The First World Sphere

Chapter 27 The Perfect Man


Chapter 27

I awoke and was uncertain if yesterday had not just been a bad dream. I looked at the bunk next to mine.  The bed was neatly made and the pillows were neatly arranged. Ok maybe it was…but no in the lower room Aelyn was there and she had a bunch of things out from the larder and was cooking. No, she was trying to cook. After watching her for a few minutes nothing she was doing made any sense. I groaned and descended the ladder as I pressed my cleanliness spell a wave of vanilla washed over me and my body felt like I had just exited the shower.

I announced myself, “Morning Aelyn. Callem makes breakfast in the farmhouse. No need to,” I waved my hands at the mess, “do this.” She had a look of disappointment and I felt slightly guilty. I could see Gareth up on his bunk pretending to sleep. He was definitely awake as I knew he usually slept on his stomach and he was facing us on his side with his eyes falsely closed.

“I’m sorry I didn’t know,” she looked a little abashed. “I just thought…”

“No, problem. Gareth get down here and help put these things away,” I said. Gareth gave the fakest yawn ever and started to move and dress slowly. The ring on my finger suddenly felt heavy with responsibility as I watched the young woman. I used my access person ability on her.

Aelyn Imiduis

Half Elf Female

Age 19

Disposition Hopeful

She was quite beautiful now that I studied her. She was tall, maybe a little taller than me right now, perhaps 5’9” (175 cm) or a little taller. She had light blonde hair just past her shoulders that had a silvery highlight to it. Her shoulders were square like a swimmer's. Underneath the baggy clothes I had loaned her she had a lean and muscular frame. She had light curves on her hips and chest. If I had to compare her to my old life I would say she could easily be a top runway model.

“Why?” I asked, cutting the silence. When she looked puzzled at me I added, “Why me? What do you want from me?” Gareth was still up in his loft and we were talking quietly enough he couldn’t hear. She locked her eyes on mine and it was a few seconds before she decided to answer me.

“I...I…You are young.  You won't take advantage of me and you have the potential to be a powerful protector.” My skeptical look had her continue. “You seemed to be my best option with your abilities to get me free one day.  If I am good to you you can buy my freedom from this in the lowlands!” she said with passion as she indicated the tattoo.

What was I to say in response? Internally I was struggling and at a crossroads. Should I be the good guy and commit to helping Aelyn and never take advantage of our relationship? Should I just lead her on and never actually plan to help her? Or should I just abuse the power the ring had over her? The last one was really never an option for me as it didn’t fit my personality. I was quiet as her beautiful face slowly produced tears.  Gareth was coming down the ladder. I whispered to her, “Fine! I will do what I can to free you of the mark.” Aelyn wiped the tears before Gareth could notice them. I didn’t think they were crocodile tears but it was definitely an attempt to garner pity from me.

The cleanup of Aelyn’s breakfast mess was quick after that but it was clear there was tension between Gareth and Aelyn. I was tempted to intervene but didn’t have the energy right now. We all left to go to the farmhouse for breakfast.

Wynna had a large spread out and a smile on her face, “Everyone sleep well? Aelyn were the boys gentlemen?” Aelyn looked at me before responding and I just nodded. Why did I have to nod for her to speak?

“Yes. They were good to me and the accommodations are pleasant. The vanilla smell is nice too.  I was expecting the boys living arrangements to smell unpleasant.” She responded and seemed relaxed for the first time since I met her.  I saw Gareth was about to comment on my vanilla scent and gave him a hard glare.  He clapped his mouth shut holding in his quip.

“Excellent! Callem will be out in a minute to talk with everyone. We have been up most of the night deciding what to do,” Wynna said. I was not comforted by those words. We all started to dig in. I went for some slightly burnt toast with scrambled eggs and filled the other half of my plate with thick-cut bacon. I thought if the shit was about to hit the fan at least I could have a good last meal.

Callem came out and joined us. Everyone slowed their eating except me waiting for Callem to talk but he just started eating too. Fifteen minutes later the food was gone and just empty plates were left and all eyes were on Callem. He laid back in his chair and spoke.

“It has been an interesting night.” He gathered himself. “Here I thought Gareth was going to be the one causing an uproar in the capital one day,” Callem sighed and looked and me and then at Gareth. “You didn’t know but myself, Wynna and Ennet had things in motion to be your teachers at your first year of the academy in Hen’s Hollow.” It was a shocking revelation to me.  When you turned 14 you did one year of the academy, usually near your home before proceeding to an academy for your career.  “Hopefully we can still get to that point.” Callem sipped on some juice.

Callem continued with all of us silent and in rapt attention. “From what Storme and Gareth told us last night we will make contact with friends in the capital to see if there is any backlash from Gareth’s spending.  A few dozen platinum is not a big deal…but a few dozen platinum spent by an unknown boy might stir interest from the wrong crowd.“

My mind started putting some pieces together and I told Callem and Wynna our original plan, “Callem we had planned to set up a mysterious patron for ourselves to funnel the wealth.”  I didn’t use the term ‘launder’ because I didn’t feel like explaining the slang to Callem. Callem looked thoughtful and nodded.  It was Wynna who spoke.

“Callem it would draw eyes to use and away from the boys.  We just need to control their impulsive spending.”  She eyed Gareth and then me.  Why was she eyeing me?  I hadn’t spent dozens of platinum openly!  Wynna nodded mostly to herself then spoke, “Yes.  Callem can go to Solaris this week and open an account for you Storme at the Depository.” That was basically a bank run by the Triumvirate. 

I added, “Um, we have been saying our patron is a woman from the lowlands.”  Wynna pursed her lips in slight irritation.

“Well, I can make a deposit for you then.  You can just tell them I am your patron.” Wynna smiled but it felt forced. “It is well known I am quite wealthy in the capital so it should not draw too much attention.  But let us limit the deposit to say…10 platinum.  That is a sizable amount and should last you two until you graduate from the academy.  As to the boys that assaulted Storme in the alley I will file a report with the guards in regards to the amount of coin that was taken.” I hadn’t told them that there had been a guard who had assisted in the attack.

“Wynna,” I started but she didn’t seem angry at my interruption, “thank you. But I think one of the people who assaulted me was a guard or at least related to one of the boys.  He guarded the alley entrance while I was attacked.”

Gareth and Callem's eyes immediately flashed with a hunger for vengeance.  Callem spoke with steel, “Do you know who?”

“Unfortunately other than the red hair I can not recall his appearance,” I said with my head down.  Callem had trained me better than that and I hadn’t used my assess person ability either.

“Don’t mention the amount of coin then Wynna when you file a report.  It might cause a ripple effect we don’t want.  Just deposit the coins for Storme after you file and you can give him the access medallion when you return.  They cost five gold Storme so add that to the 10 platinum you are giving Wynna. A medallion is a magic device that you can use to access your coins stored at any Depository in Skyholme.  Better yet I will go with you to Solaris Wynna for your protection.” At first, Wynna looked a little put off but then spoke with a grin.

“Maybe we should spend the night at that inn where your friend works?” Her eyebrows arched in mischief. 

Callem quickly caught on but looked at Aelyn who had been quiet this entire time, “Yes we can stay there.  I believe I can trust these boys with Aelyn for a night.  If they don’t behave just let me know girl. Aelyn you have some skills? Well if not you soon will. You will begin training with the boys.  Sebastian is bringing his granddaughter here soon with her friend so that should make you comfortable. It is a few months earlier than planned but when I talked with Sebastian recently he wanted to get her out of the Naval Academy sooner rather than later.”  Callem was nodding to himself like he was the wisest man in the room.  He was probably thinking that three women vs two boys would even the odds.  He drank some juice. Callem stood and said “Time for stretching!”

We went outside and started the stretching routine. We found out Aelyn was in the acrobat troupe at the carnival and she crushed all of us on mobility and flexibility. It sucked for me because I was still at the bottom of the ladder. She also took get pleasure in correcting Gareth's form which caused me to smirk for joy. When we finished I went inside to make dinner. Callem decided Aelyn could either help with the farm work or help me. She decided to help me. I quickly found out she was terrible in the kitchen and told her to just watch and we talked. Wynna stayed in her bedroom and that allowed us to talk freely.

I asked her to tell me about herself. Her mother had been a dungeon delver and had gotten pregnant in a dungeon by someone in her party. That was really the only place inter-race conception could happen, the dungeons somehow assisted and it was how the Wolfsguard were bred according to rumors.  One full-blooded Wolfkin and one human.

Once her mother got pregnant she stopped dungeon delving and joined her family who was the acting troupe in the carnival. That is where she grew up, traveling from city to city on the massive airship. She got some teasing from the elves in the troupe for being a half-breed so she joined the acrobat troupe in the carnival from age 11 onward. She learned the rapier for one of her acts. She took to the weapon and learned from various swordsmen in various cities. She wasn’t a master swordswoman herself but was moving in that direction. When I asked about her sword act she said she was positioned in a circle with twelve men surrounding her. They all attacked her at once and she fended them all off. It was a flashy and choreographed act with her utilizing her acrobatics, tumbling, and sword skills. The other act she participated in was just a high-flying tumbling act with the troupe dressed in skin suits to show off their athletic bodies. I think we had seen the act but I didn’t mention that to Aelyn since I didn’t recognize her from the show.

It all sounded very impressive to me. For my end, I prepared teriyaki chicken with pineapple rice. I had a pineapple substitute that worked just as well as pineapple. Pineapple was one of the things I hadn’t yet found in this new world. I was certain I would eventually find it as it seemed everything from earth was here in some form.

When I finished preparing dinner it was time to go to training so we headed out to the obstacle course with Callem and Gareth. Callem explained course A to Aelyn. Gareth ran the course first to show Aelyn how it was done. Aelyn ran it second and tried her hardest to beat Gareth’s time. She was just 9 seconds off his time! I cheered her and patted her on her back. She was breathing hard and she wanted to go again. She probably had figured out some ways to cut her time. She wanted to beat Gareth so badly. I ran a disappointing course after Aelyn, 19 seconds slower than my best time and well behind the other two.

Callem decided for us all to do course B instead of rerunning the A course. It focused more on agility so Aelyn should have a chance to beat Gareth. As Gareth ran the course I asked Aelyn, “What is your beef with Gareth? He is a good person and he freed you.” Aelyn studied me and finally made to give me an answer.

“I have a small aether core. I have only imprinted one spell, read surface thoughts. I read his thoughts and…his thoughts were of what I looked like naked…kissing me…and…” I waved my hands in understanding and for her to stop before my opinion of my best friend dropped. She continued, “When I read you last night…your thoughts…”

“Whoa, stop there. Please don’t do that again! You shouldn’t do that to anyone without asking.” I was shaking my head. Gareth had finished the course and was returning to us. Callem had Aelyn line up and start. She beat Gareth’s time by 6 seconds! I had cheered her the entire time. Gareth gave me a sour look as I cheered for Aelyn. But his eyes did pop when she navigated the course with rolls, tumbles, and flips.  Gareth was learning from her movements and I just hoped Callem didn’t get any ideas on how to make the course more difficult.  Who was I kidding?  Of course, the course was going to get an upgrade.

Callem congratulated her. It was great that someone could challenge and push Gareth as he was getting further and further ahead of me.

We moved to the training yard and Callem wanted to evaluate Aelyn’s skill with the rapier. I was the third wheel as Gareth and Aelyn spared, Gareth with a lightened broad sword, and Aelyn with a rapier. Aelyn bested him in the first nine engagements. It made Gareth frustrated and I was cheering for both Aelyn and Gareth equally. How had she won me over so quickly? It had to be the eyes. I was always a sucker for pretty eyes in my past life and hers had a depth to them. The matches continued and soon Gareth was winning 1 out of 3 engagements but that seemed his limit and Callem stopped the practice.

“Aelyn you will be a master of that rapier in a few years,” Callem said with respect in his voice. “You are incredible Aelyn. And Gareth you made a lot of progress. You just had trouble with her speed as she has a much lighter weapon and better mobility. We will start to work on counters for her style of swordwork.” Gareth looked relieved. He was probably worried Callem had found a new protégée. “Storme why don’t you go study for a bit?” I was happy to get away without sparring and embarrassing myself in front of Aelyn.

I went to my loft after using cleanliness and got to work on my obfuscate abilities spell. All too soon I was called to lunch and both Gareth and Aelyn were an absolute mess. Gareth had a smirk of victory on his face and Aelyn the shadow of defeat on hers. Callem said Gareth had won 8 of the last 10 engagements. That was a huge turnaround in such a short time…just two hours or so.

Lunch was just sandwiches that Wynna had made and some fruit juice. Aelyn asked how I was always clean all the frigging time. She was covered in dirt, nicks, and bruises. I healed her and she gasped and looked at me like it was the first time she had ever seen me. She asked me how old I was and when I said 12 she thought I was lying. She thought it even more absurd that I was actually older than Gareth by a few months as Gareth was over 6'1" (186 cm) afterall. After lunch, Callem said we would be practicing wrestling and I moaned. Gareth was dominating me lately. I thought about not healing Gareth before the match but caved and did heal him. If I hadn't healed him he would take it as a sign to be extra aggressive to equal out our disadvantages.

Wrestling was more of a submission form of combat, immobilize your opponent and get them to submit with an arm or leg lock. I was shocked as what Callem had in mind was me against Aelyn since we were of similar size. She took the first two bouts with an arm lock because I was hesitant to wrestle a woman. I wizened up with encouragement from Gareth and got Aelyn seven times in a row. She wasn’t very skilled in wrestling and that was why I found it easier to win even though she was quite quick and slippery. As long as I treated her like any other combatant I could lock her up when we engaged.

Callem was grinning openly as he now had another exceptional student.

After wrestling, we went to practice with staves. I easily bested Aelyn as she was unfamiliar with the weapon and Callem was instructing her. Then I was paired with Gareth and he had his chance to get revenge for all the times I cheered Aelyn over him today. I actually got two concussions from him that I had to heal. Callem was a bit angry with my injuries as head strikes were generally off-limits unless we were wearing the hard leather caps and today we were not.

It was finally time for dinner and after cleaning the practice yard Aelyn went to wash in the stream and Gareth didn’t know what to do. There really was only one spot in the stream deep enough to wash. He ended up waiting for her to return before going to wash. I just used my spell to clean up and used my brief amount of spare time to study my spell. While Gareth was gone Aelyn talked to me.

“So what other magic do you have? Cleaning, healing, cooking, gold producing…you are basically the perfect man.” I blushed hard at Aelyn’s words.

“You brought me some new spells. I hope to learn them in the next few months.” I said. Wow in less than a day the young woman had befriended me and learned all my secrets. Gareth returned, clean and smelling a lot better. I hit my vanilla scent a few times to irritate him.

We went to the farmhouse and I cooked the prepped meal. Aelyn was very impressed with the dish, having two servings. I had made enough for 10 people but it was all gone in an hour and Gareth also seemed impressed at Aelyn’s stomach. During the meal, Callem and Wynna did most of the talking with Callem relaying the results of the days training. I noticed that Callem had managed to praise all of us multiple times. I wish I had made a dessert tonight but hadn’t thought about it. I really wanted to make ice cream. I just needed a cold container...maybe I could use ice from the freezer to insulate a bucket?

We sat down for lessons with Wynna after the dishes were done. Tonight we had Aelyn with us and Wynna’s lessons were on the cultures and inhabitants of the lowlands. It had only been an hour of listening to Aelyn describe her impressions of various cities and cultures.  She did have a nice feminine voice I noted.  Finally, Callem stood and said time was up.  Aelyn could stay and discuss swordsmanship with him and Gareth or go to the room and relax. I decided for her, “I think Aelyn could learn more from you two.  She would be bored watching me read books.” I was deflecting her attention as I had been slightly smitten by her today.  The fact that I realized my attraction to her was my defense against her charms.  I retreated to my room, leaving everyone. 

Later on, in the evening Aelyn and Gareth returned.  Since Aelyn was next to me she was able two whisper two words to me before she crawled under her blankets.  Those two words were, “thank you.”

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