The Flying Emporium

Chapter 120

After separating from each other again, the dwarf saved Severin from embarrassing himself any further and directly addressed the reason for his visit.

“I believe we have something to discuss. Something about an offer?”

Severin was a bit irritated by the vagueness of the statement and noticed the dwarf’s suspicious glances towards a target behind him.

Severin didn’t need to turn around and check to know that said target was Magda.

Still, Severin felt the need to make sure the guest actually was who he thought he was; all while trying to respect the dwarf’s obvious wish to not give away anything to the woman he knew was still within earshot.

In this situation, asking “You’re coming from Malcos?” and a not-so-subtle look, was the best he could come up with.

“That’s right. But maybe we should continue this conversation inside. If you don’t mind.“

Having the confirmation he wanted, Severin didn’t mind at all. He agreed to lead the man back to the main store where he just came from.

They hadn’t even taken a single step when Severin noticed movement behind him. At the same time, the dwarf’s two guards started to move as well. But they were immediately stopped.

“Thank you, but that won’t be necessary.”

The hesitation on their faces was all too apparent, but the woman, nevertheless, had to respect her charge’s wish and answered, “Of course”.

A moment later said guard, much to Magda’s displeasure, announced, “We still have business with the Society to take care of.”

Not for a moment did Severin believe that this business actually existed. He became jealous of having such a quick-witted subordinate, but didn’t comment on it.

Still, he felt it was now on him to ensure the upcoming conversation would take place in private.

“Why don’t you go to the kitchen and make yourself something to eat? My treat.” They had had breakfast just before Magda gave them the small tour, but that didn’t mean Severin’s offer missed its effect. In fact, her reaction was so exaggerated that he feared the three new guests would think the girl was being starved.

“Yes, yes! Thank you!”

“While you’re at it, you can make something for our guests as well.”

“Sure. Is pizza okay?!”

Severin felt this situation was similar to when he was a child and was shopping with his mother. In front of the checkout, and surrounded by people, he would beg for one of the many snacks placed at this strategic location.

Apart from this strange pang of nostalgia, he also felt that the girl was back to her usual self. A bit too fast for his taste.

“Pizza?” came the question before Severin could reply.

“Hm.” The girl looked at the man who was even smaller than her and seriously explained, “it’s the best thing you will ever eat.”

“Hoho, really now? Well, you have successfully caught my interest.”

“You won’t be disappointed. I promise!” And with that, Em sped up towards the kitchen.

Walking at a much slower pace, Severin and the dwarf followed her in the same general direction.

“What a lovely girl.”

‘Tzz. I think gluttonous is the word you’re looking for,’ Severin thought, but instead settled on, “Yes, she is. Real help too. Though we could certainly use another pair of hands.”

This last comment was skillfully ignored, but the following silence luckily didn’t turn awkward.

Soon they reached the previously closed store.

Once they entered and the door shut behind them, the dwarf didn’t immediately start exploring the store, but instead craned up his neck to directly look Severin in the face.

“If I didn’t have total trust in our mutual friend, I wouldn’t be here,” he clarified. “But before I agree to anything, or even just discuss the specifics, I first want to see what we’re dealing with. Make my own picture, you understand?“

“Of course.” Severin understood that Emily had been a special case. Not everyone was willing to-on a whim-move onto a desolate piece of rock only based on a promise to make their hunger disappear. Therefore, he didn’t even try to convince the man using words. If the dwarf was interested in Severin’s wares, then he would let those wares do the talking for him.

Severin had already suspected that the man wasn’t actually aware of the products he was selling. At least not in detail. Otherwise, Severin figured, he would’ve known what a pizza was.

This assumption was now confirmed when the potential [Employee] took it upon himself to rummage through the not very dwarven-friendly shelves and inspect the goods.

His reactions, which reached from, “Hmm, so it’s like that”, when handling the simplest health potions, to exclamations like “Impossible!” when inspecting the stat-boosting elixirs; though the dwarf wasn’t a class bearer, he clearly was aware just how incredible every single one of these items was.

Severin felt very gratified by this but refrained from making any comments. Instead, he followed and observed everything at a respectful distance. He only spoke up when asked a question or when demonstrating the two transformation devices.

Only when the tour through his shop was pretty much completed, did Severin intend to speak up and deal the finishing blow by presenting the dwarf with the meal already waiting for him in the inventory.

But he didn’t get the chance to do so. Or rather-judging by the dwarf’s deep, trembling voice-he didn’t need to.

“So that’s what they meant when they told me little Markus found an unusual shop. Unusual indeed. And no wonder they didn’t go into much more detail than that, either.” The small man nodded to himself.

“Under different circumstances I would question those tooltips, but…” He didn’t finish the sentence. He fell silent and only continued after a few seconds of thought.

“Is the girl also able to create these items?”

The answer to this question wasn’t a secret. Anyone who visited Severin’s shop regularly knew about it. Severin directly confirmed it.

“And it is true that you are looking for class-less people? There was no… miscommunication… in that regard?”

Again, Severin didn’t hesitate to answer.

“Then would I also… No. Let me ask you directly. What exactly is it you would have me do if I should agree working with you? For you.”

This was the moment Severin had been waiting for.

Other people looking to hire staff would at least ask some questions. But for him, he felt, there was no need to do so. Previous work experience or the like was nothing he had to worry about.

The one thing he cared about most was the other’s character. Their personality. But that was something that would reveal itself with time.

The dwarf didn’t strike him as an obvious asshole, and for now, that was good enough for Severin.

After all, he had guarantees.

Therefore, this time he didn’t answer the question with words or a nod, but instead…

[Initializing contract negotiations.]

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