The Flip Side

Chapter 45: Welcome

Chapter 49 is available for Patreons

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Dan and Brian eat dinner with us, and afterward, Mom pulls Dan and me into her room.

She hands me a large box of condoms. “Andie, you are to use these every time. If you need more, then just ask. I’ll happily buy them for you.”

“Thanks, Mom, but we can buy our own. I don’t expect you to pay for our sex life.”

“That’s fine, too, just be sure you do it.” She looks at Dan. “Clear?”

“Yes, Ma’am.”

“Good. Now, I’d much rather you two make love at your place or ours and not out in some car in public. The thought of you two being arrested for public indecency isn’t something I want to have to worry about.”

“Mom, does that mean that Dan can stay the night as well as my staying over at his place?”

“It does. Just let me know ahead of time when you decide to do that.”

“You got it. Can he spend the night with me tonight? His parents are gone for the weekend.”

“He’s welcome here most any time. Just don’t forget about all your other responsibilities. If you’re like me, then it’s easy for you to get lost during sex.”

“MOM! TMI!” I giggle at Dan’s shocked expression. He’ll just have to get used to me and Mom being open with one another. “I promise that I won’t.”

She smiles. “Good. Now, you two scoot.”

“We’re going to run over to his place to get his uniform for tomorrow and go shopping. We should be back before 10.”

“Okay. Be careful, you two.”

“We will. Love you.”

“Love you, too. Dan?” He turns to look at her. “Welcome to the family.” She laughs at his expression and then asks, “Too soon?”

I roll my eyes as I reply, “Definitely.”

Mom sure must like Dan as much as she teases him. Of course, from her point of view, what isn’t to like? He’s kind, polite, treats me well, very protective, and he loves me. Some of the reasons that I fell in love with him myself. Mom liking/loving him too makes it so much better and easier.

We get up and walk to the door, where I pause and look back at her. “Mom, thank you for trusting me.”

“Baby Girl, you’ve never given me a reason not to trust you. Just promise me that you’ll be careful. You’re the same age I was when I had you. I don’t regret it for a single minute, but I’d much rather see you tackle your future without the extra stress of having a child to care for.”

“Mom, would you believe me if I promised that I won’t have a child until after college?”

“I would.”

“Then, I promise.”

“And I believe you. Go on, now.”

I blow her a kiss. “See you later, Mom.”

I pick up Dan in the living room, then I grab my keys and clutch, and we walk to my Mustang. He doesn’t say anything until we’re on the highway heading to his house.

“You have a much better relationship with your mom than I do with my parents.”

I glance at him for a moment as I ask. “I do? Well, it might have something to do with the fact we’re mother and daughter. I believe girls tend to be more open with their Mothers. Well, at least, I am. We promised each other never to hide anything from one another. Men are kind of expected to be self-reliant.” I reach over and take his hand. “Although, I hope you’ll rely on me as much as I do you. I hope you know that I’ll always be here for you and will always support you in whatever you want to do.”

I see him smile out of the corner of my eye. “I’ve said it before, but you’re an amazing girl. My parents are going to love you as much as I do.”

“Maybe, but when are you going to introduce us?”

He looks over at me. “You want to meet them?”

“It isn’t necessarily about wanting to meet them, but I do think they should meet your girlfriend. If it were my Mom, she’d want to meet you, so I assume your parents would want to meet me. Don’t you think so?”

“Sweetheart…” He sighs. “My parents don’t even know about you.”

“Huh?!” I immediately pull the car over and turn to stare at him balefully. “Why not?! And you damn well better not be telling me that you’re too embarrassed to tell them that you’re seeing me.”

He looks shocked for a moment, then exclaims, “Good God, Andie! Hell no! It’s just that, well, my parents and I haven’t really talked that much ever since middle school.”

It’s my turn to look shocked and then I’m sad. It’s awful that his parents seem to be so disinterested, and only one word comes to mind. “Why?”

He shrugs. “I don’t believe that they don’t care about me. It’s more that they are busy with work. Regardless, I can take care of myself.”

I can’t seem to help myself when I snap, “That’s just selfish!” He shrugs again. “On second thought, I’m not sure I want to meet them. Goddess! How could any parents be disinterested in their child’s life and wellbeing?!”

“Sweetheart, not all parents are like your Mom. I’m fine with it. Hell, it would probably freak me out if they suddenly did take an interest in my life.”

My sadness turns into anger in an instant. “I will never, ever, ever do that to you or our children!”

“Andie, calm down. It’s alright.”

“It most assuredly isn’t alright!” I take a deep breath and let it out. “I’m sorry. I have really strong feelings about this, and it’s just wrong on so many levels.” I take another deep breath and blow out my breath, trying to calm down, then I lean over and softly kiss him. “I suppose I just don’t get it. To me, you’re the most important person in my world, and I just can’t see myself doing something like that.”

“Sweetheart, you aren’t my parents. I knew that soon after we began dating, seeing as you took an active interest in me and my life.”

“And I always will,” I growl softly. “Whatever. Let’s get your uniform and bookbag, and then go shopping.”

“What for?”

I point to his crotch. “Did you already forget what I told you?”


“Good, because we’re getting you those boxers.” I smile coquettishly and wink at him. “If you’re a good boy, I’ll let you pick out something nice for me as well.”

Him saying, “Now, that’s a plan that I can get behind,” makes me laugh.

Putting the car back in gear, we make our way back out into traffic and head to his house. It doesn’t take us too long to get there. I park in the driveway, and we head inside. Walking up to his room, I close and lock the door behind us. The snick of the lock makes him turn around to look at me.

Walking up to him, I take his hands and place them on my waist as I place mine on his chest and stand on my tiptoes for a kiss. Pulling me tightly against him, he crushes my breasts against his chest as he takes my lips for a deep, long kiss.

As we kiss, I unbutton his shirt and slip it off of him. Then I lightly trace my fingernails along his chest. Breaking our kiss, I pull off my crop top and unhook my bra, letting them fall to the floor.

Shoving him over to the bed, I tell him, “Strip, Love.”

I quickly remove my skirt, shoes, socks, and panties, leaving them where they lay on the floor. Smiling, I sashay my way over to him, push him down onto the bed, and crawl on top of him as he smiles at me.

We’ll just say that I rode him hard, and he gave me two mind-blowing orgasms before he finally came in me. Afterward, I lay down on top of him to snuggle as he lightly traces his fingers along my back.

“That was... unexpected.”

“Mmm~ Maybe you didn’t expect it, but I planned to jump you when we got here, and I am glad I did because it was soooo good,” I tell him, then kiss his neck.

“That it was. Do you have any idea how much I love you?”

“Mhmm. I’ve got a pretty good idea,” I reply as I run my left hand’s fingers through his damp hair.

“I thought you wanted to go shopping?”

Sitting up so that I can look at him, I smirk as I ask, “Don’t tell me that you’d prefer we go shopping over making love to me?”

He laughs. “Of course not, Sweetheart. It’s just that they close in a couple of hours, so if we’re going to go, then we should. I’m fine with it either way.”

“Alright, let’s go, but don’t think for a single moment that I’m done with you yet,” I grumble as I reply.

He merely smiles at me and says, “After last night, I believe you, and I was hoping not.”

We get up, clean up and redress. He gathers his uniform and other things he needs for tomorrow. Heading out to my car, he opens my door for me, then closes it when I’m seated and gets in himself. I truly love how much of a gentleman he is, not to mention all the other little things he does to spoil me and show me how much I mean to him.

We head off up the Keys to Southland Mall as he again reaches over the console and places his hand high up on my thigh. It’s not huge, but it will have what we need.

“Where are we going?”

“GBG at Southland. We can get your boxers there,” I turn to give him a sultry glance, “and then to Victoria’s Secret, where you can pick something nice that you’d like to see me in.”

At the mall, he takes my hand as we walk to the entrance. I stop to look at a dress or skirt here and there in the display windows. Eventually, we reach GBG and walk in, and head over to the men’s section. I walk right past the cheaper boxers, although that’s a relative term for this store, and over the next half-hour, select 7 pairs of silk boxers for him.

We head over to the check-out counter, where I stop him from pulling out his wallet. “I’ll buy these, you can buy me something intimate just for us,” I murmur in his ear. He smiles and nods. “Good boy,” I murmur and kiss his neck.

Removing my debit card from my clutch, I hand it to the clerk and realize that this is the first time that I’ve used any of the money Mother gave me.

After I sign, we collect the bag with his boxers and the receipt, then slowly make our way over to Victoria’s Secret, hand-in-hand. Along the way, he asks, “Andrea Nichole Williams, will you go to the end of the year formal with me?”

He surprises me with that, so I stop in my tracks and stare at him for a moment. I’m quite sure I flashed my panties when I literally leap into his arms, wrap my legs around his waist and cry out, “Yes!”

I give him a big kiss, then slide off of him as people clap around us, so I guess they heard his question. I blush a bit, but I have enough presence of mind to curtsy slightly as I smile, which makes several of them laugh.

Someone says, “Better treat her right, she seems to be a keeper.” I turn to look and see that it’s Hazel, the older lady we met the day Dan asked me to be his girlfriend.

Smiling, I walk over, then hug her gently as she pats my back. Stepping back, I say, “I’m surprised to see you, Mrs. Hazel.”

“It’s simply Hazel, and I’m surprised that you remembered my name.”

“Of course I would. You and your husband are kind of ingrained in an important memory of mine.”

We chat for a few more minutes until she finally says that she needs to go. We tell her goodbye, and I think, ‘That’s twice now that she’s been there for important events in my life.’ Taking Dan’s arm, we continue our slow amble to Victoria’s Secret. It takes a while to find what he wants to buy me there, but he finally settles on a silk see-through, sky-blue nightgown, and panty set. That set cost far more than what I paid for his boxers. I’m mostly impressed that he wasn’t the least bit embarrassed to enter the store with me.

When we finally make it home, I hand him all our bags and tell him, “Go on up to our room. I need to talk to Mom for a bit.”

He merely nods, gives me a short, soft kiss, and heads upstairs. Walking to Mom’s room, I knock and she says, “Come in.”

I close the door behind me as she looks up from her laptop, and I tell her, “Hi, Mom. We’re back.”

“I heard the garage door.”

“Mom, Dan asked me to attend the end of year formal with him.”


I smile. “I told him yes,” I chirp brightly.

“Then we’ll need to go gown shopping for you soon. Do you know the type of gown you want to wear?” I shake my head. “Well, we’ll find the perfect one for you. One that’ll blow his mind. Sound good?”

“Hell, yes!”

She chuckles, then says, “Language, young lady.”

As always: A huge thank you to all my Patreons!

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