The Flying Emporium

Chapter 102

Markus was aware that asking Severin just like that, completely out of the blue, to go and relocate his store, wasn’t all that likely to succeed. Even after just the first of Severin’s many refusals, he had already regretted his decision to make a move so hastily. Feeling that he was somewhat short on time, he had a hard time controlling himself. Luckily, if anything, Severin was only slightly annoyed by this incident, but not angry. It didn’t hurt their relationship; and that was what Markus had been most worried about. That and Severin moving his store further to the north, instead.

Because of that, Markus was greatly mollified by the fact Severin’s refusal seemed to stem more from a matter of principal than out of a dislike for either him or Malcos.

At the same time, hearing Severin state that he had plans to make the store and the mountaintop as a whole somehow more accessible was a nice bonus, but not something he took especially to heart.

Not so Mylana. The vague promise immediately caught the old woman’s attention.

Where Markus cared most about the benefits the store and its wares could bring to his people, and where Samuel as a mostly retired bigshot simply enjoyed the novelty of Severin’s products, the latter’s mentor seemed to be all but obsessed with Severin’s so-called Emporium and all the secrets it hid inside.

There were just too many products with unheard-of effects, all in one place, and all created by just a single person. Or rather two, since apparently even a classless beggar girl was now able to create those same products, that even most high-leveled and dedicated [Alchemist] wouldn’t be able to copy successfully.

Still. The woman might’ve been able to accept these things more readily if it was just that; after all, during her time she had witnessed, and even accomplished herself, multiple feats that were previously deemed impossible.

But it wasn’t.

There were still the two machines inside the store. Those not only didn’t seem like they were made by humanoid hands, but they also didn’t seem to be magic in nature either. At the very least, she still hadn’t managed to feel even just the slightest hint of magic fluctuations coming from them; even when they were clearly at work.

And as if all that wasn’t enough, out of nowhere, with no previous hint or sign, did Severin start to cook dishes which provided even more absurd buffs. Not to speak of the multiple buildings that might just randomly pop-up overnight with no one able to notice a thing.

Her curiosity was already killing her and now that Severin hinted at some upcoming changes, she couldn’t hold herself back anymore. She wanted to get answers. Now.

After realizing very soon that Severin intended to deflect –or rather straight up ignore- her questions, Mylana changed her approach.

“Say, girl. Do you enjoy your time here?” Unexpectedly, she addressed Emily.

“Of course! How could I not?! I get food and have my own bed. A real one! And I even get paid.”

“Hoho, I see. So, there is nothing you don’t like?” She asked in an amiable tone.

“Nope! What’s there to dislike?”

“Not everyone likes to be surrounded by strangers all the time. And what about the work itself? I imagine making all those potions has to be exhausting. Especially for someone your age. I bet you look forward to leaving this mountain and to go have some fun.” Her statements appeared rather casual, but suddenly Severin had a bad feeling. He hadn’t minded before as he was very satisfied with Em’s answers, but now he wondered what the hag was playing at; something felt off.

“I think…”


The girl stopped mid-sentence. <>


The girl’s eyes almost seemed to bulge as she hastily took a small step backwards, shot a small glance toward Severin, and stammered, “I think everything is fine as is! I have no intentions of going anywhere!”

Mylana was clearly stumped by the unconvincing and stiff sounding answer. Unhappy and with a suspicious look on her face one after the other, she scanned both Emily and her boss. “Hmpf. Fine.”

The whole situation suddenly became very awkward, and it wasn’t until Markus, who thought it was a good opportunity to make up for his earlier blunder, spoke up in an attempt to change the topic and thereby the mood.

He proceeded to inform everyone present of his future plans, but Severin was certain that it was mostly to his benefit, as both Samuel as well as Mylana should already be aware of his intentions. Severin still appreciated the gesture.

Markus’ first arrival had been surrounded by an excessive amount of secrecy, all due to the gravity attached to Samuel’s initial report. Taking all kinds of unnecessary detours to keep their destination hidden from anyone who didn’t explicitly have to know was just the tip of the iceberg. The plan was to confirm Samuel’s claims and evaluate the overall situation. Then, after getting familiar with Severin and his, at the time, small shop, and possibly building some sort of relationships with him, the original plan had been to take advantage of the situation and to continue further into the Golden Mountains. With his whereabouts currently unknown, it would be a golden opportunity to make some unannounced inspections of some outposts and merchants that were, officially or not, contracted to Malcos; depending on the time schedule, maybe even a visit to one of the smaller local dungeons or raids could’ve been arranged. Only then would he return to the capital and make his report.

But now, with the announcement of Severin’s newest product, a change of plan was in order. Markus couldn’t afford to idle around much longer. After getting his hands on the pizza as some sort of evidence, Markus would have to return immediately, accompanied by half of the Eagles. The other half, led by one of his trusted men, would then have to perform the inspections in his stead. With no one else currently present on the mountaintop, he wasn’t worried at all about any potential leaks; especially since the most important part of his mission was standing right in front of him.

All in all, Markus’ scheme had paid off as he managed to lighten up the overall mood and compelled everyone else to follow his example and share their plans for the immediate future.

Samuel was the first to do so. He revealed that he didn’t plan to accompany Markus back to the capital; he had already fulfilled his duty by informing the right people and leading the way back. Now it seemed he intended to focus more on the training of his two mentees again and make up for his negligence these past few weeks. Miriam and Timothy were also the perfect excuse for him to stay in the Golden Mountains. Even if they might disappear for a day or two at a time to explore some nearby dungeon, with the training ground to provide the two youths with a safe environment to go at it and the ever-expanding variety of consumables and services offered by Severin, there was no way for them to leave the Emporium any time soon.

Mylana, on the other hand, while being very vocal about not wanting to deal with any sort of politics, was otherwise pretty evasive and noncommittal when it came to discussing her future plans; a petty form of payback for his own silence earlier, Severin was sure. Based on her words, however, Severin took it she wasn’t leaving with Markus either. Neither could he imagine her joining Samuel and his mentees into the wilderness.

He had a bad premonition.

As a bit of an outsider, Krey didn’t say much, but it wasn’t as if his plans had somehow changed, anyway. He was still waiting for someone sent by the Society to arrive. In some regards, his situation was pretty similar to that of Markus’ even though their positions within their respective organizations couldn’t be compared at all.

Whilst everyone was talking more or less animatedly, it was only Emily who stayed silent.

Unbeknownst to anyone, she was simply too scared to open her mouth. Too afraid to accidentally say something wrong.

The word ‘Soulerasure’ rang in her mind.

It took Severin long enough to realize something wasn’t right. Lately, the originally shy and reserved girl had become more and more vocal and outgoing. But now she didn’t make even a sound. When it finally dawned on him what was going on with his [Employee], Severin couldn’t help but feel bad. He had to admit that he was the one responsible for this situation.

Mylana had annoyed him with her incessant prodding, and he made Em pay for it.

With a guilty conscience, he finally decided to lift some of the limitations he had imposed on the girl; after all, it was he who made the rules of what could and couldn’t be revealed, not the System. The latter only enforced those rules. Mostly, anyway.


<> Even when transmitted like this, Severin could hear the pitiful tremble in her voice. It made him feel even worse. In his mind, it was even a wonder the girl had only hid somewhere behind his back instead of running straight back inside the store.

<> He tried to assure her.


<> Even if it wasn’t for his bad conscience, Severin couldn’t have his only [Employee] be so scared that she refused to talk to anyone for fear of attracting some sort of divine punishment. <>

<> He noticed the girl behind him immediately turn stiff again. ‘Anything important’ was way too vague! That could basically mean anything. <>


<> He confirmed once more. <>

Though it shouldn’t be possible, it seemed as if the girl didn’t even hear his last words. Instead, she was already in a rush to insert herself into the lighthearted conversations that were going on next to her.

‘Children…,’ Severin sighed to himself.

“How is it like to be a prince?”

“So you really did know, huh?”

“How did you figure it out back then?” Mylana immediately interfered.

‘Children!!’ Severin was exasperated. “I think we really should get back to work!”

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