The Flip Side

Chapter 51: Calm and Peaceful

Chapter 51 is available for Patreons

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Our sunbathing turns into topless sunbathing while the boys fish. I suppose you could chalk it up to a perk of being on a secluded island. Neither Alla nor I are worried if the boys see us like this. We aren’t ashamed of our bodies in any way. Plus, it isn’t as if either of our bikinis leave much to the imagination.

Regardless, we spend the next several hours sunbathing, talking about this or that while listening to music, along with an occasional dip into the ocean to cool ourselves off, generally just enjoying the lazy day. I hear people bitching about the weather here in Florida all the time. Usually, those who’ve moved here, although I have been known to make a comment about how sticky the day is here and there, overall I love it. Yes, Florida is hot and humid, but everything else makes up for it in my opinion. The topmost of those reasons is the easy access to beaches, and you know me, I’m a beach bunny. I’ll never pass up a chance to go play at the beach.

As noon rolls around, Alla and I put our bikini tops back on, slip on our coverups, and yell for the boys to come in for lunch. Then we head inside to begin making a light lunch for the four of us, consisting of simple sandwiches and chips.

It doesn’t take long for them to show up. Alla wrinkles her nose when she catches a whiff of them and immediately demands, “Go wash up, you two smell horrible,” which makes them smile and chuckle softly, and they head off to do as directed.

Thankfully, being the girl I am, the smell of fish and seafood doesn’t bother me. It’d best not, or I’d be in serious trouble considering how much I adore seafood in general. In my opinion, there’s nothing better than freshly caught and prepared seafood. Even if the preparation of some of said foods can be a touch disgusting, the taste more than makes up for it.

That might seem as if I’m rambling, but I’m not. I didn’t bring it up simply because the boys smell like fish, but also because they caught several White Snapper, more than enough for dinner, so I’ll be preparing them for our dinner later this evening. I’ll probably make the boys clean and gut them first though. I don’t have any qualms about doing it myself, but why should I when I have two strong men who’ll happily do it for me?

Regardless, we store the fish they caught, eat lunch and then decide to retire to our rooms to rest for a while once we’ve cleaned up the minor mess from lunch.

With that in mind, I send Dan upstairs to take a shower. I may not mind the smell of fish, but that doesn’t mean I want him to smell like it when we’re snuggling. In our room, I find Dan just coming out of the shower with a towel wrapped around his waist. Giving him a quick kiss, I tell him, “I’ll be right back, I could use a quick shower myself.” In my case, it’s taking a shower to clean away all the sweat from laying out this morning.

It doesn’t take long to rinse off and dry myself, then I head back into the bedroom and pause in the doorway as I drink in the sight of my handsome man laying on the bed waiting for me. I feel a flush of heat in my stomach as well as between my legs.

Believe me, I could use the nap, but right now, all I want is to feel him inside me again, so I drop my towel as I sashay over to the bed and crawl on top of him. Afterward, I lay down on top of him with my face buried in his neck to cuddle with him and enjoy the afterglow of us making love. We stay like this as his fingers lightly trace random patterns along my back for quite a while.

I know a lot of people my age have problems with just being together quietly and feel the need to fill the silence with random babble. Personally, I’ve never seen or felt the need to do that, especially with Dan. We’re comfortable enough with each other that we can simply be, and I truly enjoy it.

I’ve asked Mom if it was strange that we are that way. She simply smiled at me and replied, “There are couples that can speak volumes to each other without uttering a single word. A look or a touch is more than enough to convey what they want. I’m glad to see that you and Dan have that. After all, it’s rather rare and special.”

Finally, I move off of him, and he spoons with me, reaching around to cup one of my breasts as I use his other arm as a pillow. His breathing slows and becomes steady as he falls asleep, and it doesn’t take long for me to follow him.

A couple of hours later, Dan’s phone rings, rudely interrupting our nap. Grumbling, I sit up so he can reach over to pick it up and answer it.

“Hello… Nothing much, Andie and I were taking a nap… Yes, you guys are still invited for tomorrow… No, not unless there’s something special you guys want to eat… Mhmm. Sure… Alright. We’ll meet you at the docks then… Uh-huh. We’ll see you then. Later”

He ends the call and sets his phone down. “Sorry, Babe.”

I shrug and murmur, “No big deal. Who was it?”


I quirk an eyebrow and as neutrally as I can, ask, “Oh? He’s coming this weekend?”

He nods. “Him, several other members of the baseball team, and their girlfriends. You already know the cheerleaders are coming along with their boyfriends.”

I stand up and stretch as I reply, “I knew about everyone else.”

He stares at me for a moment, then says, “Andie… Sweetheart, I know you don’t like Kevin, but he has his good points, too.”

I shrug again. “I didn’t say anything about him.” I sigh and continue, “You’re right. I don’t like him. I don’t like the way he undresses me with his eyes. I damn sure don’t like being talked down to by him. Nor do I like the way he talks about women in general. But, he’s not my friend. I don’t have to like him. You like him, and that’s enough for me to at least tolerate him in spite of all of his, umm… quirks. There’s a damn good reason he’s never had a girlfriend, and you know it.”

He nods acknowledging my point, reaches out, takes my arm, and lightly pulls on me as he says, “I can call him back and tell him not to come.”

I shake my head as I crawl into his lap facing him. “No. I’m not going to be one of those women who try to tell their men who they can and can’t have as friends. I can deal with him as long as he isn’t being too outrageous, alright?”

“Do you know how much I love you?” He murmurs in my ear.

I smile as I reply, “Of course I do. I love you, too.”

You can have three guesses about what happens next, and the first two don’t count. As I said before, I’m a lusty lil’ minx. I love sex with Dan, and he’s very attentive to my needs, so more is better in my opinion, not that he ever complains. Of course, simply cuddling with him is awesome too, but that doesn’t begin to compare to him giving me a mind-blowing, toe-curling orgasm as he cums deep inside me.

 ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇

Dinner is fabulous, even if I do say so myself. Mom and I are still working with Alla on her cooking, so her ability to help is rather limited, especially considering what I make this evening.

Pan blackened white snapper, German potatoes, butter and garlic sauteed green beans with mushrooms, oven-roasted corn on the cob, and some premade dinner rolls we bought when we went shopping.

Everyone really seems to enjoy the meal as we chat about different subjects while we eat. Alla and I were astounded when the boys announced that they would clean up. After that, the four of us watched the sunset on the deck.

Once it finally drops below the horizon, I look over my shoulder and murmur, “Love, take me to bed, and make love to me.”

He doesn’t bother saying anything and wastes little time in leading me back to our room, locking the door behind us.

For you boys out there, just imagine if a gorgeous, blue-eyed, silver-haired, demi-Goddess were to turn around in your arms, slip her arms around your neck, and unconditionally offer herself to you to do with as you please. Now, considering that, what would you do?


Much, much later, I’m coming back from the bathroom when he takes my hand and pulls me to sit between his legs. Turning around, I lean back against him with a small smile. He slips his arms around my waist and kisses my neck. Reaching down, I trace my fingers along his hands and forearms, merely enjoying the warmth of our closeness.

He surprises me to no end when he suddenly announces, “I want a baby girl with you, so I can spoil her.”

Looking over my shoulder in surprise, I smile, and merely say, “Sure. Whatever you want, but you know it’s not really up to me.”

He smiles back and pulls me tighter against him.


“Sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you. It’s just that you make me really happy,” he murmurs. “I love you so much. I don’t know what I’d do without you. I’ll never let you go.”

“Hmmm… That’s good to know,” I tell him as I lift his hand and give it a kiss. “I love you, too, and I want a family with you as well, but you do realize that it isn’t going to be anytime soon, right? We have high school and college to get through. After that, I’ll be more than happy to give you as many babies as you want, but not before. Capiche?”

He merely “Mhmm’s,” and kisses my neck again.

I love these calm and peaceful moments of ours in the aftermath of us making love. Cuddling and quietly talking about anything and everything. Goddess, I love him so much, and I’m so glad that I shoved my fears down and took a leap of faith with him.

Could he still hurt me? Undoubtedly. There’s always a chance of that happening when you give someone your heart and trust them with it. Do I think he will? Not in the slightest.

 ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇

[Friday, June 14]

The alarm wakes us this morning, and we both head to the bathroom to relieve ourselves and brush our teeth. As often as not, we begin our day by making love, and this morning is no different.

Afterward, we shower and dress since we have to go into Marathon this morning to get what we need for the BBQ we’re having for everyone this evening.

For me, that entails a white mini skirt, mint-green halter top, and white sandals. Comfortable as well as rather cute. Then I braid my hair into a sidetail and let it drape across my left shoulder. Finally, I apply a tiny bit of makeup along with some tinted lipgloss, and I’m ready for our shopping trip.

We’re not doing anything fancy for this weekend. Hamburgers, hot dogs, some sausages, and the like, along with chips.

As we’re heading down to the dock, my phone rings, and I look at it and see that it’s Mia calling.

Clicking the accept icon, I chirp, “Hi!”

She giggles at my bright reply and says, “Hi yourself. We’re a bit early, but a few of us are here.”

“Perfect! We’re just heading down to the dock to come ashore. We’ll see you in 20 minutes or so. You can help us shop, too.”

“Sounds like a plan. See you soon.”

She ends the call, and I tell everyone that several people are waiting for us as we climb into the boat.

As always: A huge thank you to all my Patreons!

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