The Flying Emporium

Chapter 114

As Severin had already wasted a good amount of time, it wasn’t long until his [Employee] also woke up.

A few seconds later, a previously still drowsy Emily became wide awake and immediately contacted him via the System-provided telepathy skill. She found that her room suddenly connected to another empty room that most certainly hadn’t been there before she went to bed the day before.

Severin was very pleased both with her initial confusion as well with her stammered words of gratitude when she learned that this was indeed an upgrade to her accommodations that she could deal with however she pleased.

With nothing scheduled for the day, Severin didn’t mind her taking her time either, but since the room was empty anyway, she ended up spending more time inside the equally new staircase and the apartments.

Only when she found that the rooms upstairs looked pretty much like her own did she finally agree to leave the building.

<> One surprise followed the other.

Even if she didn’t know the exact details, Emily was of course aware of Severin’s the dealings with Magda and the Society. But much like Severin, she didn’t expect them to erect a completely new building so soon.



‘Just don’t let Magda hear that,’ were the thoughts that immediately came to his mind when hearing the last part. Though the negotiations had already concluded, just thinking about the woman’s reaction when hearing that even Emily was confirming her claims about ‘certain standards’ caused him to feel apprehensive.

He tried to ignore her comment and inquired, <>

<> The tone in her voice suggested that this had to be one of the stupidest questions Severin could have asked. <>

<>he acted surprised and then continued to tease her. <>



<< But neither are… >> Finally, it dawned on her that her boss was just messing with her. << Don’t be mean! I want to go!>>

<> He conceded laughingly and then quickly added, <> He could already see the dot representing Emily slowly creep towards the orange zone and felt like he had to intervene. Luckily, just mentioning food was enough to rein the girl in.

It wasn’t that he didn’t understand her feelings, either. His own curiosity stemmed from his fictitious, preconceived ideas of what an adventurer’s guild should look like. Em’s relation to the place, on the other hand, was way more real and complicated.

He figured the girl must’ve spent days, maybe weeks or months, begging in front of a very similar place, without ever having been inside; he couldn’t blame her for her eagerness to finally see one from the inside.

“I see you really meant it when you said you would add another floor ‘very soon’. If I had known about that, I would’ve delayed the men’s departure by another day or two.” The woman shrugged her shoulders and immediately turned her attention back to the breakfast Severin had provided for her. He couldn’t help but doubt her words, but didn’t intend to call her out on that.

‘She didn’t act too surprised at seeing another building besides hers to pop up overnight. Well, I guess Krey really gave her a thorough report. Which reminds me…’

“What about Krey? Did he leave as well?” It was more a statement than a question. Of course, he already knew the man wasn’t hiding inside the new eyesore of a building while the rest of them were eating outside; even without his ability, that was the only realistic conclusion to make. Magda didn’t see any reason to hide the matter, either. “Yes. Now that I’m here, there was no reason for him to stay any longer. You can still expect to see more of him, though. My understanding is that he and his subordinates, apart from all their other responsibilities, will act as somewhat of an intermediary between the branches in the area. Not least to make sure everyone complies with the terms you worked so hard to negotiate.”

Hearing that remark, Severin had to pull himself together to not roll his eyes at the woman with the ever-present, annoying smile.

Sitting next to them two was Emily. Since she had already devoured all her food, there wasn’t anything that could keep her occupied any longer. She was getting more and more impatient until finally she burst out, “Magda? Sev told me you would show us your place!”

“Don’t be rude. And at least wait until everyone has finished,” Severin reprimanded.

Magda, on the other hand, didn’t seem to mind and instead teased Severin even more- ”Sev is it, huh? I like it. As for you, young lady, I’d be happy to show you around. Though I have to warn you. It might be rather disappointing. There isn’t really much for you to see.”

Severin had to agree Magda’s warning had been more than prudent.

At the far end of the room was a large counter that appeared to be separated into three segments. This setup had more resemblance to a row of bank counters than to the counter located in his own store.

Next to the counter was a large board which momentarily excited Severin; of course he knew what that was and seeing it in real-life was almost a dream come true. If only…

“We have yet to establish a connection with the HQ. Until then, there isn’t much I can do. Unless you want to issue a local task yourself, that is.” Not for a moment did Magda think that this would be Severin’s first time in this kind of establishment as well. In her mind Severin was well accustomed to matters relating to the huge board in front of them; no one proficient in their craft reached their level without fulfilling their fair share of advertised tasks - fighter or crafter made no difference. Therefore, the only explanation for his complicated look had to be had the lack of posted tasks and requests.

Severin nodded, indicating he understood, but was secretly rather disappointed. Especially since apart from the board and counter, a few seating accommodations on one side were pretty much all there was.

It was basically just one largely empty room, which was begging to be filled with a bustling crowd of adventurers.

Even calling it underwhelming was still very much an understatement.

At least in Severin’s mind.

As for Emily, the girl seemed to disagree with him.

“From inside, it’s even more pretty!” She was especially taken in by the large windows and was swirling around in the green light coming in.

‘That’s pretty much all there is anyway,’ he had the urge to complain but held back as not to ruin the girl’s mood. ‘All this space wasted for… this? I mean, since the other guys have already left… this should be pretty much it…?’

Severin didn’t know what exactly he had expected, but this certainly wasn’t it.

‘Might as well have just a small room with a single counter to sell information or whatever and leave it at that. Don’t need such a big ass hall just for a quest board and to find some potential group members.’

He didn’t consider that the current situation might be somewhat special, and that in any other city or outpost, a dedicated location for these kinds of activities where pretty much a must if one did not want to disturb the surrounding establishments.

Apart from that, for an organization such as the Society, the size of their facilities was simply a matter of prestige - a factor that shouldn’t be underestimated.

But even then, there was still another point Severin had missed…

“Ready to go downstairs?”

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