The Flip Side

Chapter 56: Life Is a Puzzle

[Wednesday, July 3rd]

When Alla and I get back, Dan basically drags my ass up to our room and damn near puts me in an orgasmic coma. I’m not complaining by any means, so don’t think that. Trust me, having a loving, caring boyfriend who can rock your world in bed is a wondrous thing.

Dan fell asleep as we’re snuggling. For whatever reason, I can’t. Laying there with my mind wandering, a thought occurs to me, so I ask, ‘Mother, do you have anything to do with Dan’s stamina?’

I can almost see the smirk when she replies, ‘Of course, my lovely daughter. You don’t believe for one second that I’d ever want you to be unsatisfied do you?’

I had to ask, ‘I’m not complaining, so don’t think that, but why?’

‘Why? Is it not the duty of a mother to ensure her daughter’s happiness? A satisfying sex life is part of that in my opinion, so of course, I tweaked his stamina. I changed nothing else about him, though. I promise.’

Honestly, her saying that made me blush my little butt off. Discussing intimate matters with one’s mother is not typical, but then again, we are not a typical mother-daughter pair. My mother is a Goddess, which, of course, makes me a demi-Goddess, so that definitely complicates things. Especially when my mother has a tendency to eavesdrop on my thoughts. Despite this, I am grateful to have such an understanding and supportive mother. It still surprises me that she was once known as a trickster.

‘Daughter, believe me, I was a trickster back then. You, however, are my pride and joy.’

‘Thank you, Mother.’ Then, another thought occurs to me, and I ask, ‘Mother, have you ever had any other children?’

Her reply was immediate and adamant. ‘No, you are my one and only child.’

‘Then, may I ask, why me? Why did you choose my prayer to answer?’

I thought she wasn’t going to answer me because she didn’t say anything for a few minutes. Finally, she says, ‘Your prayer called out for me. It was something I simply couldn’t ignore like I usually do. You are special. You don’t realize it yet, but you are. I’ve told you, you have a destiny, so your prayers carry weight with the Gods and Goddesses.’

‘If that’s so, then why did my prayers to change my father do nothing?’

‘You already know the answer,’ she says. ‘Free will. You know we can’t interfere with that. That is the number one rule laid down by ‘The One’ for us.’

I sigh mentally. ‘One of these days, you’ll have to explain all these rules to me.’

‘That is one thing I can’t do. The rules wield power, my daughter.’

I frown because I don’t understand why she can’t explain the rules to me, and just what does she mean rules wield power? I sigh, deciding to let it go for now, knowing that like so many other things we’ve discussed, she’ll eventually tell me or the truth will reveal itself when the time is right.

Regardless, I can’t help but feel a surge of curiosity mingled with a touch of frustration. I know my mother holds many answers, yet there are always barriers preventing her from fully explaining the mysteries of why I’m here. Why I, of all people, have a destiny that seems to be so important that a Goddess would intervene. Why did I have to become a girl to fulfill it? Was it specifically so I would meet Dan? He’s important to fulfilling that destiny, but why? So many things have led me to this point. Things that mean very little in the scope of life. Like me enjoying anime and manga so much. If I hadn’t, I’d have never developed my preference for what the perfect girl would look like. Then Mother couldn’t have made me look this way. If those two things hadn’t happened, would Dan still have been attracted to me? I have so many questions and so few answers.

‘I understand about free will, Mother,’ I say, breaking the silence that follows her explanation. ‘Though there’s so much I don’t know. Like there are pieces missing from the puzzle of why I’m here.’

Suddenly, she appears standing by the bed and holds out her hand to me. “Don’t worry, Dan will remain asleep.”

I take her hand and she helps me stand, then leads me over to the loveseat by the window. We sit down, and she hugs me to her, and murmurs, “Life is a puzzle, my daughter. How the pieces fit together is decided by those who hold them. You and Dan are pieces of the puzzle that make up your life. You’ll accumulate more of them as time goes on, but where and how those pieces fit,” I feel her shake her head, “that’s a mystery even we Gods and Goddesses struggle to understand. Sometimes, all we can do is trust that things are happening as they should. Fate plays a hand as well, but there are almost infinite possibilities with many factors deciding a particular outcome.”

I appreciate what she’s saying, but it still doesn’t help me understand. “I just wish I knew the answers to what led me here to this particular moment, Mother. I want to fulfill my destiny, but how can I do that if I don’t even know what it entails?”

She leans back and reaches up to caress my cheek. “Patience, daughter. Your destiny will reveal itself to you in due time. Until then, cherish each moment, for every experience shapes you into the person you are meant to become.”

She touches my forehead and a sense of peace flows through me. “You have all the pieces you need at the moment. Be at peace. Enjoy your life with Dan.” She pauses and looks intently into my eyes. “Nurture your bond with him,” she says, seemingly trying to impart something important to me.

I feel a mixture of reassurance and lingering uncertainty when she says that. The notion of life as a puzzle, with each person and experience as a piece, resonates with me, yet I still want a clearer understanding of my purpose or destiny. I know Mother has mentioned fate and the intricate web of possibilities that shape our lives before, and I can’t help but feel a sense of awe at the complexities of our existence. Yet, amid all of that, mother’s guidance often provides a small beacon of hope, reminding me to trust in my journey.

Though why did she stress the importance of nurturing my bond with Dan? I know he’s important, but I want to know why.

“Are you saying that Dan and I will be facing trials that will test our love and commitment to each other? That without a deep bond that we’re doomed?”

“Life is full of trials, you already know this, daughter.” She pauses and seems to think for a minute, and I wait patiently. Finally, she says, “I’ve already said that Dan is a central figure for you to reach your destiny. Without him, it all falls apart. The depth of your bond with him will have a major impact in the near future. Please, don’t ask. I can’t say.”

I sigh and nod. “Then I’ll do as you ask, Mother,” I reply. I glance at Dan and gently smile. “How could I not? He’s the other half of me. In the meantime, I’ll simply have to trust everything will turn out as it’s meant to.”

She smiles gently, her eyes full of understanding. “That’s my brave daughter,” she says, her voice soft yet filled with pride. “You have a strength within you that you’ve only just begun to realize.”

As I lean into her embrace, a sense of gratitude washes over me, mingled with a newfound determination to embrace whatever challenges lie ahead. With mother’s guidance and Dan’s unwavering support, I can face whatever the future may hold.

“Remember,” she adds, her tone filled with a hint of mystery, “Keep your heart and mind open, my daughter, because sometimes, the greatest revelations come when we least expect them.” She releases me and stands up. “I need to go because I have matters to attend to.” She smiles at me. “I believe in you, daughter. You will change this world.”

She disappears. I sigh and turn to stare out the window, lost in thought as I contemplate what she said. I don’t even notice when Dan gets out of bed until he sits down beside me and touches me. “Is something wrong, babe?” He asks, concern evident in his voice.

I smile and shake my head. “No, I simply couldn’t sleep and was thinking. That’s all.” I reach out and caress his cheek and then kiss him. “I love you more than you’ll ever know,” I murmur against his lips.

He smiles warmly, returning the affectionate kiss. “I love you, too.” He wraps his arm around me, pulling me close. “What were you thinking about that kept you up?”

“Nothing important. Basically letting my mind wander, you know how it is sometimes.” I look up at him. “I did realize something, though.”

“What’s that?” He asks.

“I want you to marry me soon. I… need you. You’re my soulmate, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you.”

He blinks, surprised, but then a smile spreads across his face. “Are you sure? I mean, I know what you said the first time we made love, but I wasn’t too sure you meant it.”

I nod emphatically. “I meant it, both then and now. I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life.”

Dan leans in and presses his forehead against mine, his eyes shining with happiness. “Then, of course, I’ll marry you, my love.”

“Mmm… Then get a ring and do the thing,” I reply, and he laughs at my rhyme.

“You know, I’d planned on surprising you after you turned 17. You sure know how to ruin a plan,” he says with a smile.

Here, you can get married at 17. I’m not too sure about what other states do, but it doesn’t really matter.

I shrug slightly. “My birthday is not too far off. You know that.”

He releases me and says, “I know.” He gets up and walks over to our dresser, opens one of his drawers, and takes out a small box. Then he comes back over and kneels down, “Andrea Nichole Williams, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?” He opens the box, displaying a large diamond engagement ring.

My heart swells joyfully, and I can’t stop the smile from spreading across my face. “Yes,” I whisper, “I’d love nothing more than to be your wife.”

He slides the ring onto my finger and pulls me into his embrace. I feel like I’m floating on air as he kisses me tenderly, sending sparks along my nerves. He effortlessly scoops me up and carries me to the bed. I needn’t explain what happens then.


Eris smiles as she looks at them. “And that’s another piece of the puzzle in place.”

They nod, and say, “Yet, there are many more needed to save them from themselves. Why didn’t you just tell her?”

“Would you? Her life will not be her own soon enough. Why not allow her to enjoy it while she can? And you know what Fate said, the earlier Andie places her feet on the final path, the more tangled her skein becomes. Are you willing to take that risk?”

“I am not willing to give up, and I know you aren’t either. We both understand the stakes of this situation and how important it is for her to succeed. I will do everything within my capabilities to guide her in the right direction,” they say solemnly. “You are too close to her,” they say sternly.

Eris sighs and arches an eyebrow “Too close? Hardly. She is my one and only daughter. How can I not be close to her and guide her as much as I’m allowed? Your rules only allow me to do so much without interfering directly. Besides, she's stronger than you give her credit for. She will surprise us all.”

[Andie’s Room]

I snuggle deeper into his arms, my heart still racing from the excitement of the proposal. I can't believe I'm getting married! I've wanted this since I gave myself to him, and it's finally happening.

I look down at the ring on my finger, its diamonds glinting in the soft light of the bedroom. It's perfect. Just like him.

“What are you thinking about?” he asks, his voice barely above a whisper.

“Just how lucky I am,” I reply, smiling up at him.

He leans down and kisses me softly, his lips soft, warm, and familiar. I close my eyes and lose myself in the moment, forgetting about everything else except for the two of us.

As much as I want to pretend that the outside world doesn't exist, I know that it does, and that eventually, I'll have to face it. Thankfully, I’ll have Dan by my side when I do.

I just hope that I'll be strong enough to handle whatever comes.

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