The Flying Emporium

Chapter 104


Severin had obviously been overconfident in his abilities to come up with a new product, but it wasn’t his failure that was the reason for his sudden exclamation. It was still only just his first attempt. No, the reason which made him cry out in a sudden fit of anger, was the taunting item description revealed by the [Identify] skill.

As the skill had originally been granted by the System, in Severin’s mind there was no doubt as to whom he had to attribute this slight.

But it didn’t manage to discourage him. On the contrary, he became even more motivated, seeing this situation as an opportunity to finally take on the System head-to-head and get even.

He began to repeat the same process with all other kinds of possible combination of potions.

Percentage-based restoration pots with other percentage-based restoration pots, small pots with small pots, and large ones with large ones. To no avail.


“Well, it’s not like I had expected anything else after the first try, but I had to make sure before trying anything else. The description is the same as well.” He was talking mostly to himself, but Emily, who had silently observed Severin during all this time, couldn’t help but ask, “Don’t you want to try the other remaining combinations as well?” He shook his head. “Those recipes deviate too greatly from each other. A percentage-based pot together with one that heals a fixed amount… I wouldn’t even know where to begin,” Severin admitted.

“Then what next?”

Severin didn’t immediately answer and kept pondering.

After the obvious combinations weren’t met with success, it seemed he would have to become a bit more creative. However, he still wanted to focus on working with potions. Potions not only were the first category of items he had unlocked, but they also offered the largest carrying capacity out of all his wares. It was undoubtedly the one type of product he was most experienced with when it came to crafting.

At the same time, crafting potions was also the easiest complexity wise. Therefore, when trying to combine comparatively simple items didn’t work out, then there was no use in even trying the same thing with something so advanced as the stat elixirs or even just the weapon oils; at least not until he was more desperate.

“If adding more stuff doesn’t work, then maybe using less?” Emily suggested without waiting for Severin’s reply.

“Right. And I know just the thing to leave out.”

“That white stuff?” she asked.


‘That white stuff’ referred to a fluid that was part of any of the potions. What made it stand out apart from that was its extreme viscosity at room temperature, which severely decreased after being exposed to even just slightly higher temperatures, for the shortest amount of time.

It was only natural that anyone would suspect that specific ingredient to be the reason for the potions’ unique jellylike consistency.

As such, it didn’t seem too farfetched that leaving it out might simply result in a more traditional, bottled potion which would otherwise maintain all its regenerative properties.


“Again?! What now? Do we… do we give up?” Emily asked reluctantly when she saw her boss gnashing his teeth.

This time, the revealed description was even harsher than before.

“No way! The approach wasn’t bad. We can try lowering the quantity of some of the other ingredients. A potion that restored just half or maybe just a quarter the amount of a regular small potion might be virtually unusable, but, for all intents and purposes, should still be considered a new product!

“Don’t worry. The past failures don’t count for much. We only need to succeed once; then we can apply the same method to the other potions as well.” Severin tried to not only convince the girl but also himself.




“It’s already late…”


“And taking a break can’t be considered giving up. Right?”


“Neither can going back into the kitchen and experimenting there, instead. Right?”


Maybe sticking with cooking was the better option after all.

‘Leaving out the cheese or tomatoes might count as some other kind of salad.’ But after today’s experiences, he didn’t truly believe in it himself. The quest had proved much harder than he had initially expected; though he probably wouldn’t admit that out loud.

“Let’s call it a day, then.”

“Okay, but-”

“What is it?”

“I also want to place an order. If it’s okay.”

That took him by surprise.

Before coming to Severin’s place, Emily never had any amount of money that exceeded a couple of copper coins at most. And those few coins she did manage to scrape together were immediately spent on food. Not only because food was essential, but because keeping money was dangerous for someone like her.

Possessing even just a single gold coin was something she hadn’t even dared dreaming about. But now, at least by non-adventurer standards, she was actually quite rich. One percent of the income generated by the main store was nothing to scoff at. At the very least, it was apparently enough for her to be able to afford food that cost multiple tens, if not hundreds, of gold coins. Prices that were owed to the effects granted by those dishes. Effects she couldn’t even take advantage of.

“Are you sure? I’ll still provide you a free meal, you know. I mean, of course it’s possible but…,” even Severin felt it was a waste to spend her money like this.

But the girl had made up her mind. “I’m sure. I’ve never tasted something so good! And that was before the new recipe! Without all that salt… I can only imagine!” Emily looked at Severin with a serious expression. “Besides. What else am I supposed to spend all that money on? I’ve looked through the store, you know.” She referred to the inbuilt store provided by the System. “A lot of it are just different pieces of gear, like the ones used by those adventurers. Some normal clothes as well and even different kinds of furniture, but nothing useful, really. What good is a new dress? Especially here, where things don’t even get dirty.

And all the class orbs are unaffordable, anyway! A few other items look like they could be interesting, but why risk wasting money if I could just spend it on food?”

In the end Severin could only submit to her impeccable logic.

Once business picked up, so would her salary. So even if he still felt it was a mistake on her part, he didn’t have to worry about her and obliged with her wish.

The rest of the evening was more relaxed.

Markus and his Eagles had retreated and held some kind of guild meeting. Samuel caught up with his mentees, and Mylana and Krey had seemingly disappeared.

Severin didn’t mind one bit.

Still annoyed by his failures and the subsequent taunts, a quiet evening like that was all too welcome.

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