughter. I already didn’t like them now I had more reasons.

The food on the table had been mostly consumed. I noticed that Nisil had only eaten a little but drank a lot of juice. As we were cleaning up Sebastian talked with Callem just loudly enough for me to stretch my ears to hear.

“So Callem," Sebastian started, "Cilia is looking forward to coming here. I did manage to get her friend to join her. She has a minor healing ability, nothing spectacular but that should suffice the needs you mentioned. Oh, don’t worry I will still provide the list of recovery potions you gave me. With some healing, you can have them train harder though.” Callem had listened intently and then gave a little grin.

“Oh, I hadn’t realized you would be able to find someone so we made other arrangements. Storme has imprinted the mend flesh spell.” What was this ‘we’ Callem mentioned? My guess was that he was just needling Sebastian most likely.

“That boy?” Sebastian was pointing at me now with shock on his face. “At twelve? Impressive and curious. And you are still training him to fight by the looks of his developing frame. I could…”

Callem cut him off, “No the boy is just fine under my tutelage. His magic isn’t overly strong.” Callem said with a straight face. “He just has a little skill affinity for healing magic.”

Sebastian nodded taking the rebuttal and comment. “Well, keep him under wraps. If the triumvirate gets smart they will be drafting him for a full-service term.” Yeah, that wasn’t going to happen. Even if they drafted me, I could easily pay the 100 gold to buy out the draft card.

“What can you tell me about your granddaughter’s friend?” Callem asked and I slow-walked the dishes to the cabinets to make sure I heard everything.

“She has been her roommate since entering the naval academy. Her name is Leda Aethen. Her family owns a minor enchanting shop in the lower city of the capital. She doesn’t have a very strong aptitude for enchanting or magic in general. She has four tier 1 spells to my knowledge; light healing, light flare, updraft, and air shield. Her sword skills are average but she is very good with a staff. I haven’t met her personally but she is a real spitfire according to Cilia.”

Callem took a moment to think and I was basically loitering now as the dishes and food were cleaned up. “How are the young women at hand to hand and wrestling?” I didn’t hear Sebastian’s response as I was pushed out by Gareth.

Nisil opened the ramp to Wind Splitter and we were led inside. The inside was actually white wood with gray growth rings. The white wood helped the light stones placed throughout the ship brighten the place. The entire lower level of the ship was just one large cargo deck with two sets of stairs going up. The bay was full of large crates. Nisil indicated the eight crates in the back were the dungeon soil. We opened the first crate and it was just dirt to me. It had the normal earthy odor and a hint of fresh-cut grass. We got two wheelbarrows and started working, Callem came after we had already unloaded the first two wheelbarrows and we learned there was a correct way to shovel.

The task took a good two hours of constant work to dump in the fields. Then we got to watch Sebastian work his magic. The piles of new soil melted and merged into the earth. The field roiled as he turned the soil and then neat rows ready for planting emerged. With his task finished Sebastian was ready to give us a tour of the Wind Splitter.

We walked up the ramp with Sebastian and he began speaking, “The ship was unearthed a few hundred years ago on one of the Skyholme islands and was in the navy museum as a wreck and curiosity. We learned it was a dark elven transport. Not the dark elves you are thinking of. Just elves that live on the outer sphere in the Dark World. The ship was used to take cargo from the inner sphere to the outer sphere and before you ask we have no idea how it ended up on Skyholme. The nearest passage to the outer sphere is over a hundred thousand miles away,” Sebastian was walking up the stairs and we followed.

We entered the central room on the upper deck. It was filled with runic markings on floor-to-ceiling panels throughout the room. “This is the engineering room. These panels control the anti-gravity units embedded in the hull. Those over there are the movement controllers. This is the central power core.” He pointed out two fist sized violet aether crystals embedded in the runes. “Those two stones can power the ship for a week continuously and fully recharge in about a month. The ship can also be sealed and has its own life support,” he indicated another panel. “But I haven’t restored those runes yet and finding more violet aether crystals to power them…well enough about my problems.” I ran my fingers over the silvery runic script. “Those runic etchings are made from platinum mixed with powered green aether crystal. It lasts much longer than the standard silver mixed with yellow crystal. I am not wealthy enough to use mithril which has the best aether conductivity and would last thousands of years…” He had a dreamy look on his face.

I asked about the white wood. “The bone ashwood? Yes, that is fantastic lumber. It is light, strong, works well with enchantments, and is easily repaired with magic.  It is common in the sphere and also dungeons. The downside is the trees take a long time to grow so finding a supply of large timber is difficult. The outer hull is covered in quarter-inch copper alloy plating strengthened with runic inscriptions”

We walked to the forward room which was the bridge. It had three chairs in the large room and a window. “The window is one-way viewable panel. The central chair is the pilot’s chair and links to the runic panels in the engine room to control the ship. The external remote viewer is also connected to that chair. The right chair is the navigator’s chair but I haven’t been able to restore the functionality. The third chair was the weapon’s operator chair but alas this ship has no weapons,” he sighed. The rest of the rooms on the upper deck were not as interesting. Three small crew cabins, a captain's cabin, a small office with books and a comfortable chair, a larder, a small dining room with seating for ten, two guest cabins, and a common bathroom that had running water both hot and cold.

With the tour done Sebastian took us off the ship and went and talked to Callem. A bit later Sebastian and Nisil were on board and lifting off. Sebastian promised us a ride in the future when he had more time. It was eerily quiet as the Wind Splitter lifted off. Callem approached us. “Hope the tour was good. As you heard we are going to have some guests in a few months. Our training is going to start to include some hand-to-hand, some wrestling, and also some stave work to get ready for them. We are going to teach them to defend themselves in any circumstances.” Callem went into more detail about how the training would change and we listened. I was going to lose a little of my free study time which Callem said was due to the fact I didn’t have any new spells to learn. So then I needed to get Gareth to the capital to get me more spells!

At the end of the day in our bunkhouse lofts, we started talking about when Gareth would make his way to the capital. I planned to have 100 platinum for him so that was going to take some time. But we both decided that he should go in less than a month. My creation skill was close to making enough metal for three platinum at a time. Since I had been using aether to heal and also advancing my cleanliness spell I was stuck at two platinum daily. I had also been making some gold coins but now planned to focus on just platinum. I fell asleep with dreams of getting my own ship similar to the Wind Splitter.

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